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Men’s Rights Redditor on a Men’s Rights critic: “He is getting older and homosexual and … people like these tend to age like milk instead of wine.”

In yet another discussion of Arthur Goldwag’s latest post on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch blog (looking at MRAs bad-mouthing the men who lost their lives protecting their girlfriends in the Aurora shootings), longtime Men’s Rights Redditor Liverotto offers this intriguing take on what he sees as Goldwag’s motivations for criticizing the Men’s Rights movement:

Yeah, a dude actually wrote that, and a couple of people actually upvoted it.

I’m trying to understand the logic: Goldwag is growing older and more homosexual (do men usually become gay as they age?). But gay men age badly, which makes them mad at their “suitors.” So therefore Goldwag has come to hate the (mostly straight) men of the Men’s Rights movement?

Another highlight of the discussion: The r/mensrights regular who thinks I’m Paul Elam. No, really.

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12 years ago

I dislike the “I identify as an X” phrasing. I don’t *identify* as nonbinary, I *am* nonbinary. “Identify as” has a weird “but I’m not really” connotation to it.

Kirby: I like the Bad Algorithms ones. Yes, as an atheist, I definitely want to go to your online school to get a theology degree…

12 years ago


My university’s Clubs & Societies rules have all these bits requiring the involvement of a certain number of “female-identifying” students, and I always think the same thing. It felt a bit like “yeah, we’ll put up with those weirdo trans people, aren’t we tolerant” every time I saw that but I didn’t know how to express it.

I don’t know quite how to complain about that, express my complaint without coming off as transphobic, or what to suggest instead. Perhaps a trans inclusitivity policy that sets out obvious stuff like “trans X are real X” and just require a certain number of women students or something? I hear you’ve had experience with stuff like this, so I’m interested to hear what you have to say.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

At least we can agree that Stannis isn’t him, but that Melisandre is deluded or even manipulating things around in a cynical way to make it seem like he is Azor Ahai reborn.

Jon Snow might fit if R+L=JS but I doubt it’s him. I do think R+L=JS though. It’s just the rest of the prophecy has to be tortured beyond all recognition to fit (he wasn’t born amidst salt and smoke).

Daenerys is the best candidate by far. All the signs point to her: born on Dragonstone for smoke and salt, woke up dragons from eggs that were turned to stone, bleeding star in the sky. She just needs Lightbringer now.

My own far-fetched pet theory is Jaime Lannister, because I think that would be a laugh (it would annoy a whole lot of fans who hate the lions with all their heart). He’s on a clear redemption arc so that might be his ‘rebirth’ and Oathkeeper is Valyrian steel, i.e. *dragon*steel, which may fulfill the criteria for Lightbringer if the prophecy was misunderstood. He’d need to temper it in the blood of his wife… or maybe a twin sister lover might do the trick? With his golden hand around her throat so he can be the valonquar as well (GRR Martin did make a lot of the fact that he was born *after* his twin sister).

Of course that’s just my contrarian personality wishing for a gigantic Fuck You to all speculating fans when the prophecies finally come to fruition. I’m sure it’s going to be Daenerys instead.

12 years ago

I still think Sharculese should drunk dial the Google, though.

hello, google? let me tell you what i think about your mother.

12 years ago

…That fan speculation sounds *hella* complicated.

The most complicated speculation I got up to was that Brienne and Jaime ought to get married and have badass babies and teach them to swordfight.

12 years ago

I’ve got one of those uplifting ads made by food companies involving schools. This particular one features Hellmanns mayonnaise helping a school in Red Deer, Alberta get rid of their cafeteria deep fryer.

12 years ago

jk, it’s not like im virginia thomas or some shit

12 years ago

hello, google? let me tell you what i think about your mother.

Do you feel lucky, bozo?

12 years ago

Rutee, it would be most awesomely twisted if it were Jamie Lannister. I can hear the internet howling now.

12 years ago


i have friends who will sit around and speculate like that and when i have to listen to it it makes me not want to be their friend anymore.

which would be kind of a dick move because i was the one who turned them onto those books, even tho i havent cared about them in like ten years

12 years ago

GAHHHH. PEOPLE STAHP WITH THE SPOILERS, I STILL NEED TO CATCH UP ON IT!!!111!!!11!!1!!11!!!111oneoneeleven111!!11122112@1112222@!@!!!@!

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>I don’t know how you figured him out so quickly.

Azor Ahai is such an obscure part of ASOIAF that while I can see a lot of readers discussing that character, I have a hard time thinking any but the most obsessed GRR Martin fan would use it as a nickname. And then he started talking about the female gaze, which is a pet obsession of his that I’ve never seen any other MRA bring up (to them they only care about money/status).

12 years ago

Mm, yes, I see. Quite possible, that.

*blissfully-ignorant smile and nod*

12 years ago

the books, not my friends. i still care about my friends.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

In fact the only reason why it might not be Daenerys is that it’s so obvious that a character *in the book* expresses his opinion that she is. I would not entertain that as an argument if it wasn’t for the fact that this is GRR Martin we’re talking about…

12 years ago

Sharc: Unfortunately the only fandoms I’m big into at the moment are Avengers and MLP, and they don’t really lend themselves to fan speculation.

“Do you think that Applejack will learn about the magic of friendship this season?”
“Ooh, will Loki get defeated next movie?”

12 years ago

Also Avatar: The Last Airbender, but since I’m about five years behind everyone else everyone tends to smile and nod at me when I speculate.

(I think Zuko’s going to die! And Sokka will date one of those nice warrior ladies with the fans.)

12 years ago

I think Loki will learn about the magic of friendship and Applejack will be defeated.

12 years ago

Also a tell – Boston Baby has said that Daenerys is his favorite character, and that he wants to bang her, but the idea that she could have some super extra special thing about her (I have not read the books, I gather that being the reincarnation of this dude is supposed to be an awesome thing)? Well, now, that won’t do, and she’s too lucky (a privileged prefect) already. It doesn’t do for a woman to get above herself.

12 years ago

rrrgh, I still need to catch up on GoT and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

12 years ago

Oh wait, Applejack already was defeated that one time, and went on to learn about the magic of friendship.

12 years ago


it’s cool, the only things i have to speculate about are dr who and mad men, one of which lends itself much more than speculation than the other.

also, i found out recently my lil sister has watched avatar four times, which actually is not that surprising knowing what she likes in tv. her birthday is coming up and im thinking about getting her this:

12 years ago


That’s why gay men create classical art of great beauty, when the lesbian equivalent is angry folk songs whose focus is less on the music than on the angry lyrics, which are perhaps about how beauty is a myth.

SPITS MILK all over the place and has to spend so much time cleaning it up that I cannot even begin to respond to the absolutely fucking bizarre crap here!

Luckily for me, the milk is not old but fresh and young!

12 years ago

That’s crazy! Applejack is one of the holders of the elements of harmony? How could she turn out to be evil?!?

Though, on the other hand, she is supposed to be the eternally honest one, and in that one episode with her competition she was decidedly dishonest (though she “learned a lesson” by the end)… Hmm… Can elements of harmony be transferred? I don’t know who else could take it though.

I’m still wondering when the cutie-mark crusaders will finally get their cutie-marks. Hopefully never (I know that’s terrible) because then the group would split up and that’d be sad… But they basically showed what their cutie marks should be in the first couple episodes of the group’s existence!

12 years ago

my speculation for season six of mad men: peggy and sally will continue to be way cooler than basically everyone else.

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