antifeminism creep-shaming misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit threats violence whaaaaa? your time will come

Manosphere blogger blames Obama, Jesse Jackson, and feminists for the Aurora theater shootings. Yes, really.

Scientific geniuses: Always white dudes

We’ve already seen some unusual perspectives on the Aurora theater tragedy courtesy of The Spearhead and the Men’s Rights subreddit. Over on whiskeysplace, the manosphere blogger (and sometime Spearhead contributor) who calls himself Whiskey throws some racism into the mix.

In Whiskey’s view, the whole thing just shows … just how badly treated white men are in America today. And, he suggests, unless we change our evil white-man-hating ways we should expect even worse massacres to come. His basic thesis:

[T]hat an (admittedly crazy) 24 year old White guy with an extremely high IQ would paint his hair red, carefully position his beat up old pickup truck against one emergency exit door, enter through the pre-arranged opened other door, and kill (again as of this writing) 12 people while wounding 58, many seriously, shows how out of hand Obama’s America has become.   …

Who is at fault? In no particular order, Obama, the entire Affirmative Action establishment, Jessie Jackson, feminists, the media, and the American people for taking the easy way out and not removing the former from public life through a hard, brutal political struggle that costs time and effort and more.


After a long tirade about “low-IQ” black murderers, Whiskey moves on to consider the life of the (apparently) socially awkward, dateless James Holmes, whom Whiskey assumes was oppressed for being a white guy.

Was James Holmes forced out of the University of Colorado for being too White and male? We may never know. But certainly, being White, male, and applying for science related jobs after graduating with honors led to … McDonalds.

Well, not literally. Holmes didn’t actually work at McDonalds. Very few people with undergraduate degrees in neuroscience do.

So you have a very toxic combination. A man with a high IQ, denied any gainful employment or relationship with the opposite sex. … America has become so debased, so hostile to ordinary White guys, that instead of say, devising his own bat-suit and rescuing someone, this guy figures he’s the Joker, and shoots a bunch of people he has never even met, dead.

And it gets worse, according to Whiskey: The continued oppression of white dudes by Obama, the feminists and, er, Russell Brand, will lead inevitably to more massacres in the future:

The constant demonization of White guys, and destruction of heroism as a model, has real consequences. Guys with high IQs who are intent on killing people are dangerous. They get that way not from “turning evil” like a Joss Whedon character in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” but because they are turned away from anything positive, socially isolated and alone while a lucky socially dominant few have everything (before he ever got famous, and with a massive drug habit, Russell Brand boasted he was having sex with 80 women a month). These guys study for years, graduate with honors, and end up at McDonalds. Wrong sex and color.

Yes, because so many of those who work in fast food restaurants are white men tossed out of grad school because of their race and gender.

And those massacres in the future? Because white dudes are apparently all so super smart, we should expect them to be way worse than the ones we’ve seen so far. Like, atom bomb worse.

I want to be as clear as possible. The most dangerous man in WWII, was not Patton, or Rommel, or Yamamoto. No, it was nerdy, lanky, unassuming and part prima donna, J. Robert Oppenheimer. A high IQ unmoored by social ties, love, family, relationships, a job that is not demeaning … is a man who is a potential weapon. 

Whiskey then brings us back around to Obama and his (alleged) anti-white dude agenda:

If Obama’s anti-White guy policies, the media’s demonization of (particularly nerdy) White guys, and the legal discrimination against most non-connected Whites were deliberately constructed to create guys far more dangerous than James Holmes, they could not have done a better job.

Whiskey has somehow convinced himself, based on nothing, that Holmes could have been another Jonas Salk:

Let us be clear. James Holmes had the capacity to maybe find a cure for Alzheimers. Yes he was crazy. But he was smart.

While every white man is capable of intellectual miracles, at least in Whiskey’s mind, those with darker skin are somehow incapable of scientific thought:

Meanwhile Trayvon Martin was never going to amount to much of anything. Ever. And neither will all those young Black man just like him. … Literally any number of people you know, could die, in the future because society did not channel James Holmes into a productive outlet: neuroscience.

Uh, dude, even aside from the racism, there’s no evidence that Holmes actually was a genius.

After a bit more bloviating, Whisky brings it back to Trayvon Martin for his stirring conclusion:

[I]t is [a] fantasy that we can have no cost to marginalizing White guys (particularly the smart ones without connections) and that we can continue to have clean water, and air, and food that is safe to eat, and the power always one [sic], by betting it all on the Trayvon Martins.

Why is it that the guys who talk the most about IQ are invariably such complete fucking idiots?

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12 years ago

Oh, man, I just went into a tiny fantasy about what the internet would be like if manboobz people really did convince everyone else that their ways of looking at the world were right. It made me happy.

12 years ago


Now there’s a good idea, I’m in need of a good laugh.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Maybe you should start your own pocket of resistance. By which I mean blog.”

Click his nym — he has one solely to say he doesn’t have one. XD


No, no, no, you mean Girls! Girls! Girls!

So I’ve been watching the live version for months, I just realized earlier today that “women’s rights facilitating” is on the list of things that’d get one thrown in the asylum. NWO, seriously, EA does satire, try listening to some of it instead of just declaring her a “drugged up slut”. (Then again, NWO probably agrees with the most fucked up bits of Victorian morals…*sigh*)

12 years ago

Steelepole is claiming the mantle of rationality? The same Steelepole who claimed that the SPLC’s critcism of the MRM was actually an implicit thumbs up? If that’s “rationality”, then I’ll stick with “hysteria” thank you very much.

Now, tell me how vile I am.

12 years ago


I think Steele is claiming the Ayn Rand school of “reason” as the base of his argument.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I third the suggestion that strumpet sounds like a baked good. The whole “logic” thing drives me up a wall, because it usually gets trotted out to claim that people who are emotional about an issue are wrong, no matter what their arguments are, and that people who don’t care enough to be emotional are the ones who are right by default.

Also, I think the internet needs a term for when your ideology opponent misrepresents the world in a way that makes you go, “Yeah, not true, but I wish it was!” Like the Republicans claiming that health care reform would pay for abortions–a lot of feminists were like, “Unfortunately, no.”

12 years ago

Am I in time for the tea and strumpets?

12 years ago

Argenti Aertheri —

Click his nym — he has one solely to say he doesn’t have one. XD

I hadn’t noticed that before. Why would Owly do that? Well, come to that, why does Owly do anything really?

You know, if Owly did actually write on his blog, I’d probably read it . . .

Wordspinner —

The whole “logic” thing drives me up a wall, because it usually gets trotted out to claim that people who are emotional about an issue are wrong, no matter what their arguments are, and that people who don’t care enough to be emotional are the ones who are right by default.

I know what you mean. I am so sick of that line of argument.

You know, just once I’d like to see one of the people who claims that anyone whose emotional about an issue is being illogical to actually explain to me, using logic, how it is that being emotional automatically renders an argument invalid.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Bostonian — it’s always time for tea! You may have to settle for crumpets though (or more precisely, EA and her bloody crumpets)

(I am loving this album, can you tell? XD )

whataboutthemoonz — she tweeted ages ago about working “lesbianating” into a song, and omgs am I pleased with the results (I was mildly concerned, but I guess I should’ve known better, what with the rat game and all)

12 years ago

I like Maggots’ censored “she was caught while masturbating” for the morning show they did.

Obvs, the live show version is much better.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I like Maggots’ censored “she was caught while masturbating” for the morning show they did.”

OMGS YES! (Please ignore the pun here, I swear I’m not trying to make a sex joke)

Maggots has the best expressions, and a surprisingly strong throwing arm, beware of flying crumpets!

12 years ago

It’s her tea-spitting I was worried about, and rightfully so. I splurged for a VIP at the end of the Opheliac tour and it raaaaained on me.

Also, I saw a teaser for Devil’s Carnival and nearly pissed myself when I saw her and Tess.

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Emilie Autumn. WOW! Talk about zero talent. Just another slut playing look at me posing in many slutty ways, give me attention.

Let’s be honest here, if a man tried pawning this stuff off to a producer he’d get laughed at. It sounds like a a bunch of tracks nine inch nails threw out because after they listened to it they realized it was such horrible crap.

You know as well as I do if a man did this same album you’d ridicule it as garbage. What’s the title of the album? “No talent but I have a pussy and act like a slut”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Also, I saw a teaser for Devil’s Carnival and nearly pissed myself when I saw her and Tess.”

LA LA LA LA CAN’T HEAR YOU! (No spoilers, please! I will manage to see that somehow or another…)

So, is the tea alcoholic or not? I’m curious if they actually drink on stage or just pretend to — on one hand, they don’t get drunk enough for it to affect the performance, on the other, they don’t go climbing the clock and shit later into the show…

And VIP tickets? *is jealous* Yep, even of the “covered in tea” part, I’m going all fan-squee at the thought of meeting EA, she seems so much sweeter than the “psych bitch” my mother sees her as (to be fair here, my mother has amended that to “talented psycho bitch”)

12 years ago

I’m sad that I never got into EA now, any love for Amanda Fucking Palmer?

12 years ago

Wait is EA in Devil’s Carnival?

Seannan said it was a bit problematic, but her father is Rom, and she speaks Rom, and well…

On the other hand the song about drowning in one’s dreams is brilliantly haunting; unless I have the wrong musical in my head.

12 years ago

Map of Tasmania is the funniest fucking thing ever. I wish I knew how to play my uke 🙁

As for VIP, I live in AZ and it was her first show there – I’d been saving for years. I was also on the webpage, debit card in hand, an hour before tickets went on sale. I refreshed compulsively.

EA was incredibly sweet, we talked about octopi, and she thanked me/told me how much it means to her to see Plague Rats wearing Cheek Hearts at her shows.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

pecunium — she’s the painted doll, but I haven’t seen it so I can’t answer the rest of your questions, sorry.

aworldanonymous — it’s never too late to catch the plague 🙂 And I’m meh on Amanda Fucking Palmer after the whole Evelyn Evelyn thing, it’s the 21st century, maybe time to stop turning conjoined twins into a sideshow act eh?

12 years ago

Emilie Autumn, as well as Captain Maggots and Contessa, are in The Devil’s Carnival.

What the fuck IS the devil’s carnival? Who knows.

12 years ago

My partner and Seanan went to see it. The reviews were mixed.

12 years ago

Oh of course, the ableism wasn’t cool, though overall, she’s still pretty funny IMHO.

12 years ago

She’s an amazing artist who does stupid things sometimes. Evelyn Evelyn, being an example.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I refreshed compulsively.”

Lol, I know that feeling, and at the rate this tour is selling out, I’m not going to get to see it 🙁

“EA was incredibly sweet, we talked about octopi, and she thanked me/told me how much it means to her to see Plague Rats wearing Cheek Hearts at her shows.”

Octopi are right up there with rats on the “smarter than we give them credit for” list (octopuses? I really don’t know the proper plural on that one) And I might have to update my costume make-up then, I do not have the skill to draw a decent looking heart on my cheek, but it isn’t like that costume exists for random people’s judgment…basically the opposite, it’s very “yes, I am dressed ridiculously, problem with that?”

Have you read the book? Her Victorian counterpart gets nicknamed Valentine because of that heart, it’d get it’s own theme discussion if the asylum were HS reading. Hilariously, my best friend bought me the book and read it after I did, and then said it should be HS reading…it’s certainly better than fucking Ethan Frome, though I’m not sure HS kids could actually manage the many layers of themes (I’ve it 5 times, I’m not sure I’ve caught them all)

12 years ago

I pre-ordered a first edition package.

Again, with the saving forever and ever and ever. Lol.