a voice for men actual activism awesome I am making a joke kitties shit that never happened

The Man Boobz Street Team Posters the World!

Man Boobz is not only a blog. We’re all about ACTIVISM! I want to thank the Man Boobz “Street Team” for spreading the word via posters in major cities across the globe – New York, London, Paris, Munich, and many more. Here, some photos documenting our global postering offensive.

Here’s one of our posters in Detroit:

And one in La Paz, Bolivia:

And one in Ulan Bator, Mongolia:

Remember the words of Sylvia Plath Genghis Khan Ghandi Gahdhi Gandhi: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you put up some posters, then you win!”

I’m paraphrasing loosely here.

Keep up the good work, Man Boobz Street Team!!!

(NOTE: The Man Boobz Street Team is imaginary.)


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12 years ago

Are the Spearhead actually putting up pro-rape posters? I mean that is kind of messed up. Or maybe they just think there is too much pressure put on men to not rape, or think rape is a bad thing. If only women didn’t exist, then they wouldn’t ever get raped.

12 years ago

” I already have Tumblr to mash up beautiful horses and Loki for me”



Let’s just refer to it with … Sleipnir.

12 years ago

First picture, and I looked at the red car and thought, “That can’t be Detroit. Michigan license plates used to be blue & white, and while they’ve probably changed over 20 years, I don’t think they changed to that. On second thought, that isn’t even a US license plate.”

And then I scrolled down, and saw that all three photos were the same. If I had to guess, I’d say Europe somewhere, based on the design of the houses and roofs, but I could easily be mistaken.

And now I realize that, OMG I am slow, because I finally hovered my cursor over one and realized there is text that says where it’s taken. Blah.

12 years ago

Imma go wash the dishes while listening to Duel of the Fates

They will be the most awesome dishes ever washed.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

OMFG! *bounce bounce* It’s a PALLAS CAT!!! ^_^

I lurves those kitties. If I had the money to spare right now, I’d buy a pallas kitten. I know of someone who breeds them and sells (captive bred)kittens for $10,000 each. I’m surprised that manboobz even knows about them as they seem to be one of the more obscure of the 37 members of the Cat family.

12 years ago

@Word Spinner: Thanks for the link, and info–I had NO idea!

12 years ago

Imma go wash the dishes while listening to Duel of the Fates

They will be the most awesome dishes ever washed.

I like to clean my house to Kansas. I’m all, yeah! Cleaning this house is heroic! Nothing has ever been so momentous as this!

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

I like to clean my house to Kansas. I’m all, yeah! Cleaning this house is heroic! Nothing has ever been so momentous as this!

Glad to hear it. No git in the kitchen and make me a sammich!

12 years ago

That joke is supremely clever and unique.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I. Ron Assrod is satiring Varpole right? He hasn’t deciding to become the epitome of stupid while socking?

12 years ago

Ooh, sudden thought: maybe dear Paul was listening to Kansas when he was writing about how putting up posters in random Canadian cities is the most IMPORTANT AND ACTIVISIMY ACTIVISM THAT EVER ACTIVISMED!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Glad to hear it. No git in the kitchen and make me a sammich!”

Well ok….hope you’re cool with stale bread and a rotten tomato (omfgs do I really need to throw that away >.&kt;)

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

Well ok….hope you’re cool with stale bread and a rotten tomato (omfgs do I really need to throw that away >.&kt;)

*Throws Argenti Aertheri’s nasty sammich on the floor in front of her feet*

Clean that up woman! Or I’ll REALLY give you something to cry about!!!

12 years ago

Domestic violence humor. Charming.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Did you just piss of an androgynous ninja? *stalks away* You might want to check under your bed, never piss off a ninja.

(I also advise against calling androgynous people woman, but that advice is actual serious advice and will thus likely go straight over your head.)

12 years ago

Oh sweetie, no, you’ve misaimed. The person you’re threatening with domestic violence isn’t a woman. Your first target for your irrational hatred was correct, poor confused lamb.

12 years ago

Imma go wash the dishes while listening to Duel of the Fates

I find that the best application of Duel of the Fates is traffic – makes an interesting drive to and/or from work. The Indiana Jones theme works too. They’re my two favorite “driving songs”.

Of course, my mom loved to clean to the Indiana Jones theme. She’d turn it waaaaaaaaay up to rouse me out of bed to help clean. It was always followed by Simon and Garfunkel and Tom Lehrer.

12 years ago

Are we roleplaying now?

12 years ago

It was always followed by Simon and Garfunkel and Tom Lehrer.

Well, there’s mood whiplash for you.

Are we roleplaying now?

Apparently Om Nom has decided to take Odious Personal Habit (Boring Misogynist) [-15]. What he’s bought with the points are unclear, as it’s certainly not Writing (IQ/H) or the ability to know not to piss off a ninja.

12 years ago

I know of someone who breeds them and sells (captive bred)kittens for $10,000 each.

The hell you do, those cats are hard to breed in captivity.

I’ve got a friend selling a bridge, you in?

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

I’ve got a friend selling a bridge, you in?

Only if you jump off of it! 😉

12 years ago

Ye gods, please stop trying to be funny, Noms.

12 years ago

Wow, just found this site, and went on safari thru some of the PUA blogs. My favorite part?

“…the respectable two-minute mark.”

Dude, have you EVER had sex with a woman? Keep yankin’ it to RedTube, and stop trying to give the rest of your gender a bad name. I think “Pick-Up Artist” is just code for “Highly-imaginative Virgin”.

12 years ago

Go away, Noms.