I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit sex

Men’s Rights Redditor: “The cougar phenomenon is perverse. Yet we criminalize sex with fertile women who haven’t passed some arbitrary age limit.”

Fresh from the Men’s Rights subreddit,  some thoughts from some dude called atiwywr on cougars, age of consent laws, and Justin Beiber.

So “cougars” are perverse, but pedophilia – sorry, ephebophilia — is natural and good?

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Complaining that men can’t legally have sex with girls – sorry, “fertile women” – aged 15 and younger: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

I don’t, “support” prison rape. I just said it’s funny when an evil person gets what looks like Karma. And I’m all for rape being prevented in prison.

Ruby, you claim to be a feminist. As such, I assume you’re familiar with rape culture. The reason rape jokes are wrong is that they foster a culture in which rape is seen as acceptable. By making prison rape jokes (even if it’s only about people you deem evil), you are supporting a culture in which prison rape is seen as acceptable. Which is the opposite of preventing rape in prison.

There are many on the left with intelligence and compassion. AND there are many NOT on the left who have intelligence and compassion (I’m one of them). No one has a monopoly on either.

Libertarian, compassionate, intelligent: choose two. And all the evidence points against you being compassionate. Compassionate people don’t think rape is funny.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

I don’t, “support” prison rape. I just said it’s funny when an evil person gets what looks like Karma.

Well, yanno, I’m not a racist but…. (Wait, that one’s probably lost on you. Imma try again.)

I’m not a misogynist but “I don’t think a woman can be premier [of British Columbia]”*. See how that makes a total non-sequitur? The second clause negates the first. That’s what you did above.

Libertarian, compassionate, intelligent: choose two. And all the evidence points against you being compassionate.

The evidence also points against Ruby being intelligent. This is a person who couldn’t connect ‘government’ to ‘roads’ on the fly.

*Someone actually said this to me while I was working on Premier Clark’s campaign.

12 years ago

I don’t, “support” prison rape. I just said it’s funny when an evil person gets what looks like Karma.

so… you don’t encourage it, you just think it’s awesome.

you are a stupid person.

12 years ago

AND there are many NOT on the left who have intelligence and compassion (I’m one of them).

oh to be sure, there are plenty of bright, intelligent, even entertaining conservatives.

just not you.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I’m trying to think of a joke where the punchline is “and then he got brutally tortured!

I am failing.

12 years ago

I don’t, “support” prison rape. I just said it’s funny when an evil person gets what looks like Karma. And I’m all for rape being prevented in prison.

Bullshit, Ruby. It doesn’t fucking matter who it happens to, if you’re laughing at it, you’re supporting it. Not just supporting it, fucking reveling in it. So spare me your weak-ass back-pedaling excuses.

12 years ago

like rubes, there are a couple of solid conservative writers i check on a day to day basis. im also a huge evelyn waugh fan, as i mentioned while trolling mikey.

it’s not them. it’s you. you are personally tedious, unoriginal, and hateful. dont blame it on other people. take responsibility for your own bad behavior.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

women are programmed to find men of means, and that doesn’t mean they’re gold diggers.

Actually, women are programmed to find men with good genes. The unwritten rules of the mating game predate the invention of money, property, and civilization. You should watch The Red Shoe Diaries sometime.

That being said, FTR, I am decidedly NOT a libertarian whatsoever. And one of the biggest reasons why is that I don’t subscribe to the fallacy of free will. People are basically mechanical, and when you give them the freedom to be themselves they’re destructive and harmful to one another. Civilization depends on controlling the masses.

12 years ago

Women are neither robots, nor computers. We are not programmed. We are (gasp!) actual human beings, with individual thoughts, feelings, and motivations. I know that can be hard for some people to wrap their minds around, but most people can grasp the concept just fine.

12 years ago

Actually, women are programmed to find men with good genes. The unwritten rules of the mating game predate the invention of money, property, and civilization. You should watch The Red Shoe Diaries sometime.

That being said, FTR, I am decidedly NOT a libertarian whatsoever. And one of the biggest reasons why is that I don’t subscribe to the fallacy of free will. People are basically mechanical, and when you give them the freedom to be themselves they’re destructive and harmful to one another. Civilization depends on controlling the masses.

we get it. you’re in high school and smoke a ton of trees. you don’t have to keep hammering it home.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

cloudiah, human beings(regardless of gender or sex)are biological entities whose behavior is determined by our brains. I’m using the word programmed as an analogy because human drives have a genetic basis and our genes(made of DNA) server as a biological Read-Only Memory. If people were so different as to have no common drives and motivations, we would not have civilization, let alone live in groups because we’d have nothing in common with each other! You seem to believe that the illusion of free will is a reality, despite the accumulating evidence against it.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

we get it. you’re in high school and smoke a ton of trees. you don’t have to keep hammering it home.


Besides, none of the trees in Portlandia have anything in their smoke to induce hallucinations. There are alders which certainly smell good, but, I aint never heard of anyone getting high from alder smoke! LOL

What’s so ironic is that I totally was a libertarian when I was in HS and believed in the same, childish ideals that you did. But then I grew up. 😉

12 years ago

MSN: If there is no free will… how is it people disagree; why is it you are something of a contrarian?

12 years ago

[…]I don’t subscribe to the fallacy of free will. People are basically mechanical, and when you give them the freedom to be themselves they’re destructive and harmful to one another. Civilization depends on controlling the masses.>/blockquote
Do you really not see the problem with this paragraph? If there is no free will, then you can’t control the masses because everyone will just do what they’re programmed to do.

12 years ago

ninja’d by Pecunium

12 years ago

And I screwed up the blockquote. It’s my first time, it feels kinda special.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

we get it. you’re in high school and smoke a ton of trees. you don’t have to keep hammering it home.


Besides, none of the trees in Portlandia have anything in their smoke to induce hallucinations. There are alders which certainly smell good, but, I aint never heard of anyone getting high from alder smoke! LOL

Well someone isn’t up on slang — smoke a ton of tree pot — get it now?

12 years ago

But then I grew up. 😉

Using heavily affected cynicism to pretend you’re better than other people ain’t “growing up”, dude. It’s fucking juvenile.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

Well someone isn’t up on slang — smoke a ton of tree pot — get it now?

Yup. What a fucking stupid word for pot. Particularly since the hemp plant is NOT a tree or even a shrub as it has no wood whatsoever. Furthermore, I have smoked weed a few times in my 33 years and it is not hallucinogenic nor does it induce delirium. Twas a retarded remark by Sharcules.

If there is no free will… how is it people disagree; why is it you are something of a contrarian?

People disagree because of the internal states of their brain(and hence their mind). When our brains receives information in the form of a language(which has symbolic meaning), that information is processed by different parts and there is a resulting output state which often includes an emotional response. Perhaps I am a contrarian because I’m programmed that way. :-p

12 years ago

Damn you guys love your strawman arguments! How does saying, “men like looking at naked women way more than women like looking at naked men” translate into, “men aren’t sexy?” No matter how equal the genders get, Playboy will always outsell Playgirl. But anyway, men are sexy:

12 years ago

Uh oh, not the playboy vs playgirl thing again!

12 years ago

I love how Ruby just demonstrated how she’s able to hold her silly ideas about male versus female sexuality. Many societies present any example of women being sexually attracted to men on a physical/visual level as silly and embarrassing and ridiculous, as being worthy of mockery. Which is not how those same societies present men reacting to women on a visual/sexual level at all. Women grow up being taught that their base physical reactions to men are something they should be embarrassed about, so they suppress them, and act embarrassed and apologetic about them. And then dumbasses like Ruby try their best to reinforce that paradigm.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

If people were so different as to have no common drives and motivations, we would not have civilization, let alone live in groups because we’d have nothing in common with each other!

Shorter MSN: if we had free will, I’d be the only one who likes food.

Note that I’m not a big fan of ‘free will’ – mainly because I don’t know what the hell that is – but if you’re going to argue against it, at least do so with sense!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I should’ve saved the source for Ruby’s line about how naked isn’t a good look for men…

Monsieur sans Nom — “Furthermore, I have smoked weed a few times in my 33 years and it is not hallucinogenic nor does it induce delirium.” — First, wtf relevance does the word “pot” have to the plant anyways? Makes no more sense than tree does. Second, you may then recall that saying stupid shit and thinking it’s just hilarious is among the affects. Yeah, that’s wtf you’re being accused of doing.

12 years ago

Aw, I return to Manboobz after an absence, and MSN and Ruby are in a fight over free will and… something! Good to see some things never change. Hi guys! *waves, because of mechanical electrical impulses in my brainmeats* I missed you!

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