antifeminism eivind berge MRA threats

Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger Eivind Berge released from jail. Court rules that threats on the internet do not count as incitement

Eivind Berge

Eivind Berge, the Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger who was arrested after making repeated death threats against police on his blog, has been released from jail. The country’s Supreme Court has ruled that his comments – in which, among other things, he talked about how killing police was on his “bucket list” – are not illegal. His property will be returned to him and he is evidently entitled to compensation for his time in jail.

As far as I can figure it from the Google-translated articles I’ve read, the Supreme Court has ruled that statements on the internet are not “public” and therefore his threats don’t count as “incitement” under the law. Here’s what one article says:

Supreme Court’s Appeals Committee believes statements Berge has made ​​on his blog are not covered by the Freedom of the definition in the Penal Code. incitement to violence and murder of police officers are therefore not presented publicly in the legal sense and therefore is not criminal, says the Supreme Court.

Apparently the issue was a fairly narrow legal one. According to the same article, the law under which he was prosecuted (written long before the birth of the Internet) “operates with a public safety and publishing concept that … do not take account of electronic publishing on the Internet.” The majority on the Supreme Court, the article goes on to say, felt that “the indictment includes actions that are clearly worthy of punishment,” but that existing law does not allow punishment for statements made on the Internet.

If anyone here knows Norwegian, let me know if this is correct. Here and here are several more articles in Norwegian, translated by Google. Here’s an article in English, written before the Supreme Court rendered its judgment, that spells out the issues a little more clearly.

On his blog, Berge celebrates his victory in the courts:

My blog is legal after all. The police had no lawful basis for pursuing criminal charges against me. This means the case has collapsed for the prosecution and I will be entitled to compensation for the three weeks I spent in prison. I was arrested and jailed for speech which the Supreme Court has ruled is legal, so obviously the entire prosecution was utterly baseless.

He considers his release a giant victory for Men’s Rights:

Being a political prisoner provided a welcome boost to my activism. … The entire process has been tremendously empowering for the Men’s Rights Movement. This spectacular prosecution of an MRA sparked debate and demonstrated to the horror of the feminist establishment that there are more antifeminists out there than they knew. I am not some kind of extremist easily dismissed, even though some of my writings may appear somewhat ungenteel. While my kind of violent rhetoric is legal, it is no longer needed. We are strong enough to fight feminism in more elegant and subtle ways now.

I will highlight some of Berge’s “ungenteel” opinions in future posts.

See here and here for previous posts of mine on Berge, which include many examples of his “violent rhetoric.”


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12 years ago

Sharculese, most women don’t believe incel men exists at all simply because they are never in contact with them aside from an occasional online person admitting he is incel. They mostly enter relationships with sexually succesful men and all other men they see as somebody who should just make piece with his condition or be called a whining loser. I don’t say such things to women , at least not in the beggining, and most of the reject me on the first date so your sentence is a typical example of magical thinking.


To say that government or parents setting you up dates, where you might be rejected, is rapist shit is either utterly insane or trolling.

There is no therapy for incel. No medication, no talk therapy. Social anxiety isn’t incel- even if you’re not socially anxious there are various problems which might still keep you incel Without help proposed by my program some men will never ever get a kiss. But nobody cares about their suffering.

Snowy, telling me to go away is no refutation. You were probably never incel, at least not for a long time.

I never heard a feminist or a woman in general, expect Emma, admitting that incel is a dangerous, painful problem for which there is no cure. My goal is to obtain that cure.

12 years ago

“I believe that the government should arrange dates for permanently incel men”
You’re not entitled to have people at your disposition. Your issues won’t be resolves by the government. What needs are you talking about? Sex? Your hand and sex toys are here for that. Relationships? Try being a decent person to start.

12 years ago

Sharculese, most women don’t believe incel men exists at all simply because they are never in contact with them aside from an occasional online person admitting he is incel. They mostly enter relationships with sexually succesful men and all other men they see as somebody who should just make piece with his condition or be called a whining loser. I don’t say such things to women , at least not in the beggining, and most of the reject me on the first date so your sentence is a typical example of magical thinking.

do you seriously want a cookie for not explicitly stating your angry resentment towards women who don’t sleep with you?

To say that government or parents setting you up dates, where you might be rejected, is rapist shit is either utterly insane or trolling.

saying the government should force women to go out with you is straight up rapist shit.

12 years ago

You know married men, and women commit suicide as well, right?

“Without help proposed by my program some men will never ever get a kiss. ”
If government FORCES women to go on dates with you creeps, the odds of one of being attracted enough to want to kiss are close to zero. If kisses are such a vital need for you, go kiss each others.

12 years ago

it’s not anyone’s job to have sex with you, dude. what you are doing is straight up spoiled ass whining.

12 years ago


If you decide to commit a murder, that’s you’re responsibility not the responsibility of all those mean girls that would let you put your penis in their vagina.

12 years ago

*woudn’t let you

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

“I never heard a feminist or a woman in general, expect Emma, admitting that incel is a dangerous, painful problem for which there is no cure. My goal is to obtain that cure.”

Here’s a start: stop being a disgusting piece of shit. Not that I’d wish you on ANY woman (or man), not even my worst enemy.

12 years ago

I seriously doubt that “most women don’t think incel men exist”. Most PEOPLE are fully aware that there exist PEOPLE (yes, both men and women, there are tons of women who aren’t conventionally attractive and/or charming) who can’t get laid. And yes, that’s really painful, although it’s stupid to compare it to rape.

Now, if one simply wants an orgasm there’s the hand. If one simply wants to have sex with a live human being there’s prostitution. The problem is that if you’re lonely, you probably want more than that. You want somebody who WANTS you.
Sure, it would be theoretically possible for the government to sponsor prostitutes for people who can’t get laid otherwise. But magically making somebody WANT you is really beyond the government’s (or anybody else’s) power.

12 years ago

Women can’t have any men they want but can get a lot higher number of men than man could get women. Also, most women get sex in a matter of days, let alone hours, while incel men are forced to go without it for decades, unless they pay a prostitute, which is now illegal in some countries.
Many women can get paid for sex while male prostitutes are a rarity.

Simply, women are sought after while man’s sexuality has a lot lower value.

Honestly, you really believe that the number of male and female incels is the same? That’s hilarious.

Government will help men like us one day, we will organize, just like feminists did, and fight for our rights. I know we will be called losers, cowards and pussies along the way but I believe in our ultimate victory.

12 years ago

Government will help men like us one day, we will organize, just like feminists did, and fight for our rights. I know we will be called losers, cowards and pussies along the way but I believe in our ultimate victory.

no government will every buy into your creepy ass rape league. you can throw as many tantrums as you want, but you don’t have a right to make anyone sleep with you. that is fucked up.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Waah waah women don’t like me because because I am a reprehensible person.

12 years ago

Snowy, could you please make an argumented refutation as to why incel isn’t as bad as rape?

Let me ask you a question, creepo: Which is worse, having no one to play tennis with, or getting beaten over the head with a racquet?

12 years ago

You can get sex in ten minutes. Just not with another person.

What will be your great victory, hero, government offering you women to rape?

12 years ago

What’s funny is, by their own stupid standards they are the bottom of the totem pole. So what power exactly are they going to leverage to make us all rue the day we laughed at their DEVASTATING PROBLEM?

12 years ago

Snowy, telling me to go away is no refutation. You were probably never incel, at least not for a long time.

You’re right, it’s not. It’s telling you to go away and take your rapist bullshit with you. Do I owe you more than that? Should the government sponsor me to argue with you on the internet? And you’re right, I’ve never been incel because that is a ridiculous made up thing. I have, sadly, been inboerboel. To this very day I am inboerboel and the pain of it is more unbearable than anyone could ever possibly understand 🙁

12 years ago

I’ve had male friends who were ‘incel’* for years. However, they were decent and kind people. In the long run, it was enough to make them find relationship. However, even if they had not, they wouldn’t have gone and murder or rape people. Because decent people don’t do that.

And don’t pretend you have any clue what’s it’s like to be a woman who is not conventionally attractive. You obviously don’t.

*the quotes are there because I think this word is stupid

12 years ago

I’ve been “incel” for almost two years now. Somehow I have not reached “Urge to kill, rising” mode. Perhaps I’m mistaken in believing I’m a man. Or maybe ur whiny asses cast ur net too far.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Kyrie – “*the quotes are there because I think this word is stupid”

Agreed. I always thought “lonely” summed it up better, since it implies that someone is missing out on more than just sex by not being in a relationship. It also has the advantage that it doesn’t necessarily imply an ongoing condition, whereas for someone to make their sexual frustration the defining factor in their identity is self-defeating to say the least.

12 years ago

Robert: seconding the “put this crap on your blog, we don’t wanta read it” sentiment around here.

And also: your solution to incel men reads a shitload like the first steps toward sex slavery: the idea that anybody could say the government should get dates for incel men–OMGF, it’s…I don’t know. How do you even see this idea working:

Gov’t offers conventonally attractive young women (cuz I’m betting you don’t want the fatty four eyes I was–and still am!, amirite?) reductions on their student loan payments if they date incels?

There’s an agency set up to ‘vet’ incels (do you know how much freaking paperwork one has to fill out for foodstamps???????????????????????????????/ let alone other types of aid).

What will be the government guidelines for the dating? How will the success of the program be assessed?


That you seem to be presenting this as an actual plan and fail to even begin to understand the absolute numbing impossiblity (on all possible levels) of this approach says all I need to know about why nobody wants to spend time with you. And I don’t only mean women.

12 years ago



I am a 30-year old man and I’ve never had sex in my life. It’s not a big fucking deal.
I have friends and family that fulfil my emotional needs.
I have ways of dealing with my sexual desires, yes, desires, not “needs.
You don’t represent me and you don’t represent any of the vast number of other men who are perfectly capable of going without sex and still be decent people. Go fuck a lemon.

12 years ago

“What needs are you talking about? Sex? Your hand and sex toys are here for that. Relationships? Try being a decent person to start.”

I am not asking the government to provide me sex. There are prostitutes for that. However, sex in a loving relationship tends to be way better.

As for relationships, I am not asking them to provide me a relationship but a chance for a relationship by setting me up on dates, You don’t know if I am a decent percent or not, you don’t know what I do or how I act in life. All I do hope is that you know is that not all decent people get relationships today.

“You know married men, and women commit suicide as well, right?
If government FORCES women to go on dates with you creeps, the odds of one of being attracted enough to want to kiss are close to zero. If kisses are such a vital need for you, go kiss each others.”

I do know that married men and women commit suicide or even murder suicide but reasons why they do are are completely different when compared to what I am describing here.

Other part of your post is complete idiocy. Not all incel men are creeps, many of them are intelligent, highly educated, law abining and some eventually have success with women. I myself had a girlfriend and I’m not a virgin. It’s those who decent people but never have success is who I am worried about.

“it’s not anyone’s job to have sex with you, dude. what you are doing is straight up spoiled ass whining.”

I never said somebody should have sex with me but help me find a willing partner. So why should I pay taxes (I am not an extreme libertarian btw) or contribute to society that doesn’t want to help the problem that is destroying my life and which i am obviously unable to solve on my own?

“If you decide to commit a murder, that’s you’re responsibility not the responsibility of all those mean girls that would let you put your penis in their vagina.”

It’s your legal responsiblity, no doubt about that. But it is also a moral responsibility of your parents and governments who never even tried to help you, instead letting you fight on your own. I am convicned that this responsibilty should also become legal if the incel in question clearly asked for help multiple times. You might get lucky trying on your own but in mose cases your attempts of getting a gf on your onw will result disastrously.
Women themselves are not to blame. The small number of chances is.

“ere’s a start: stop being a disgusting piece of shit. Not that I’d wish you on ANY woman (or man), not even my worst enemy.”

yawn… I am an activist trying to save lives, not a disgusting piece of shit.

“seriously doubt that “most women don’t think incel men exist”. Most PEOPLE are fully aware that there exist PEOPLE (yes, both men and women, there are tons of women who aren’t conventionally attractive and/or charming) who can’t get laid. And yes, that’s really painful, although it’s stupid to compare it to rape.

Now, if one simply wants an orgasm there’s the hand. If one simply wants to have sex with a live human being there’s prostitution. The problem is that if you’re lonely, you probably want more than that. You want somebody who WANTS you.
Sure, it would be theoretically possible for the government to sponsor prostitutes for people who can’t get laid otherwise. But magically making somebody WANT you is really beyond the government’s (or anybody else’s) power.”

Even if some of them ankcowledge the existence of incel men they consider them creepy and losers. Rape is usually a one time thing and time passes by, eventually somewhat blunting the trauma, even if it will never go away. Incel follows you every day, destroying your motivation and making you into a living dead man if you have normal testostrerone levels,.

I never said government should sponsor prostututes but trained sex surrogates and arrange dates for shy men, which could go either way, It’s no guarantee for success.

12 years ago

“(b) an aggressively outspoken rape apologist;- like somebody said, he considers rape a crime which is similar to affirmative action, as it makes men poorer and therefore unable to attract a woman, making them incel. I agree that incel as a painful as rape, if not worse, and will always defend that point. Eivind made a great point about rape being a trauma which doesn’t have to prevent you from having a normal sexual life and the which is left behind by time while incel follows you around, never stopping being a problem. However, I initally disagreed with him because I thought that men can be attractive despite the lack of monetary funds and socialy status. On the other hand, the more I get to know women more I think he might be right, most of them are extremely hypergamous.”

You are a disgusting human being, and any woman around you is probably terrified if she’s picking up on any of your beliefs about sex. I’m not surprised that nobody will sleep with you. Why would they? You’ve just declared that you’ve decided that raping them is OK if you don’t approve of their dating choices.

“I believe that the government should arrange dates for permanently incel men”

So, that would mean…conscription for sexual service for women? Because if most women aren’t interested in a particular man now, they’re not going to be more interested just because a civil servant introduces them to him.

The other problem is, since you’re talking about emotional rather than just sexual needs, even if the government was to force women to have sex with you (which, ew – that happened in WW2, look up “comfort women”, and it’s considered a war crime and a case of human rights abuse for a reason), there’s no way for the government to force women to like you. Government sponsored rape is a disgusting idea, but government sponsored companionship in which you get to experience what it’s like to have a woman like you and treat you with affection is flat-out impossible.

“Government will help men like us one day, we will organize, just like feminists did, and fight for our rights. I know we will be called losers, cowards and pussies along the way but I believe in our ultimate victory.”

You have no “right” to either sex or companionship. No one does.

12 years ago

Which is it?

As for relationships, I am not asking them to provide me a relationship but a chance for a relationship by setting me up on dates

I never said government should sponsor prostututes but trained sex surrogates and arrange dates for shy men, which could go either way, It’s no guarantee for success.

You want government sponsored sex workers or the government to play match maker? Not that it matters because you are a creepy motherfucker anyway.

12 years ago

We don’t need to know what you’re like “in life”, you’ve already shown that you’re a giant shitlord by giving us your views on things.

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