antifeminism eivind berge MRA threats

Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger Eivind Berge released from jail. Court rules that threats on the internet do not count as incitement

Eivind Berge

Eivind Berge, the Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger who was arrested after making repeated death threats against police on his blog, has been released from jail. The country’s Supreme Court has ruled that his comments – in which, among other things, he talked about how killing police was on his “bucket list” – are not illegal. His property will be returned to him and he is evidently entitled to compensation for his time in jail.

As far as I can figure it from the Google-translated articles I’ve read, the Supreme Court has ruled that statements on the internet are not “public” and therefore his threats don’t count as “incitement” under the law. Here’s what one article says:

Supreme Court’s Appeals Committee believes statements Berge has made ​​on his blog are not covered by the Freedom of the definition in the Penal Code. incitement to violence and murder of police officers are therefore not presented publicly in the legal sense and therefore is not criminal, says the Supreme Court.

Apparently the issue was a fairly narrow legal one. According to the same article, the law under which he was prosecuted (written long before the birth of the Internet) “operates with a public safety and publishing concept that … do not take account of electronic publishing on the Internet.” The majority on the Supreme Court, the article goes on to say, felt that “the indictment includes actions that are clearly worthy of punishment,” but that existing law does not allow punishment for statements made on the Internet.

If anyone here knows Norwegian, let me know if this is correct. Here and here are several more articles in Norwegian, translated by Google. Here’s an article in English, written before the Supreme Court rendered its judgment, that spells out the issues a little more clearly.

On his blog, Berge celebrates his victory in the courts:

My blog is legal after all. The police had no lawful basis for pursuing criminal charges against me. This means the case has collapsed for the prosecution and I will be entitled to compensation for the three weeks I spent in prison. I was arrested and jailed for speech which the Supreme Court has ruled is legal, so obviously the entire prosecution was utterly baseless.

He considers his release a giant victory for Men’s Rights:

Being a political prisoner provided a welcome boost to my activism. … The entire process has been tremendously empowering for the Men’s Rights Movement. This spectacular prosecution of an MRA sparked debate and demonstrated to the horror of the feminist establishment that there are more antifeminists out there than they knew. I am not some kind of extremist easily dismissed, even though some of my writings may appear somewhat ungenteel. While my kind of violent rhetoric is legal, it is no longer needed. We are strong enough to fight feminism in more elegant and subtle ways now.

I will highlight some of Berge’s “ungenteel” opinions in future posts.

See here and here for previous posts of mine on Berge, which include many examples of his “violent rhetoric.”


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Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

You do know that there exist private dating agencies? I mean, you think that they should be nationalised which is… actually, I’m not sure what that is. But until the glorious day when you can take a number in your local Federal Dating Bureau, you could avail yourself of one of those?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Whoops! That’s what I get for skipping over the wall o’text straight to the last paragraph; I missed the second last paragraph. If you really believe what you wrote there, then do not go to a dating agency, use a dating website or even look at a lonely hearts column in a newspaper. A lifetime of loneliness and frustration is too good for you. Eat shit and die.

12 years ago

As for relationships, I am not asking them to provide me a relationship but a chance for a relationship by setting me up on dates,

Ever heard of dating services?

All I do hope is that you know is that not all decent people get relationships today.

The same was true yesterday. And it will be true tomorrow. It is, always has been, and always will be a reality that NOBODY IS ENTITLED TO A RELATIONSHIP.

12 years ago

Social justice is also not forcing people to be another’s companion, its wrong and an obvious breach of HUMAN RIGHTS. You can’t force people to like each other or fuck each other, its not okay AT ALL.

You are calling for sexual slavery on women so FUCK OFF.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

avictimofmurderers is pretty frakking creepy, but I do have a question for him. Sometimes he sounds like he just wants sex, and other times, a relationship. Which is it? If you are that desperate, why can’t you just start out with a one-nighter?

Also dude, there is stuff like Craigslist personals and AdultFriendFinder where you don’t have to pay ANYONE to find someone wanting a fling!

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Snowy, telling me to go away is no refutation. You were probably never incel, at least not for a long time.

Fucking children. You are not unique special snow flakes who are the only people who have ever experienced this paiiiiin whoa is meeeee.

On the other hand, if Snowy is a woman a concept of incel could be entirely alien to her….

I’d been there, without a relationship, and *your* concept of it as this horrific thing that causes MASSIVE DAMAGE YO is alien to me, because it’s alien period. It sucks, sure, but not to the extent you idiots pretend it does.

I never heard a feminist or a woman in general, expect Emma, admitting that incel is a dangerous, painful problem for which there is no cure.

Because it ain’t. Even you know there’s a cure, you’re just trying to pretend it doesn’t exist.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I’m also curious about “permanently incel” men. Like, in order to be “permanently incel”, you have to KNOW you’re never going to have sex. I don’t think that’s a sure thing until after someone is dead.

12 years ago

“I never said government should sponsor prostututes but trained sex surrogates and arrange dates for shy men, which could go either way, It’s no guarantee for success.”

So you want taxes to pay for a government sponsored sex worker who might decide not to fuck you, rather than just paying a sex worker directly and actually getting laid?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Also, HOW LONG do you not have to be able to have sex in order to be considered incel? I’ve had a couple year-to-six-month stretches where I never had sex with anyone. Do those count? Does a week without sex count, if I’d really really like to get laid then?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

It’s not the size of the celibacy that matters. It’s how you use your sense of entitlement.

12 years ago

Sharculese, you obviously have massive reading comprehesnion problems. Nobody should force anybody to sleep with me, just arrange me a date in which I might as well be rejected. It’s happened before, but guess what- there were times it didn’t and the relationship eventually started and lasted for months.

Magical laura, if you look around you you will see that many women breed with reprehensible people. Puerile attempt of insult.

Dracula – “Let me ask you a question, creepo: Which is worse, having no one to play tennis with, or getting beaten over the head with a racquet?”

That is a breattakingly stupid comaprison. You could always find other place to play tennis and and your inability to play it now won’t have devastating effects on your sexual and emotional needsl Incel don’t have that other tennis court to play and their lack of tennis is devastating. What if tennis is one the primary human needs, something that’s starts families, and you can’t play it? I’d rather be beaten with a raquet once and fulfill my human needs later.

“What will be your great victory, hero, government offering you women to rape?”

No. Government setting up incel people for dates and wining them in the clubs,. Rape has absolutely nothing to do with that. Nothing at all.

“I’ve never been incel because that is a ridiculous made up thing. I have, sadly, been inboerboel. To this very day I am inboerboel and the pain of it is more unbearable than anyone could ever possibly understand”

You’ve never been ince because you a woman, A woman with no empathy for anybody but her feminazi ilk.

“I’ve had male friends who were ‘incel’* for years. However, they were decent and kind people. In the long run, it was enough to make them find relationship. However, even if they had not, they wouldn’t have gone and murder or rape people. Because decent people don’t do that..”

Good for them but not all lonely men react like that. Some of them kill themselves because of incel and the people resposible for that are those who refused to help them. Just because your male friends didn’t react that way doesn’t mean there are others won’t.

I am a 30-year old man and I’ve never had sex in my life. It’s not a big fucking deal.
I have friends and family that fulfil my emotional needs.
I have ways of dealing with my sexual desires, yes, desires, not “needs.
You don’t represent me and you don’t represent any of the vast number of other men who are perfectly capable of going without sex and still be decent people. Go fuck a lemon.”

I never said I represent all incel men, just those who can’t stand that condition anymore. Most of them can but I’d like to see a society where 20 percent of men are incel and not castrated. There would be much more violence.

And spare me the condescdeing words like “decent”, Are my parents or government, who refuse to set me up with somebody for 8 years decent? No, they are scum and murderers.

12 years ago

I agree that incel as a painful as rape, if not worse, and will always defend that point.


Rape is usually a one time thing and time passes by, eventually somewhat blunting the trauma, even if it will never go away. Incel follows you every day, destroying your motivation and making you into a living dead man if you have normal testostrerone levels,.

Hi, Robert. I’m a government employee. I’m here to help. Based on these helpful facts you’ve provided about your opinions, I’ve matched you with the perfect woman for you:

Please stay with her forever and never approach any other woman, because you are a disgusting sack of shit.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Oooh! Oooh! Call on me, Mr. Kotter!

What about gay men who can’t get a date? Will the government be helping them out, too?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Nobody should force anybody to sleep with me, just arrange me a date in which I might as well be rejected. It’s happened before, but guess what- there were times it didn’t and the relationship eventually started and lasted for months.

Dude, if you’ve had relationships that lasted “for months”, YOU’RE NOT INCEL.

Also, why do these arranged dates work better than the ones you arrange for yourself? You can’t like, get pointers from them?

12 years ago

And spare me the condescdeing words like “decent”, Are my parents or government, who refuse to set me up with somebody for 8 years decent?

Yes. No decent human being would inflict a staggeringly self-absorbed asshole who threatens to murder people if he doesn’t get laid and says rape is less of a big deal than his boner on other people. Anyone who would push someone else to interact with you, knowing the things you’ve said, is pretty much by definition not a decent person.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’m sure a guy who thinks that not getting laid is THE WORST THING EVER will be totally chill and understanding when his government-mandated date decides not to sleep with him, right?

12 years ago

incel is a dangerous, painful problem for which there is no cure.

@avctimofselfpity, take refuge in the music, man

12 years ago

Robert, you may well be the biggest whiny-ass titty baby we’ve had around here, and that is saying something.

Without help proposed by my program some men will never ever get a kiss. But nobody cares about their suffering.

You’re right, because when these outstanding fucking losers try to take away women’s rights just because they can’t get laid, that’s when I give ZERO fucks about your plight and know that “incel” is the biggest pantload ever.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

If he’s a victim of murderers, does that mean that we have a ghost posting on this blog?


12 years ago


12 years ago

Dates not likely to end well:

“Hi, I am legally obliged because of my genitalia to spend 3.5 hours with you or the government will put me in prison.”

12 years ago

Sharculese, you obviously have massive reading comprehesnion problems. Nobody should force anybody to sleep with me, just arrange me a date in which I might as well be rejected. It’s happened before, but guess what- there were times it didn’t and the relationship eventually started and lasted for months.

forcing women to go on dates with you is fucked up as hell, whether or not you expect them to bang you, you spoiled fucking crybaby

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Maybe it’ll be a sort of community service thing. “I parked next to a fire hydrant. It was totally only for, like, five minutes, but the judge said I have to watch a movie with you. You want to see Human Centipede 3? Fuck it, I’ll just take the thirty days.”

12 years ago

Wait… What?

This guy wants the government to set him up on dates because he can’t get dates on his own?

No, you dipshit. No.

Will not happen. Move the fuck on.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Honestly, what is the government going to do that he can’t do using OKCupid? Force people to show up? What happened that one time where someone showed up on a date his parents (?) had arranged?

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