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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

And here I was thinking that taking maternity leave was a pretty major reason why females end up earning less over the course of their carreer…

12 years ago

David: Which one?

12 years ago

I know what you’re doing here David, but it is not clear to me whether you regard your position as a moral one or an expedient one. Do you feel that you have the moral high ground, or are you just afraid of what’s happening and are doing your bit to try to contain it? I’m not making a judgement here… I’m genuinely curious.

To understand what I’m getting at, watch the following clip through to the end:

There was a time, you know, when the American founding fathers held the moral high ground. Just sayin’. How do you reconcile these things with what the founding fathers intended? Or have they simply become irrelevant in Liberal America?

12 years ago

Awww Mr. Chips was banned. I wanted to say that no matter what the salary of tough jobs most MEN won’t do them either, hence the big salaries. But oh well, still reading…
backwards… up up up.

12 years ago

Goodbye, Mr Chipps

12 years ago

Just a wee anecdote for Joe, should he calm down and come back…

A friend of mine, who is currently working abroad, is planning on coming back soon to set up home with her fisherman boyfriend who lives on a remote Scottish island. She’s planning on changing careers while she’s at it, to one more suited to the slower, rural pace of life.

She was talking to her boyfriend about this and expressed interest in getting involved in either sheep rearing or fishing, which are the island’s main industries. She was told flat-out that she should forget it. Women are simply not welcome in those industries and it is strongly frowned upon for any women to try and break into them.

They are hard, dangerous jobs, but they are a closed shop. There’s a serious gender imbalance on this island with regards to the ratio of young women to young men, as most young women are forced to leave the island and head for the mainland if they want any chance of a job outside of seasonal tourist work (which is usually very casual and not something you can depend upon). Being forced to move away from you friends and family and the community you grew up in – how cushy those women have it!

Seriously though, if you’re really concerned about men dying and being injured in dangerous jobs, Joe, you should be all for health and safety regulations being properly enforced as such jobs are precisely why those laws were brought in. Yes, it’s expanded its remit in current years to encompass office environments and so, but the original purpose was to address safety concerns in heavy industry. You should very suspicious of anyone bleating about “health and safety gawn mad!!1!” – they are usually using extreme, ridiculous examples to advocate for removing such regulations altogether, thus benefiting greedy corporations who prefer to put profits over the wellbeing of their workers.

You might also want to have a word with your fellow MRAs too – most of them seem to view health and safety regulations as ‘feminising’ the workplace. They don’t seem very interested in tackling the issue and more interested in using it as another reason why women suck and should forfeit their rights, get back in the kitchen and submit to men.

12 years ago

You should very suspicious of anyone bleating about “health and safety gawn mad!!1!” – they are usually using extreme, ridiculous examples – Ponkz

Pretty much all of those “examples” are completely fake, too.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Myoo – you see that’s where you went wrong, I pointed out WHAT is / will be happening – due to the economy being fucked over by the Assholes In Charge – who have $13 trillion plus untaxed offshore (and to whom feminism is a tool and feminists are merely “useful idiots”).

Said AIC have managed to convince the world’s politicos (except Iceland! Go Iceland!) that the answer is that all risk / loss by their banks / corporates be public (i.e. covered by the taxpayer) and all profits should be private.
Hence: “austerity”, swingeing cuts to all public social / health / welfare / law enforcement… And merchant banksters continuing to gamble crazily and outright steal, believing that there will never be any downside to them personally…

You ASSUMED what I might be thinking re. “importance” of something – in this case parental leave. Parental leave for BOTH parents would be great, IMO.
But the AIC will tell us we can’t afford it, while keeping quiet about why – which is that their kleptocracy stole the world (over the last 30 years or so).

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ponkz – the point of bringing up workplace deaths was as a demonstration of how men’s deaths (either in war, by accidents, or just being worked to death through stress etc.) are regarded by society as business as usual / male disposability. Which worked perfectly, as both Rutee and Myoo blurted out that the human sacrifice these men made was “insignificant” – proving my point exactly.

As for Health and Safety, there’s only so much it can acheive.
I’ve worked a DDD job (Difficult, Dirty, Dangerous) before, and done all the right things, worn all the right safety gear etc. etc. And yet, there’ve still been times when in the midst of a job I’ve been spared serious injury more by luck than anything else, because when the job itself involves very large heavy objects falling large distances there’s unpredictablity that can’t be covered by regs.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ponkz – also congrats on picking the MOST remote, rural outpost of the “old way” of doing things you possibly could for your “typical” example.

12 years ago

Did you know that Iceland is a very feminist country, like all of Scandinavia, my home region? They got a lesbian woman as prime minister, too. A lesbian FEMINIST woman.

12 years ago

Come on Joe, you used to be interesting. Now you’ve just devolved into the usual MRA “feminists hate men!!!!111111eleventy”.

You can do better.

12 years ago

” As for Health and Safety, there’s only so much it can acheive. I’ve worked a DDD job (Difficult, Dirty, Dangerous) before, and done all the right things, worn all the right safety gear etc. etc. And yet, there’ve still been times when in the midst of a job I’ve been spared serious injury more by luck than anything else, because when the job itself involves very large heavy objects falling large distances there’s unpredictablity that can’t be covered by regs.”

Health & safety regulations isn’t just about preventing accidents. It’s also about ensuring that people get treated and supported if shit happens. And are you seriously suggesting that just because not every accident can be prevented H&S are worthless or at least not as important? That it’s useless to thrive to improve because you can’t prevent 100% of accidents? Majority of those accidents are preventable and happen because workers or bosses neglect regulations, as is often found out in investigations.

It sounds like you like the status quo and just complain as an excuse to put women back in the kitchen. You’re just fine with men dying in jobs as long as you can beat your wife for having a headache when you want to fuck her. If you fid not, then you’d have a lot more steam for actually fixing workplace accidents, you’d fight to reduce them as much as possible instead of wasting precious energy and time on complaining about women not getting injured enough. That’s how activists who get legislation pushed through do it.

12 years ago

Well, it’s not a typical example, but it does illustrate that often women simply aren’t welcome in such dangerous jobs. Also I actually am from Scotland, so it maybe doesn’t seem very atypical to me seeing as I know and hear about/ see things like that all the time. It struck me as particularly interesting when my friend told me about it.

You’re right, health and safety can only do so much, but the fact that it’s there and is reviewed all the time can only be a good thing, surely? I’ve not worked in such jobs, although I have worked as a carer for the elderly and disabled in the past, a job which might not perhaps be dangerous but can be very dirty and difficult as well. We had rules in place there as well, eg. lifting people out of beds, etc. They can’t prepare you for all aspects of the job though – I’ve cleaned up enough incontinence-related accidents to last a lifetime, and I’ve not even had any kids of my own yet!

I’ll leave the male disposibility arguments to those more knowledgeable/articulate than me as I can’t really talk about that in any great detail. I brought up my own anecdote because I suspected you were going down the whole “men work dangerous jobs and women don’t because women = lazy/ entitled/ scared of breaking nails, etc.” route which so many trolls here go down. If you weren’t intending your argument to go down those lines, then fine.

12 years ago

@Myoo – you see that’s where you went wrong, I pointed out WHAT is / will be happening – due to the economy being fucked over by the Assholes In Charge – who have $13 trillion plus untaxed offshore (and to whom feminism is a tool and feminists are merely “useful idiots”).

How do you know feminism is a tool of the “Assholes in Charge”? Because Gloria Steinem used to work for the CIA? That’s a very weak connection at best.

There have been men opposing feminism from the get go, you know? Many of which in high government positions. There are laws that have existed, still exist and new ones that have been proposed very recently that prevent women from getting the same rights as men.

How do you know it’s not the people opposing feminism that are the “useful idiots”?

12 years ago

Cloudiah: Wave Albatrosses are great? Have you been to Galapagos? Now you make me want to go back… Ok it wasn’t you, but you reminded me.

12 years ago


I vote we all pick Roller Derby names for ourselves instead.

OK, I’m Helen Wheels.

12 years ago

I vote we all pick Roller Derby names for ourselves instead.

Has anyone called Dirk RIder?

12 years ago

Joe is one troll I wish I could [redacted] through the computer. Buddy, are ever dense. Not a single person on here said ANYTHING that in any actual logical way could be construed as advocating “male disposability”. As I said previously, some jobs are inherently more dangerous than others. So what’s your solution Joe? Stricter legislation? Don’t do dangerous jobs at all? Have woman all bow down before you and never say a negative word or speak out of line in the presence of a man whose “brothers” have died for our sins? Being able to beat women on demand/get sex on demand/have domestic slaves in return for the glorious sacrifice the men in your head have made for us all? Seriously dude, what is your point? What the fuck do you even want? Everyone here has fucking acknowledged that some jobs are dangerous and no one should die or be hurt while on the job. Are you that dense that you can’t read? As for people talking about DV, it’s not really a comparison. One is a hazard the other is a human being actively hurting another. Those things arn’t even equal. You spout off about people getting hurt on the job. Have YOU ever met anyone yourself who was hurt on the job? I have. I work with one right now who has hearing loss and is missing a finger from a previous job. Do you know what the fuck you could do to help people like him who are hurt on the job? Find or start an organization to help people who HAVE been hurt navigate the legal system and educate people about workers’ rights and workers’ compensation. Or are those considered to “feminizing” for you? I know large companies are pretty accountable, but some ma and pa sized businesses tend to get under the radar. You want to help since you are SO FUCKING CONCERNED. Go out and help them instead of whining to people like us who really do want our coworkers, friends and family to go home safe.

Also, bud, fuck you. Both my parents were in the military. It was my dad who ended up with basically a desk job (or atleast an indoor job) while my mom was the one refueling aircraft doing runway maintenance in Canada’s north. Tell her how this male disposability crap works when she was the one who ended up with nerve damage due frost bite (multiple times) in both hands and feet, and working 36 hour shifts or more because her cross shift showed up drunk.

Also, even working at a mine, I know more people hurt or killed working in kitchens than doing industrial work. My friend has scars on her hand from knives and scalds and a dent in her head from kitchen supplies falling on her. Her friend was KILLED working a kitchen night shift alone. He fell, hit his head and no one was there to help him. Her, her friend and coworkers get paid peanuts and sometimes due to the amount of hours they work don’t get benefits. Most of them don’t know what to do when they get hurt. They don’t know the legal paths to follow. They suck it up and ignore back problems, carpel tunnel and a myrad of other issues because their work is deemed by most people as “easy” and “unimportant”. These are the people who need more help. Most people think “I cook my own food, I clean my own house, how hard can it be to do it for a living?” But you don’t work with cleaning chemicals for 8+ hours a day, you don’t work in an industrial kitchen. And guess who does these “unglamorous” jobs? Both men and woman who are largely invisible because they’re just “working class” and they have easy jobs that “any monkey could do” (I say that only because some ass said that almost verbatim on this blog not too long ago). Advocate for better working conditions for those at the bottom. Advocate for people in sweat shops in developing nations… But sadly, I don’t think helping people is the priority of 99% of the MRA’s.

12 years ago

You can call me Round Robin.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@eline – No, no, no and no, I did NOT suggest any of that.
I hope you enjoyed arguing with your irrelevant strawman there.

By the way:
I am not and never have been married.
I live in my own place, on my own.
I have NEVER hit any of my lovers, NOR have I coerced any of my lovers into doing anything. (Why would I even want to do that? WTF??)
I do all my own cooking, sewing, washing, hoovering etc. etc.
Way back when I lived with gf #1 for 3 years, I did at least half the housework, shopping etc. especially cooking and washing up.
As I grew up (in my tweens and teens) I was a “latchkey” kid that cooked the weekday evening meals for my family after school, the aim being that I had the tea on the table by the time my mother got home from work.
And I played a big part in raising my much younger sibling, who is a productive member of society, thanks.

So you see, you’re about as far away as you could posibly have been in your assumptions.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@eline – not to mention that you have entirely missed the whole point of the conversation. Go back about three pages and come in from the start.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@eline – did you know that Iceland had it’s own anarcho-democracy for over three hundred years prior to the modern period?

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