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Men’s Rights Redditor: “The cougar phenomenon is perverse. Yet we criminalize sex with fertile women who haven’t passed some arbitrary age limit.”

Fresh from the Men’s Rights subreddit,  some thoughts from some dude called atiwywr on cougars, age of consent laws, and Justin Beiber.

So “cougars” are perverse, but pedophilia – sorry, ephebophilia — is natural and good?

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Complaining that men can’t legally have sex with girls – sorry, “fertile women” – aged 15 and younger: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

And which one of our alien overlords has been providing us with these social and legal incentives? And again, though it’s probably going to bounce off, no one is proposing an either/or scenario except you.

12 years ago

I don’t think Anathema ever said anything about the possibility or impossibility of figuring out patterns in a chaotic system. I came the closest, but I was more saying that the system as a whole was too complex for us. There are patterns, sure, and we can figure them out, but we aren’t nearly as far with that as you seem to think. I mean, look at how abysmal we are at predicting weather; how on Earth are we supposed to predict human behavior?

12 years ago

This isn’t the universal thinking of physicists, e.g. Lawrence Krauss

It’s not mine either, but I don’t have enough physics to be more than opinionated.

Fair enough. I’m not a physicist, so it could easily be that my understanding of how much quantum randomness affects macroscopic events like human decision-making could be way-off.

12 years ago

I just want to say, despite my hard-earned cred as a post-modernist and post-processualist, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE BLANK SLATE THEORY. So you can stop trying to disprove it.

12 years ago

Shadow: Am I the only one having a WTF moment? Who brought up your Aspberger diagnosis?

Nomless apparently has a tender spot and wants to distract people from his unwillingness to meet the same standard he is trying to impose on others.

He made an incredible claim. I said I didn’t believe it. He pretends I demanded his medical records as proof. It’s possible that he’s something close to patient zero, but that was his claim. I said I find it less than truly believable. It hurts his feelings, because he was born 2 years before the first mention and was fortunate enough to be examined by someone who accepted it from the get go and recognised him as having it.

Convenient that.

But, of course, I didn’t mention it, nor his condition. I just said he was wrong.

12 years ago


Yeah, I remember that whole incident. My point was basically what you said, no one brought it up or even said something that could be reasonably construed as alluding to that. Hilarious though 😀

12 years ago

My question is what Om Nom’s diagnosis as an Aspie, real or invented, has to do with anything. One of my friends is Aspie, and she hasn’t dedicated her life to being an asshole on the internet. Whether or not Om Nom is neurotypical is not the issue, the issue is his gleeful and occasionally irritating attempts at trolling, and his odd need for attention even if the attention is negative.

12 years ago

Was it the aside about the brain? I don’t think he does more than skim comments.

12 years ago

Why is no-name dude back? The place was much nicer without him….

Ruby, four points:

– you still have answered. I don’t care for men of means. Am I lying or wrong?

– some women want to have with men, or women, or both, or none,… Since there can be differences (unless you disagree?) in what type of people women can be attracted to, why isn’t it the same for money?

– you actually have to take a test to be a libertarian, wtf? Is that an official thing from the party or just a silly internet test?

– why should we only look at playgirl’s sell? I didn’t know it even existed before you mentioned it. I don’t really watch porn either, but what I can tell you is that I’m currently doing a True Blood marathon (yeah insomnia!) and I’m not watching it just for the plot. Also, yaoi and naked rudbymen calendar are pretty big things. Especially yaoi. Also porn novels.

12 years ago

I bought a Playgirl for a friend once. I think its lack of sales might have more to do with its cheesiness and the fact that all the men were the same kind of waxed beefcake than with women’s disdain for naked male eye candy.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*waves* Hi LBT!

Shadow — that’d make sense as a word origin, but yeah, idk why MSN thinks this is new to anyone here. Aww, and he thinks it isn’t a philosophical question because of neuroscience…I did a whole lot more of the “discussing free will” thing in phil. than neurosci or psych.

Hey man without a name? Using bold and all caps doesn’t make you more correct, just more annoying.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

With regards to playgirl, 90% of its subscribers are men despite the fact that it was intended for straight women. Erotica(which is a modern euphemism for erotic literature)is consumed by overwhelmingly by women. So I guess men and women get turned on differently. Whodathunk?!? In fact, numerous women have told me that suggestion(read VERBAL)turns them on to a much greater extent that visual imagery.

12 years ago

Or, Playgirl doesn’t know or care what women want to see in porn, because men are the ones buying it.

And gosh, numerous women have told you?! Like more than one? That’s ever so convincing!

12 years ago

And seriously, yaoi is a thing that exists. It’s pretty popular.

12 years ago

Suggestion turns everyone on more, and it doesn’t mean verbal. Lingerie’s sexier than somebody who is completely nude. Places where women regularly go topless don’t eroticize breasts much, but boy howdy do we here in the States.

Why are you so convinced that everyone in every time and every place is the same? Have you really never run across the idea of culture before?

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

Like I said Dracula, men are the primary consumers of porn. ESPECIALLY when it comes to still pornographic images. What I have read and [heard from women] is that still images of naked men don’t often turn on them on, but movies of men engaging in homosexual acts really do get their juices flowing.

12 years ago

Movies aren’t visual?

12 years ago

Welp. Pecunium addressed the ad hom error, in that my “ad hom” was actually just insulting a stupid person which ain’t ad hom. My boss is an Aspie, and the best boss I have ever had. And I used to think I was more turned on by words until the internet era, when now I have access to visual porn that actually turns me on. TMI, but wowza.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

random6x7: What I meant to say is that women get turned on by verbal stimulation and men get turned on by visual stimulation.

Why are you so biased in favor of the theory that culture determines what people find sexually attractive as opposed to biology? Despite the fact that the evidence is favor of the latter rather than the former….

12 years ago

…but movies of men engaging in homosexual acts really do get their juices flowing.

Right, and that would be porn. Doesn’t really support your case.

12 years ago

LOL at the idea that if women prefer film of two/multiple men fucking to still pictures of het couples fucking (with all the various stuff about performative sexuality, women being presented in a male-gaze-friendly way, etc), that means that women aren’t visually stimulated.

I can think of all kinds of reasons why a lot of women prefer gay porn to het porn. In fact, academics who’re interested in the yaoi phenomenon have written about this at length.

12 years ago

Hell, I don’t get all that turned on by still images. The missing element? Auditory stimulation. And in case it’s not clear, I’m a man.

12 years ago

What evidence? You haven’t given any evidence for your biological determinism. Here’s a piece of evidence for mine: people tend to be attracted to those who look similar to the people they grew up with. We know that it’s not just their family, which could be biological, because adopted kids prefer the look of their adopted family.

Funny story: one job I was on, the cheap-ass company set us up in this super-seedy trucker motel. The only channel that came in clearly was the X-rated one. Well, us women get bored and lonely on the road, too. Had to watch it with it muted, though, because while the visual images (mostly) turned me on, the verbal stuff turned me right back off again. I’m not into over-the-top grunting or verbal humiliation, although I get that that’s some people’s cup of tea.

So does that make me (and all the women like me) a mutant?

12 years ago

Yeah, I could easily ask why you’re so fixated on biological determinism, Nameless. Because it strikes me as an excuse to not bother examining your assumptions about human behavior.

12 years ago

Is Ruby pushing the idea that women don’t care about men’s appearance and only their monies again?

Fuck playgirl. I have one word: tumblr.

Even the idiots on the MRA subreddit are noticing that women are being more open about physically attractive men, but of course are predictably butthurt about it. Now they know what women go through when men openly talk about ‘tight pussy and nice tits and eewww fat chicks’ Ruby and the like think women don’t appreciate male beauty because unlike men we are socialized to keep our mouths shut about it lest we are thought of us shallow sluts.

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