I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit sex

Men’s Rights Redditor: “The cougar phenomenon is perverse. Yet we criminalize sex with fertile women who haven’t passed some arbitrary age limit.”

Fresh from the Men’s Rights subreddit,  some thoughts from some dude called atiwywr on cougars, age of consent laws, and Justin Beiber.

So “cougars” are perverse, but pedophilia – sorry, ephebophilia — is natural and good?

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Complaining that men can’t legally have sex with girls – sorry, “fertile women” – aged 15 and younger: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Hm, I guess with the assumption that there’s no underwear under the kilt, it is on par up-skirts *had not really put much thought into what goes under a kilt*

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*on par with

I seem to have your speed demon today >.<

Conor Henry (@conrad141)


He has two comments and has been a redditor for 7 days.

Both comments have negative karma, so /r/MensRights obviously doesn’t agree with him.

Most likely he is a troll.

12 years ago

its a troll

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

So r/mr agrees with people who are trolling them until those people are pointed out to it. That totally makes you look better.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Wait a minute. This is your one and only comment here. Maybe you’re a troll!”

My magic 8-ball says “yes definitely” 🙂

12 years ago

Maybe the poster isn’t making the point that when a man has sex with an underage girl, it shouldn’t be seen as a crime, but rather when a women does the same goddamn thing with an underage boy, it should be viewed as a crime. I know, applying the same laws of justice, the same enforcement of those laws and the same moral principles to a woman as to a man, when those standards would indict that woman as a criminal, a rapist and/or a pedophile is clearly crazy, sexist and unequal, but maybe for the sake of consistency we should try it. Maybe the poster thinks we should consider rapists to be people who have sex with people against their will, and people who are sexually attracted to children to be pedophiles, even if those rapists happen to be women and even if their victims happens to be men and boys.

Nah, its probably a defense of pedophilia, I mean the poster clearly stated that men should be able to have sex with people at and under the age of 15, it’s right there in the post, right? Just look for the number 15.

Turning a post calling for the equal moral accountability of women to men in regards to rape and pedophilia into a defense of rape and pedophilia: intellectual dishonesty at its finest.

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