We’ve already seen some unusual perspectives on the Aurora theater tragedy courtesy of The Spearhead and the Men’s Rights subreddit. Over on whiskeysplace, the manosphere blogger (and sometime Spearhead contributor) who calls himself Whiskey throws some racism into the mix.
In Whiskey’s view, the whole thing just shows … just how badly treated white men are in America today. And, he suggests, unless we change our evil white-man-hating ways we should expect even worse massacres to come. His basic thesis:
[T]hat an (admittedly crazy) 24 year old White guy with an extremely high IQ would paint his hair red, carefully position his beat up old pickup truck against one emergency exit door, enter through the pre-arranged opened other door, and kill (again as of this writing) 12 people while wounding 58, many seriously, shows how out of hand Obama’s America has become. …
Who is at fault? In no particular order, Obama, the entire Affirmative Action establishment, Jessie Jackson, feminists, the media, and the American people for taking the easy way out and not removing the former from public life through a hard, brutal political struggle that costs time and effort and more.
After a long tirade about “low-IQ” black murderers, Whiskey moves on to consider the life of the (apparently) socially awkward, dateless James Holmes, whom Whiskey assumes was oppressed for being a white guy.
Was James Holmes forced out of the University of Colorado for being too White and male? We may never know. But certainly, being White, male, and applying for science related jobs after graduating with honors led to … McDonalds.
Well, not literally. Holmes didn’t actually work at McDonalds. Very few people with undergraduate degrees in neuroscience do.
So you have a very toxic combination. A man with a high IQ, denied any gainful employment or relationship with the opposite sex. … America has become so debased, so hostile to ordinary White guys, that instead of say, devising his own bat-suit and rescuing someone, this guy figures he’s the Joker, and shoots a bunch of people he has never even met, dead.
And it gets worse, according to Whiskey: The continued oppression of white dudes by Obama, the feminists and, er, Russell Brand, will lead inevitably to more massacres in the future:
The constant demonization of White guys, and destruction of heroism as a model, has real consequences. Guys with high IQs who are intent on killing people are dangerous. They get that way not from “turning evil” like a Joss Whedon character in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” but because they are turned away from anything positive, socially isolated and alone while a lucky socially dominant few have everything (before he ever got famous, and with a massive drug habit, Russell Brand boasted he was having sex with 80 women a month). These guys study for years, graduate with honors, and end up at McDonalds. Wrong sex and color.
Yes, because so many of those who work in fast food restaurants are white men tossed out of grad school because of their race and gender.
And those massacres in the future? Because white dudes are apparently all so super smart, we should expect them to be way worse than the ones we’ve seen so far. Like, atom bomb worse.
I want to be as clear as possible. The most dangerous man in WWII, was not Patton, or Rommel, or Yamamoto. No, it was nerdy, lanky, unassuming and part prima donna, J. Robert Oppenheimer. A high IQ unmoored by social ties, love, family, relationships, a job that is not demeaning … is a man who is a potential weapon.
Whiskey then brings us back around to Obama and his (alleged) anti-white dude agenda:
If Obama’s anti-White guy policies, the media’s demonization of (particularly nerdy) White guys, and the legal discrimination against most non-connected Whites were deliberately constructed to create guys far more dangerous than James Holmes, they could not have done a better job.
Whiskey has somehow convinced himself, based on nothing, that Holmes could have been another Jonas Salk:
Let us be clear. James Holmes had the capacity to maybe find a cure for Alzheimers. Yes he was crazy. But he was smart.
While every white man is capable of intellectual miracles, at least in Whiskey’s mind, those with darker skin are somehow incapable of scientific thought:
Meanwhile Trayvon Martin was never going to amount to much of anything. Ever. And neither will all those young Black man just like him. … Literally any number of people you know, could die, in the future because society did not channel James Holmes into a productive outlet: neuroscience.
Uh, dude, even aside from the racism, there’s no evidence that Holmes actually was a genius.
After a bit more bloviating, Whisky brings it back to Trayvon Martin for his stirring conclusion:
[I]t is [a] fantasy that we can have no cost to marginalizing White guys (particularly the smart ones without connections) and that we can continue to have clean water, and air, and food that is safe to eat, and the power always one [sic], by betting it all on the Trayvon Martins.
Why is it that the guys who talk the most about IQ are invariably such complete fucking idiots?
You know, I had to take a minimum wage job between college and grad school at a shitty retail place I hated in a crap town I REALLY hated. Yeah, I sometimes found myself crying while I folded men’s shirts (MISANDRY!) and hell, sometimes I even considered killing myself because I was having such a hard time even getting an interview for a decent job and my love life was non-existent, my social life, almost non-existent. I considered killing myself, or sometimes I’d drink myself stupid, or do stupid things like steal road signs.
Yanno what I DIDN’T do? Shoot people.
Not getting any of the stuff you think you’re entitled to getting isn’t a good reason for killing people. Hell, it’s barely even a good reason to throw a hissy fit, and only then if you’re still under the age of 12.
And if we’re talking geniuses here, it doesn’t taken a fricken’ second Einstein to figure that if you’re a college educated kid and you think your life is shit because you had to take a job that wasn’t your dream job offered to you right smack out of college, going into a theater and shooting up the audience isn’t something that’s likely to make your life any better.
When I was a teen I considered myself to be smarter than all the other people. You know, the whole “nobody understands me because they’re just jealous” whine. The fact that I was bullied didn’t help, but my plan to get back at people was to study really hard and become really successful and then everybody would be jealous of me (that never happened, mostly because of depression). But shooting a bunch of people was surprisingly absent from that plan.
FWIW, I remember reading somewhere that Trayvon Martin was looking into college programs in aerospace engineering or a related field (something to do with aircraft). So I’m assuming he wasn’t a total dolt. At any rate, we’ll never know how well Martin would have done in any graduate program, because George Zimmerman.
Unrelated: I still think the best-ever cure for the idea that “people with high IQs are somehow magically better than people without” is reading the letters to the editor section in any issue of the Mensa magazine. A disproportionate number of them are bigoted, vitriolic, and/or just plain stupid. (And some are very good. You know, as if people with high IQs are discrete individuals instead of some kind of monolith!)
Yeccccchhh. This racist $@*$#! makes me feel like Mr. Whiskey has crapped in my brain.
Here’s a pair of cute kitties.
I’ll bet more feminism is the answer!!! He should’ve been taught to wear dresses and blubber in the streets like an infant. Maybe how to kiss boys in the third grade. More gay sex and more feminism is always the answer. More government as well. Maybe a gender reidentification program ta boot. Feminism is the new snake oil cure for every ailment.
James Holmes dropped out of a doctoral program. He was not forced out because of his gender and race. Fuckin’ retarded MRAs, you’re never going to get the general population to buy your bullshit about white males being oppressed.
I wanted to leave a comment, but I’m speechless.
Always good to see that you don’t like mentally disabled people either ruby.
Congratulations, NWO! You’ve managed to say something even stupider than in the original post.
You’re slipping though. You haven’t managed to be quite as hateful.
What’s the matter? Still sober?
Nobinayamu — NWO said he doesn’t drink. Which makes his comments seem worse, I’d like to be able to justify them as things he wouldn’t say while sober.
NWO — please quote where anyone said more feminism would’ve prevented this.
Argenti – I know. NWO’s been saying that since last summer. I just don’t believe him.
He’s cheating on us with Pandagon. He seems a bit more distracted as a result.
owly: Yes, but not the way you are thinking, feminism and government spending might be solutions to this sort of thing. We have a dismal mental health system, not just for those with mental illness but also just for those who need help and support for dealing with stress, grief, etc. This is one reason why I support a universal single payer health system that includes coverage for mental health and counseling services. We could also use a cultural shift in how we glorify violence and turn criminals into celebrities (think Manson, Bundy, Dahmer, etc) and feminism certainly has a role in that since the sort of macho bullshit that feeds into that culture of violence is drenched in toxic notions of masculinity. We teach men that being violent is to be manly and that is truly fucked up.
Nobinayamu — oh, ok.
blitzgal — oh is that it? We’ve got Mary saying men need to be willing to die for their wives and he’s ignoring it, I was wondering where he was.
Have fun NWO, she’s on about how the bible demands that.
Really? Because NWO is a pernicious and pathological liar in addition to being really stupid and hateful. Back when I read Pandagon regularly, Marcotte used to ban such people.
Maybe David set up some sort of troll time-share system with other bloggers while we weren’t looking.
It’s a good idea to let a blog lie fallow for a period to restore its fertility. Owly is just practicing good agriculture, and pooping elsewhere for a while.
Yeah, the current gender norms we have encourage men to be strong, which means looking for help is breaking out of that and seen as shameful. It’s terrible, really; if we didn’t have that, so many more people would be able to get somewhere with mental health problems.
NWO seems to be thinking that feminism and trans women are the same thing, which is hella ironic considering everything I’ve read lately about rad fems saying trans women don’t count.
How exactly is “wearing dresses” coded as Something Infants Do rather than Something All Sorts Of People, Mostly Women Do to you? Doesn’t that say something? Have you seen many infants recently, anyway? I’d hope not for a bunch of reasons but most infant clothing’s pretty gender-neutral, and you’d generally only see dresses on infant girls.
Not sure more feminism would specifically have prevented this – there’s probably something to be said about gender roles, but not a heap.
Now, the fact that dude could get his hands on an assault rifle, a pump-action shotgun, and tear gas grenades on the other hand…
NWO has been posting on the men’s rights subreddit and I think I saw him recently on the spearhead as well. He gets upvotes.
LOL. That’s a way more practical answer than anything I’ll bet any of your Manosphere cronies could come up with. Making not-so-subtle, barely coherent threats that “it’ll happen again” if ladies don’t put out for the poor, long-suffering “nice guys” doesn’t really constitute a “plan” IMHO.
Best of:
-The Twisted Spinster
!!!!! Yes yes and yes.
I was a waste of space at seventeen, so what?
I spotted NWO with Carmen San Diego.
As a person with a legitimately high IQ, I can definitely say all it means is that you can generally process more information at once than is average. Whether or not you’re smart depends on whether or not you give a shit about things like logic or facts.
I high IQ person who spends all day reading Dan Brown fanfiction and listening to Rush Limbaugh is guaranteed to be stupider than a person of average IQ who doesn’t.