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Men’s Rights Redditor on a Men’s Rights critic: “He is getting older and homosexual and … people like these tend to age like milk instead of wine.”

In yet another discussion of Arthur Goldwag’s latest post on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch blog (looking at MRAs bad-mouthing the men who lost their lives protecting their girlfriends in the Aurora shootings), longtime Men’s Rights Redditor Liverotto offers this intriguing take on what he sees as Goldwag’s motivations for criticizing the Men’s Rights movement:

Yeah, a dude actually wrote that, and a couple of people actually upvoted it.

I’m trying to understand the logic: Goldwag is growing older and more homosexual (do men usually become gay as they age?). But gay men age badly, which makes them mad at their “suitors.” So therefore Goldwag has come to hate the (mostly straight) men of the Men’s Rights movement?

Another highlight of the discussion: The r/mensrights regular who thinks I’m Paul Elam. No, really.

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12 years ago

On the other hand, we hear Big Mac speak a full sentence that episode! That made my day in so many ways.

12 years ago

i tried reading a neal stephenson novel once (i think it was cryptonomicon) and i got to the second paragraph before i was like ‘this is mush’ and stopped

but to each his own

12 years ago

I’ve never quite been able to get into MLP fanfic… it squicks me for some weird reason.

Yeah, it’s true that they glossed over the severity of it. But seriously, A Friend In Deed? Jesus. I tend to pretend that episode ends after Smile Song.

12 years ago

new culture novel coming up tho. im stoked about that.

12 years ago

I kinda bothers me the way they always use the term “everypony” no matter what sort of creatures they’re referring to.

12 years ago

I like Neal Stephenson a lot because he always sounds really super-excited about whatever he’s talking about. “GUYS GUYS GUYS I JUST LEARNED THIS THING ABOUT CRYPTOGRAPHY AND IT’S ~SO COOL~”

Also, someone should make Snow Crash into a movie, but we need to locate an Aleutian bodybuilder who can act to play Raven. Or maybe just an Aleutian bodybuilder? Raven’s part doesn’t have a whole lot of subtlety, he mostly just looks threatening for two hundred pages.

12 years ago


Totally agree. Even when I was watching it I was like “holy crap this is really bad what the hell.” And I’m not the most perceptive person on these sorts of things…

12 years ago

If you start thinking about the MLPverse it gets really racist and classist and sexist…

12 years ago

Regarding the vidding article, I’ve always wondered why cultural studies types keep referring to people as bodies.

12 years ago

My Little Homophobic, Racist, Smart-Shaming Pony is almost as funny as that radfem critique of Firefly.

12 years ago

They were planning to make a miniseries of The Diamond Age for a while, iirc it was supposed to have George Clooney in it. Unfortunately it never saw the light of day. I totally agree about the idea of a Snow Crash movie though, one of the first things that I thought after getting past the first few pages of the book was “I’m not reading a novel, I’m reading a movie”.

12 years ago

Scrapingthebottomofthe barrell: You’re not worth spending time explaining anything to, but for the lurkers: they don’t call people bodies. “The Desiring Body” is a theroetical term, and, amongst other things, it refers to how the language of texts constructs/writes about bodies:

Google is your friend:,mod=0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Now plz fuck off!

12 years ago


I’m intermittently reading the Culture series, and I finished Consider Phlebas at around the same time I finished high school, I honestly don’t see why people consider it to be the worst of the series, I found it perfectly enjoyable.

12 years ago


*runs away giggling*

12 years ago

I’ve never been able to get past page 100 of Consider Phlebas. It’s still guilttripping me from my bookshelf…

Aworld: I know, right? But if they ever made it a movie they’d fucking racebend everyone and it’d be Whitey McWhitebread future. (I will accept a Hiro who is *either* black or Japanese, given the difficulties of finding a half-black half-Asian actor who also fits the part, but if they make him white I will HURT PEOPLE.)

12 years ago

well, it’s not the worst of the series. that’s Matter.

it’s definitely ‘completely enjoyable’ but it’s not on nearly the same level as player of games/use of weapons/look to windward

12 years ago


I kind of did have to force myself to read past page 100, but if anything I have a bit of a fetish for massive accomplishments of human/humanoid civilization, so the orbitals, megaships, and GSVs kept me interested long enough to get through it. Though I have to say I didn’t like reading from the perspective of someone who was essentially forcing themselves to hate the Culture and everything they represent. I dunno, I just didn’t find Bora Horza to be a very compelling character, I’m really hoping Player of Games will be better.

12 years ago

player of games is way better than consider phlebas

12 years ago

Also, I can’t really picture an ideal Hiro Protagonist, I have ideal roles in mind for pretty much every other character in the book, except for YT and Hiro, that’s kind of sad.

12 years ago

I loved Player of Games (it’s the only other book in the series I’ve read) and then I gave it to my best friend. 🙂

YT is clearly Ellen Page. 😛

12 years ago

I kind of pictured Robert DeNiro as Uncle Enzo, and the fellow who played Dade Murphy in Hackers ad Da5id. It’s been about four years since I last read it, and I’ve since lost it, so my apologies for not remembering most of the characters.

12 years ago

Oh, and Steve Buscemi as the guy with the glass eye, mainly for the personality of the character, he reminded me of Mr. Pink.

12 years ago

Current ad – Paige Premium Denim. I’m not sure if this is because the app knows that I buy many pairs of their jeans, or because someone mentioned Ellen Page.

12 years ago

And I can’t really remember who I had in mind for the villain actually, I think I had someone though.

12 years ago

I get an ad asking if the right adds will find me