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Men’s Rights Redditor on a Men’s Rights critic: “He is getting older and homosexual and … people like these tend to age like milk instead of wine.”

In yet another discussion of Arthur Goldwag’s latest post on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch blog (looking at MRAs bad-mouthing the men who lost their lives protecting their girlfriends in the Aurora shootings), longtime Men’s Rights Redditor Liverotto offers this intriguing take on what he sees as Goldwag’s motivations for criticizing the Men’s Rights movement:

Yeah, a dude actually wrote that, and a couple of people actually upvoted it.

I’m trying to understand the logic: Goldwag is growing older and more homosexual (do men usually become gay as they age?). But gay men age badly, which makes them mad at their “suitors.” So therefore Goldwag has come to hate the (mostly straight) men of the Men’s Rights movement?

Another highlight of the discussion: The r/mensrights regular who thinks I’m Paul Elam. No, really.

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12 years ago

And it’s rare for a wine to improve at all beyond about 5 years, unless it’s fortified and from Portugal, or has bubbles.

I’m not sure what these means for MRAs.

12 years ago


maybe you should just make like a tree and leaf!


12 years ago

Even though the sentence is ambiguous, I’m having trouble with the idea that you thought that Liverotto actually said that Goldwag was becoming gay with age.

Look through NWO’s Big Book of Learnin’ for statements that include absolute words like never. The book is funny, but tainted with the reader’s knowledge that it isn’t a genuine kook document, but someone’s paraphrase based on the most bizarre possible reading of NWOslave. It’s like how The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra isn’t as funny as a real ’50s science fiction film.

Kirby, now that someone has acknowledged my signature, I can retire it.

12 years ago

so… you are doing this for attention?

12 years ago


I’m having trouble with the idea that you thought that Liverotto actually said that Goldwag was becoming gay with age.

Why? It’s not as if MRA’s don’t spout inane bullshit, often aging-related, all the time.

12 years ago

I really wish MRAs would stop conflating dislike of the MRM with hatred of men.

The problem here is that the MRAs actually believe every man in the world ever (who is not a mangina feminist whiteknight) secretly agrees with them, but won’t admit to it in public because of a culture of feminist propaganda and misandry.

So…. yeah.

12 years ago

So an article’s merits should be based upon how attractive its author is to potential suitors? Never mind that the person in question may have a point, they’re getting on in years, they have wrinkles, and that must mean nobody wants to shag them. Ugh! The insinuation that Goldwag is simply reeling from a case of ’can’t get any’ and has not been invested in writing an informed and newsworthy article, and is instead taking out his frustrations on some feisty, young go-getters at the MRA, is bloody laughable!

Seriously, what an awful way to treat someone who may have something genuinely insightful to say. But no! Shout down the criticism and opposition, point at any perceived (pander to the ageist and homophobic bigots on this one) faults of the speaker, and then proudly proclaim that you won a battle against bigotry.

Words do not suffice…

The MRA truly has no sense of irony, but why am I not surprised?

Not to mention that the first paragraph doesn’t even make any sense: Liverotto goes from announcing Goldwag as being intelligent in one sentence, to literally denouncing him as over-the-hill in the next. It doesn’t flow well, to say the least. It’s as if Liverotto went from trying to find a genuine reason to criticize Goldwag’s statements, to giving up half-assedly half-way through and instead just resorting to childish name-calling. To be honest, I expect no less, or, sad to say, no more.

12 years ago

“he is getting older and homosexual and like women people like these tend to age like milk instead of wine, they get more and more acid with age, since they are no longer attractive to their suitors.”

@scrapemind: So his sentence is [something about aging] HE’S GAY! [something about aging] [something about aging] [something about aging]
It’s not the shape of the sentence that make people think he wrote “he’s getting […] homosexual”.

But let’s be weirdly and hugely charitable and suppose that’s what he meant, it’s still a very WTF-ey sentence. Why would he claim Goldwag is gay for any other reason than homophobia?

12 years ago

Scrapemind, honey, we really aren’t exaggerating Owlyslave. I know, if I weren’t there for it, I wouldn’t believe it either.

Wordspinner, I don’t want to be cheese, I’d keep trying to eat myself.

12 years ago


eat yourself


12 years ago
Reply to  Kyrie

I’m not saying Liverotto’s not homophobic. I’m saying it’s boring, ordinary homophobia, not cool, bizarre, jaw-dropping homophobia.

12 years ago

“cool homophobia”???

12 years ago

I’m not saying scrapemind’s not a troll. I’m saying zie’s a boring, ordinary troll, not a cool, bizarre, jaw-dropping troll.

Seriously, some of the people we’ve had these days make me wish for the return of B_____n/Military-named-emo-teen they’re that boring.

12 years ago

Scrapemind is going to argue with us until he convinces us he’s right.

12 years ago

Oh probably, and speaking french doesn’t work on him like it does on MSN, so I can’t do anything to annoy him into leaving.

12 years ago

Yes – go on and ask gay guys who support men’s right whether being a male feminist can cause the gayness.

12 years ago

Are there gay MRAs?

12 years ago

So they realize that by saying (presumed to be straight) women and gay men age badly and are thus bitter what they’re actually saying is that men (gay and straight) are super shallow and looks-focused and it’s their fault that straight women and gay men are (allegedly) bitter, right?

Don’t know quite what to say about the “men get more gay as they age” bit. Um, what?

12 years ago
Reply to  clairedammit

Scrapemind is going to argue with us until he convinces us he’s right.

Well, no. I don’t think that someone is going to reply to me, even secretly, with, “OMG, this. So. Very. Much.” That has never happened to me, and it never will, nor have I ever had that reaction to anyone.

Yes – go on and ask gay guys who support men’s right whether being a male feminist can cause the gayness.

Liverotto didn’t say being a feminist turns men gay. He said aging makes gay men bitter, because men are shallow and obsessed with looks. Presumably, it doesn’t work the same with straight men because women aren’t obsessed with looks or into the whole beauty thing in general. That’s why gay men create classical art of great beauty, when the lesbian equivalent is angry folk songs whose focus is less on the music than on the angry lyrics, which are perhaps about how beauty is a myth.

12 years ago

Wait, wait, wait, Sappho was a gay man?


12 years ago

Cassandra ninja’d me! I didn’t expect I’d have the opportunity to say that about anyone!

12 years ago

No! Sappho was writing poems about young women!

The only possibility is that he was a man all along!

Pretending he was a woman: MISANDRY

12 years ago

Dude, I’d argue with this claim that women don’t care about looks, but my favorite porn Tumblr (run by a woman!) just updated.

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

“That guy is a fabrication cooked up by Paul Elam.”

FWIW, I took that to mean that your posts are so predictable and weak that they are a stereotype of a male white-knighting feminist.

I do have a question for you. Sometime shortly after the beginning of blogging, most bloggers left and right understood that it was unfair to pick out the comments of a blog and attribute them either to the blogger or more widely to “the movement.”

It seems to be a failure of data sampling or synecdoche for you or Arthur to pick out specific comments or even specific bloggers and then project across an entire movement. Criticize the comment, or the post, or the blogger yes, that’s reasonable, but projecting to the entire movement unfair unless you have done a real survey.

Even at reddit mensrights I see lots of people disagreeing with the comments you or people you often criticize, for instance, “that guy is a fabrication” is at -10, the comment about Goldwag is at -4.

So what is your justification for doing this time and time again?

On another note, while I definitely do not agree with Liverotto, it is a common question to ask why people observe so many older people “coming out” or “turning gay”. The reasons are many both because of why people were closeted to begin with to acknowledging that sexuality is fluid and can change back and forth over time.

I see no reason to consider Arthur Goldwag to be gay. I disagree with Arthur Goldwag and I couldn’t care less if he is hetero, bisexual, or gay. I wish hiim and his wife and his two children all the best in the world and I hope for them their relationships remain strong. (And I wish mine had.)