antifeminism creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny narcissism penises rape rapey rhymes with roosh

Roosh V has a little trouble with the concept of “no.” [TW: Rape Apologia]

Recently, a nameless commenter here asked “What exactly is “rapey” about Pick Up Artistry?” The post below should help to answer that question.

Hey, fellas! Say you’ve applied some state of the art Pickup Artistry on some HB 10 (“hot babe 10”) and you’re about to add another notch to your “girls I’ve totally had sex with” belt – and she has the gall to tell you “no.” Should you be worried?

Pickup artist Roosh Valizedah (whom we were talking about just yesterday) says, er, no. Apparently “no” (when the word is uttered by a girl you are groping) is actually a variant of “yes.” Who knew?

While every feminist likes to repeat the phrase “No means no,” it depends on context. Here’s a guide:

“No” when you try to take off her jeans or shirt means… “You need to turn me on a lot more.”

“No” when you try to take off her bra means… “Try again in five minutes.”

“No” when you try to take off her panties means… “Don’t give up now!”

I find the only word that means no is “stop.” If you hear that word then she’ll be asking you to leave soon after.

So just filter out everything she says other than the word “stop” and you’ll be fine. Oh, and if she actually starts punching you, that’s also a clue that she doesn’t want to have sex with you.

For every rape accusation I’d want to know at what stage of undress the girl was at before the supposed rape happened. If she was completely naked until saying no, and got there voluntarily, then I’d be reluctant to charge the man with rape unless there were signs of violence.

Gals need to remember, Roosh explains, that once a man gets a boner he’s pretty much helpless.  His innate biological drives require that he either have sex with you (if you’re willing) or rape you (if you are unwilling and remember to say “stop” as well as “no”).

Women need to understand that men aren’t robots who can suddenly stop at the drop of a dime with all that testosterone pumping through their system. Therefore it would be prudent for them not to enter situations where the average man can’t stop due to his innate weaknesses as an animal whose entire existence depends on him successfully mating.

If it gets to that point, Roosh advises the ladies,  you should just try to enjoy the rape as best you can – like it’s some sort of carnival ride.

Every roller coaster has a point while chugging up that first hill where’s there’s no turning back and you just need to hang on for the ride. In other words, don’t let a man on your bed unless you’re trying to get it.

So, In Roosh’s world, woman who merely say “no” shouldn’t complain about being raped, and men are basically slavering beasts controlled by their penises. What a lovely view of the world!

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12 years ago

This is AMERICA, dude! So speak english or STFU.

Je parlerai que je veux! Si tu comprends pas, googlez “Google translate.”

(Oui, “googler” est un verbe francais!)

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

The nonsense about solvent chemistry? Just that, nonsense. If you had worked to develop the metaphor you might have some sort of workable way of describing things, but no, you took a bit of pseudo-science, pretended reactive chemistry was like “personal chemistry’ and then expected us to just accept it, as is.

Sounds to me like you’ve never messed around in a chemistry lab. If you think “like dissolves like” is bullshit, then please show me how to dissolve mercury in a hydrophobic, oil based solvent that can also dissolve a styrofoam cup.

12 years ago

And as the apple of xenophobia falls from the tree of self-absorption, there’s just enough time for a round of Narcissist’s Book Club.

Translation: I’m in England, you dumbarse, and the Internet is not your precious country.

In a moment Samantha will have the trolls’ scores…

12 years ago

Sounds to me like you’ve never messed around in a chemistry lab. If you think “like dissolves like” is bullshit, then please show me how to dissolve mercury in a hydrophobic, oil based solvent that can also dissolve a styrofoam cup.

Please stop being needlessly contrary. It isn’t bullshit when doing chemistry. It has no applicability to the conversation at hand; as a metaphor, it fails to cleave close enough to the truth of the matter to have any worth.

12 years ago

Nomless: I am not disputing the chemistry… I am disputing the metaphor… just like I said.

Here, I’ll repeat it. . If you had worked to develop the metaphor you might have some sort of workable way of describing things, but no, you took a bit of pseudo-science, pretended reactive chemistry was like “personal chemistry’

See, the part where you too the metaphoric use of chemistry in interpersonal relations, “Those two just had bad chemistry”,and pretended that actual solvent chemistry was involved… that’s the bullshit.

I even said it in English, so you ought to have understood it.

Also… the bullshit, still bullshit, and you still aren’t actually putting up an argument to go with the empty rhetoric, just trying to flim-flam a defense by pretending I denied something I didn’t.

The only hope you have to make TotY is that NWO and Meller are phoning it in, and Tommy-Boy has gone all, “buy my videos”. Varpole might find his feet again; but Brandon is banned, so you could pull it off.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

It has no applicability to the conversation at hand; as a metaphor, it fails to cleave close enough to the truth of the matter to have any worth.

I disagree. And so do many research psychologists. But if you’d me to, I’ll do some homework and cite my sources.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

The reason why those whiny “nice guys” don’t get women is because they foolishly believe that by being civil to women and treating them well, they can convince women to *become* attracted to them even if said women don’t feel any such feelings whatsoever. Somebody could say “well I fell for him cuz he’s a gentleman and treats me with respect”, but you cannot honestly verify if she is actually telling the truth, or at least the Whole Truth. If I dont find someone sexually attractive who is nice to me, I will be friends with them but will reject any attempts by them to take it any further. And for that I’m not unique! I don’t see what’s so unreasonable or outrageous about this notion.

12 years ago

We know you disagree, we can read.

If you can’t be arsed to do the research, or at least put up something better than, “Sweeping claim of my beliefs as dispositive fact for all genders & all sexualities, in contradiction of the personal reports of others”, we will be happy to continue to point at laugh while you dance.

Howard Bannister
12 years ago

Somebody could say “well I fell for him cuz he’s a gentleman and treats me with respect”, but you cannot honestly verify if she is actually telling the truth, or at least the Whole Truth.

Ah, right! Because Who Can Know What a Woman Wants, amiright?

….Is this the year 2012, or what?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

So if like dissolves like, then won’t jerks just get to date a bunch of jerk women?

That doesn’t seem like much fun.

12 years ago


I was sort of telling you why your counterargument was Total Bullshit, because you were (I assume wilfully) misinterpreting it.

I actually cannot be arsed spending the effort to persuade you myself. I just don’t think it’s worth it. But allowing idiocy and disingenousness to go unchallenged is a violation of my Internet Paladin’s Code.

12 years ago

Youhou! Francophones du monde entier, unissons nous et envahissons le blog! Et puisque je suis en France, Manboobz y est aussi.

12 years ago

Somebody could say “well I fell for him cuz he’s a gentleman and treats me with respect”, but you cannot honestly verify if she is actually telling the truth, or at least the Whole Truth.

“You can’t ever be sure that women are telling the truth about what attracts them to people, so the only viable course of action is to be a raging douchecanoe!” Makes perfect sense.

12 years ago

By the way, even if I felt that being a jerk to potential partners/anyone could guarantee me more partnered sex, or (as MSN is apparently claiming now) the exact same amount of partnered sex, I still wouldn’t want to do it. People deserve basic respect and courtesy, regardless of how that will ultimately affect your sex life.

12 years ago

@Viscaria: Well said.

12 years ago

Aye, agreed.

Being a git is shit! Let’s not do it!

12 years ago

Nomless: Somebody could say “well I fell for him cuz he’s a gentleman and treats me with respect”, but you cannot honestly verify if she is actually telling the truth, or at least the Whole Truth.

And your proposition is no better. It’s worse, actually. If I assume that, absent evidence to the contrary, someone is telling me the truth, and act on it, I am much more likely to be in consonance with their interests/desires than if I presume they have no fucking clue what they want, and I can just buffalo them with some “game”.

And then… qu’elle surprise, when that doesn’t work, you can go off about how people are completely incomprehensible. It’s a lose/lose situation, for your sex life, but it does make it a lot easier to have a whingey wankfest about how women are all lying liars who don’t know what they want.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

A woman telling her emotions: could, conceivably, be lying or misunderstanding.

NomNom’s opinions that he just made up out of thin air: UNQUESTIONABLY RELIABLE.

12 years ago

It doesn’t make sense to bet that women get off on being abused. Paraphilia is a mostly male phenomenon.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

It doesn’t make sense to bet that women get off on being abused. Paraphilia is a mostly male phenomenon.


Just like masochists don’t run into traffic to indulge their fetish, submissives don’t seek out abuse to indulge theirs. Fetishes are things people pursue in controlled sexual situations, not things that they like so much that they’re willing to ignore all real-life concerns to get them.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

Ah, right! Because Who Can Know What a Woman Wants, amiright?

Well, actually, that seems to be a common theme in this blog. Not only are people individuals, but they have nothing in common with each other when it comes to their needs and wants! *sarcasm*

However, keep in mind that even when a person knows what they want, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s in their best interests to disclose it. People often don’t reveal their motives in case you haven’t noticed. I stated earlier that “women like jerks” is just a catchy phrase but is often inaccurate IRL.

Do you really think women have no concern about not wanting to seem “easy”? If a woman comes across as easy she’ll have every creep on the block hitting on her constantly. If all a guy has to do to get with said woman is to behave nicely, than that really does make her seem both easy and kinda desperate.

12 years ago

You seem to be equating “behave nicely” with “behave nicely and be attractive in that particular woman’s entirely personal set of standards”.

12 years ago

Wow, ‘whoooooosh.’

12 years ago

(not you, Morka)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Do you really think women have no concern about not wanting to seem “easy”? If a woman comes across as easy she’ll have every creep on the block hitting on her constantly. If all a guy has to do to get with said woman is to behave nicely, than that really does make her seem both easy and kinda desperate.

Do you have any understanding that women’s lives aren’t theoretical constructs? Some people have to actually live them.

No, obviously there’s no woman who dates every guy who’s ever been nice to her. I mean, think of the scheduling problems! But there’s nothing “easy” about dating a particular guy because he’s nice.

(Also, how does every creep on the block even know about this? It’s not like women’s romantic decisions and reasoning are automatically broadcast in a five-mile radius.)

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