I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit sex

Men’s Rights Redditor: “The cougar phenomenon is perverse. Yet we criminalize sex with fertile women who haven’t passed some arbitrary age limit.”

Fresh from the Men’s Rights subreddit,  some thoughts from some dude called atiwywr on cougars, age of consent laws, and Justin Beiber.

So “cougars” are perverse, but pedophilia – sorry, ephebophilia — is natural and good?

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Complaining that men can’t legally have sex with girls – sorry, “fertile women” – aged 15 and younger: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

Yeah, and what about women sexual peaking in their 30’s to early 40s? The Spearhead said that was a myth, of course. *chuckle* Yeah, sure fellas, the Kinsey Institute got it wrong.
Does anyone else get the feeling these guys aren’t interested in having good sex? I think they perfer the shallow comfort of having a women who has never seen a penis before. Pathetic.

12 years ago

Postulate: they don’t bother trying to give their partner a good time, so people who know good times are possible go “Fuckit, this is crap, I’m gonna find someone who appreciates me as more than a warm hole”?

12 years ago

@Shiraz: I don’t question the fact that most women experience a peak around 40, but I think it might be because younger women often are a bit sexually repressed, rather than a biological thing. Women are constantly taught to focus on the guy and what HE feels like and think about us. Walk the narrow line between slut and prude and please your boyfriend while you do it, rather than figure out what YOU want. Maybe for lots of women it simply takes time to learn to focus on their own pleasure, and that’s why many women experience a peak when they’re a bit older.

At least that’s a theory me and a friend came up with, when we discussed how badly our own experiences matched the idea that women peak around 40 (we both remembered being constantly horny as teens, and then as grown-ups our sex drive sort of settled at a more, er, normal level).

12 years ago

Of course Muslim countries are going to pop into my head when I think about child brides. Their religion’s founder married and had sexual relations with a nine year old. And before I mentioned these Muslim countries as an example, I mentioned ancient Jews. So why aren’t you calling me anti-semitic?

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Atiwywr misspelled Bieber. If his name was spelled ‘Beiber’ it would rhyme with ‘fiber.’ I don’t touch the music with a ten-foot-pole but I still know that.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ Ruby-
‘Their religion’s founder married and had sexual relations with a nine year old.’ Dude, that was 1400 years ago. I’m pretty sure 9 year olds were being married off all over the world back then. See, the islamaphobic bit is where you extrapolate that one bit of data to an entire population of present day muslims. And I’m pretty sure no one called you an anti-semite because you didn’t say anything so blatently anti-semetic. But there’s still time.

12 years ago

If someone with a stronger stomach than I feels like reading it, JtO has a piece up on Aurora at AVfm.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Their religion’s founder married and had sexual relations with a nine year old.

…and that was totally a unique practice to his region that was never practiced elsewhere. Nope. Only Islam has that distinction. Are you trying to sound stupid?

And before I mentioned these Muslim countries as an example, I mentioned ancient Jews. So why aren’t you calling me anti-semitic?

Because the old testament has been so thoroughly appropriated by Christians that unless you call it the Torah, there’s not even reason to think you’re really shit talking jews specifically to begin with?

12 years ago

Why did I post that comment here? I meant to post it in the Aurora thread. BRAIN, WHY ARE YOU FAILING ME??!?!?!?!

12 years ago

Ruby, you could have stuck with the growing Christian fundementalists who are also practicing arranged, underage marriages. Or the various polygamists sects (nothing wrong with polygamy, so long as its all CONSENTING adults, who understand the lack of legal protections they have) who marry underage girls.

Do you even understand some of the pressures people in other areas of the world face and why they might choose to marry their daughters so young?

12 years ago

Okay, even from an evo-psych perspective, this is a total fail. Women are most fertile from the ages of 20-25, and are considered most beautiful at about the age of 25 according to most surveys (presumably because the modern day 25 year old woman shows less wear and tear than her ancestors). Neither perceived pulchritude nor fertility start to drop off rapidly until after age 35 (on average). So, how are these facts in line with dating 14-year-olds?

for the record, I think evo-psych is a useful area of study, and that it can help one understand the motivations of groups of individuals. I do not think it follows, however, that IS = SHOULD BE. I also realize that generalizations about human behavior and motivation doesn’t necessarily mean anything to the individual.

12 years ago

Unfortunately, there are Muslims who justify child marriage because of Mohammed marrying (and fucking) Aisha, a nine year old girl. The guy was a sick pervert. The same goes for any guy doing this, like Warren Jeffs. It doesn’t matter the religion, culture, or circumstances, having sexual relations with girls before they are grown is wrong.

12 years ago

Of course Muslim countries are going to pop into my head when I think about child brides.

well yeah, because youre a racist

12 years ago

It boggles my mind that when shit like this happens:

They still say shit like “he had SEX with the 13 year old girl.”


12 years ago

@ Dvarghundspossen, I agree with you, it’s about sexual experience in many cases.

12 years ago


They are posting them on bus shelters in Alberta and elsewhere in Canada. I don’t see how it can be done anonymously, I see people put up posters and flyers all the time in the city. Anyone can go up and ask them about it. In my honest opinion I do think they believe other men feel the way they do and are not ashamed, and their pretend fear at the feminist police coming after them is BS too.

12 years ago

@Dvarghundspossen- I have had sex that I did not want to have plenty of times. Most of the time because the ensuing argument and whining was less worth it than just letting him use my breasts or vagina to get off. I was young and coming from a household where my mom was incredibly unpleasant and abusive, and being able to go over to my boyfriend’s house and eat ramen and watch anime and relax for most of the time (except if he had an erection of course), was preferable. I was willing to “pay the price” of having to do sex stuff I hated so that I wouldn’t have to be at home with the horrible shouting and manipulation and other bullshit that my mom kept putting me through.

Having more sex with him wouldn’t have made the sex better, either. It wouldn’t have made the relationship better either. And sex in and of itself is not the only sort of INTIMACY that people can have together. From a heart to heart conversation to a bunch of cuddling or other physical touch, there is plenty of intimacy you can have to strengthen a relationship that doesn’t involve a lot of sex. Sex is only part of the equation. And chances are, if one person has to force themselves to have sex, the sex isn’t going to “fix” the problem.

12 years ago

The idea that sex that one partner doesn’t want will help a couple to bond is so ass-backwards that it gives me a headache. I can’t think of many things less likely to increase my warm fuzzy feelings towards someone than their manipulating me into sex, and the feelings most people experience in the aftermath of giving in to sex that they didn’t want are not the kind that increase bonding at all.

12 years ago

@pecunium And that nonsense is why a lot of riding clubs and such bar or put heavy restrictions on stallions. My dad had the gorgeous Appaloosa stallion when I was a kid (sadly Stormy has passed away) and he was a huge sweetheart, when my brother and I started riding him I was 11 and my brother was 9. He was around another gelding and my grandfather’s mares (when they weren’t in heat) and my dad trained him very well. Eventually my dad chose to have him gelded because Dad wasn’t allowed to ride him at most events and my brother and I were absolutely not allowed to ride him at any event. Stallions have a bad rap as dangerous to riders and other horses because they are no socialized well which feeds into them being socialized even less.

12 years ago

Sharculese, I like what Greg Gutfeld says mocking liberals, “If you disagree with me, then you’re a racist homophobe.” LOL! Come on, don’t you people on the left get tired of throwing around those labels? Apparently not.

12 years ago

A quick glance at global child marriage statistics will quickly show you that Muslim countries are by no means at all the only serious cases. Singling out Islam here doesn’t show that you are concerned, it shows that you are ignorant about this topic and are just using it as a form of racist/imperialist targeting.

12 years ago

Oh man, I love it when racist homophobes pretend that a good defense to racist homophobia is pretending that it’s ridiculous that anyone would actually call out a racist homophobe on their racist homophobia. Fox News: We’re just assuming that you’re not paying attention!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Bee — that’s a straight up fallacy, that’s wtf begging the question actually means (and we’ve had a lot of it today)

Begging the question (petitio principii) – where the conclusion of an argument is implicitly or explicitly assumed in one of the premise

A particularly complex way of saying “I can’t be an X because I said I’m not!” which really, isn’t all that funny once you’re out of grade school.

12 years ago people on the left..

Well, I see Ruby has gone into full libertarian mode. Maybe now she’ll stop trying to pretend she’s on our side, and that she cares about anything but herself.

12 years ago

I don’t think we’ve already called you a homophobe, Ruby, but at your rate it wouldn’t exactly shock me. I mean, we already know you’re a a troll, a racist, a prison rape apologist, that you believe in evo psych (and that all women are like you) and that you don’t care about poor people dying. At this point it would only make you a little worse than you already are.

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