I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit sex

Men’s Rights Redditor: “The cougar phenomenon is perverse. Yet we criminalize sex with fertile women who haven’t passed some arbitrary age limit.”

Fresh from the Men’s Rights subreddit,  some thoughts from some dude called atiwywr on cougars, age of consent laws, and Justin Beiber.

So “cougars” are perverse, but pedophilia – sorry, ephebophilia — is natural and good?

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Complaining that men can’t legally have sex with girls – sorry, “fertile women” – aged 15 and younger: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

Whenever I encounter the words “…fiscally conservative and socially liberal.”, what it basically translates to is “I believe in freedom and justice for those who can afford it.” or “I can do whatever I want, and fuck everyone else.”

12 years ago

Being in favour of reproductive rights and opposed to social justice doesn’t make you a moderate. It just makes you a hypocrite.

when you think about your politics in meaningless abstract terms like ‘socially liberal’ you dont actually have to think about how shit works in practice

and then you can stumble around the internet getting huffy at people who don’t recognize what a bold free-thinker you are for saying what every other internet conservative is saying

12 years ago

I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

Ruby, the first part of that sentence translates to “I don’t give a fuck about people who aren’t rich”. It does not go well with the second part, which means “I give a fuck about people who aren’t rich”.

That’s also how you’re a libertarian (“I’m a libertarian, by which I mean…”), not how (“I’m a libertarian because…”), but whatever.

12 years ago

Ninja’d by everyone. Oh well.

12 years ago

Or not ninja’d. I’m about an hour late. I’m not entirely sure what’s happened. I’m keeping really odd hours right now, so I could’ve done something really weird and not realised. Not up to detective work right now.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Capitalism and charity help the poor way more than government programs (which keep them in poverty),

I’m pretty sure my girlfriend is angling to make more money than you, and her Master’s was paid for in full by the Danish Government. I know for a fact her father makes more than you, and his phd was also paid for by the Danish Government.

My father could only afford to go to public schooling because it was free. He could only afford the state-funded college on Puerto Rico. Again, I know for a fact that he makes way the hell more money than you, and is probably worth more than your husband. That puts aside that you’re just parroting stupid shit to begin with.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I’m a libertarian because I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I’m neither left or right-wing. It’s you lefties and righties who tend to be the, “wing-nuts.” LOL!

‘Socially liberal’, says the massive racist? XD

Yeah, no, pull the other one, it plays Let Us Cling Together.

12 years ago

12 years ago

12 years ago

I never heard of roads being called, “a government program.”

Actually, I said women are programmed to find men of means, and that doesn’t mean they’re gold diggers.

I’m socially liberal because I don’t want early term abortions outlawed, drugs and prostitution should be legal, same with gay marriage, and no more wars in the Middle East.

I believe in equality for people no matter their race, and I don’t believe any race is more valuable than the others.

12 years ago

Ruby you’re a creep, you are on par mentally with all the other creepy trolls (Steele, Slavey, etc.) on this blog who draw a weird satisfaction by posting here.

That’s all that needs to be said about you.

12 years ago

I never heard of roads being called, “a government program.”

that’s because you’re an idiot

I’m socially liberal because I don’t want early term abortions outlawed, drugs and prostitution should be legal, same with gay marriage, and no more wars in the Middle East.

‘wars are a social issue’

the sort of deep insight ive come to expect from internet libertarians

12 years ago

Actually, I said women are programmed to find men of means, and that doesn’t mean they’re gold diggers.

Actually, it kinda does. And even in its mildest iteration, it’s still gender-essentialist bullshit.

I’m socially liberal because I don’t want early term abortions outlawed…

And you don’t give a shit whether said abortions are obtainable to those with low incomes. Freedom for those can afford it.

I believe in equality for people no matter their race, and I don’t believe any race is more valuable than the others.

Yeah, I haven’t really seen any evidence to support that claim.

12 years ago

it’s also really hard to claim your socially liberal when you cheerlead for our nation’s inhumane prison system, but that’s almost tangential given the massive level of ignorance already on display

12 years ago

And when it comes right down to it, put everything else aside, you support prison rape. You believe that extralegal, tacitly state-sanctioned sexual abuse is an acceptable form of punishment. You condone the state surreptitiously wielding rape as a weapon of fear.

You are no libertarian.

12 years ago

“I said women are programmed to find men of means,”

Though it’s really far from being the most horrible thing you’ve said, it really annoy the shit out of me. Several women told you that they don’t want to find “men of means”. Personnally, I plan to be a woman of means, at least enough so that I don’t need to depend on my spouse. Money isn’t a factor when I consider dating someone (except that the person being richer than me can make me uncomfortable because i fear it can bring a power imbalance)
Many women here said similar things. I still don’t know whether you think we lie or you know us better than ourselves.
You brought the worse proof you could find, who invariably were from terrible sources and/or didn’t prove your point.
Yet you keep on pretending that you’re just stating scientifical fact.

12 years ago

kobold, please don’t mistake “mentally ill” with “asshole”.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I’m socially liberal because I don’t want early term abortions outlawed,

I just want to highlight, since other folks are hitting up other stuff, that our ‘libertarian’ apparently thinks wimminz can’t be trusted to plan an abortion responsibly, and that women just regularly carry a fetus 8 months before deciding to get rid of it. Only anti-abortion laws prevent this.

I’m socially liberal because I don’t want early term abortions outlawed, drugs and prostitution should be legal, same with gay marriage, and no more wars in the Middle East.

…But racism is just cool with you, we know XD

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh,a lso, if women are programmed to find men of means, why am I dating a woman exactly? One who hates children almost as much as me, to boot? XD

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh right, now I remember, Ruby is the allegedly straight woman who insisted that men weren’t sexually attractive and that women were.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I believe in equality for people no matter their race, and I don’t believe any race is more valuable than the others.

…but those other races are, equal or not, still all drunkards and unproductive (which is a cardinal sin in the church of libertariarianism). We kind of have the thread where you slowly but surely get more and more racist in defense of your ill-founded belief that Merika leads in social mobility (negative, maybe. positive, not so much)

12 years ago

I just want to highlight, since other folks are hitting up other stuff, that our ‘libertarian’ apparently thinks wimminz can’t be trusted to plan an abortion responsibly, and that women just regularly carry a fetus 8 months before deciding to get rid of it. Only anti-abortion laws prevent this.

i didnt catch that on first glance, but holy fuck, what a toad

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

I never heard of roads being called, “a government program.”

Book of Larnin’, Ruby Edition:
Asphalt is a naturally occurring product. It forms in rectangular patterns – called ‘city blocks’ – with remarkable frequency. All transport between cities is done by air. Highways are a myth.

12 years ago

I don’t, “support” prison rape. I just said it’s funny when an evil person gets what looks like Karma. And I’m all for rape being prevented in prison.

And yes, I am a libertarian. I took the libertarian test and passed.

There are many on the left with intelligence and compassion. AND there are many NOT on the left who have intelligence and compassion (I’m one of them). No one has a monopoly on either.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

. I just said it’s funny when an evil person gets what looks like Karma.

AND there are many NOT on the left who have intelligence and compassion (I’m one of them

Statement assumes facts not in evidence.

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