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The Spearhead: “Educated” women are destined for spinsterhood and misery

No one will ever love her.

Oh, you ladies, why do you even bother getting educated – sorry, “educated?”  Don’t you know that if you get too educated you might end up marrying some dude who is less educated than you, which is apparently contrary to the laws of nature? Or maybe you’ll end up not getting married at all? The horror.

On The Spearhead, guest poster Lyn87 explains how he dropped some “red pill” knowledge on a buddy of his during a recent outing:

One guy has teenage daughters that he’s planning to put through college. I could not resist inserting some red pill into the mix, so I mentioned that 60% of degrees were going to women, and that women prefer to marry up. Since “educated” women don’t often go for “uneducated” men, a lot of women of his daughter’s generation were on their way toward spinsterhood for lack of “suitable” mates.

So women with education are only “educated” in scare-quotes. But men who are “uneducated” also get the scare quotes, because presumably they are wise beyond their years of formal study.

Alas, Lyn87’s friend wasn’t convinced by this brilliant argument to reconsider his decision to put his daughters through college, which leads Lyn87 to consider the possibility that “that some malevolent group of “Jezebels” is dissolving blue pills into the supply of drinking water.” Lions and tigers and malevolent Jezebels, oh my!

Consider his daughters. I’m sure they are good kids who would make any parent proud. But they don’t live on an island – they live among their peers and within the confines of biological and demographic reality. Even if EVERY one of their male college classmates marries one of his female classmates, a third of those young women will not find a male age-peer who is even her “academic equal,” much less someone with a higher level of education. But not every male graduate will marry a female classmate. Some will marry down. Some will choose not marry at all. Then subtract out the guys who are “creepy,” gay, or otherwise unsuitable, and we are left with a generation of “educated” women who are barreling toward a demographic wall at high velocity.

So women marrying guys with less education, or deciding not to marry at all, is somehow the equivalent of careening into a brick wall at top speed?

Marry up? My buddy’s daughters will be lucky if they can marry “across.” Many women of that generation will face hard choices: supply and demand in the adult world doesn’t much care how “empowered” you were in college. The women of that generation may be able to marry down, but few will want to. They may not marry at all and become wards of the state when they bear bastard children. They may become involuntary childless spinsters. They may go for much older men, but many of them have been through the Family Court meat grinder and must devote much of their effort to paying their exes’ bills.

Or they could end up like a friend of mine, happily unmarried at the age of 40 and dating a dude in his twenties. Or like another friend of mine, also 40, in a happily open marriage with a man a few years her junior and with several regular partners on the side. Or in a committed lesbian relationship.

And why assume that any single woman older than, oh, 25 is “involuntarily childless?”  Most of the women I hang out with don’t want kids. They really, really don’t.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Lyn87, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

We know the score here: the degrees these girls are getting cluster in the “Who are you trying to kid?” category. They are not truly superior to the guys of their generation, but that degree in “You Must Be Joking!” makes them think they are. Most emerge from college with a pile of debt, no marketable skills they didn’t already possess in high school, and a few laps around the carousel – older but no wiser, and blissfully unaware that half of their years of prime beauty and fertility are already in the rear-view mirror.

Ugh. This again? At the age of 22 or so, “half of their years of prime beauty and fertility” are gone? Really? Their biological clock starts ticking at the age of, what, 16?

So instead of going to college, girls should be getting hitched before they even graduate from high school, so as to maximize their prime years of beauty and fertility? Sorry to have to break this to you, Lyn87, but that’s a recipe for disaster — even by “traditionalist” standards. According to a 2001 study by the Centers for Disease Control, nearly half of those who marry before they’re 18 divorce within ten years; that’s twice the divorce rate of those who wait until they’re at least 25.

Lyn87, somehow I suspect your buddy with the teenage daughters is doing a better job of looking out for their best interests than you are.

Some, er, “highlights” from the comments.

Kendoka seconds Lyn87’s concerns:

I question the popular wisdom of fathers relinquishing custody and authority over their 18 year old daughters by putting them through an institution designed to indoctrinate and create entitled promiscuous feminist careerist harpies and not loving wives and mothers through marriage.

A Father’s work is not complete until he has guided his daughter directly into marriage with his authority transfered to her husband. “Careers” can wait. Family cannot.

DruidV shares his less-than-fond memories of life in the 1980s, and offers a note of optimism for the future (for dudes anyway):

Way back in prehistoric times, say around 1985, I used to find myself very depressed when I would take note of all the foolish and desperate males I knew, who were jumping through impossible hoops for fickle females that just would let the poor bastards continue to keep right on jumping through those hoops, apparently just for their own entertainment. These twats seemed to take an almost sociopathic delight in this ‘sport’. The males were simply trying to be accepted.
Pathetic, really.

Nowadays, I look about and see that young males are sick, tired, disgusted and jaded with these soulless cunts. Make no mistake, the hoops are still there, firmly in place for the males to jump through, but they are seeing less and less traffic every day.

I for one can easily see the females of generation z growing old alone, but for their cats and dying that way too and from what I’ve seen, these bitches can forget about marrying up, or even across anymore. These asshole entitlement whores won’t even be marrying down, in the not too distant future.


Keyster presents a similarly optimistic scenario for the future — if predicting the apocalypse counts as optimism, which it generally does in MRA circles:

We have a perfect storm brewing of women working, men not, and each one rejecting marriage. In case no one noticed the Feminists started the gender war, and they won. Present day we live with the spiraling consequences; societal decline. Upon the collapse women will be the victims, AGAIN. The survivors will be men with only their own self-interest in mind. The last remnants of white-knightery will struggle to protect and provide, but will be ill-equipped to handle the guilt of failing.

Days of Broken Arrows isn’t quite so dramatic. He merely predicts that the dad planning on sending his girls to college will end up regretting this decision:

[N]ow instead of his daughter someday marrying the guy she met at 18, he’d prefer [her] to be using every orifice when she’s a fucktoy for a line of Alpha males who’ll pump and dump her. And he means that he doesn’t want a son-in-law or grandchildren. Well, I guess that’s all well and good, so long as it’s not “the way it used to be.”

Huh. Do colleges even have classes any more, or is it just one long orgy? How do these Alpha males have any time to study?

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12 years ago

My feeling on the whole edgy thing is pretty much summed up by the saying “you’re so edgy I just cut myself, baby”. It’s about as rebellious as a Ford Escort and a nice cup of tea.

Sadly some people have yet to realize this.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@CassandraSays – I know all that. I also know that it’s perfectly possible for disadvantaged (poor, divorced parents, psycho dad) kids to get to a top university out of a state comprehensive alongside those privelged kids, because I was that kid and I did exactly that.

The system that helped get me there (and five of my peers too, including two girls) was already beggining to screwed with in all kinds of ways even as I got out. This is not purely a sex issue, for sure, but it’s not MRAs who gathered the info about boys struggling in UK education – but mainstream academics and journalists.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Obviously funding is a big issue.

12 years ago

We can’t do anything to help past students, only current ones. You clearly want todays generation of boys to suffer out of spite. I have zero time for that attitude.

Actually I try to help this generation of boys *and* girls. It’s true, I play math games with my niece and nephew both. I have no spite, and I don’t even know where you’re trying to twist what I said to come up with that. I was simply pointing out that education isn’t a zero sum game, and that it’s not a bad thing to have girls and women outshining men and boys for the first time, like ever. The penis doesn’t bestow brains on the barer, but girls and women have been put down for all of recorded history based on the fact of their vagina existing, and plus that ever-moving uterus causing the hysteria and what not. Second best is not bad! Suck it up and deal, women have had to for millennia.

Gah, shall I bestow Twilight Sparkle’s fifth place medal and ask him to be happy about it?

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

This might be a bit of a derail, but has anyone noticed how it’s becoming more of an act of rebellion to not be a dick to people than it is to try to be all “edgy” and trollish on the internet, or is it just me?

It’s not just you. I’ve noticed quite a few imbecile regs here with knee-jerk strawman + ad hominem attacks whenever somebody who openly disagrees with feminism makes a comment. Like Sharculese and theotherdracula, who never have anything intelligent to contribute but try in vain to troll such people.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“…and plus that ever-moving uterus causing the hysteria and what not”

TRUFAX! Joe, google “wandering uterus” and enjoy the idiocy.

12 years ago

oh you had me till “who never have anything intelligent to contribute”
You outed yourself there as just making a baseless empty attack.
There are adhoms here and there are attacks here but there’s so much more.

12 years ago

Troll harder, Om Nom. While you’re up, learn the difference between ad hom and plain insults. Since you have no argument, you automatically end up with the latter.

12 years ago

Great, so you’ve acknowledged that there’s more to the current issues that some boys are having in the educational system than just gender. That leaves us with the question of why you keep trying to make it all about gender.

12 years ago

Well I think there are two things, one there can be an ad hominem attack, which can just be an attack on the person, and then there’s the fallacy, which means it’s being substituted for an argument. People here know the difference and don’t mistake their insults for arguments for the most part.

12 years ago

I would bet real money none of these numbnuts would repeat exactly what they said online to the fathers they know.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Spot That Fallacy!! (or not)

Ad hominem – attacking the arguer instead of the argument.

Poisoning the well – a type of ad hominem where adverse information about a target is presented with the intention of discrediting everything that the target person says[44]
Abusive fallacy – a subtype of “ad hominem” when it turns into name-calling rather than arguing about the originally proposed argument.

FYI, the latter takes more than a single insult — you’re wrong and a jerk = valid. Our friend here without a name should review ad feminam though (and not do it).

12 years ago

I’ve noticed quite a few imbecile regs here with knee-jerk strawman + ad hominem attacks whenever somebody who openly disagrees with feminism makes a comment. Like Sharculese and theotherdracula, who never have anything intelligent to contribute but try in vain to troll such people.

This is fuckin’ priceless coming from Monsieur Y’all Can’t Handle the Mighty Power of my World-Shattering Truthiness.

12 years ago

Dear JoeTroll: You got an F on your last attempt at linking and summarizing blog posting.

Therefore, I am not going to follow your latest one.

Plus, seconding what Cloudiah says: people commenting at the same public blog are not in fact “associated” in any way beyond…..commenting on the same public blog where anybody can comment on. I’m not responsible for anything beyond my own comments, dude.

Oh, and any response to the questions I asked you about the Crunktastic?

12 years ago

ahh argenti, so “poisoning the well” might be “you associate with rad fems” People do that on you tube all the time. It depends on the audience, I’ve noticed what kind of poisoning the well fallacy is used. Sometimes in arguments on YT merely stating that a person a religious is supposed to be code for “idiot”.

I’m derailing, sorry.

But anyway, reminds me of Joe’s failed attempts here to hold up some obscure blogger and say manboobz is collectively responsible for or tacitly endorsing that person’s ideas.

12 years ago

I mean, I comment on Jezebel sometimes, and Hugo Schwyzer posts there. And I think he’s one of the creepiest creeps who ever did creep (attempted murder just tends to leave me with a low opinion of a person, you know?). And yet there we are, coexisting in the same environment.

12 years ago

*IS religious.
There are prolly other mistakes too, sorry.

12 years ago

Joetroll: many feminists are transphobic.

The transphobia of the 70s and 80s has been challenged in a number of ways by trans* feminists.

Just as womanists and women of color challenged the racism in the white feminist movement, so too have trans* feminists challenged the transphobia:

There is even, tah dah, trans feminism:,mod=16&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=trans+feminism

Plus, protip, not everybody who comments on this blog is cis, so assuming that they all are (and that they are all transphobic) is a pretty big leap, and wow, are you concern trolling.

You don’t give a flying fuck about trans* issues–so why don’t you take a long walk off a short pier?

Or, go read up on trans* feminism and the potentiality for Fourth Wave Feminism–because, and hold onto your hat, I know this is a tough one, “feminisms” have changed over the years, I think in many ways for the better.

12 years ago

@ Joe, I had a huge long post, but I’ve deleted it. Yes, the top 2% of schools tend to send more students of whatever gender they are teaching to better universities. Yes, for the other 98% of the population, the studies hold true.

12 years ago

There seems to be a culture among boys where it is uncool to work hard and do well in school. I know the UK education system used to have course work which disadvantaged boys as you had to do long term structured work rather than just exams. They have moved away from that now to a more exam based system as it is better for boys.

However, men work jobs that require long term projects, planning and research. Men are clearly capable of these skills. It seems therefore that rather than just change the education system we need to look at changing the attitude about education and the importance of achievement among boys. I have no idea how to do this as more intelligent and knowledgeable people than me have tried and failed.

The alternative to achieve equality is to try to discourage girls so they don’t try at school. I’m not sure if progress has been made on that front since when I was at school. (A classmate once begged not to be sent home after the teacher caught her going to the loo to be sick because she didn’t want to miss the day)

I think though, as long as girls have a culture that accepts learning and boys don’t, however you move the hoops girls will just change how often and how high they jump.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

This is fuckin’ priceless coming from Monsieur Y’all Can’t Handle the Mighty Power of my World-Shattering Truthiness.

Was it OmNom who called himself a “fact-bombing truth poet” or was that factfinder/ideologuereview/RHW/sockpuppetmaestro?

12 years ago

Alternatively you could argue (as often is in newspapers) men are incapable of long term projects. In this case I’d question whether they should be running the country, running most business and financial institutions, performing operations, being scientists and engineers etc. Clearly men have no difficulties in language skills, communication, research or completing long term projects.

12 years ago

“I know the UK education system used to have course work which disadvantaged boys as you had to do long term structured work rather than just exams.”

See, this is a perfect example of why I find it hard to take all this gendered learning styles stuff seriously. I love exams, and I hate coursework. A system in which all I have to do is take exams is perfect for me. In fact, throughout the course of my academic career it was exams that saved my ass, because I find it easy to ace them. Coursework feels much more like work. Just came back from the bathroom and I can confirm that I do in fact have a vagina.

I agree with the rest of what Pear Tree said, though. Attitudes towards what’s cool in terms of trying hard at school are somewhat gendered, and that does have an impact. That has nothing to do with learning style, though, unless your plan is to start a “homework is super mega cool! get more Facebook friends by spending more time on homework!” campaign.

12 years ago

Gasp1! Someone fetch me my smelling salts! And a fainting couch (in a nice paisley print, plz). And, A SHRUBBERY!

College educated older women not likely to get married!

More likely to get shot by terrorist!


The story was crap and debunked when it was published in 1986, and the “omg the college edumacated wimminz cannot get married because OMG feminism” is still crap.

Can’t you MRA dudes come up with something original?

12 years ago


*waves* I’ve been reading more and more at ftb recently, and yours is one of the blogs I read regularly, though I don’t think I’ve quite gotten up nerve/time to comment.

Great to see you over here (I found FTB via Manboobz, so it seems nicely circular!)

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