a voice for men actual activism awesome I am making a joke kitties shit that never happened

The Man Boobz Street Team Posters the World!

Man Boobz is not only a blog. We’re all about ACTIVISM! I want to thank the Man Boobz “Street Team” for spreading the word via posters in major cities across the globe – New York, London, Paris, Munich, and many more. Here, some photos documenting our global postering offensive.

Here’s one of our posters in Detroit:

And one in La Paz, Bolivia:

And one in Ulan Bator, Mongolia:

Remember the words of Sylvia Plath Genghis Khan Ghandi Gahdhi Gandhi: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you put up some posters, then you win!”

I’m paraphrasing loosely here.

Keep up the good work, Man Boobz Street Team!!!

(NOTE: The Man Boobz Street Team is imaginary.)


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12 years ago


They’re invading Alberta too?!!! Let me know if you find any of these hilarities, that may give me the impetus to finally take my long postponed trip up north.


I shall attempt to attempt this 😛 Hamilton’s about an hr n a haff away and one of the most mindnumbingly dull cities I’ve ever visited. I only ever show up there during hockey season. I’m really not surprised that that dude found himself with nothing better to do when he ran out of gum

12 years ago

Aww. You mean I had that mind-bogglingly disturbing mental image for nothing?

I’m sorry! I’ve got phials of +5 imagebane brain bleach for sale! Just 5,000 $SUCCESS_TOKENS !!

12 years ago

I notice we’re slowly taking over every post with D&D/RPG discussions now. 😀

Falconer: Since Dragons are magical, I usually go with the “whatever the fuck I want” principle (a cousin of the “a wizard did it” principle) when it comes to how they breed with non-Dragons. For simplicity, i’ve always just had it so they follow the non-Dragon’s biology (which for a female Dragon and a humanoid, the Dragon stays in humanoid form for the duration of the pregnancy).

Side note: I don’t normally just sit and work out the functionality of different fictional creatures having sexytimes, just that I had a half dragon character once, so it sort of came up (she wasn’t a half-elf paladin with a holy avenger and flying tower shield though, heh). 😛

12 years ago

Hah! Posters advertising a hateblog? I wish you bad luck!

12 years ago

omigod mikey you are like fiftysix kinds of stupid

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago


12 years ago

@Shadow, if you ever make it down to Cowtown and you’re terribly bored you should PM me, we can do awesome things. Or, I dunno… things. This city’s kind of dull, too, really.

12 years ago

Hah! Posters advertising a hateblog?

Indeed, Butthorn, indeed.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
12 years ago

The Manboobz Street Team is imaginary…

but it COULD be real!

12 years ago

the fact that we didnt consider the possibility of an imaginary joke street team sticking cat pictures on somehow identical city streets across the globe proves how gullible we are

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I, too, wish AVFM bad luck.

12 years ago

Hey dudes, would you look at that? Steele managed to post a comment that didn’t contain the words “vile”, “excuse me?”, “misandry”, or a rant about what he believes Ella thinks.

I’m impressed.

12 years ago

luck has nothing to do with it

(because they never actually do anything)

I. Ron Assrod
I. Ron Assrod
12 years ago

Futrelle, it is painfully, blindingly obvious and apparent that these vile photos were all taken in the same vile location. Indeed, to a successful urban professional such as myself, it is both clear and transparent that they are, in fact, the same vile picture. I expected no less from such a vile, hateful, vile, mendacious, vile, and vile jackalope like yourself, Futrelle. Yours is a vile hate movement, full of vile hate.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

omigod mikey you are like fiftysix shades of stupid


12 years ago

Also, Steele wins ALL THE PROJECTION. Except he has to share it with the MRM as a whole.

12 years ago

If anyone was wondering, that a Pallas’ cat in the picture:'s_cat

12 years ago

Hah! Posters advertising a hateblog? I wish you bad luck!

Protip: take a close look at the photos

12 years ago

Goddamn Steele is dumb.

Anyway, Cliff’s right–the AVfM ones do read more like anti-rape posters that some kids ran off in study hall.

12 years ago

Those rape posters AVfM put up are really really stupid. The anti-anti-rape message isn’t even clear to the average Joe or Jane on the street. Really stupid.

12 years ago

I’d like to hear if there’s a correlation between poster campaigns and traffic.

12 years ago

Imagine the surprise of some random person who’s actually interested in stopping rape after they land on AVfM.

If Paul E is so fucking smart, he needs to come up with a more coherent message. HA, like that will ever happen.

12 years ago


I notice we’re slowly taking over every post with D&D/RPG discussions now. 😀

We could do Star Wars, too!

I just figure that “being a dragon” kind of … rubs off. That way I don’t have to imagine a dragon looking at a giant bee and going “You so fine.”

I mean, I already have Tumblr to mash up beautiful horses and Loki for me, I don’t need anything worse.

12 years ago

” I already have Tumblr to mash up beautiful horses and Loki for me”


12 years ago

Falconer: I just solved that issue by having Dragon + non-Dragon reproduction viable with humanoids and reptilians/reptiles only. Everyone does different things with weird monster combos though.

And “a wizard did it” always works as a backup. 😀