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The Men”s Rights subreddit weighs in on the “Why is Reddit So Anti-Woman?” debate.

Over on AskReddit, someone called 478nist has asked a question that has been puzzling a lot of us for some time: “Why is Reddit so anti-women? (outside of r/gonewild anyway).”

I used to think it was just because the large majority of users are men, but it’s not pro-men it’s becoming more and more anti-women.

Outside of the friendzoned crap, any comment that leans towards any kind of talk of womens issues, equal rights etc gets downvoted to hell so it’s not even capable of being discussed. It seems like it’s an US vs THEM mentality more and more. Was it always like this?

The thread that followed is nearly 2000 comments long, so far, and has gotten written up on TheAtlanticWire. The discussion is surprisingly … good? Not perfect — after all, this is Reddit we’re talking about here — but not terrible.

So naturally our friends in the Men’s Rights subreddit are complaining about it.

The legendary AnthonyZarat offers this thought:

MauraLoona, meanwhile, challenges the premise of 478nist’s question, and thereby challenges reality itself:

Legitimateusername also has a problem with Reddit’s alleged surplus of manginas.

Fuckrpolitics_again just goes with some plain old-fashioned misogyny:

The Men’s Rights subreddit, such a reliable generator of self-righteous poop.


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12 years ago

Also, re: men in education:

When you control for race, you find that black men are doing astronomically poor, and that white men are doing as well as ever.

12 years ago

This was in a post contrasting the relative neophyte, outsider status of the MRM vs. the 100year old+ $$$backed leviathan of feminism. QEMFD.

You should read up on the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Seriously. The problem with the MRM is not its more legitimate grievances, its supposed lack of funding, or its age.

The problems are (among other things) its lack of coherent platform, its laziness, and its deep embrace and promotion of misogyny to the exclusion of actual organizing and activism.

12 years ago

20 years ago – US college grads were 60% men, 40% women. Now it’s 40% men, 60% women. Men have not been reduced to parity or equality, they have been reduced to a minority in the output of your US colleges. That’s zero-sum in practice. QEMFD, again.

…You know that percentages always add up to 100, right? Like, the fact that men have decreased as a percentage of college graduates doesn’t actually mean any fewer men are graduating from college. They could be graduating in lower numbers, or higher numbers, or the same numbers, without any of that being reflected in their representation as a percentage of college graduates.

You need to provide actual numbers to prove that education is zero-sum, you dingus.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

QEMFD is annoying me. QED = quod erat demonstrandum = which was to be demonstrated. If you want “which was to be motherfucking demonstrated” then you need “quod (erat) demonstrari cum matre concubitu” — that’s “which was (to be) demonstrated by having sex with your mother” — I threw in a free yo mamma joke.

Now, will you please stop mangling Latin?

12 years ago

RE education – yep, the achievement gap in terms of gender is really not impacting white men much at all, but it’s definitely having an impact on black men. Now, there are a lot of reasons why black women are doing better in terms of education than black men, but that’s not a 101-level discussion, and it’s going to go way over Joe’s head. The important thing to pull out of that stat is that, as usual, the things that MRAs identify as being purely about gender are actually a lot more complicated than just “society hates men”.

12 years ago

Keep fucking that chicken, Joe.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@rutee – Bullshit!
In horrendous slaughter of millions that was WWI almost all the direct victims of conflict were combatants, i.e. men.

Civilian casualties will certainly INCLUDE women and girls, but hey, bombs don’t discriminate by sex so they INCLUDE men and boys too. Meanwhile men die on the battlefield as WELL.
Democidal campaigns often focus on men and boys (close to fighting age specifically).

Here’s an excellent site:
remember I was talking about men’s forced labour? see also this:
“….. a detailed case-study of the institution of corvée (forced) labour, which we consider, together with infanticide, the most “gendercidal” institution in human history.

Throughout history and continuing into modern times, the practice of forced labour has overwhelmingly targeted adult able-bodied men, leading to millions if not tens of millions of deaths. Despite this grim record, the ILO’s Forced Labour Convention designates one group and one group only as legitimate targets for forced labour: these same adult able-bodied men. Article 11 of the Convention states that “Only adult able-bodied males who are of an apparent age of not less than 18 and not more than 45 years may be called upon for forced or compulsory labour,” so long as “they are physically fit for the work required and for the conditions under which it is to be carried out” and “the number of adult able-bodied men indispensable for family and social life” is allowed to remain in communities targeted for forced labour. In addition, the ILO states that both the forced labour involved in military conscription and the use of prison labour are acceptable under the terms of the Convention. Both of these institutions, of course, target males close to 100 percent of the time (see the Gendercide Watch case-studies of military conscription and incarceration/the death penalty). ….”

What’s more
Re: H Clinton was not talking about women dying! Hell no! She was whitewashing the deaths of men, downgrading actually being killed in contrast to surviving women’s suffering! Here’s you go:

“…..Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today’s warfare, victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children……”

^And this was a speech she gave in a country, El Salvador, that had just finished a dirty civil war that the US and C1A had all kinds of involvement in!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@gametime – Duh. My problem with the education situation now is…. INEQUALITY! 60/40 women / men grads is UNEQUAL. When that UNEQUAL ratio was the other way around feminists everywhere = RAGE. Now, it’s flipped 180′ and is UNEQUAL the other way? feminists everywhere = ohheycool, you go grrrl etc. etc.

EQUALITY = 50/50.

12 years ago

Oh dear, Joe is approaching meltdown.

Joe, you do realize that there was a point in history where the gender ratio in education was 100/0 in men’s favor, right? Context, it’s a thing.

12 years ago

So you literally think that if one year x men and x women receive college degrees, and the next year x men and x+1 women receive college degrees, that is a grave injustice. You furthermore think that it is a bad thing that the “extra” woman received a degree, rather than thinking it a good thing that another person received education but a bad thing that however many other people, of either gender, did not.

Am I on the right track? I want to make sure I have a deep and complete understanding of your stupid, stupid beliefs.

12 years ago

Cassandra, context is misandry, you know that.

Joe, why don’t you go fix this instead of parroting MRM talking points and conspiracy theories? I know, being a keyboard warrior is easier.

12 years ago

Oh, and whining at the feminists to fix it is even easier.

12 years ago

Is it bad that I hope for the meltdown?

12 years ago

EQUALITY = 50/50.

Stupid and reductive. How would we ensure that? Do we force men who are uninterested and or unable to college to pursue university degrees? Do we tell women who are interested and able that they can’t go because the the number of men and women enrolled has to be 50/50. And, please remember, we’re talking purely about the numbers. Not that, “I wanted to go to this specific university but affirmative action kept me out and, no, the other schools I’ve been accepted to just won’t do” type bullshit.

So, 50/50, Joe: how do you achieve it? See, I’ve got ideas because I do think it’s a worthy goal. What are yours?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Argenti – Obvious projection is obvious. It is YOU who keeps trying to move the goalposts.

My goal was to show feminism’s funding from a variety of external sources, that are large mainstream orgs, in contrast to MRM – not getting any of that funding. And I did that.

You on the other hand are engaging in the internet equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going “Nnanananananana I can’t hear you”

Your Fail is Epic.

And QEMFD is PAST tense = “as I have motherfucking demonstrated”.

12 years ago

You really shouldn’t make those goalposts dance so fast, Joe, you might hurt yourself.

12 years ago

lol, I’m not even looking up the context for Joe’s “your fail is epic” post, but that is one funny post, m’dear. I truly, truly could not be taking you less seriously.

12 years ago

You on the other hand are engaging in the internet equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going “Nnanananananana I can’t hear you”

Pretty rich coming from the dude who responded to the fact that not all feminists care about or listen to Gloria Steinem with “You can fuck right off.”

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Nobinayamu – wait, wait you’re arguing AGAINST quotas now??? Really?

So, explain to me how you can simultaneously be against quotas, and yet you are for the feminist, government imposed pro-women quotas that are enshrined in Title IX (soon to be rolled out to STEM! No, really, this is a thing!).

Presonally, I’m not in favour of quotas at all, but seeing as there is not a hope in hell of getting feminist government to drop Title IX* , I’ll bat for 50/50 quotas as a lesser of two evils.

(*or equivalent quotas over here in UK, which is why we have a shortage of doctors here and drain the 3rd world of their precious doctors- , because more women doctors retire/ go part-time after about ten years)

@Nobinayamu – you said:

“Do we tell women who are interested and able that they can’t go because the the number of men and women enrolled has to be 50/50.”

Well, that happens to men right now so… let it be sauce for the goose too..

12 years ago

Still reading through the thread on Crunk Feminist Collective. It really is funny that trollboy chose that particular post as an example of the evils of feminism, given that the comments section is pretty much a perfect illustration of why feminist spaces are so much more productive than MRA spaces.

(Though I’m finding some of the OPs responses to comments incredibly frustrating.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“And QEMFD is PAST tense = “as I have motherfucking demonstrated”.”

That’s just priceless, QED is an established term Joe, you can’t just change its meaning to suit you. It’s a Latin abbreviation, the Latin being quod erat demonstrandum, which translates as “which was to be demonstrated”. The whole “was to be” thing is a tense English doesn’t have, but in no case does erat demonstrandum mean “was demonstrated” or “has been demonstrated”. And it’s passive voice, there’s no “I have” here, just “it has been”.

“I have demonstrated” would be boring old demonstrata, meaning “as I have demonstrated” translates as “ut demonstrata”.

Your Latin is as bad as your logic. At least you’ve realized I don’t actually give a shit what you say though, that’s a start.

Seriously though, QED is a math term, and it doesn’t mean “I have demonstrated”, that’d just be demostrata, one boring little word.

12 years ago

People-who-don’t-understand-affirmative-action-and-why-it-exists’ fails are epic.

12 years ago


For some reason I thought you said vagina dentata.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

feministgamer — my fail is epic because I just keep mocking him instead of giving a shit about his “points”. I’d say ALL THE IRONY, but I just did that, that’s what he called epic fail (while claiming QED is active past tense…fuck it, ALL THE IRONY)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

whataboutthemoonz — I keep seeing demonstrata as “layers of demons” so hey, vagina dentata, why not? (strata = layers)

@Nobinayamu – you said:

“Do we tell women who are interested and able that they can’t go because the the number of men and women enrolled has to be 50/50.”

Well, that happens to men right now so… let it be sauce for the goose too..

Another one claiming that Title IX means telling boys/men they can’t do things? Citation-motherfucking-needed.

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