antifeminism hate hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reactionary bullshit reddit woman's suffrage

Men’s Rights Redditor: “(Most) women don’t love men.” (Also, it’s only respectful for dudes to hang onto nude pics of an ex-girlfriend.)

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, some of the fellas are discussing a recent post from Arthur Goldwag on the Southern Poverty Law Center Hatewatch blog. Goldwag looks at some of the hero-bashing comments from MRAs in the wake of the Aurora shootings, which we’ve discussed here and here.

This somehow inspires the prolix Men’s Right Redditor Demonspawn to set forth some of his opinions about (most) women and how shitty they are. The whole discussion is worth reading, as a sort of case study in MRA hypocrisy: all this woman-hatred comes in a thread in which Reddit MRAs wax indignant once again that anyone might possibly label them hateful. (Also, how dare women suggest that there’s anything untoward about a dude hanging onto nude pics of an ex, when clearly not deleting them is a sign of “respect.”)

Looks like Demonspawn won himself a convert! Congrats. you beautiful douchebag.

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12 years ago

This is, in point of fact, why I firmly believe that men should date women who are roughly comparable in earning potential. I have gone on many dates, it’s true; I’ve also turned down and/or neglected to pursue many potential dates. There were, obviously, a plethora of reasons, but one of the most common is and was a disparity in earnings. I will not be objectified for my money – I consider this a shining example of cultural misandry and will mitigate it whenever possible. And women who work – and especially, who are as successful as me – are much less inclined to expect me to subsidize their livelihood, like I’m some sort of all-purpose servant and butler.

I encourage other men to restrict their dating pool likewise.

12 years ago

But if she has a job, she might be intelligent or educated! And that’s a SUPER NO-NO!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Am I just having a bad day, or is Demonspawn a really fucking confusing writer? Also, I was sort of puzzled by how Canadian4Paul folded when I looked to the left and saw Canadian4Paul.

“Success objects” lol.

12 years ago

Dude, you forgot to mention Ella. You’re slacking.

12 years ago

“I will not be objectified for my money” this statement literally made me lol

“And women who work – and especially, who are as successful as me – are much less inclined to expect me to subsidize their livelihood, like I’m some sort of all-purpose servant and butler.”

Haven’t we all gone over how paying for dinner = / = subsidizing livelihood (or even food intake), and how none of this relates to your ragewanking over servant/butler?

12 years ago

Ha ha, creepy dude Steele Pole Butthorn’s blog is back! And he thinks what he does is “journalism.”

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

And women who work – and especially, who are as successful as me – are much less inclined to expect me to subsidize their livelihood, like I’m some sort of all-purpose servant and butler.

Reason 43290875# Steele shouldn’t have been a writer: from his usage, it is no longer possible to know if “subsidize their livelihood” actually just means “pay for a dinner.” He also doesn’t seem to realize that servants and butlers are paid employees, not financial benefactors.

12 years ago

You can’t talk about men or women without generalizations

Then fuck talking about men or women. Talk about people.

12 years ago

“A perfectionist to the last, I’d much prefer to be upfront than have the quality of my journalism suffer. ”

Thank you, Steele, I needed a good laugh today.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I don’t mean to be too hard on you, though, Steele. Good on you for standing up to society’s oppression of wealthy men.

12 years ago

No “excuse me”, no “vile”, no “disgusting”. He didn’t even say “misandrist-feminist”.

12 years ago

That whole meme that there’s separate gendered definitions of love/respect needs to die a horrible death. NOW.

12 years ago

As a man you often find yourself thinking back to when you were a boy and women loved and adored you. What happened. Is it the beard growth? Suddenly you’re not good enough. Strange how that works.

Heh, any Diana Wynne Jones fans here? ‘Cos the first thing I thought of when I read that was this quote from Lives of Christopher Chant:

“Christopher had no idea that people saw him like this. He was astounded. What’s gone wrong with me? he thought. I’m nice really! When he went to the Anywheres as a small boy, everyone had liked him. Everybody had smiled. Total strangers had given him things. Christopher saw that he had gone on thinking that people only had to see him to like him, and it was only too clear that nobody did.”

SuicideBanana doesn’t seem to realise that this works exactly the same for girls. When you’re a small and adorable child you can do anything you like, and people will indulge you and adore you and tell you you’re cute, and run around cleaning up after you because you’re an adorable but clueless child who doesn’t know any better yet, and you don’t have to actually be a decent person or take responsibility for anything to earn this.

I am quite worried for this guy that this is his definition of adult love.

12 years ago

Love it. He’s trying to simultaneously argue that obsession with material wealth is shallow, but obsession with physical beauty is not. What the fuck ever, duder.

12 years ago

Also, apparently cleanshaven dudes are as adorable as kids!


12 years ago

Steele is so funny. Men own/control 98% of the land on the planet and he thinks misandry is a thing. If that’s losing, I want to be a loser too!

12 years ago

Tulgey, its not just you. I read Demonspawn’s initial kickoff several times, and it’s still not perfectly clear.

FIGHT THE POWER, STEELE!!! Or shut the fuck up, your choice.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Man: “If I ‘respected’ her, I’d consider her capable of considering the potential of us breaking up when she allowed those pictures. I’m keeping them because I’m holding her accountable for her decision.” [- No man, ever.] Male respect as accountability and competency.

I do enjoy how his example of male respect puts “respect” in scare quotes, making it clear that the speaker does not respect his ex and likely did not when he was with her. The misogyny froth is so great, he can’t even make his own misogynistic point without tripping himself up.


12 years ago

OK, so they want to be loved like children? The shitty writing was throwing me off. And the “success object” thing…errr, are these guys all millionaire CEOs?

12 years ago

Man: “If I ‘respected’ her, I’d consider her capable of considering the potential of us breaking up when she allowed those pictures. I’m keeping them because I’m holding her accountable for her decision.”

She should have realized that I’m the kind of asshole who would cease giving any consideration to her feelings the moment I wasn’t being rewarded with sex. Is it my fault she failed to notice I’m a total doucheface?!??

12 years ago

I would try to frenchcountertroll here, but I feel I’m wearing it out already.

12 years ago

I love how, if there are nude pics from sexytiems, not deleting them is “holding her accountable for her actions.”

Those actions you are “holding her accountable” for? Those actions are not “letting you snap her nekkers.” Those actions are “breaking up with you.”

And they are to be punished by releasing said dirty snaps to the Intarwebz.

She shouldn’t have broken up with you, huh? You’ll show her that actions have consequences!

You utter slimeball. If I found you stuck to the bottom of my shoe, I’d have to throw away the kitchen knife I used to scrape you into the trash. I might have to throw away the shoe, too, but then I’d look daft.

12 years ago

errr, are these guys all millionaire CEOs?

No, some of them are millionaire CEO yuppie grad student entrepreneurs.

With a hot girlfriend. Sorry, semi-attractive.

And a flying car.

12 years ago

And a professional journalistic website.. I mean, blog. A half-arsed blog.

12 years ago

No, some of them are millionaire CEO yuppie grad student entrepreneurs.

With a hot fillyfriend. Sorry, semi-attractive.

And a flying car.

And a yacht, don’t forget the yacht.

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