antifeminism creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny narcissism penises rape rapey rhymes with roosh

Roosh V has a little trouble with the concept of “no.” [TW: Rape Apologia]

Recently, a nameless commenter here asked “What exactly is “rapey” about Pick Up Artistry?” The post below should help to answer that question.

Hey, fellas! Say you’ve applied some state of the art Pickup Artistry on some HB 10 (“hot babe 10”) and you’re about to add another notch to your “girls I’ve totally had sex with” belt – and she has the gall to tell you “no.” Should you be worried?

Pickup artist Roosh Valizedah (whom we were talking about just yesterday) says, er, no. Apparently “no” (when the word is uttered by a girl you are groping) is actually a variant of “yes.” Who knew?

While every feminist likes to repeat the phrase “No means no,” it depends on context. Here’s a guide:

“No” when you try to take off her jeans or shirt means… “You need to turn me on a lot more.”

“No” when you try to take off her bra means… “Try again in five minutes.”

“No” when you try to take off her panties means… “Don’t give up now!”

I find the only word that means no is “stop.” If you hear that word then she’ll be asking you to leave soon after.

So just filter out everything she says other than the word “stop” and you’ll be fine. Oh, and if she actually starts punching you, that’s also a clue that she doesn’t want to have sex with you.

For every rape accusation I’d want to know at what stage of undress the girl was at before the supposed rape happened. If she was completely naked until saying no, and got there voluntarily, then I’d be reluctant to charge the man with rape unless there were signs of violence.

Gals need to remember, Roosh explains, that once a man gets a boner he’s pretty much helpless.  His innate biological drives require that he either have sex with you (if you’re willing) or rape you (if you are unwilling and remember to say “stop” as well as “no”).

Women need to understand that men aren’t robots who can suddenly stop at the drop of a dime with all that testosterone pumping through their system. Therefore it would be prudent for them not to enter situations where the average man can’t stop due to his innate weaknesses as an animal whose entire existence depends on him successfully mating.

If it gets to that point, Roosh advises the ladies,  you should just try to enjoy the rape as best you can – like it’s some sort of carnival ride.

Every roller coaster has a point while chugging up that first hill where’s there’s no turning back and you just need to hang on for the ride. In other words, don’t let a man on your bed unless you’re trying to get it.

So, In Roosh’s world, woman who merely say “no” shouldn’t complain about being raped, and men are basically slavering beasts controlled by their penises. What a lovely view of the world!

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12 years ago

O! Nomless: I’m old enough that I was a geek, in the sense you are talking about.

I still got laid. Not by the cheerleaders, but by women who weren’t interested in jocks and the like. They were interested in me. Might not have been the, “Oh my god!, and dragging me behind bush (well not all the time), but it wasn’t all that rare either.

They got to know me, and we liked each other, and we had sex.

When I was in my teens/early twenties they tended to be a bit older than I was; so, even as callow as I was, there was something interesting.

As to this: “The word “geek” is overused and it was a mistake on my part to use it for what it meant some 20+ years ago.”, keep moving those goalposts.

You used the word, without qualification; the fault is yours.

But I suspect there is more to the complaint than you are sharing.

12 years ago

It also depends a lot on what we’re defining as “bad social skills”, since it’s sort of a broadly used term. I mean, I tend to say that about myself, when really it’s a social anxiety-type thing and i’m still aware enough that I know that annoying or upsetting someone = bad, because empathy (it doesn’t stop me excessively worrying about doing it by accident though, or just generally making myself look stupid.. hence me not getting out much, if at all).

But it can also mean someone who doesn’t realise when they’re being a giant douche, and/or doesn’t care if they are. So it can be pretty vague.

12 years ago

Monsieur Sans nom, I’m gonna start calling you Monsieur trou de cul.

12 years ago

In case there are any geek men lurking and lamenting their undesired celibacy, let me share a secret with you on How to Get Sexed:

1) Treat the individuals you meet of your preferred gender like they are people.
b) Keep meeting people of your preferred gender. Some of them you will want to have sex with, some you won’t. Some may want you when you don’t want them! But that’s okay.
iii) Eventually one of those people you are treating with decency and discover you like and desire will want to have sex with you at the same time you want to have sex with them. CONTINUE TO TREAT THIS PERSON LIKE A PERSON.
4) Profit.

12 years ago

Your numbering scheme! IT PAINS ME.

12 years ago

Morkai: Yes, it ought to be


12 years ago



12 years ago

Geeky and unattractive are not the same thing (I know this is obvious to everyone except a few butthurt dudes who like to blame the fact that women find them repulsive on their love of Star Trek/D&D). But hey, let’s say for a minute that there is a guy who all women universally find unattractive and don’t want to have sex with. How could such a guy “figure out” how to get women into bed?

It’s not going to be via any consensual means, that’s for sure, if it’s true that all women find him unattractive. Sexist dudes don’t seem to be aware of the implications of their words (which are obvious to everyone else) when they say things like this.

“What I truly think is that it bothers a lot of women that geek/unattractive guys just *might* figure out how to succeed in hooking up with women and getting laid.”

(Of course, once again, geeky does not equal unattractive. But keep telling yourself that your Gundam toy collection is why women won’t fuck you, rather than your unfortunate physical appearance/shitty personality/nasty attitudes towards women.)

12 years ago

It’s the “figure out” that keeps getting me — like there’s some secret trick to make people like you/women fuck you and we’re all keeping it in a safe with our Krabby Patty Secret Formula?

12 years ago

It’s the woman as sex vending machine paradigm. Always popular with angry sexist dorks. Clearly there is a cheat code, and feminists are attempting to suppress it out of sheer malice.

12 years ago

Heheh, cheat code. The cheat code is EMPATHY.

12 years ago

Women need to understand that men aren’t robots who can suddenly stop at the drop of a dime with all that testosterone pumping through their system.

Yeah c’mon, we’re mindless sex-crazed beasts, not robots. Don’t be so insulting.

12 years ago

Wait – is this why Om Nom wants to kill off humanity and replace us with robots? We won’t be sex-crazed beasts then.

(Actually it wouldn’t surprise me if he was in favor of having the male bots programmed to be rapey, just for lulz.)

12 years ago

Heheh, cheat code. The cheat code is EMPATHY.

Still a luck-based mission. Some people approach it as the dreaded Escort Mission, but I don’t think that’s quite right; you can let them fight for themself while you’re doing other stuff, though the cheat code does require at least being aware while they’re doing that and offering help if they want it.

12 years ago

The basic “social skills” that PUA/abusers advocate is how to push a no to a maybe, and a maybe to a yes. They would have better success with the regular kind, but them it wouldn’t be a game that a woman has to lose for them to win.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Hey, whaddaya know? I’m a dweeb.


Wow….. I mean, is he serious? Is that his actual fucking attitude? There’s a certain point of being turned on where a guy just loses control? Oh Roosh, don’t underestimate your gender like that. I personally know plenty of guys who are willing to go so far and no further with a girl. Though I wonder…exactly how far is the point Roosh think there’s no coming back from? Just so I can save myself from getting raped, of course. In exactly what situation is it that the “average man” finds he “cant stop”?

Because maybe I’ve been blessed, but all the average men in my life have always taken no for an answer, no matter what the situation. In fact, all the average men in my life would be pretty fucking sickened if some guy DIDNT take no from an answer for me, even if we were already “on the rollercoaster”. In fact, I think they’d fucking kill him.

UGH, I cant believe I’m actually here explaining that rape is wrong! What kind of a fucked up world do we live in here we have to argue that rape is wrong….. I dream of a world where “rape is wrong” is seen as a fact, not a fucking opinion.

12 years ago

I cannot say I have ever really thought about asshole guys getting (consensually) laid. hurting or going out with my friends? Sure. Hitting on me? Yes, it does come to mind then. But in general, being angry that asshole guys are getting laid? Do not give a shit. In fact, I’ve only ever heard men harp about it. I know there are enough asshole women to go around, too, and hope they meet their match.


Also, THIS is fucking awesome. Tempted to put it on my blog….

In case there are any geek men lurking and lamenting their undesired celibacy, let me share a secret with you on How to Get Sexed:

1) Treat the individuals you meet of your preferred gender like they are people.
b) Keep meeting people of your preferred gender. Some of them you will want to have sex with, some you won’t. Some may want you when you don’t want them! But that’s okay.
iii) Eventually one of those people you are treating with decency and discover you like and desire will want to have sex with you at the same time you want to have sex with them. CONTINUE TO TREAT THIS PERSON LIKE A PERSON.
4) Profit.

12 years ago

Hm. I’m a nerd.

I’m cool with that.

12 years ago

What exactly is a ‘shitty personality’ anyway? I’m not sure if what I think is a ‘shitty personality’ is correct, since I cannot fathom why some of my closest friends have a really hard time getting anyone interested in them: They’re law-abiding, hard-working, sensitive, empathic and have a strong sense of loyalty, yet they’re still unable to get anyone interested in them. Since they’re not ugly (certainly not male models, but not Uruk-Hai either), what gives?

12 years ago

I’m a geek. Not a surprise.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

1, b, iii, 4? Is that trying to be the tenth Doctor confused on his counting, or just does it just accidentally align with that?

Voyage of the Damned —
The Doctor: Okay, okay. Tch, tch. First things first. One: we’re going to climb through this ship. B… no… two: we’re going to reach the bridge. Three – or C: we’re going to save the Titanic. And, coming in a very low Four or D or that little “iv” in brackets they use in footnotes… why. Right then, follow me.

As for the OP, dude, get some empathy, or go away.

12 years ago

Heheh, cheat code. The cheat code is EMPATHY.

But…but but, aspergers.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Empathy // not being an asshole? The golden rule is probably sufficient, assuming you have some sense of how you want to be treated vs how “most people” want to be treated.

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