antifeminism eivind berge MRA threats

Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger Eivind Berge released from jail. Court rules that threats on the internet do not count as incitement

Eivind Berge

Eivind Berge, the Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger who was arrested after making repeated death threats against police on his blog, has been released from jail. The country’s Supreme Court has ruled that his comments – in which, among other things, he talked about how killing police was on his “bucket list” – are not illegal. His property will be returned to him and he is evidently entitled to compensation for his time in jail.

As far as I can figure it from the Google-translated articles I’ve read, the Supreme Court has ruled that statements on the internet are not “public” and therefore his threats don’t count as “incitement” under the law. Here’s what one article says:

Supreme Court’s Appeals Committee believes statements Berge has made ​​on his blog are not covered by the Freedom of the definition in the Penal Code. incitement to violence and murder of police officers are therefore not presented publicly in the legal sense and therefore is not criminal, says the Supreme Court.

Apparently the issue was a fairly narrow legal one. According to the same article, the law under which he was prosecuted (written long before the birth of the Internet) “operates with a public safety and publishing concept that … do not take account of electronic publishing on the Internet.” The majority on the Supreme Court, the article goes on to say, felt that “the indictment includes actions that are clearly worthy of punishment,” but that existing law does not allow punishment for statements made on the Internet.

If anyone here knows Norwegian, let me know if this is correct. Here and here are several more articles in Norwegian, translated by Google. Here’s an article in English, written before the Supreme Court rendered its judgment, that spells out the issues a little more clearly.

On his blog, Berge celebrates his victory in the courts:

My blog is legal after all. The police had no lawful basis for pursuing criminal charges against me. This means the case has collapsed for the prosecution and I will be entitled to compensation for the three weeks I spent in prison. I was arrested and jailed for speech which the Supreme Court has ruled is legal, so obviously the entire prosecution was utterly baseless.

He considers his release a giant victory for Men’s Rights:

Being a political prisoner provided a welcome boost to my activism. … The entire process has been tremendously empowering for the Men’s Rights Movement. This spectacular prosecution of an MRA sparked debate and demonstrated to the horror of the feminist establishment that there are more antifeminists out there than they knew. I am not some kind of extremist easily dismissed, even though some of my writings may appear somewhat ungenteel. While my kind of violent rhetoric is legal, it is no longer needed. We are strong enough to fight feminism in more elegant and subtle ways now.

I will highlight some of Berge’s “ungenteel” opinions in future posts.

See here and here for previous posts of mine on Berge, which include many examples of his “violent rhetoric.”


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12 years ago

As for chances, it’s pretty certain that I will never meet a girl who will explicitly tell me she wants to be in a relationship with me half an hour after she met me.

You better hope you never do, because that shit’s creepy.

12 years ago

As for chances, it’s pretty certain that I will never meet a girl who will explicitly tell me she wants to be in a relationship with me half an hour after she met me.

Why is this a problem? Have you somehow convinced yourself that this happens all the time to everyone else?

People generally don’t decide that they want to be in a relationship half an hour after meeting you. They really really don’t. Not even if there’s instant physical attraction. In fact, I’d be quite worried if I ever met a woman who was that forward, as I’d assume an ulterior motive – probably correctly.

Most of your “problems” aren’t really problems at all, are they? Let’s be brutally honest here.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

nowy, I wasn’t asking the therapist to fuck me in her office but in her free time. Nobody would ever know, she would not lose her job.

Oh my god, that’s shit-tastic, I missed that, for a dubious definition of ‘miss’. Jesus fucking tapdancing christ, and Steele’s pretending he’s the victim here.

12 years ago

Eventually I will snap and there is no way to prevent it unless I get real help, by which I don’t mean therapy.

You know I will never be imprisoned for ideas alone without making direct threats and I will never make them. What I intend to do is only for me to know.
Right now I am a peaceful activist.

No comment.

Cassandra, why would I want a relationship with a 40 year-old woman? I don’t care about her at all. Unlike me, she’s not in mortal danger. She asked me how she could help me and I told her how. She refused, end of story.

It’s like this thing with the therapist just gets worse and worse the more he tries to explain it. You’re in mortal danger if someone you don’t even care about doesn’t want to have sex with you?

12 years ago

I’m 24 now, girls a lot younger than me have a lot more experience. I’m very scared. My time is running out fast and I’m very, very desperate.

It’s not you who should be scared, it’s any woman unfortunate enough to be around you. Also your parents, and any future therapists. Everyone who isn’t another “incel” guy, really.

Also, “access to cuddling”? That’s a big part of your problem right there. People are not things that you “access”. Neither is physical affection. I’m willing to bet that you are broadcasting the fact that you want to “access” people, and “access” things from them, and if you don’t get what you want you might go postal, loud and clear, like there’s someone following you around with a bullhorn going THIS GUY, HE IS A TOTAL CREEP, AND HE MIGHT HURT YOU IF YOU DON’T LET HIM ACCESS YOUR VAGINA AND YOUR HUGS AND YOUR CHILDBEARING CAPABILITY. ALSO WANTS TO SEE PARENTS MURDERED.

Of course no one wants to date you. You’re awful.

12 years ago

“Anyway, it’s my fault”

I know you’re sarcastic, but yes, it is. Grow up and take responsibility for the (terrible) way you manage your relationship.
Your depression is not your fault, obsessing on the women you can’t fuck and the date your parents don’t provide you rather that curing it is your fault.

And get over yourself. You’re young and had more relationship than plenty of people here. Stop whining and find new hobbies.

12 years ago

Cassandra, why would I want a relationship with a 40 year-old woman? I don’t care about her at all. Unlike me, she’s not in mortal danger. She asked me how she could help me and I told her how. She refused, end of story.

I can think of lots of excellent reasons for having a relationship with a 40-year-old woman, although obviously not that particular one.

Firstly, she’s likely to be far more sexually confident, particularly when it comes to knowing exactly what she wants. It’s hard to exaggerate just how much this will improve your own sex life, particularly if you’re insecure and inexperienced.

Secondly, she’s likely to be pretty blunt about your various shortcomings, and this is something that could also do you a power of good.

Thirdly, the chances are that such a relationship won’t last that long – my own 25+42 fling only lasted eighteen months. But I still look back on it, and her, with immense affection – we’re still friends to this day, in fact.

12 years ago


As for chances, it’s pretty certain that I will never meet a girl who will explicitly tell me she wants to be in a relationship with me half an hour after she met me.

This is not a thing which happens to much of anyone. Really. It’s never happened to me. I’ve had people I was head over heels for pretty quickly. I’ve had the reverse. But, “I want to be in a relationship” in half an hour.

No. Thank goodness. If someone did say that to me, I’d be a bit creeped. If that’s what you are looking for on your dates, I can see why you think they are all failures.

The Gov’t Dept. of Lonely Hearts you are fantasizing about won’t provide that either.

Therapy is supposed to make me feel ok that I am involuntary celibate? It never did and never will. Never. But people like you can’t accept that. It’s always my fault for not choosing the right therapist or not listening to him or something else…

Therapy is supposed to make you see that it’s not the end of the world. It’s not going to make it not suck. But if you aren’t working with the therapist, then it is your fault. If you just quit, it is your fault. If you just decide that there is no hope, that’s not on the therapist.

Newsflash, you aren’t in mortal danger.

12 years ago

Robert, do you really think everyone’s parents help them get into relationships or on dates? Maybe in religious households, but i’d have died a thousand deaths of embarrassment if my parents had tried fixing me up as a teenager.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’m really curious what Robert thinks would satisfy him and make him non-murderous.

It’s not going on dates, because he’s done that.
It’s not being in a relationship–ditto.
It’s not having sex–ditto.

What more does he think the government/his parents could do for him?

I think what he wants is a woman who will make a lifelong, totally unconditional and irrevocable commitment immediately upon seeing him, and he doesn’t get that this doesn’t happen to anyone ever.

12 years ago

Zombie: Cassandra, why would I want a relationship with a 40 year-old woman?

She likes you. You like her.

I had a fling with a woman who was 20 years older than I was, back when I was about 19. It lasted about three months. She had to hit me upside the head to make it plain to me she was interested. It was good for me. You could learn a lot. Watch “Bull Durham”, there are some pretty good points in that movie.

It’s about seeing other people, as people, not vending machines with goods you can access.

That, and knowing blue ball ain’t fatal.

12 years ago


“There is obviously something stopping me from going out and finding women to fuck. My lack of knowledge where they are or how to approach them, for example”

The internet is full of dating advice, some of which is not total horseshit. You can get self help books full of it as well. You can get therapy that, get this, helps you overcome shyness and builds up your confidence so you might be able to talk to people. You can find classes where people can coach you on how to be more confident. You can go out and do things you enjoy and meet people that way. You can call an escort.
You could stop sitting on your arse, whining on the internet that other people won’t set you up with forced dates. There are already matchmaking and speed dating agencies you can use. There are dozens of things you could do to help yourself. You are only 24 ffs. Most people don’t have instant success in their romantic lives.

Women are not things that have goodies to be “accessed” and they are not things to be “issued” to you by the fucking government.They aren’t mysterious alien creatures that you need to learn a secret language to talk to. Women are people dude.

You come across like a childish, simpering, lazy sack of shit and THAT is probably what is stopping you get what you want.

“As for chances, it’s pretty certain that I will never meet a girl who will explicitly tell me she wants to be in a relationship with me half an hour after she met me.” I thought people stopped doing this when they were 12-13. Try growing the fuck up and maybe you will stop being so horrible.

12 years ago

“When you do meet someone and she asks you to tell you about yourself, you really don’t want to have to answer “well, I’m an incel, and I spend all my time blogging about being an incel, and calling my parents murderers for not getting me laid.” Right?

Instead of calling yourself incel, how about “single”? Do you see the difference? It’s basically the same thing, only framing it as something full of possibilities, rather than a millstone around your neck”

I don’t use the term incel with girls and I have other hobbies than obsessing with this. However, I obviously am incel, and not just single. There are plenty of single people who still get laid a lot or find an occasional sexual partner. None of that can be said for me.

“Why are government-sponsored dates better than speed dating?”

That’s a good question. What comes to my mind is that a) speed dating might be too fast for some people
b) something organized by the government has more influence and attracts more people
c) governments could organize dates in countries where speed dating doesn’t yet exist

“Your problems will not be solved by a warm body and an orgasm: if you were to somehow get regular sex as the person you are now, you would just begin to fixate on other things that would make you just as miserable.”

It’s true that I began thinking about other things when I had a girlfriend but not in the way you think. I was thinking about my career and future a lot more and wasn’t obsessing with incel. So, it did change my focus and in a good way.

“by not getting you a wife and a house with a white picket fence”

I never said anybody should get me any of that

12 years ago

You’re not in mortal danger either, kiddo. You’re just a brat throwing a tantrum about the fact that you’re not getting everything that you want. I mean really, being mad at your parents for not finding you a girlfriend? You’re pretty much the adult equivalent of a toddler screaming, kicking, and flailing at your mom in the grocery store because she wouldn’t buy you a candy bar.

12 years ago

Sure, Robert, you don’t want the wife and picket fence, you just want the government to give you dates. Whiny brat.

12 years ago

“a) speed dating might be too fast for some people
b) something organized by the government has more influence and attracts more people
c) governments could organize dates in countries where speed dating doesn’t yet exist”

a) then do any other kind of match making.
b) no it doesn’t and meeting 2000 rather than 20 women in an evening won’t improve your chances of finding a relationship
c) why not organizing speed dating in countries where speed dating doesn’t yet exist
d) you said yourself you had plenty of dates so why do you keep asking the government and your parents (which is not only stupid but also ineffective) for dates since your problem is obvioulsy not “getting dates”?

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“by not getting you a wife and a house with a white picket fence”

I never said anybody should get me any of that

Incel is more than just getting laid, it is something that prevents you from things like having a romantic partner forever and makes you unable to start your own family. Those are some very serious things to deny to a human being.

Could have fooled me.

Polliwog- these people already murdered me, turning me into a living dead due to my incel. They’re not threatening, they’re already started killing and I’m not the only victim. Dozens of other men like me commited suicide because nobody wanted to help them with incel. That is murder. Incel isn’t just a boner, incel is a living death which prevents you from obtaining some of the most important things in life, like sex and love.

Step back, listen to yourself, and stop this ridiculous bullshit. You won’t regret doing so.

12 years ago

Look, the point was that this girl told me she wants to be in a relationship with me half an hour after she met me and that I will never, ever get such a clear chance again. That’s all. I knew it was a brilliant chance and I blew it because of bad luck and inexperience. I don’t expect that to happen ever again. All I am saying is that missing such a brilliant chance at the age of 19, when I could have been saved, is one if the main factors in what I am now.

hellkell, it is true I am not incel by my own definition right now as I last had sex in May but November will come soon enough and I know that my chances of getting a gf or getting laid are zero.

“It’s not you who should be scared, it’s any woman unfortunate enough to be around you. Also your parents, and any future therapists. Everyone who isn’t another “incel” guy, really.
Also, “access to cuddling”? That’s a big part of your problem right there. People are not things that you “access”. Neither is physical affection. I’m willing to bet that you are broadcasting the fact that you want to “access” people, and “access” things from them, and if you don’t get what you want you might go postal, loud and clear, like there’s someone following you around with a bullhorn going THIS GUY, HE IS A TOTAL CREEP, AND HE MIGHT HURT YOU IF YOU DON’T LET HIM ACCESS YOUR VAGINA AND YOUR HUGS AND YOUR CHILDBEARING CAPABILITY. ALSO WANTS TO SEE PARENTS MURDERED.”

It is me who should be scared, as I can’t take the pain anymore. Women or therapist don’t feel my pain at all nor did I say I will do anything to them,

Would you make this hilarious diatribe if a woman said something similar? In any case, you’re an insane PC robot.

“Your depression is not your fault, obsessing on the women you can’t fuck and the date your parents don’t provide you rather that curing it is your fault.”

I wasn’t even diagnosed with depression. Even if I were curing it is like curing fever in a cancer patient. It doesn’t eliminate the root cause, unless you think it is normal for people to never have relationships or sex for decades.

12 years ago


You’re in the wrong place for advice about women. These are feminists men and women, they hate you. For starters, women have no idea what the sex drive is like for a man, they can’t even comprehend it. And feminists men will just nod their collective heads in approval of anything these women say.

For men sex is and end unto itself. For women it’s a means to an end. Why do you think women who already have boyfriends/husbands still dress and act sexual outside the home? Leverage, manipulation and to move up the ladder of desirible men.

Get yourself a hooker, it’ll be just as real and loving as the girl who’ll leave you. Women, particularly feminists like to pretend men and women are the same. Well they’re not. Any woman here can get sex at the drop of a hat. It might not be with Ryan Gosling, but they can still get sex with an average Joe. You’re a man, it’s much harder. Everything they tell you is a lie. This place is a house of lies and they hate men. If this was a woman saying the things you’re say the e-hugs would be a flying. You showed vulnerability and sensitivity and they hate you for it.

12 years ago

That’s all. I knew it was a brilliant chance and I blew it because of bad luck and inexperience.

I’d say you dodged a bullet there. That girl sounds unstable.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Look, the point was that this girl told me she wants to be in a relationship with me half an hour after she met me and that I will never, ever get such a clear chance again.

Most people never get that chance at all, but they manage to have relationships anyway, because most relationships take more than a half hour to develop and that’s okay.

All I am saying is that missing such a brilliant chance at the age of 19, when I could have been saved, is one if the main factors in what I am now.

You wouldn’t have been “saved.” You’d have been in a relationship. There’s no reason to think it would be magically any better than the eight-month relationship you did have.

Even if I were curing it is like curing fever in a cancer patient. It doesn’t eliminate the root cause, unless you think it is normal for people to never have relationships or sex for decades.

What is the root cause? It’s not lack of dates, relationships, or sex, because you’ve had all those!

Also, three months is not how “decades” works.

12 years ago

“It doesn’t eliminate the root cause, unless you think it is normal for people to never have relationships or sex for decades.”

Which apparently isn’t even your case. wtf.

12 years ago

I’m the fool??! ROTFLMAO!!! I’m not the one raging at the world….. and especially at Mom and Dad and the Gov’t ……. because I can’t get laid whenever I want! And when I DO get laid, I certainly don’t view that person as my soulmate and start fantasizing about our life together just because they fucked me.

But yeah, I was a fool before, and agreed to a date with someone who was probably not too unlike you. In the end, it nearly cost me my job, and it did cause me to have to pack up my shit and move to another city, his obsession with me (or, rather, his obsession with having to have someone …. ANYone) was that great. So yeah, I pity any girl who dares get involved with you while you’re in your current headspace, I really do.

It doesn’t eliminate the root cause, unless you think it is normal for people to never have relationships or sex for decades.

Never having relationships or sex for decades, are you kidding me?? You’re only 24 years old!!

12 years ago

You haven’t! You’ve had two relationships and one casual sex partner in nine years, which is perfectly normal for anyone. (Also, apparently “dozens” of dates? o.O That is a LOT, man.)


12 years ago

Would you make this hilarious diatribe if a woman said something similar?

I would!

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