I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit sex

Men’s Rights Redditor: “The cougar phenomenon is perverse. Yet we criminalize sex with fertile women who haven’t passed some arbitrary age limit.”

Fresh from the Men’s Rights subreddit,  some thoughts from some dude called atiwywr on cougars, age of consent laws, and Justin Beiber.

So “cougars” are perverse, but pedophilia – sorry, ephebophilia — is natural and good?

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Complaining that men can’t legally have sex with girls – sorry, “fertile women” – aged 15 and younger: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

You’ve been racist before, because you said stupid shit on immigrants, and non-white people. You’re being racist now. It’s not just that I disagree with you, it’s that you’re being racist *right this second*.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

What a surprise, Greg Gutfield actually is a racist heterosexist (and cis-sexist aside)

“Gutfeld often refers to his houseboys, usually with homosexual overtones, but claims his wife knows all about these houseboys, who are of various ethnicities. He also claims these houseboys usually become disgruntled or turn up dead.

Gutfeld often refers to the nefarious things that happen in his basement, where he keeps his houseboys.”

12 years ago

@Nanasha: That sounds terrible, I’m really sorry. And I totally agree that sex won’t magically make you bond and fix the relationship.

12 years ago

And I totally agree that sex won’t magically make you bond and fix the relationship.

Neither will marriage. And yet I know loads of people who misguidedly thought just that.

12 years ago

@Wetherby: Talk about marrying for the wrong reason.

Sometimes you hear that people nowadays “are too quick to get a divorce” and should struggle more to save the relationship. Well, you could think it’s a sad fact that 50 % of all marriages end in a divorce (at least in Sweden, don’t know the US statistics) since that’s not what people intend when they get married. Still, I don’t think the problem is that people “are too quick to get a divorce”. If you’d want to do some sort of campaign in order to reduce the number of divorces it would probably be better to encourage people not to marry for bad reasons (I’m not saying that all couples who end up divorced married for the wrong reasons, but IF you marry because, say, you think that will make the relationship better, I think an eventual divorce is almost guaranteed).

12 years ago

Dvärghundspossen: Well, you could think it’s a sad fact that 50 % of all marriages end in a divorce (at least in Sweden, don’t know the US statistics)

That’s about right, for the US too.

One wonders, what was the rate of spousal infidelity in the past, when people couldn’t get divorces. We know there were lots of men who skipped out on their families, without the risk of being tracked down and made to support the children.

That, btw, is what the, “spermjacking” is about. All those idiots ranting about how “it’s nature to want to fuck children, because they are fertile” are the same ones who think it’s a crime against nature to expect a father to contribute to the rearing of those children.

12 years ago

Kyrie, that’s just what you want to believe because my political views aren’t the same as the Left. Capitalism and charity help the poor way more than government programs (which keep them in poverty), and I’m all for helping them. I want equal opportunity for everyone no matter their race, religion, or sexual orientation. No, that doesn’t mean economy killing redistribution of wealth. I’m more into teaching people to fish than just giving them fish. So no, I don’t hate the poor.

12 years ago

Sharculese, I like what Greg Gutfeld says mocking liberals, “If you disagree with me, then you’re a racist homophobe.” LOL! Come on, don’t you people on the left get tired of throwing around those labels? Apparently not.

i have no doubt your a big fan of that sort of trite knee-jerk reductionism, champ.

but seriously, if your going to get all indignant about labels, you might want to do it without sniveling about ‘the left’.

12 years ago

I’m more into teaching people to fish than just giving them fish.

oh look, more trite meaningless aphorism- the only thing ruby really stands for.

12 years ago

Well, I see Ruby has gone into full libertarian mode.

ruby’s not actually a libertarian. she’s a garden variety wingnut, who like many such creatures, calls herself a libertarian because she thinks it makes her sound interesting and different.

12 years ago

fourthpost- y’know rubes, a real non-racist would have acknowledged how what she said could have been taken as racist. the fact that you immediately go into flailing HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THE R-WORD mode is telling, the fact that you are capable of zero self-reflection on the subject and have to blame other people for it, also telling.

i thought wingnuts were supposed to be about personal responsibility?

12 years ago

also it’s like you completely forgot your screeching tantrums about those goddam lazy thieving poors, and assume were as stupid as you are, so we dont remember them either.

12 years ago

Ruby, I already read what you wrote.There’s no point in trying to convince me you’re not a horrible person, we’re way past that point, even with the rape apology alone. (which was the more obvious). And I didn’t say you hated poor people, just that you don’t give a damn about them, including their death. I think many here remember that your solution to poor people’s health issues is that they just stop eating so much fast food and that your solution to poverty in general is that poor people do more efforts.

Capitalism […] help the poor >
Lol. Citation needed. Not from the Daily Mail, please.

[…]charity help the poor way more than government programs (which keep them in poverty) […] I’m more into teaching people to fish than just giving them fish.

And how is charity less “giving the fish” than governement programs, exactly?

12 years ago

“We know there were lots of men who skipped out on their families, without the risk of being tracked down and made to support the children.”

Do we know this? What is lots? 1,2,10 in a thousand? Were their lots of women who skipped out? Do you have an agenda of portraying women as victims and men as bad?
“Neither will marriage. And yet I know loads of people who misguidedly thought just that.”

Do you know loads of people who thought that? Did they tell you that? Did you know what they were thinking?
@Argenti Aertheri
“A particularly complex way of saying “I can’t be an X because I said I’m not!” which really, isn’t all that funny once you’re out of grade school.”

None of the hallowed manboobz crew are racist or sexist because they said they’re not. After all, you’re not sexist because you said so. A womans word is gospel.

12 years ago


I’m more into teaching people to fish than just giving them fish.

Teaching someone to fish does a crap load of good when that person can’t afford fishing equipment and doesn’t have a place to fish.

12 years ago

If you’d want to do some sort of campaign in order to reduce the number of divorces it would probably be better to encourage people not to marry for bad reasons (I’m not saying that all couples who end up divorced married for the wrong reasons, but IF you marry because, say, you think that will make the relationship better, I think an eventual divorce is almost guaranteed).

I completely agree, and can’t help but be reminded of a time when a friend got engaged and a mutual friend predicted disaster on the grounds that he was “too boring for her”. In fact, they’re marking their 17th wedding anniversary next month – because she very sensibly got married for the right reasons.

One person’s “boring” is another’s embodiment of rock-solid reliability, which very much seems to be the case here.

12 years ago


The fact that these guys feel so threatened by mature women who are potentially peers and equals never ceases to amaze me. They are so obsessed with equating female youth with desirability.

I was on Dalrock a while back observing a particularly heated thread called “Are Women Over 55 Through with Men?” The general consensus among the largely male posters was that the reason why women over 55 are through with men is because of sour grapes. In other words, these women are through with men because all women over a certain age can’t possibly be anything other than dried up, ugly old hags who no one could possibly want. These guys (and misguided women) became positively apoplectic when some people (myself included) pointed out that many men of a certain age who are mature and well-adjusted actually prefer women who are close to them in age, as opposed to Barbie dolls young enough to be their daughters or grand-daughters.

I’m a little late to the party on this one…. got called out to work yesterday afternoon and just had a chance to read the mentioned thread this morning.

Yeah, it’s the same crap (and mostly the same commentariat) that I see at other manosphere (mostly Christian Manosphere) blogs that I mainly lurk at (post once in a while for the lulz I get out of reading the ensuing flamefest). What those “guys (and misguided women)” explain are the “True Fax”, whereas anything anyone might contribute to the contrary is, if not outright lying, “hamster rationalizations”.

Especially lulz-worthy were two similar comments from TFH (think he used to go by the handle “The Fifth Horseman”) directed at two different commenters:

Monique, you have no idea how women think. And no, being a woman does not mean you know how women think – quite the opposite in fact.

You will have to accept that most men here actually have a vastly better understanding of how women think, than you do.

Yes, you heard that right. We know how women think better than you do.

The best thing you can do is read up on Heartiste, Dalrock, The Misandry Bubble, etc. with the expectation that a lot of dogma you have been fed about how women (and men) think is entirely wrong.

Whatever would we do without those hotbeds of (mostly) male angst to tell us how we think?!

12 years ago

A womans word is gospel. – Owly

Owly and Steele must be starting to blend into one being, because they’re both getting really repetitive with their words.

12 years ago

I’m a libertarian because I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I’m neither left or right-wing. It’s you lefties and righties who tend to be the, “wing-nuts.” LOL!

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Capitalism and charity help the poor way more than government programs (which keep them in poverty), and I’m all for helping them.

Book of Larnin’ Ruby edition:
Capitalism and charity help the poor more than roads, universal healthcare, water quality standards and police, since those are all “government programs”.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

I’m a libertarian because I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I’m neither left or right-wing. It’s you lefties and righties who tend to be the, “wing-nuts.” LOL!

Being in favour of reproductive rights and opposed to social justice doesn’t make you a moderate. It just makes you a hypocrite.

12 years ago

I’m a libertarian because I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I’m neither left or right-wing. It’s you lefties and righties who tend to be the, “wing-nuts.” LOL!

The search has taken over a century, but Oscar Wilde finally has a worthy successor.

12 years ago

I’m a libertarian because I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

“Women are naturally golddiggers! Oh, and put down the Big Mac or you deserve to die, fatty! Lol!”

12 years ago

Whenever I read a libertarian say they’re “fiscally conservative and socially liberal”, I like to imagine “fiscally conservative” in giant 50 point font, and “socially liberal” in tiny 4 point font. Because that’s usually what it amounts to.

12 years ago

I’m a libertarian because I’m fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I’m neither left or right-wing.

omg the creepy little rape enthusiast thinks she’s socially liberal

dude we’ve all heard this line from a dozen cookie-cutter internet reactionaries, and it’s not different when you parrot it

It’s you lefties and righties who tend to be the, “wing-nuts.” LOL!

ooooh, kiddo, please please please try not be clever again. i get now why you stick to the trite and banal.

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