I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit sex

Men’s Rights Redditor: “The cougar phenomenon is perverse. Yet we criminalize sex with fertile women who haven’t passed some arbitrary age limit.”

Fresh from the Men’s Rights subreddit,  some thoughts from some dude called atiwywr on cougars, age of consent laws, and Justin Beiber.

So “cougars” are perverse, but pedophilia – sorry, ephebophilia — is natural and good?

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Complaining that men can’t legally have sex with girls – sorry, “fertile women” – aged 15 and younger: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

ruby if you think we cant see the shift between ‘it happens today’ and ‘b-b-b-but HISTORY!’ then youre even dumber than you look. and you already look pretty fukken dumb

12 years ago

Oops! Freudian slip! I wrote: “Hoe dare men find women over the age of 15 sexy, let alone those over (ahem!) 40. The horror!”

Hoe…get it? LOL!

The fact that these guys feel so threatened by mature women who are potentially peers and equals never ceases to amaze me. They are so obsessed with equating female youth with desirability.

I was on Dalrock a while back observing a particularly heated thread called “Are Women Over 55 Through with Men?” The general consensus among the largely male posters was that the reason why women over 55 are through with men is because of sour grapes. In other words, these women are through with men because all women over a certain age can’t possibly be anything other than dried up, ugly old hags who no one could possibly want. These guys (and misguided women) became positively apoplectic when some people (myself included) pointed out that many men of a certain age who are mature and well-adjusted actually prefer women who are close to them in age, as opposed to Barbie dolls young enough to be their daughters or grand-daughters.

I have a friend who is an ordained minister. He officiates at many, many weddings involving people in their 50s and 60s, and beyond. He recently married a couple who are in their 70s, who initially met in high school. They dated in their teens, drifted apart and married other people, then reconnected. When I pointed this out to the Dalrockians, I was flamed beyond your wild imaginings. What they could not comprehend was how a 70-something man could possibly fall for an “ugly old hag” of a similar age when there are so many nubile nymphs from which he could chose.

This said, I can’t help but pity these idiots. They will live and die alone, as they should.

12 years ago

In general, I’m against the idea of coerced sex, yet heterosexual sex seems to be encouraged to be coerced. I mean, just look at this most recent garbage from the Huffington Post:

It was posted to my “Circle of Moms” newsfeed (I am a mom, and occasionally they have good articles about stuff, which is also how I know that a lot of mommy bloggers have similarly “antagonistic” posts, even if they love being moms/homemakers/etc) and it took everything I had not to scream at the computer “WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS ASSUME MORE [presumably heterosexual PiV until the man ejaculates] SEX WILL FIX THINGS ARGLEBLARGLE!”

First of all, it’s problematic to think that just obligingly going through the motions will make your relationship better. Secondly, it assumes that all men want is sex, and women have to “give” it to them. Thirdly, the problem isn’t sex, it’s taking each other for granted and losing a sense of intimacy and trust (which does not necessarily come from fucking, btw).

And finally, the thing that really just pissed me the fuck off was the whole idea that one must “divorce proof” marriage by forcing oneself into adding sex as an onerous task that one must perform for one’s partner….which implies that if you end up divorcing or the relationship dissolves, IT IS YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU DID NOT PUT OUT ENOUGH IN FREAKY ENOUGH WAYS DONCHAKNOW.

It’s bad enough that we have assholes who go on about how they should be able to “pump and dump” teenaged girls, but it’s even worse to assume that once you get into a (Heterosexual, since that’s the only one, amirite?) relationship, you’d better bend over and take it like a woman because otherwise IT IS YOUR FAULT IF THINGS GO BAD.

The takeaway message here is that women (and girls) exist as a “resource”, not as people or individuals, and it is up to them to be the best “resource” they can be (even to the detriment of themselves) so that the ALMIGHTY PENIS may be satisfied at all times since GOD FORBID a man have to masturbate in the privacy of his home when there are 15 year old girls walking up and down the street IN PUBLIC just “begging for it” for existing.

Ugh. It makes me sick. And upon talking to my husband about it, he could barely believe that such an article was actually being considered serious journalism because what kind of decent loving person would want their partner to have sex with them out of obligation? Yep. He’s amazing, donchaknow.

There are more ways to have a good relationship than being a pincushion for a penis. And just because someone has boobs or is sexually attractive does not mean that’s an invitation to do what you want to that person’s body. I don’t care if I “could” have had a baby when I started menstruating at 10. That’s beside the point. I didn’t want sex, and I certainly did not want sex with some 40 year old man.

12 years ago

Pretty sure that the main fanbase for Beiber is not “cougars”…

Also, this really is MRA logic at its finest. If I, random MRA, feel or want a thing, then it’s normal and natural and good. If a woman wants a thing then it’s evil and the world will go to hell in a handbasket if she gets it. So obviously it’s only natural for men to want to fuck 14 year olds, because I do! But if a 35 year old woman dates a 29 year old man, that’s disgusting and unnatural and the sky is falling.

12 years ago

The MRA obsession with “fertile” as the hallmark for when it’s OK to fuck young girls really creeps me out. I got my first period when I was 9. If you think it would have been OK to have sex with 9 year old me just because I might technically have been able to get pregnant then your moral compass is in serious need of recalibration.

12 years ago

“Also, this really is MRA logic at its finest. If I, random MRA, feel or want a thing, then it’s normal and natural and good. If a woman wants a thing then it’s evil and the world will go to hell in a handbasket if she gets it. So obviously it’s only natural for men to want to fuck 14 year olds, because I do! But if a 35 year old woman dates a 29 year old man, that’s disgusting and unnatural and the sky is falling.”

Cassandra, I think this is less a case of MRA entitlement per se, and more a reflection of the poison of the whole evolutionary psychology nonsense. “natural behavior” as in, “evolutionary common sense behavior”. The whole icky evolutionary psychology crap is loaded with misogyny to its gills, MRA creeps don’t really need to add all that much MRA specific misogyny to it. God I can’t wait until we as a culture finally get rid of this “scientific” fad. Ughhhhh. And I ranted to someone about it and they asked: so you don’t believe in evolution?” ARGLEBARGLE

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

I once took a long train ride to Sydney on a night that there was a Justin Bieber concert on there. I’m pretty sure that the Bieber fans tying up all the unisex bathrooms while fixing their makeup were teenagers.

12 years ago

That entire thread is basically ‘hawhaw old bitchez squandered their looks and womb for a career, now they’re gonna die alone’

all MRAs seem to do its gloat about women’s supposed unhappiness. Well lets assume men will always go for the early 20s girl if they have the chance. I think it makes more sense to make your career since even if you marry you’ll know deep down he’ll become unattracted to you anyway, so why bother in the first place? Lucky for me that I could care less about having kids or marrying. I’m in my late 20s too so I don’t think my mind will be changing anytime soon.

Its like these men think its something to be proud of that they are so shallow about age and appearance… is that any different from women being shallow about money and ‘alpha’ status? yet women are bitches for desiring that in men, but as usual men are excused because SCIENCENATUREEVOPSYCH!!! once again MRAs prove they are hypocrites and only women should be demonized for what they are attracted to, which isnt even right most of the time (not all women care about money or status holy fuck, if this were true average joes would never have relationships and they do)

Seriously, this only just tells me as a woman that only about my looks, age and functioning womb and will be gone once he upgrades. You’re damn right I’ll be focusing on actually making money and building strong friendships.

Oh and for the record, I always prefered men my age or a few years younger. I don’t find that men age that much better than women do, but if we go by the evopsych crap then I’m more visual. I prefer physical attraction and decent personality over money and status anyday, and yes that does reflect on my dating history. MRAs/PUAs need to stop feeding men the lie that looks mean nothing to women and only money and ‘alphaness’ will help them regardless of anything else. I really don’t know how to word this nicely but if a woman doesn’t find you physically attractive at all, she won’t stick around. And bare and mind that physically attractive doesn’t always mean muscles. In my observations women have much wider variety in taste when it comes to men’s appearance than men do women’s appearance. That’s probably why they interpret that as women don’t care at all about appearance.

12 years ago

So, in MRA world, all men of every age are only attracted to teenagers. Older women are dried up hags and no younger men are attracted to them because that’s just icky. Women are faced with two choices once they reach the ripe old age of say, 20. They can become spinster cat ladies, or just have indiscriminate sex with every man who will (only reluctantly) climb into bed with them until they get pregnant and leech off the poor sucker for child support.

12 years ago

also doesn’t estrus only affect female mammals? cuz its being talked about like both males and females experience it…err estrus…it means going into heat right?

12 years ago


Yep pretty much. I’ve even seen a few of them actually say 20 is getting old and girls should be married by 16. Pretty nasty shit eh?

12 years ago

The funny thing is, most MRAs will be as terrified of underage girls as they are of older women. MRAs are fixated on shame, not because they’ve been subjected to it unnecessarily, but because they know that their views are anathema to the overwhelming majority of people. Their logic and theories can only be aired on the internet because then they can be done annonymously.

12 years ago


Yeah I dunno about that…if its true why are members from AVfM plastering posters all over town? I think they actually believe what they say and have no shame or they wouldn’t be doing that

12 years ago

Most of these guys don’t have enough self-awareness to be ashamed of the things they say. Also, they seem to be convinced that most other men secretly agree with them.

12 years ago

Plus there are MRAs who do things under their real names (like Mr Hard Chairs himself, who despite having a common sounding name isn’t exactly anonymous).

12 years ago

Oh by the way, over on the spearhead they’re making fun of little girls now, over something a girl wrote that was FEMINIST SOUNDING OOOOH for a school assignment.

Yep. Adult men making fun of children. One even said she’s a future incubator.

I think dalrock did a post on that same assignment too. Teaching little girls they are worth something is MISANDRY!!!!

For what its worth it could be a hoax, but I don’t know for sure

12 years ago

Most of these guys don’t have enough self-awareness to be ashamed of the things they say.

Indeed. Look at the emotive drivel that Varpole Buttsteele comes out with (everything is “vile”, “hysterical” or “misandry”, apparently), interspersed with comments that suggests that he genuinely believes that what he’s writing is calm, rational and evidence-backed. Despite the rather glaring lack of calm, rationality or supporting evidence.

Either he has the memory of a goldfish or he thinks that we have.

Also, they seem to be convinced that most other men secretly agree with them.

The late David Sutch, founder and former leader of Britain’s Official Monster Raving Loony Party, used to count people who hadn’t voted as potential supporters and add that hefty double-figure percentage to the fraction-of-1% that he’d actually amassed at the ballot box. But he wasn’t expecting to be taken seriously.

12 years ago

Ruby’s an Islamaphobe? Say it ain’t so.

12 years ago


Yes, they put posters up like they post on the internet – anonymously. Also, where do these posters appear?

I can’t place Mr Hard Chairs’ accent, where is he from?! Is it an English accent? It sounds almost Irish sometimes.

12 years ago

Sharculese, please tell me how mentioning that forced child marriages happen in some Muslim countries translates into hating Muslims? I don’t hate Mormons because of Warren Jeffs. Child marriages happen in India, but that doesn’t mean I hate Indians. And I don’t hate Muslims because child marriage happens in some of their countries. You just read hatred into my post because of your hatred for me.

12 years ago

Ruby: You picked out Muslims/Islam as the target of your rant against something not unique to that religion or culture.

12 years ago

So why single out Muslims?

12 years ago

you really don’t understand how taking gratuitous stabs at ‘muslim countries is textbook islamophobia? seriously?

You just read hatred into my post because of your hatred for me.

no idiot, i hate you because of the hatred that drips from your posts.

12 years ago

@Argenti; “General question — is 21 really the age of majority anywhere? I thought it was 18 in all 50 states since like, the Vietnam war.” Yes that is current. That is the age which one is considered an adult. I need to proof read. It should have read dating “underage” girls will land a man in jail.

12 years ago

Damn Ruby, it must take FOREVERRR to polish that persecution complex!


IIRC. Tom said he’s Scottish. I haven’t watched his videos so I don’t know if his accent’s blatantly Scottish or not.