antifeminism creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny narcissism penises rape rapey rhymes with roosh

Roosh V has a little trouble with the concept of “no.” [TW: Rape Apologia]

Recently, a nameless commenter here asked “What exactly is “rapey” about Pick Up Artistry?” The post below should help to answer that question.

Hey, fellas! Say you’ve applied some state of the art Pickup Artistry on some HB 10 (“hot babe 10”) and you’re about to add another notch to your “girls I’ve totally had sex with” belt – and she has the gall to tell you “no.” Should you be worried?

Pickup artist Roosh Valizedah (whom we were talking about just yesterday) says, er, no. Apparently “no” (when the word is uttered by a girl you are groping) is actually a variant of “yes.” Who knew?

While every feminist likes to repeat the phrase “No means no,” it depends on context. Here’s a guide:

“No” when you try to take off her jeans or shirt means… “You need to turn me on a lot more.”

“No” when you try to take off her bra means… “Try again in five minutes.”

“No” when you try to take off her panties means… “Don’t give up now!”

I find the only word that means no is “stop.” If you hear that word then she’ll be asking you to leave soon after.

So just filter out everything she says other than the word “stop” and you’ll be fine. Oh, and if she actually starts punching you, that’s also a clue that she doesn’t want to have sex with you.

For every rape accusation I’d want to know at what stage of undress the girl was at before the supposed rape happened. If she was completely naked until saying no, and got there voluntarily, then I’d be reluctant to charge the man with rape unless there were signs of violence.

Gals need to remember, Roosh explains, that once a man gets a boner he’s pretty much helpless.  His innate biological drives require that he either have sex with you (if you’re willing) or rape you (if you are unwilling and remember to say “stop” as well as “no”).

Women need to understand that men aren’t robots who can suddenly stop at the drop of a dime with all that testosterone pumping through their system. Therefore it would be prudent for them not to enter situations where the average man can’t stop due to his innate weaknesses as an animal whose entire existence depends on him successfully mating.

If it gets to that point, Roosh advises the ladies,  you should just try to enjoy the rape as best you can – like it’s some sort of carnival ride.

Every roller coaster has a point while chugging up that first hill where’s there’s no turning back and you just need to hang on for the ride. In other words, don’t let a man on your bed unless you’re trying to get it.

So, In Roosh’s world, woman who merely say “no” shouldn’t complain about being raped, and men are basically slavering beasts controlled by their penises. What a lovely view of the world!

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Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

And this doesn’t actually address my question. I asked why you assume humanity cannot improve on its own, not whether you think machines would get the job done quicker.

Because certain troublesome human behaviors never seem to go away, despite the stupendous efforts of people, particularly in the 20th century, to abrogate them completely. I can think of 2 examples in particular: Violence and intolerance(of differences).

12 years ago

Yeah, Steelepole has got to be a Poe.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

Evolution takes generations. “Generation” varies between bacteria and elephants, you know.

Bacteria evolve much faster than humans do. A big reason is that their genomes are much simpler(being prokaryotes). Besides, generations come and go over Time. So your attempt to contradict me failed because your claim and my claim are consistent.

12 years ago

i’m sorry? = excuse me?

12 years ago

Because certain troublesome human behaviors never seem to go away, despite the stupendous efforts of people, particularly in the 20th century, to abrogate them completely. I can think of 2 examples in particular: Violence and intolerance(of differences).

And why would these troublesome human behaviours not be present in robots? Why would robots not be violent or intolerant?

12 years ago

Excuse me? You know, you can dismiss me out of hand if you will; on the other hand, I’m confident saner heads will prevail. My station is, in fact, a rising corporate executive; this is a fact. I would prefer to avoid misrepresentation. Am I somehow unreasonable?

12 years ago

So your argument is “Change can’t happen because it takes too long.”

12 years ago

ah, back to excuse me? how fickle.

12 years ago

Am I somehow unreasonable?

Seeing as how you’re an arrogant, pompous, self-aggrandizing douche with a proven history of lying, I’m gonna say yes.

12 years ago

And really, your “station”? Fuck off with that snobby bullshit.

12 years ago


please let that work

12 years ago


Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

And why would these troublesome human behaviours not be present in robots? Why would robots not be violent or intolerant?

Why would they be present? At least we have more control over them(for now)than we do over our own brains.

12 years ago

Good one BigMomma! I had the exact same thought!

Could someone please re-hash the many things Steelepole has claimed to be? I mean, clearly we should all bow down to his STATION! but I’m having this small problem where it doesn’t seem to stay consistent for more than a couple of hours. Maybe Ella can clear that up for me.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

It’s true, change in human behavior takes millions of years, if not forever.

That’s why I’m typing these words on a chipped piece of obsidian, and will be uploading them to a woven grass network.

12 years ago

Pretentious dimwit! All for pretentious dimwit please disembark now!

(He did ask us to acknowledge his station.)

12 years ago

So, in essence, men are disgusting monsters that need to be locked away from the pubic.

And I’m the one that hates men. Kay.

12 years ago

Why would they be present? At least we have more control over them(for now)than we do over our own brains.

Why in the sweaty hell do you assume no one would program an intelligent robot to be violent or intolerant? You’re the one claiming to be the cynic here. If humanity is as ignoble and incapable of change as you claim, then what in the FUCK makes you think that someone designing a super-powered, hyper-intelligent robot could only do so only with the best intentions?

12 years ago

See, I’m an actual cynic. I think if we build super-intelligent robots it will be so that we can use them as weapons.

12 years ago

Hell. we’re already working on that now.

12 years ago

See, I’m an actual cynic. I think if we build super-intelligent robots it will be so that we can use them as weapons.

Yes, it would start that way, but then the super-intelligent robots would build hyper-intelligent robots, and the hyper-intelligent robots would build ultra-intelligent robots, and the ultra-intelligent robots would kill all humans.


12 years ago

Om Nom has clearly been watching the wrong sci-fi movies. Didn’t he see Terminator?

12 years ago

Needs moar FOTC

(hope that works)

12 years ago

Maybe that explains Om Nom’s inability to understand normal human interactions, like dating – he’s actually a Cylon.

12 years ago

No, of course men aren’t robots who stop trying to get in your pants when you say to stop, they’re robots who rape you if they get a boner.

How is it these guys can say shit like this and then declare the misandry to be coming from someone else’s direction?

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