a voice for men chivalry douchebaggery evil women grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic johntheother misogyny MRA oppressed men sluts vaginas white knights worst writing in the history of the universe

JohnTheOther: the Aurora heroes aren’t heroes. KEYWORDS: calculus of death, vagina, drug addled slut

Children: Not worth saving, apparently.

JohnTheOther, blabby videoblogger and Number Two at A Voice for Men, has now weighed in with his own, slightly tardy, manifesto on the Aurora shooting and the evils of supposed male “disposability.” I didn’t read the whole thing – seriously, dude, OMIT NEEDLESS WORDS – but a few things stood out when I skimmed it. For example, this lovely passage, which seems to be a longer and fouler version of that ill-advised tweet from the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto that I mentioned in my last post.

Our mainstream, which is to say, our corporate media – that which bends and fawns for access to the corrupt elected officials and modern robber barons of corporate statehood – is telling you, young man, that in order to be worthwhile, a real man, you’d better be prepared to die without complaint for the child, or the little old lady, or the drug addled slut in the next seat.

But Mr. TheOther is having none of it:

The instinct – expressing itself variously as chivalry or as fatal self sacrifice — is just one more that no longer has any discernable benefit. It is an encumbrance to any real pursuit of a civilized society in which one class of humans is not legally and socially elevated over another.

Sorry, kids; sorry, old ladies; sorry “drug addled sluts” — you’re on your own. Apparently, in a truly civilized society, no one ever looks out for anyone else. Altruism is for barbarians and Bill Bennett!

Here’s JtO’s stirring conclusion:

Those three men are not heroes, they’re just dead. The calculus of death, where one life is traded in celebration for another by preference of a vagina, is pathological and regressive. It must be recognized as the sickness it is. Those who lionized these men, whose fatal and unexamined instinct led to self-destruction; those who held them up as a heroic example to follow, are cordially invited to go first — or to go fuck themselves.

Charming as always, Mr. TheOther.

In the discussion of Mr. TheOther’s post in the Men’s Rights Subreddit, AVFM’s Paul Elam expands on the whole they aren’t heroes” theme, arguing that we need to retroactively strip away the hero status of the three men who died protecting their girlfriends — because they died protecting women.

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12 years ago


Oh yes, definitely. I wasn’t saying it was altruism :p


If this place is hell WHY ARE YOU HERE??? Please do us all a favor and go hang out at Mary’s blog. Also you find little girls in capris and little girls at the beach sexualized and slutty, you have no place talking about sexual debauchery you damn creep. You think we forget about your previous comments?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh hey, Mary. I was just thinking to myself I don’t have to see nearly enough anti-gay bigots in my day to day life in the South. I’m so happy to have you here today.

12 years ago

Look at it this way, guys like nwo are so creepy and socially inept that they will be unable to breed. So hopefully the creeper MRA “movement” will die with them.

12 years ago

Do yourself a favor and leave this place and never come back. This is hell. These people promote every form of sexual debauchery.

Every form? I’ve obviously been reading the wrong comments threads.

Granted, people have popped up in the comments threads defending pedophilia and rape, so presumably count as “these people” by your definition, but such opinions tend to be challenged quickly and aggressively and those holding them are rapidly regarded as pariahs.

I also imagine the guy who talked about getting a boner around eight-year-olds counts as “these people” too, but that view wasn’t very popular either.

12 years ago

@Rutee Katreya
“I was just thinking to myself I don’t have to see nearly enough anti-gay bigots in my day to day life in the South.”

Anti-gay means you have morals, pro-gay means you have none.

12 years ago

Oh look, it’s the dude who wants to wave his dick at children condemning everyone else.

12 years ago

” I also imagine the guy who talked about getting a boner around eight-year-olds counts as “these people” too, but that view wasn’t very popular either.”

You’re going to have to do better than that, yesterday it was boners at 5 year olds. You’d have to go lower in age to insult me further. You’re going in the wrong direction.

12 years ago

Do yourself a favor and leave this place and never come back. This is hell. These people promote every form of sexual debauchery.

Well, that’s clearly unfair. I don’t promote EVERY form of sexual debauchery. I am against pedophilia, necrophilia and rape. Additionally, I think poop is a bad idea because (besides it not being my cup of tea) it’s a serious health hazard. You, on the other hand, are in favor of rape and fucking children, so as far as I am concerned, YOU are the debauched one.

12 years ago

“Granted, people have popped up in the comments threads defending pedophilia and rape, so presumably count as “these people” by your definition, but such opinions tend to be challenged quickly and aggressively and those holding them are rapidly regarded as pariahs.”

Yes, we all know who they are, little coochie shorcher.

12 years ago

“Well, that’s clearly unfair. I don’t promote EVERY form of sexual debauchery. I am against pedophilia, necrophilia and rape”

Well i guess it depends on whose doing the raping, which seems to dictate weather it’s a good rape or not, my little coochie snorcher.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Do yourself a favor and leave this place and never come back.

Wow, slavey, you can probably win TotY again this year without chasing away the competition. Are you that afraid that your schtick has gotten boring?

12 years ago

A tangent: All this talk of disposability reminded me of this really horrid French movie called “Baise-moi” (“Fuck me”) that came out in art movie theaters a few years ago. Critics invariably described is as a bad-girl version of “Thelma & Louise”, a story about two women who go on a murderous rampage against men. But when I actually saw the film, I was surprised to see the two main characters kill both men and women in more or less equal numbers. Moreover, whereas they would only kill men in response to violent or disrespectful behavior, they would kill women pretty much at random. But somehow neither critics nor audiences were noticing the female body count. Kinda makes you think about who is or isn’t disposable.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Not only am I pro-gay, I am TOTALLY anti-morality.

12 years ago

Well i guess it depends on whose doing the raping, which seems to dictate weather it’s a good rape or not, my little coochie snorcher.

According to your moral code — not mine. You believe it should be legal for men to rape women and for men to rape children. I believe all rape and sex with the underage is wrong, regardless of the gender of the participants. So my point stands.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I also completely agree with the explicit and implicit values expressed by any feminist ever, especially everything written in The Vagina Monologues, and extra-especially the stuff that contradicts itself.

12 years ago

“Look at it this way, guys like nwo are so creepy and socially inept that they will be unable to breed. So hopefully the creeper MRA “movement” will die with them.”

Actually if you knew anything about fertility rates you’d know that feminist societies have already bred themselves out of existance. Every country in Europe has already admitted as much. The US is no different, if it wasn’t for the influx of conservative immigrants the US population would read negative numbers as well. The positive side effect of feminism is they breed themselves out of existance.

12 years ago

Do yourself a favor and leave this place and never come back. This is hell. These people promote every form of sexual debauchery. They hate morality. They hate the patriarchal family. They hate Christianity. They hate masculinity. They hate even the idea of God. They worship their own greatness.

Oh, you’re religious all of a sudden?

12 years ago

Do yourself a favor and leave this place and never come back. This is hell.

YMMV. I’ve been here a couple of weeks and find the regulars rather nice and welcoming.

12 years ago


Tut, tut, coochie snorcher. The vagina monologues is the epitome of feminism. Toss in a little mestrual painting or lipstick and you have the feminist contribution to the art world. Life imitates art, so they say.

12 years ago

Again, those men didn’t have to sacrifice their lives. They did so willingly out of love. MRAs will never know that kind of love.

12 years ago

David, have you seen this? Serious trigger warning. This guy on Reddit describes in great detail about how he is a serial rapist. Let’s stop pretending that these guys are “confused about signals” or that there is any sort of grey area. These assholes know full well that they are predators (hat tip/Shakesville):

12 years ago

Blitzgal: NWO follows a special kind of religion which is defined by its opposition to things NWO doesn’t like. In other words, it’s entirely reactionary, kind of like when a person can’t be bothered to roll out of bed in the morning to go to church, but totally loses his shit if a store employee wishes him “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. His religion does not exist outside of such reactions. It has no ritual, no moral principles, and no code of conduct to live by. Needless to say, it has little to do with the actual content of its purported Holy Book, whose only usefulness to someone like NWO is being a massive door-stopper or conversation piece.

12 years ago

“Blitzgal: NWO follows a special kind of religion which is defined by its opposition to things NWO doesn’t like.”

Blessed be woman, who knows the thoughts of others. Thou art goddess.

12 years ago

What is a little coochie snorcher?