cuteness kitties off topic open thread


I will be heading out to a cat shelter in about an hour. I hope to return with a kitty or two. Probably not as large as Mr. Martin’s kitty above.

UPDATE:  Success! Two tiny adorable kittens are careening around my bedroom at high velocities. It is now 4:32 AM. They have been doing this off and on since I brought them home roughly ten hours ago. I have no idea where the fuck they get all their energy. From cat food? I think I might have to start eating it myself.

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12 years ago

Kitty says:

Oh hey! Hey Viscaria! I’m so happy to see you, I thought we could cuddle a little bit with no alternative motive whatsoever. See, I’m purring and bumping my head into yours, because love.

Oh gosh, is that fish you’re eating? Why, I didn’t even notice, I just came over for the cuddles. But, hey, since we’re chatting, I bet you didn’t know I really, really like fish. You’re not going to eat all of that, are you?

12 years ago

Yay for wonderful kitties. I hope David gets a nice one!

12 years ago

RE: Amnesia

Hey, your cat resembles my roommate’s, in build and size. I think roommate’s cat is part Maine Coon–he’s a pretty sizeable lump of catfluff. He also, thankfully, is the world’s most easygoing cat.

12 years ago

Hurray! May you and your kitties have many happy years together!

12 years ago

Kitty! Looking very sleepy indeed.

12 years ago

Dawwwwwwwwwww!!! Good, keep the pics comin’!

12 years ago

Aw, so sweet!

At the shelter, I wanted to adopt ALL THE CATS…

I feel that way every time I volunteer. And all I do is mow the lawn.

12 years ago

that is a cute sleepy kitty. naps are nice.

12 years ago

Shelter cats are the best cats ever and I wish the best for you and your new children.

12 years ago

Thanks Shade, I was just looking for this! (I forgot it was an xkcd) So I guess we can expect very dumb post, ’cause that’s a really sweet kitty. I wish I could have one

12 years ago

(why did it post? Damn thing)
…but for now i don’t have the room. Soon, hopefully!

12 years ago

ya kitties!

12 years ago

*sadness* I’m going through agony with my cat right now. He just keeps peeing on everything cloth left anywhere, especially the couch or if my daughter leaves a blanket around, regardless of clean bill of health (no UTI, no kidney stone), regardless of clean litter box, regardless of Feliway sprayed everywhere. We use Nature’s Miracle enzyme cleaner while cleaning things, and it STILL DOES NOT WORK.

I care about my cat, but I don’t think I can stand an apartment that reeks of piss for much longer.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago


Grey one is SNURGLZ. Hello to it.

12 years ago

@ Nanasha

Where do you keep his litter box? My cat peed on my bed once a while back, after my neighbor moved out and they redid her apartment. She was clearly stressed out by all the noise, and the location of the box was too near a window where the people working on the apartment were coming and going. Moving the box to a more hidden spot turned out to be the solution. You might also try this kitty litter, which can help to encourage a cat to use their box.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

I will just add that someone’s got a little fangy-wangy.

12 years ago

steve martin and a bit fat kitty…*swoon* my wee heart is beating fast

12 years ago

@Cassandra- it’s in the bathroom, which is the furthest from anything loud or noisy in the apartment. And the access is always available. Plus, he has a covered box. We scoop it regularly. He just likes to pee on anything soft. I’m starting to think that he might be part Abysinnian or Siamese (he’s black and was adopted as an adult from the shelter so we don’t know) because apparently it’s really common for them to pee on soft stuff.

I just don’t think that I can get rid of every soft surface in our apartment to discourage the behavior. And I’m not willing to kick him out of the bedroom permanently. *sigh*

12 years ago

I locked my cat out of the bedroom for a while, until I could see that she was going in her box regularly again. You might have to do that until the behavior is resolved. It may also be that he doesn’t like the litter you’re using, so experiment with different ones. The Cat Attract has something in it that makes it smell appealing to cats.

the twisted spinster
the twisted spinster
12 years ago

Adorable kitty is adorable. 😀

12 years ago

@nanasha, my cat did the same. she is outdoors during the day but we bring her in at night. When we moved house, if we left anything clothlike, especially on the floor, we would wake to find it had been peed on. She had a favourite spot under a table in my daughters room. so we ended up lifting all the cloth things off the floor/sofa at night and shutting her in the living room/our room. we also used a special cleaner to clean the carpets where she had peed that broke down the urine smell and left it neutral smelling (to cats) so she didn’t feel she needed to pee on that spot again. Eventually, she settled down and we don’t find her peeing anywhere. But i still don’t leave stuff out in case it is too tempting.

when we lived in the UK, we had 4 cats. When we emigrated to Australia, i made the heart-breaking decision to rehome them rather than put them through the long flight and quarantine. I’d had them for 14yrs. i cried and cried and cried even though they were all rehomed to good people. i swore i would never have a cat again.

Yeah, that didn’t last…we have a big fat long haired tortieshell tabby called Molly (a shelter cat) and Mr BigMomma is being quietly firm that one is enough (*sniff*).

Congratulations, David, on your kitties. May they bring you joy,snuggles and purrs for many years.

12 years ago

My sister used to have a cat that peed on the stove burner when she was stressed. We often didn’t notice ’til someone turned the stove on. 🙁

12 years ago

@Cassandra- we’re going to check out the litter tomorrow and see if that helps. The annoying thing is that our apartment is set up so that you can only go in the bathroom if you go through the bedroom, so we can’t keep him out of the bedroom at all. And the apartment is so small that there’s no other appropriate place to put a litter box that wouldn’t be near where food is being prepared (we have a living room/kitchen thing) or be right in a pathway/walkway and would be unsanitary. I’m going to try and get on my husband to clean the box out once a day as well. He’s unfortunately been very lax on it, and I have been avoiding doing it because I am pregnant and the doctor says that I should not take any chances, just in case of toxoplasmosis.

I’m just seriously thinking I’m gonna have to buy a bunch of big plastic sheeting and put it on soft surfaces every time I leave the room (he only seems to do this when no one is looking- I haven’t caught him doing it yet). *sigh* I’m not sure what else I can do besides put him on kitty prozac or something, and even then, I can’t say for sure if it will help (plus some people have told me that cats have DIED when they gave it to them so that freaks me out- I don’t want my kitty to die because he was peeing on stuff).

12 years ago

Definitely make your husband clean the box. Or you said you already have a child – are they old enough to help for a while? It’s not worth risking it while you’re pregnant. If it was me I’d stick the box in the corner of the kitchen area. I know it’s not your preference, but it sounds like that’s at least an area that you can confine the cat to, which is what you need until he learns to use the box again.