I will be heading out to a cat shelter in about an hour. I hope to return with a kitty or two. Probably not as large as Mr. Martin’s kitty above.
UPDATE: Success! Two tiny adorable kittens are careening around my bedroom at high velocities. It is now 4:32 AM. They have been doing this off and on since I brought them home roughly ten hours ago. I have no idea where the fuck they get all their energy. From cat food? I think I might have to start eating it myself.
Good luck! Kitties are the bestest. 😀
Cats 1 and 2 are nearly that big! Cat 1 is closer because he’s a pudgy fella, but they’re both incredibly long and have huge heads.
My man’s going away for a week, so I’m kinda bummed, but I’m comforting myself with the knowledge that I get to kitty-sit while he’s gone. All the snuggles shall be mine! Muahahahahaha!
I hope you find your kitty match(es), David, and that they are snugly bundles of tiny meows.
We want pictures!
I’m confused. If David is a kitten… going to bring home a kitten… will we get twice as many posts?
In all seriousness, cats are awesome. I have two at home.
Snuggly, rather. Snugly seems like the name they would give a line of stuffed toys shaped like aliens in the 90s.
Congrats to you and your new friends. Shelter pets are the best!
Aw, good luck David! I love kitties. I wish I was in a position to have one of my own.
Also Steve Martin’s friend up there looks like a tabby version of my housemate’s cat. He’s a black and white tuxedo kitty, who is huge and fluffy. 🙂
Whosoever they may be – they be lucky kitty
YAY!! I second the notion — we demand pictures!!
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Nthing the demand for pictures!
Well I hope you have fun WITH YOUR CATS!
…No, really, I do.
Thanks everyone! I will be leaving momentarily to seek kitties.
Yay for kitties! Kitties are A W E S O M E.
You definitely need more than one! Can’t have a proper CATSPLOSION with only one cat. 😛
Yay! Kitties!!! I also want to see pictures
Good luck! I hope you find the perfect kitties for your family.
I’ve been trying to talk my boyfriend into a kitty. I argue that kitties are cute and my dog loves cats and wouldn’t it be nice if she had more company. He makes some silly argument about allergies.
Can’t tell for sure, but I’m pretty sure my Niko is that big, just not quite as rounded. Just about everyone who’s seen him IRL says he’s the biggest cat they’ve ever seen.
Pictures for those of you that didn’t see them the last time I showed him off.
Niko #1
Niko #2
One of these days I’ll get a good pic of him on something other than my laptop camera.
Oh, and I also want to see pics of David’s new kitty/kitties/cat/cats. That goes without saying.
My neighbor’s cat is a pretty big boy himself. He eats the food I put out for a stray cat.
Awesome! Cats are the best.
Just to see whether everyone here has been paying attention, it’s time for a KITTY POP QUIZ!
Scenario: Uh-oh! You were petting your new kitty, and it whipped around and scratched you! What is the correct way to handle this situation?
a) Stop petting it, as it is clearly not in the mood. Wait until it feels like being petted before trying again.
b) Check the kitty for injuries or other conditions, in case your petting caused it pain somehow.
c) Teaching moment! Bop the kitty’s nose (gently) and say “NO!” Repeat each time it scratches you until it learns who’s the dominant mammal around here.
d) Scritch the kitty’s tummy, since apparently it wants to play rough! Be sure to back off if it starts acting scared or distressed, or if the chomping gets too intense for your own comfort.
e) Euthanize it and go back to playing with your little lady lovelies.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that C and E are bad choices.
Generally A though sometimes B if kittty is also showing other signs of distress. C gets you scratched again, D might be what the cat wants but you get bitten and scratched, if you answer E you should only have pet rocks.