Recently, a nameless commenter here asked “What exactly is “rapey” about Pick Up Artistry?” The post below should help to answer that question.
Hey, fellas! Say you’ve applied some state of the art Pickup Artistry on some HB 10 (“hot babe 10”) and you’re about to add another notch to your “girls I’ve totally had sex with” belt – and she has the gall to tell you “no.” Should you be worried?
Pickup artist Roosh Valizedah (whom we were talking about just yesterday) says, er, no. Apparently “no” (when the word is uttered by a girl you are groping) is actually a variant of “yes.” Who knew?
While every feminist likes to repeat the phrase “No means no,” it depends on context. Here’s a guide:
“No” when you try to take off her jeans or shirt means… “You need to turn me on a lot more.”
“No” when you try to take off her bra means… “Try again in five minutes.”
“No” when you try to take off her panties means… “Don’t give up now!”
I find the only word that means no is “stop.” If you hear that word then she’ll be asking you to leave soon after.
So just filter out everything she says other than the word “stop” and you’ll be fine. Oh, and if she actually starts punching you, that’s also a clue that she doesn’t want to have sex with you.
For every rape accusation I’d want to know at what stage of undress the girl was at before the supposed rape happened. If she was completely naked until saying no, and got there voluntarily, then I’d be reluctant to charge the man with rape unless there were signs of violence.
Gals need to remember, Roosh explains, that once a man gets a boner he’s pretty much helpless. His innate biological drives require that he either have sex with you (if you’re willing) or rape you (if you are unwilling and remember to say “stop” as well as “no”).
Women need to understand that men aren’t robots who can suddenly stop at the drop of a dime with all that testosterone pumping through their system. Therefore it would be prudent for them not to enter situations where the average man can’t stop due to his innate weaknesses as an animal whose entire existence depends on him successfully mating.
If it gets to that point, Roosh advises the ladies, you should just try to enjoy the rape as best you can – like it’s some sort of carnival ride.
Every roller coaster has a point while chugging up that first hill where’s there’s no turning back and you just need to hang on for the ride. In other words, don’t let a man on your bed unless you’re trying to get it.
So, In Roosh’s world, woman who merely say “no” shouldn’t complain about being raped, and men are basically slavering beasts controlled by their penises. What a lovely view of the world!
MSN, you exemplify pretty much everything I despise about cynics. And that is your blatant use of “everything seems horrible to me, so that must be the natural state of things” to defend inaction when it comes to horrid things in life, even going as far as to defend the horrid things themselves. Sure rose coloured glasses tend to distort your vision, but so do jade ones, and that’s what I find most cynics tend to forget.
The roller-coaster metaphor is horribly inaccurate. Human beings are not machines that you can’t communicate and reason with.
My father said some time ago that it doesn’t matter if it’s in the middle of a hot session of horisontal mambo that was completely consensual. If the other partner at any point says no (or otherwise indicates that they wish to stop) you better damn well stop.
Consent is, as many have pointed out, a process that continues troughout any interaction with another person.
This “Roosh” should keep far, far away from people in general.
He clearly has no understanding how humanity works.
you know he’s just doing it because he’s a dumb contrarian who needs attention, right? dude’s like msn dont actually believe in anything.
>Pretty sure that not all PUAs, or even PUA *gurus* advocate this kind of behavior whatsoever. Seduction itself is not about rape.
It seems that ignoring the “no” and using a variety of methodes to overcome that so-called “Last minute resistance” is pretty standard in current-day PUA methodology. but then again, I’ve only read that one book about the dude who eventually shagged up with Courtney Love’s Guitarrist, so I won’t claim even informed amateur status on the topic.
And Nomless once again whips out the “no true scotsman”.
He asked what about PUA could be seen as rapey. He got an answer, from a big name PUA, and his answer… No one who has any sense listens to him.
There you have it, he’s a big name PUA because NO ONE LISTENS TO HIM.
Nope, all the guys whom one never hears advocating rape, those are the true face of PUA.
Roosh, however, has been saying this shit for years. He’s published books saying all this stuff. But you say he’s just faking it for the Lulz.
I will concede that some aspects of feminism are just and proper. Women should have some say of how many children they want…
While it doesn’t look good for you in terms of marriage, at the minimum any educated, employed man in a first-world nation should be able to sleep with a handful of decent women a year. But without having sexist beliefs, he will wholeheartedly struggle in that front. Here’s what it means to be a sexist:
Having a low level of respect for women.
Having the belief that the genders are not equal (you should nod or smile at the following quote: “A woman can do anything a man can do, as long as a man first shows her how”).
Not listening to them about anything.
Studying flavors of game based on the alpha-male model, an effective countermeasure to feminism.
Preferring the company of compliant, feminine women of different nationalities where feminism has not made strong inroads (Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, South America).
Add that to… Well, if I’m on a date with a girl I will happily listen to her stories, observational comments, or experiences with a committed hobby she has worked hard on, but the moment she starts trying to preach or educate me on matters she has little true understanding on, I know she has gotten too big for her britches. Too many guys before me allowed her to ramble on about nonsense without telling her to shut the fuck up, and because of that she actually believes that she possesses wisdom or knows how to solve problems like men have done for centuries…
Well, if I’m on a date with a girl I will happily listen to her stories, observational comments, or experiences with a committed hobby she has worked hard on, but the moment she starts trying to preach or educate me on matters she has little true understanding on, I know she has gotten too big for her britches. Too many guys before me allowed her to ramble on about nonsense without telling her to shut the fuck up, and because of that she actually believes that she possesses wisdom or knows how to solve problems like men have done for centuries.
Over the past year I’ve been much more open to getting into a relationship with a girl I like, but unfortunately I can’t tame the dog inside me that wants to fuck a new girl every other week. So my current game strategy is to get a girl-next-door type who isn’t a club rat and treats me well and then return the favor by taking her out, pleasuring her, and caring for her when she has the sniffles. During that time I lie and creep on the side with random girls.
From a different post on how to cheat on people you are dating.
Physical evidence is the killer. You can always deny rumors or purported sightings by a friend, but a tiny piece of condom wrapper laying at the side of your bed and she’ll never let it go. If she has no physical evidence on you, and did not you see with another girl, deny until you die. Be a sociopath and believe your denial. Tell her she’s crazy. She knows you’re a cheat and you know she knows you’re a cheat but she has no proof so… not guilty.
Of course, if a woman has a busy weekend, it’s not what she tells him, no:
Friday: Your Brazilian girl texts you from a party, says there are “a lot of gringos.” Stays there late.
Saturday: You send her a text at 6pm but she waits three hours before replying that she was “sleeping.”
Following Friday: She says she’ll be busy Saturday, but doesn’t say with whom. Even though it’s easier to say “I’m going out with Stevie,” some girls have trouble lying.
Saturday night: She says she is free.
Likely Story: She met a gringo on the first Friday and he asked her to a coffee date or drink early Saturday evening. There he told her to keep the following Saturday free but eventually flaked on her. This means she’s actively looking for better.
He is, (to go with his, “she ought to have some say in how many kids she has” bullshit) against women having an education.
Anything beyond a bachelors at a public university is a near guarantee she’ll possess a large basket of masculine traits that will prevent boners. Unless you’re a latent homosexual, you won’t get many benefits from a relationship with a woman on the right side of the chart.
So, for a guy whose not really a PUA… he sure puts a lot of effort into it, doing interviews with websites like
His followers are not against being violent to their partners, or against rape, they have a forum where they talk about their game.
(triggering about rape and violence)
I heard a theory that it goes back to the caveman days. Rape was so common on those days that women just had to accept it. Their brain evolved to a point were they just accepted being physically dominated and even started to enjoy it, as a survival mechanism. When they knew they were about to be raped they learned to not fight back, because fighting back lead to more serious injury or death.
Just a theory
And this gem.
RE: How To Choke A Woman
There is one nasty side-effect to choking….good luck getting rid of the girl after. She will become FATALLY ATTRACTED AND OBSESSED WITH YOU, if you execute the choke at the exact moment of her orgasm. Not kidding!
But hey, just in case you want to argue they didn’t know what they were talking about, one of the more active posters (more than 1,800 comments), said,
RE: How To Choke A Woman
Why aren’t we having more threads like this? This is righteous abuse.
So RooshV is having an effect on the world; based on the writings you dismiss as being something less than serious.
The word “geek” is overused and it was a mistake on my part to use it for what it meant some 20+ years ago. I do wonder if you’re serious that the odds of sleeping with you are much higher for a guy who is socially inept/weird than a normal guy or one who has the geek pretense but finely honed social skills.
@sharculese, oh of course, contrarians piss me off too, I really don’t get it, you’d think the whole, being contrary/offensive for the sake of being contrary/offensive thing would have gotten old by now.
Hooray for gaslighting. :-/
Nomless: What I truly think is that it bothers a lot of women that geek/unattractive guys just *might* figure out how to succeed in hooking up with women and getting laid.
I’m a geeky dude. I’ve never had a problem getting laid. I know lots of geeky dudes who get lots of sex.
I don’t think that’s it. I think it’s shit like, “Ignore her when she says no.”
For someone who claims to be so much smarter than everyone else, you are working really hard to make excuses for a guy who is advocating not getting consent/ignoring someone telling you they aren’t consenting.
PUA artists advocate for rape. Deal with it.
Weak countertroll is WEAKSAUCE.
Apparently according to Omnomnom, “real geeks” don’t have social skills.
So provide a half decent retort, we’re waiting.
Shorter Roosh: you ASKED for it, you sluts!
Also, I’m a geek, I have issues with social skills, actually scratch that, I’m an aspie and still my social skills are fine, anxiety is the root of my problem. However, I didn’t resort to PUA in order to try and attract people, I just admitted that dating is really hit or miss, and that I shouldn’t let a failed romance get me down. *GASP* It’s almost as if people who have self-esteem issues and social anxiety can come out of their shell without having to resort to rape and coercion tactics.
These guys really don’t believe that anyone is having sex outside of their paradigm, do they? They think everyone is playing these games, and they’re just learning to win more often. Whereas the rest of us are using a whole different set of rules, like “it doesn’t make you less important if you aren’t having much sex” and “it’s better to be horny with a clear conscience than a rapist”.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Do we really have to go through another 5 pages of your whining about being “socially inept” and unable to get laid? Jesus Christ, dude, everything is NOT about you and your penis.
I’m probably less likely to sleep with a guy who has worse social skills.
…Oh well? That’s my decision. Doesn’t mean he gets to go “well, I tried doing this the nice way and that didn’t work, so now I’m justified in manipulating and bullying and maybe outright raping you.”
Also, I’ve never really gotten a clear-cut definition of good vs. bad social skills, I just try to be awesome towards everyone unless they’re, you know saying/doing stuff that really needs to be called out. Is that good or bad?
@Mr. Sans Nom
So I’m a geek and there’s a few nerds around here. You’re a dork.
Thank you.
What are the odds that by ‘a guy who is socially inept/weird’ Nomnom is thinking of someone in particular…?
And really, why would any woman’s mission in life be ‘make sure x type of guy never gets laid’? As though we sit around stroking white cats and plotting how to reduce the sum total of sex in the world.
According to that diagram I’m a nerd then, my obsession is obscure EDM.
“The word “geek” is overused and it was a mistake on my part to use it for what it meant some 20+ years ago.”
So you’re going to deliberately use a word to describe something it does not actually mean, and then whinge about whether or not somebody else “means” what they say?
FTR, someone with bad social skills but absolute respect of boundaries is waaaaaaaay more fuckable than someone with great social skills who is also a rapist. But like Cliff said, if you choose not to fuck someone on top of that it’s your business.
Heheh, I’m somewhere between geek/nerd.
Or indeed if you don’t feel attracted to them because of social skills, which happens at a rather more subconscious level than anything I’d call a choice.
(Choice to only have sex with people who you feel attracted to is a choice, of course.)
Hmmm…why is wordpress skipping randomly between my two usernames!