antifeminism evil women misogyny MRA reddit terrorism threats woman's suffrage your time will come

Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

well joe how else are we supposed to read your drooling paean to the 1950s

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Myoo – I’ve already explained this – follow the funding trail to see who is profiting from any given movement.

Apparently you want me to do this for you? No. If you don’t grasp how you personally would benefit by increasing your knowledge of WHO PROFITS? Then you will continue to be manipulated by those whose purposes you serve (clue: they own the mass media, and the corporates that advertise on them)

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – that peaen is just something you imagine in your head – due to all the assumptions that are cluttering it up in there.

Try this. If I say “This will happen because that.” Do NOT assume my attitude / feelings about this or that. Do NOT assume that I adhere to your favourite imagined beliefs / desires for the evilboogeymenz that live in your head.

Unless I tell you what I think / feel / believe, you’re very unlikely to have a fucking clue.

Actually, even where I HAVE told you what I believe / feel / hope for, you’ve completely ignored it and substituted your own fantasy version of me. There’s that solipsism again.

12 years ago


By exactly the same reasoning, virtually all conspiracy theory sites are the tools of massive financial conglomerates and arms companies.

Have you ever wondered why gold wholesalers, virtually all linked to the financial sector, and gun companies, part of the military industrial complex, sponsor websites that speak against them?

It’s because when these companies see a website full of impotent, pointless, insecure MANRAGE, they don’t see a threat. They see customers.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ joe- So if any one group sees an increase in wealth at any given time this is evidence of a conspiracy to you? What if, hypothetically speaking, certain disadvantaged groups started to work towards improving their economic status. That might also account for any increase of wealth.

12 years ago

There’s that solipsism again.

The irony, it buuuuuuuurns!

12 years ago


Also, your “evidence” was that Steinem was ex-CIA, and that the Rockefeller foundation funded some feminist academics. By exactly the same reasoning, French Cooking and the worlds’ orphanages are also part of the Conspiracy.

12 years ago

Chicken cordon bleu is a tool of the oppressors!

12 years ago

Also, Joe, you never got back to me on naming ONE SINGLE FEMINIST who opposed greater gender equality in dangerous professions.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@anonymousworld –
So, go to your stack of books written by those mainstream authors and tell me, what are the connections between:

De Beers
Angolan, Liberian (and other) bush wars
Victor Bout
The Republic of Transnistria
40,000 tonnes of armaments previously belonging to the USSR’s 14th Army

(Or you could just read “McMafia” by Mischa Glenny and enlighten yourself with some genuine investigative journalism.)

12 years ago

@Sharculese – that peaen is just something you imagine in your head – due to all the assumptions that are cluttering it up in there.

Try this. If I say “This will happen because that.” Do NOT assume my attitude / feelings about this or that. Do NOT assume that I adhere to your favourite imagined beliefs / desires for the evilboogeymenz that live in your head.

Unless I tell you what I think / feel / believe, you’re very unlikely to have a fucking clue.

Actually, even where I HAVE told you what I believe / feel / hope for, you’ve completely ignored it and substituted your own fantasy version of me. There’s that solipsism again.

oh god, another, ‘you can’t construe logically from my speech because i dont get how language works’ ninny

how come you get to wildly extrapolate about your pet theories, but if anyone else does it you immediately get all pissy. that doesn’t seem fair.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

One feminist was CIA therefore feminism is a CIA plot? If we’re going with implausible conspiracy theories, why don’t you at least take the one that is more likely per Occam’s Razor, which is that the CIA might have compromised a single feminist in order to keep tabs on a movement it considered dangerous or subversive. It wouldn’t be the first time this happens.

12 years ago

So, go to your stack of books written by those mainstream authors and tell me, what are the connections between:

De Beers
Angolan, Liberian (and other) bush wars
Victor Bout
The Republic of Transnistria
40,000 tonnes of armaments previously belonging to the USSR’s 14th Army

(Or you could just read “McMafia” by Mischa Glenny and enlighten yourself with some genuine investigative journalism.)


‘only the sources i like count, how dare you read a book i dont furiously j/o to’

12 years ago


It’s kind of like how Julia Child was ex-CIA, and that’s why both poultry and butter-based sauces are actually part of a government mind control plot.

And God help you if you eat Beef Burgundy.

12 years ago


broccoli, too. why do you think bush I refused to eat it?

12 years ago

Joe is a tinfoil hattie. Color me SURPRISED.

12 years ago

The C1A has infiltrated e5carg0t with Transnistrian garlic butter! Run for your lives!!!!1!11!!

12 years ago

Ugh, David, keep an eye on our friends for their reaction to the Milwaukee area terror attack yesterday. I guarantee they will blame the girlfriend that the white supremacist recently broke up with for his attack.

12 years ago

and dont get me started on lamb ragout

why do you think they call them sheeple

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – you do understand that I’m not going to go to the trouble of writing a fucking thesis here, right? I gave you a couple of relevant examples with evidence – your reaction is to close your mind ever more tightly rather than investigate the connections further! That’s YOUR problem, not mine.

And yes, obviously advertisers / funders EXPECT to profit. Which clues you in to the bias on any particular source. So yes, if website X says “buy gold plated water filters” – you might want to look into simpler, cheaper alternatives, should you consider water filters necessary / useful.

And I never got back to you on your ‘one single feminist'” BS because it’s fucking irrelevant to my argument, i.e. that society treats men as disposable. Which is a symptom of systemic gynocentrism of which feminism is only a (relatively recent) part.

Mainstream society / politics at the moment employs a crazy mix of smorgasbord feminism and social-conservative paternalism that =
as many priveleges as possible for women with as little responsibility as possible,
as many responsibilities as possible for men with as few priveleges as possible.

^It’s a vote-winner at the ballot box, naturally – as women are the majority of the electorate. People vote for more stuff and less accountability. Women are people. Women are the majority of voters.

Where some feminists have argued on paper for women’s agency / responsibility / accountability this has absolutely NOT translated into political changes in e.g. sentencing disparity, an end to extra, legally permitted defences for women not available to men and so on.
In fact, when push comes to shove in RL feminists actively campaign for LESS accountability for women, see e.g. the push to ABOLISH imprisonment for women in the UK recently! Thankfully this BS died a death (so far).

Feminists always say that men “need more feminism” – whereas men actually need a movement that campaigns for men’s rights and interests. That movement isn’t and never will be feminism.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Blitzgal – Don’t believe your TV.

Witnesses (reported by their son) identify multiple shooters in the shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin:

Report by nephew of an injured victim – there were 4 armed men who attacked the temple.

Police cheif poo-poohs eye witness testimony:

“Witnesses at the temple had said there was more than one gunman, but (Police Cheif) Edwards said reports of multiple gunmen were common in incidents that involved only one shooter.”

Yeah, right.

12 years ago

Yes, this attack is a false flag, like Aurora, like every single other attack that has ever happened in the history of the world. There are no real terrorists. /sarcasm

12 years ago

you do understand that I’m not going to go to the trouble of writing a fucking thesis here, right? I gave you a couple of relevant examples with evidence – your reaction is to close your mind ever more tightly rather than investigate the connections further! That’s YOUR problem, not mine.

no, it’s totally your problem, dude. you put forth an extraordinary claim, that means the burden is on you to prove it. if you don’t want to do the work, you don’t get to act offended because people arent willing to follow you blindly down the rabbit hole.

examples aren’t good enough. you either lay out the case painstakingly, or you admit that you’re not up to the task and scamper off.

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

“systemic gyno-centrism”

Totally not a thing. But he’s gonna yell about it real loud. And don’t you know men are disposable? Never mind the pesky details, he’s not writing a thesis here, or proving a single point, really!!

Also, women have defences men don’t! Except how not really.

12 years ago

“Witnesses at the temple had said there was more than one gunman, but (Police Cheif) Edwards said reports of multiple gunmen were common in incidents that involved only one shooter.”

yes, eyewitness testimony is unreliable, especially in high intensity situations. this is a well documented flaw in human perception, and basic law enforcement stuff. just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it’s a conspiracy. it just means youre trying to force your knee-jerk reaction on everyone else. the world doesnt work that way.

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