Recently, a nameless commenter here asked “What exactly is “rapey” about Pick Up Artistry?” The post below should help to answer that question.
Hey, fellas! Say you’ve applied some state of the art Pickup Artistry on some HB 10 (“hot babe 10”) and you’re about to add another notch to your “girls I’ve totally had sex with” belt – and she has the gall to tell you “no.” Should you be worried?
Pickup artist Roosh Valizedah (whom we were talking about just yesterday) says, er, no. Apparently “no” (when the word is uttered by a girl you are groping) is actually a variant of “yes.” Who knew?
While every feminist likes to repeat the phrase “No means no,” it depends on context. Here’s a guide:
“No” when you try to take off her jeans or shirt means… “You need to turn me on a lot more.”
“No” when you try to take off her bra means… “Try again in five minutes.”
“No” when you try to take off her panties means… “Don’t give up now!”
I find the only word that means no is “stop.” If you hear that word then she’ll be asking you to leave soon after.
So just filter out everything she says other than the word “stop” and you’ll be fine. Oh, and if she actually starts punching you, that’s also a clue that she doesn’t want to have sex with you.
For every rape accusation I’d want to know at what stage of undress the girl was at before the supposed rape happened. If she was completely naked until saying no, and got there voluntarily, then I’d be reluctant to charge the man with rape unless there were signs of violence.
Gals need to remember, Roosh explains, that once a man gets a boner he’s pretty much helpless. His innate biological drives require that he either have sex with you (if you’re willing) or rape you (if you are unwilling and remember to say “stop” as well as “no”).
Women need to understand that men aren’t robots who can suddenly stop at the drop of a dime with all that testosterone pumping through their system. Therefore it would be prudent for them not to enter situations where the average man can’t stop due to his innate weaknesses as an animal whose entire existence depends on him successfully mating.
If it gets to that point, Roosh advises the ladies, you should just try to enjoy the rape as best you can – like it’s some sort of carnival ride.
Every roller coaster has a point while chugging up that first hill where’s there’s no turning back and you just need to hang on for the ride. In other words, don’t let a man on your bed unless you’re trying to get it.
So, In Roosh’s world, woman who merely say “no” shouldn’t complain about being raped, and men are basically slavering beasts controlled by their penises. What a lovely view of the world!
Did someone say cat?
Soccer blue!
What is that horrible Anglo-Saxonism doing in the middle of such a beautiful turn of French phrase?
Really? Is that why? Here I thought it was because they weren’t actually NICE, they were actually whiny douchebags who foolishly believed they were entitled to sex by virtue of their being a resentful doormat with the sole purpose of getting laid.
Because the more logical answer is that women are LYING! ALWAYS! Women couldn’t possibly want to be with someone because they’re kind and nice to be around!
Nobody’s saying that IS unique, just that for some people personality outweighs looks, or it can be more of a sliding scale. I’ve been very attracted to men who at first glance didn’t strike my fancy too much but after having good conversations with them, my perception changed. People become a lot more attractive to me if they are also kind, funny and smart. For that, I am also not unique. I’m not saying that everyone falls in love the same as I do, but not everyone falls for people the same way YOU DO either. Hey, people are different! Who’da thunk?
Also, people are attracted to you? I thought you had SUCH A HARD TIME getting people to be attracted to you by virtue of “things you can’t control”?
And besides, what you’re saying still doesn’t make any sense. Just because you enjoy someone’s company, yet don’t want a romantic or sexual relationship with them does not mean you would be MORE inclined to want to date and/or fuck them if they were unattractive to you AND terrible to you. If a guy friend of mine who I liked, but didn’t want to fuck suddenly started acting like an insufferable douchebag, I wouldn’t be all “OMG I LOVE YOU 4EVAH! FUCK ME NOW!” I’d be like “Jesus, what the fuck’s up with him?” and start actively seeking reasons to avoid him.
But I mean, of course, how can you believe what I’m saying, right? What with my lying lady lips and all. Christ, you are a real piece of work.
How do you say three felines drowned in french?
3 4 5
Trois Quatre Cinq
That’s Chiac, the Maritimes dialect of French/English/whatever. It’s actually quite amusing to hear people make hipster comedy rap in it.
He is judging. He is judging. So. Hard.
Ohh, right, I forgot the bit that would appear to be casual racism, Interactions between the French colonists and the Míkmaq natives are a pretty huge element of New Brunswick history, and there’s still a sort of joking rivalry here, it’s kind of weird to explain.
@aworldanonymous: No worries. I figured it was a dialect thang. They taught me French As She Is Spoke in les salons de Paris depuis cent annes.
And the calcified old goats who want to erase French borrow-words like “jogging” and “week-end” are probably ready for their graves, if you ask me.
Hell, I know how much they hated “un Coca” ten years ago, and we didn’t even have Google then. Now there’s a verb based on Google!
I mean, I speak English, which is a word kleptomaniac.
OK, I’m a bit of a prescriptivist, but… “les chicken wings.”
I saw a French fast food chain website. It had something like:
Les chicken wings
Ailerons de poulet avec…
I think they’re trying for “inventive” brand naming.
Canadian Frenches are a different dialect of French, yes, but no less real/distinct for that. “French” is a dialect of French. The present dominance of Parisian French didn’t happen until after the Revolution.
whataboutthemoonz: I meant like “quatre” would be pronounced “cat-ruh” instead of “cat”.
Actually, one of the things which was interesting in Paris was that I had to add endings to words I’d been taught were not possesed of pronounced terminals… such as quatre.
Yes, actually. They may be few in number, but I know from direct experience that they exist. 😉
I am aware that there are plenty of people who are attracted to other aspects of a person besides their appearance. However, people aren’t always aware of exactly why they’re attracted to someone else. So it’s not that a person is necessarily lying when they say they like someone else because they’re nice, that just might be all that they can think of at the moment as there are surely other factors which they might not even be aware of! People aren’t always so deliberate and intentional, ya know.
Salut encore Monsieur Trou de Cul, Pourrais tu maintenant nous donner vos sources?
Én nem reagálnak betöltő franciai! És ez vonatkozik minden van.
Isthay isway ettingay eryvay illysay.
I love how he says “people are individuals” as sarcasm. What, because people fucking aren’t? Jesus dude, no wonder you fucking hate humanity, you assume everyone is just as stupid and terrible as you.
People are never straightforward! Also, it is never in your best interest to be straightforward with someone to whom you are attracted! They might reject you! Which is definitely WAY worse than suffering in silence and wondering “what if?”!
Haha, guys, I didn’t really mean what I said, I just say stupid shit cause I’m a moron!
You are not listening. We said “guys can be kind and respectful and have no trouble attracting women”. You heard, “being kind and respectful is the cheat code! Score!” No. Being nice does not need to be a hinderence for someone trying to navigate relationships. That does not mean that being a decent human being is the magical combination that will win you insta-sex no matter what. People aren’t algebra problems.
But if your sole motivation for being “nice” is to get laid, then you aren’t “nice”. You’re, at best, rather pathetic.
Oh thank goodness! I was worried! /sarcasm
Seriously, I don’t know what the fuck you are even trying to say. You’re basically PROVING OUR POINT. You keep saying “EVERYONE LIKES THESE THINGS” and then saying how horrible it is because you aren’t those things and nobody wants to fuck you but, what’s this? Some people do? Thank heaven! There is a god! OR, you know, people have different preferences. Which, apparently sometimes includes insufferable trolls. Not my taste, but hey, takes all kinds.
So then why the fuck would PUA be helpful? I mean, if people are too stupid to even know their OWN minds when it comes to sex or romance, what the fuck makes you think a total fucking stranger would know better?
I think most people are smart enough to learn from their experiences and assess from them what they want in a partner. And usually (ideally) those traits they want in a partner do not include someone who is a total shitlord to them (and ideally, to others as well). But yeah, maybe sometimes people love people because of little things they can’t even place. But, again, you’re basically proving our point. There are about a squillion and four little things usually that make up the people we are attracted to. And sometimes you don’t even know what those things are, it could just be the way that person brushes their hair, or how they’re always early to everything or how they’re always sure to carry a writing utensil on their person at all times. But That’s kind of the POINT of why being nice isn’t a “cheat code” for sex. It’s generally a requirement, just not the ONLY requirement. But just because being nice isn’t a cheat code doesn’t mean you should stop being nice.
Brushing hair. Unf.
Ah, la pauvre petit Monsieur, Il ne veut pas prendre le temps pour transler la langue de son nom.
Aussi, tu viens de l’Hongrie, Monsieur Trou de Cul?
Ignorant Yokel/Brave and Edgy Speaker of Unpleasant Truths: “Men are taller than women.”
Manboobzer: “I can’t even with this. I know a woman who’s 6’2″, so what the actual fuck. People are individuals. You can’t generalize. And you even admit that not every man is taller than every woman, which means that you acknowledge that you were just trolling when you said that!”
… derp fail
false equivalence
Ah, ici on a lui qui gratte la cerveau, Tu sais que ton point est tout simplement un attaque ad hominem, non? Tu dois nous donner quelque chose meilleur que ca.
Je m’amuse un peu trop avec ceci je crois. Tant pis pour ceux qui se baladent ici.