creepy douchebaggery kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rhymes with roosh sex

Roosh: Who needs orgasms, anyway?

Cat is not impressed with your PUA bullshit.

Pickup gurus write a lot about how to (allegedly) get sex, or how they (allegedly) got sex, but almost nothing about sex itself. It’s pretty clear that a lot of PUAs are more interested in the psychological manipulations and power games inherent in “game,” or in adding another notch to their score, than they are in the actual sex that sometimes results from all their efforts.

It goes without saying that most PUAs have little interest in their partners’ pleasure. In a post with the title It Doesn’t Matter If She Orgasms Or Not, pickup guru Roosh explained that once upon a time,

I used to try to last as long as possible in bed. I wanted to make sure the girl got hers before I got mine, and the reason I did that was because I thought she would be attracted to me more and want to see me again.

But, Roosh being the asshole he is, even this minimal level of consideration – which he extended to his partners for his own selfish reasons – turned out to be too much for him to keep up:

Gradually I just stopped caring, and soon everything I did in bed was for my pleasure only. The only reason I’d delay orgasm is to make mine better, and I pretended I don’t hear her the first time she told me to drill slower or not to go so deep. I did whatever I wanted because I came to value my orgasm as sacred, and her pleasure as second to mine.

Given that sex with him in was likely not such a great treat to begin with, he found that being completely selfish didn’t actually make the girls he was with like him any less.

Girls didn’t want to fuck me more, they didn’t want to fuck me less. Not caring about their sexual pleasure had no effect on repeat calls and repeat sex.

No wonder PUAs are so obsessed with very young women – they’re less likely to have experienced good sex, and more likely to be willing to put up with bad simply because they don’t yet realize how good sex can get.

Back in 2008 when he wrote that post, Roosh’s main sexual worry was coming too quickly; these days it seems he has trouble coming at all. Now, there are plenty of reasons why guys can’t orgasm – health conditions, prescription medicine side effects, everyday anxieties, decreased sensitivity with age, and so on. Guys shouldn’t pressure themselves into coming on demand, or feel bad if they can’t.

But Roosh actually seems to feel good about his inability to orgasm – because he’s learned to use this bit of sexual dysfuction as a handy tool to manipulate his partners further:

Not being able to orgasm is one of the best ways to make a girl feel anxious and insecure. When I’m unable to come, which often happens with condoms (raw dog for life), I simply stop sex and say, “I’m not going to make it.” I can almost see her hamster spinning…

Is he not attracted to me anymore?

Is there something wrong with my vagina?

Should I give him a blowjob even though I don’t want to?

These are not the sorts of questions any straight man who’s not an utter creep wants his partner asking herself.

Roosh continues, gloating that his inability to orgasm

also shapes the power structure of the relationship. She knows that a man who doesn’t orgasm is more likely to stray to get that orgasm. As a result, she tests you less and does more things to win your favor.

Or she finds someone else who’s not a complete asshole, and moves on.

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12 years ago

I didn’t watch it either, but i’m enjoying the concept of rubbing a giant, glowing “NHS” in Mitt Romney’s face. Just because.

12 years ago

“Back in 2008 when he wrote that post, Roosh’s main sexual worry was coming too quickly; these days it seems he has trouble coming at all. Now, there are plenty of reasons why guys can’t orgasm – health conditions, prescription medicine side effects, everyday anxieties, decreased sensitivity with age, and so on. ”

You left out chronic pornography use. It can cause ED and other problems in young men.

12 years ago

also, wtf do I have to do to get approved for the forum? its been quite awhile now (I want to say a week or so?)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Personally, I am really offended and oppressed by potato salad. I used to love it, but one time I was eating some and I just started feeling like I had to throw up. It’s been that way every time I’ve tried it since. I don’t think I’ll be trying to eat it again, because all I have to lose is my chains.

12 years ago

Is it sad that I’m a virgin and I know more about pleasing a partner in bed than these guys?

12 years ago

My problem with “wank” is that it makes me think of this one Captain America comics scan from the fifties, where he throws his shield at a Nazi and the sound effect is “WANK!”

12 years ago

You left out chronic pornography use. It can cause ED and other problems in young men.

[citation needed]

12 years ago

Linds-The Brain That Changes Itself discusses sexual dysfunction caused by pornography in great detail (in the context of neurplasticity research). Or you could try pubmed.

12 years ago

@skeptifem Citation sorely needed. Also by what mechanism would porn possibly cause ED?

12 years ago

You left out chronic pornography use. It can cause ED and other problems in young men.

This doesn’t sound right. I echo the request for citation on this one. I’d sooner believe that there was a psychological component related to porn addiction that also manifests physically as ED. But overuse of the genitals? Hmmm….

12 years ago

Yeah, knickers is funny. I usually just say underwear.

Me, too. I always say underwear. I drink tea, but it’s always iced sweet tea. I make it in my coffee maker and add lemons if I want it to look fancy. I’ve never been much into hot tea, but I don’t mind it.

I love okra, whether it’s pickled or deep fried. I think it’s a great salad topper, too. I agree, though, on being offended by potato salad, at least the kind made with mayo. However, I like German potato salad, because it’s flavored by vinegar instead of mayonnaise.

I don’t mind the word cum. It just makes me laugh, because it really looks out of place anywhere but in porn.

12 years ago

To me “chronic pornography use” sounds kind of like “chronic romantic comedy use” or “chronic videos about science on the Internet use.” 😛

12 years ago

Chronic kitty picture use? Leads to the very serious condition of “melting-into-a-puddle-because-of-the-cute.”

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Roosh is such a great PUA he never heard of the mystical ‘clitoris’ o_O

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Seriously, I could have PIV sex for 5 hours and it’s not gon’ happen. I think this is common.

12 years ago

My problem with “wank” is that it makes me think of this one Captain America comics scan from the fifties, where he throws his shield at a Nazi and the sound effect is “WANK!”

I only think of that because it’s even more hilarious than that.

12 years ago

I think I’d have to say my favourite word for underwear is the British use of pants, although this could probably be because I’m Canadian and therefore not used to it being used that way, giving it a sort of whimsical surreal charm. Also, what would one use in place of cum, ejaculate at least to me sounds just as dirty.

12 years ago

I quite like “undies” or “underpants” mostly because I feel both words need to be said in a slightly lower (for me) voice akin to that of a super excited TV announcer.



12 years ago

Yeah, “panties” gives me the wiggins. I prefer “drawers” which is even more fun when you put some Southern spin on it and call them “draws.”

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

I think ‘come’ is fine but not ‘cum’…urgh. Also ‘knickers’ is just a great word, it’s not used for male briefs here but I still use it for any underwear…just a funny word 😀

12 years ago

The Brain That Changes Itself discusses sexual dysfunction caused by pornography in great detail (in the context of neurplasticity research). Or you could try pubmed.

You’re the one who brought it up. You should provide the research.

12 years ago

I looked on Pubmed. The abstract I found said “the effects of [internet pornography] use are widespread and are both negative (e.g., relationship and interpersonal distress) and positive (e.g., increases in sexual knowledge and attitudes toward sex).” So actually it seems to make people more sexually functional?

12 years ago

Wow, what a creep!!!

12 years ago

Lol that Captain America scan is brilliant *resists urge to make dirty joke*

In other non-surprising news, roosh is an abusive, manipulative, creep

12 years ago

I thought providing where she got that from was providing the source, but anywho… I looked it up and found there is a loooong excerpt of the subject from that book on a site, I’ll link it.

The book is not on google books in its entirety. I don’t know what kind of site this is, I’m only linking it because the excerpt from the book is there.

I don’t really see how what she said is some shocking outrageous claim though. Maybe I’m reading too much into the comments. Nothing wrong with providing citations, so… hope this helps.

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