a voice for men chivalry douchebaggery evil women grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic johntheother misogyny MRA oppressed men sluts vaginas white knights worst writing in the history of the universe

JohnTheOther: the Aurora heroes aren’t heroes. KEYWORDS: calculus of death, vagina, drug addled slut

Children: Not worth saving, apparently.

JohnTheOther, blabby videoblogger and Number Two at A Voice for Men, has now weighed in with his own, slightly tardy, manifesto on the Aurora shooting and the evils of supposed male “disposability.” I didn’t read the whole thing – seriously, dude, OMIT NEEDLESS WORDS – but a few things stood out when I skimmed it. For example, this lovely passage, which seems to be a longer and fouler version of that ill-advised tweet from the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto that I mentioned in my last post.

Our mainstream, which is to say, our corporate media – that which bends and fawns for access to the corrupt elected officials and modern robber barons of corporate statehood – is telling you, young man, that in order to be worthwhile, a real man, you’d better be prepared to die without complaint for the child, or the little old lady, or the drug addled slut in the next seat.

But Mr. TheOther is having none of it:

The instinct – expressing itself variously as chivalry or as fatal self sacrifice — is just one more that no longer has any discernable benefit. It is an encumbrance to any real pursuit of a civilized society in which one class of humans is not legally and socially elevated over another.

Sorry, kids; sorry, old ladies; sorry “drug addled sluts” — you’re on your own. Apparently, in a truly civilized society, no one ever looks out for anyone else. Altruism is for barbarians and Bill Bennett!

Here’s JtO’s stirring conclusion:

Those three men are not heroes, they’re just dead. The calculus of death, where one life is traded in celebration for another by preference of a vagina, is pathological and regressive. It must be recognized as the sickness it is. Those who lionized these men, whose fatal and unexamined instinct led to self-destruction; those who held them up as a heroic example to follow, are cordially invited to go first — or to go fuck themselves.

Charming as always, Mr. TheOther.

In the discussion of Mr. TheOther’s post in the Men’s Rights Subreddit, AVFM’s Paul Elam expands on the whole they aren’t heroes” theme, arguing that we need to retroactively strip away the hero status of the three men who died protecting their girlfriends — because they died protecting women.

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12 years ago

david what happened to not telling us about johnthebloviator anymore? 🙁

12 years ago

that which bends and fawns for access to the corrupt elected officials and modern robber barons of corporate statehood

i take it back, this shit is fucking golden

12 years ago

i would pay actual dollars for a book co-written by jto and mikey

12 years ago

you know, its possible to argue that men shouldn’t have to feel the need to lay down their lives for people without diminishing the heroic acts of these 3 men.

What a bunch of misandrists. MRAs like to lecture feminists that they wouldn’t be here today were it not for the men who fought for freedom and democracy….well the same goes for smarmy MRA assholes who smash at their keyboards all day.

12 years ago

Yep, society socializes men a certain way!

Now let’s say that if you save a man, you’re a hero, if you save a woman, you’re a chump!!

But why do you call me a misogynist just because I keep flatly saying female lives have no worth while mens’ lives do? MISANDRISTS!!!

the twisted spinster
the twisted spinster
12 years ago

“The calculus of death, where one life is traded in celebration for another by preference of a vagina, is pathological and regressive.”

So… real men don’t prefer vagina? Is he saying men should be gay? I’m really confused here, how does the men’s rights theme of “women should quit being stuck up bitches and be nice to men” dovetail into “ew vaginas are gross men shouldn’t bother with women at all” without that basically being a call for men to eschew heterosexuality altogether? I mean, I’ve noticed that the MRA dudes seem to only focus on the rights of heterosexual men; gay men are ignored or lumped into the “mangina” contingent as far as I can tell from what little reading of their crap I’ve been forced into. And I was under the impression that “men going their own way” just meant men who refused to be tied down by marriage and who decided to just give women the “pump and dump” treatment, but not to avoid women altogether. (I’d have had more respect for the MGTOWers if celibacy was part of their shtick.)

So help me out here: how is telling men that a “preference for vagina… is pathological and regressive” not anything more than a declaration that homo is the way to go? Not, of course, that there’s anything wrong with that and if this is John The Other’s coming out announcement I applaud him and support his revelation of his true nature. He’s just got to realize that his misogyny is just him projecting his fears of being forced into a heterosexual lifestyle he doesn’t want. This then is my message to John: it’s okay that you’re gay! We understand and accept you for what you are. Come into the light!

12 years ago

“Drug addled slut”

Ah yes, John is following in the age-old MRA tradition of making up women to hate.

12 years ago

Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this was a jealousy issue. They are pissed at all the media attention these men are getting when its them who feel they should get media attention for being brave misogynist keyboard warriors

12 years ago


(For those that did not get the feminist hive-mind memo, dude is now misandrist shaming language. I am using it now because JtO should be very ashamed of himself.)

12 years ago

I dont know what a calculus of death is, but I kinda want one

12 years ago

Sorry, kids; sorry, old ladies; sorry “drug addled sluts” — you’re on your own. Apparently, in a truly civilized society, no one ever looks out for anyone else. Altruism is for barbarians and Bill Bennett!

This is why I do not consider myself to be an MRA. However, I *think* how this sometimes gets put is that men should not do anything, make any sacrifices, for women in the current culture because women are behaving very madly towards men. Note this is not my personal idea; I’m just pointing it out. My preference is have an altruistic society.

12 years ago

Oops, madly=badly…although it works either way I guess.

12 years ago

Ah yes, John is following in the age-old MRA tradition of making up women to hate.

which is weird, because it’s not like he ever seems to run out of women who exist to hate…

12 years ago

My preference is have an altruistic society.

Altruism isn’t ‘acting as helpmeet/broodmare to some bloke in exchange for love and eternal salvation’, it’s

sacrificing something for someone other than the self (e.g. sacrificing time, energy or possessions) with no expectation of any compensation or benefits, either direct, or indirect (for instance from recognition of the giving).

Words mean things.

12 years ago

“Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this was a jealousy issue. They are pissed at all the media attention these men are getting when its them who feel they should get media attention for being brave misogynist keyboard warriors[.]”

It’s like a lightbulb went off in my head.

12 years ago

Or on, rather.

12 years ago

Mary, no one is putting a gun to men’s heads and forcing them to take bullets for women get over yourselves.

And why are you here really? I’m genuinely curious…our crowd clearly doesn’t mesh with your crowd and vice versa, so why are you trying to engage us? especially since we know you went back and told your patriarchy lovers that omg the mean feminists were meeeean to me!!!

Well in all honesty I’m not trying to be mean here but…go away.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ Sunshine mary- The idea isn’t really a secret- there’s a lot of ‘breaking social contracts’ floating around MRM discourse, along with that strangely inverse idea of male disposibility. But the idea that you should just let people you love die because they are women as a part of some sort of larger cause of, I don’t know, forcing women to stop working and go back to the kitchen and make babies- a little unhealthy, don’t you think?

12 years ago

This is why I do not consider myself to be an MRA. However, I *think* how this sometimes gets put is that men should not do anything, make any sacrifices, for women in the current culture because women are behaving very madly towards men. Note this is not my personal idea; I’m just pointing it out. My preference is have an altruistic society.

Mary, I will give you full points for distancing yourself from hateful speech.

The minute you acknowledge that you bore false witness against Sandra Fluke, apologize, and retract it.

12 years ago

And why are you here really?

she gets off on the feeling of moral superiority she feels when we say what we mean and she couches her nastiness in smarm

12 years ago

put another way, she’s a bully, and an exceptionally dishonest one at that

12 years ago

I don’t think men should feel obligated to sacrifice themselves for women. I do, however, think abled adults should sacrifice themselves for children, people with disabilities, and elders.

12 years ago

On one day we can have Steele, NWOSlave, Miss Mary Sunshine, and the First Joe, but MRAs are convinced – CONVINCED!!! – that feminists are trolling their blogs en masse?

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ Sharculese- Haha, she’s like the version of me I would have to fight at the end of a video game.

12 years ago


is it really false witness if she’s only repeating what the other anti-sex crusaders have told her? or do we apply the sullivan test?

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