antifeminism creep-shaming misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit threats violence whaaaaa? your time will come

Manosphere blogger blames Obama, Jesse Jackson, and feminists for the Aurora theater shootings. Yes, really.

Scientific geniuses: Always white dudes

We’ve already seen some unusual perspectives on the Aurora theater tragedy courtesy of The Spearhead and the Men’s Rights subreddit. Over on whiskeysplace, the manosphere blogger (and sometime Spearhead contributor) who calls himself Whiskey throws some racism into the mix.

In Whiskey’s view, the whole thing just shows … just how badly treated white men are in America today. And, he suggests, unless we change our evil white-man-hating ways we should expect even worse massacres to come. His basic thesis:

[T]hat an (admittedly crazy) 24 year old White guy with an extremely high IQ would paint his hair red, carefully position his beat up old pickup truck against one emergency exit door, enter through the pre-arranged opened other door, and kill (again as of this writing) 12 people while wounding 58, many seriously, shows how out of hand Obama’s America has become.   …

Who is at fault? In no particular order, Obama, the entire Affirmative Action establishment, Jessie Jackson, feminists, the media, and the American people for taking the easy way out and not removing the former from public life through a hard, brutal political struggle that costs time and effort and more.


After a long tirade about “low-IQ” black murderers, Whiskey moves on to consider the life of the (apparently) socially awkward, dateless James Holmes, whom Whiskey assumes was oppressed for being a white guy.

Was James Holmes forced out of the University of Colorado for being too White and male? We may never know. But certainly, being White, male, and applying for science related jobs after graduating with honors led to … McDonalds.

Well, not literally. Holmes didn’t actually work at McDonalds. Very few people with undergraduate degrees in neuroscience do.

So you have a very toxic combination. A man with a high IQ, denied any gainful employment or relationship with the opposite sex. … America has become so debased, so hostile to ordinary White guys, that instead of say, devising his own bat-suit and rescuing someone, this guy figures he’s the Joker, and shoots a bunch of people he has never even met, dead.

And it gets worse, according to Whiskey: The continued oppression of white dudes by Obama, the feminists and, er, Russell Brand, will lead inevitably to more massacres in the future:

The constant demonization of White guys, and destruction of heroism as a model, has real consequences. Guys with high IQs who are intent on killing people are dangerous. They get that way not from “turning evil” like a Joss Whedon character in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” but because they are turned away from anything positive, socially isolated and alone while a lucky socially dominant few have everything (before he ever got famous, and with a massive drug habit, Russell Brand boasted he was having sex with 80 women a month). These guys study for years, graduate with honors, and end up at McDonalds. Wrong sex and color.

Yes, because so many of those who work in fast food restaurants are white men tossed out of grad school because of their race and gender.

And those massacres in the future? Because white dudes are apparently all so super smart, we should expect them to be way worse than the ones we’ve seen so far. Like, atom bomb worse.

I want to be as clear as possible. The most dangerous man in WWII, was not Patton, or Rommel, or Yamamoto. No, it was nerdy, lanky, unassuming and part prima donna, J. Robert Oppenheimer. A high IQ unmoored by social ties, love, family, relationships, a job that is not demeaning … is a man who is a potential weapon. 

Whiskey then brings us back around to Obama and his (alleged) anti-white dude agenda:

If Obama’s anti-White guy policies, the media’s demonization of (particularly nerdy) White guys, and the legal discrimination against most non-connected Whites were deliberately constructed to create guys far more dangerous than James Holmes, they could not have done a better job.

Whiskey has somehow convinced himself, based on nothing, that Holmes could have been another Jonas Salk:

Let us be clear. James Holmes had the capacity to maybe find a cure for Alzheimers. Yes he was crazy. But he was smart.

While every white man is capable of intellectual miracles, at least in Whiskey’s mind, those with darker skin are somehow incapable of scientific thought:

Meanwhile Trayvon Martin was never going to amount to much of anything. Ever. And neither will all those young Black man just like him. … Literally any number of people you know, could die, in the future because society did not channel James Holmes into a productive outlet: neuroscience.

Uh, dude, even aside from the racism, there’s no evidence that Holmes actually was a genius.

After a bit more bloviating, Whisky brings it back to Trayvon Martin for his stirring conclusion:

[I]t is [a] fantasy that we can have no cost to marginalizing White guys (particularly the smart ones without connections) and that we can continue to have clean water, and air, and food that is safe to eat, and the power always one [sic], by betting it all on the Trayvon Martins.

Why is it that the guys who talk the most about IQ are invariably such complete fucking idiots?

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the twisted spinster
the twisted spinster
12 years ago

And he bases his ideas on what Trayvon Martin would have become on what evidence exactly? How many white high school kids do petty theft and try to get high and then go on to grow up and get normal jobs and lead normal lives? Oh but I forgot, white men are superior.

Actually, white kids are given a pass for things black kids end up in prison for: Martin’s alleged petty theft and drug use that white commentators far and wide have been speaking of in horrified tones as the Harbingers of Thugdom that George Zimmerman unwittingly saved us all from would have been seen as hijinks and “boys will be boys” fun if Martin had been white, and been the future subject of nostalgic reminiscences.

tl;dr, whiskey and his ilk are fucking racists and misogynists.

12 years ago

After reading Whiskey’s comments I want to slam my head against a wall and never stop.

That’d be more fun than reading the comments of a racist, misogynistic shit rooster.

12 years ago

Was James Holmes forced out of the University of Colorado for being too White and male? We may never know.

You dumb fuckhead, we already know. He flunked his prelims! And this meme that he was some kind of supergenius has also already been debunked. He was mediocre. He made it into a graduate program but was already washing out after the first year. But yeah, let’s continue to pretend that white guys are the most oppressed class in America. For fuck’s sake!

So let’s see, this mediocre asshat who fancied himself far cleverer than he actually was couldn’t manage to pass his prelims, and becomes so enraged that he slaughters a theater full of people. But he’s the oppressed one. OMFG.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Has this guy ever been to McDonald’s? Generally if there’s a white dude working there, he’s either 17 years old or he’s the manager.

(Obviously not always. But McDonald’s is hardly chockfull of educated white men who just couldn’t catch a break because all the CEOs and neurosurgeons are women of color.)

12 years ago

You dumb fuckhead, we already know. He flunked his prelims!

yeah, but we cant know that he didnt earn secret negative points for whiteness and maleness, duh

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

blitzgal — he flucked out? Last I’d seen was that he had withdrawn for “reasons” with the “reasons we don’t know yet” implication. Either way, not pointing to “denied education for being a white male” (typing that out hurts my brain)

Re: the OP — when’d he become “admittedly crazy” anyways? I’ve seen lots of speculation on that, and absolutely nothing that sounds like anything more than “must be crazy to have done that”. Which is a lovely cop-out for saying that crazy = unpredictable = nothing we could’ve done, like the mental health system in the US isn’t horribly broken (note, idk if he’s mentally ill, I do know that the system needs to be fixed and thus saying that mentally ill = nothing we could’ve done is a goddamned lie)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh, I get it, this is one of those no-win situations. If white men succeed at everything, that proves their merit: if a white man ever fails at anything that proves he’s being kept down.

…If the shooter had been black, you think this guy would be out there blaming white people?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cliff — somewhere or another I’d read that he had to take some sort of suck job, idk if it was McDonald’s or not. The person telling reporters that was blaming the economy though — that lots of people are taking jobs well below them currently, because the economy sucks. Nothing about the economy only sucking for white men <.>

(Point here is he may’ve worked at McD’s, they’re still wrong about the implications of that)

12 years ago

I’m just going to say based on conversations with my lab partners: there are plenty of white guys in science who did a little bit of weed in high school. And college.

12 years ago

NOT a genius:

Quite a few people wash out of graduate programs (and while the humanities departments I know don’t have prelims, i.e. major hoop early on, there’s an argument for not letting somebody struggle for five or seven years if the cannot make the grade early on).

And yeah, racist mra dude, keep wanking to yourself that black men like Neil deGrasse Tyson don’t exist.

I suppose it’s HIS fault too *eyes rolling so hard they’re out of my head and down the hall*

12 years ago

Ugh..that post waas so fucked up itl take a week of sifting through the shit just to find something amusing about it.

You know what? If white men are such super geniuses, I think they can find a way to work on their personal issues without shooting up movie theatres.

Would his shitastic explanation work if the actually oppressed black men, who ARE routinely shot down or imprisioned and ARE denied work went and did the same thing? Would there be such an outpouring of sympathy and understanding?


Well, if you have no sympathy for the ones actually oppressed, shut the fuck up!

12 years ago

It’s kind of hard to know what Trayvon Martin would have done with his life, because his adult life wasn’t even started when he was murdered for wearing a hoodie while black. But even if he would have lived a quiet, private life, and not made it into the history books, his murder is still a tragedy. White people don’t need to earn the right to live by proving they’ll do something “impressive” or meet some arbitrary standard of success. Who the fuck are you to decide that Black youth need to prove their worthiness before their needless, racist teen murders can be considered a waste of human life?

12 years ago

somewhere or another I’d read that he had to take some sort of suck job, idk if it was McDonald’s or not. The person telling reporters that was blaming the economy though — that lots of people are taking jobs well below them currently, because the economy sucks. Nothing about the economy only sucking for white men

Men have taken the majority of new private sector jobs created during this “recovery,” even in industries that have been dominated by women (like retail). So yet another meme that these guys are just flat out lying about.

12 years ago

yeah, but we cant know that he didnt earn secret negative points for whiteness and maleness, duh

Heh, you always make me smile, even when I’m pissed.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Why is he even comparing this guy to Trayvon Martin? Who the fuck did Trayvon Martin kill?

It seems like the thing lately in the asshole-o-sphere to treat the victims of a crime the same as the perpetrators. “They’re both lost lives.” That’s such hideous bullshit.

12 years ago

And more on ithiliana’s point — “not a genius.”

Kind of like how after the fact we discovered that Klebold and Harris were not bullied, but in fact were a psychopath and a depressive follower. The original details about these horrific incidents are usually wrong.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

blitzgal — I was commenting on something one of his neighbors had said, not the MRM. I’m not surprised the media reported the neighbor’s opinion as TRUFAX when the neighbor was wrong.

And I can’t find it now, typical. *grumbles about speculation not being journalism*

12 years ago

Where is he even getting the ‘High IQ’ stuff from, anyway? Is there some random IQ test someone found? Or is it just that he was in grad school (or considering this guy, white)? Because as a current grad student (who passed his prelims quite handily), i can attest that they’re really not linked. At my best i don’t think I ever scored any better then the high side of normal.

And that’s ignoring the fact that the thing that IQ tests are the best at is determining how well you score on IQ tests.

12 years ago

blitzgal — I was commenting on something one of his neighbors had said, not the MRM. I’m not surprised the media reported the neighbor’s opinion as TRUFAX when the neighbor was wrong.

Oh, sorry about that. I wasn’t aiming my ire at you, just trying to expand on your point and taking aim at their idea that men are oppressed because of the mancession, etc.

12 years ago

Look, I have suffered major academic difficulties, setbacks, and failures. These were partially caused by and hugely exacerbated by a combination of ADHD and an anxiety disorder. But despite having a mental disorder and struggling academically, I didn’t start believing that academia was conspiring against me because I was a white woman. I didn’t blame affirmative actions for my failures. I didn’t come to the conclusion that I must be some supergenius that society was screwing over simply because I have an above average IQ. And I certainly never considered taking any of the despair, anger, or desperation I may have felt out on innocent people. I might have vaguely considered killing myself a couple of times — but even when I did so, I always tried to consider methods that would cause the least amount of harm to other people.

You know what I did do, though? I realizes that my mental problems were seriously harming me. I came to realize that I couldn’t ignore them any longer. I started to seriously deal with them. I realized I had problems and I started to work at fixing them. I took responsibility for my failure to deal with these problems earlier. I never would have thought to claim that my difficulties were all because the world was conspiring against me because I was white. I know full well that the color of my skin and my socioeconomic status only helped me get as far as I did. And I didn’t go on about how an above average score on an IQ test made me so smart, because I know that it doesn’t. Because of my parents and teachers, I’ve been taking tests like that my whole life. Given all that test taking practice, it would be stupid for me to believe that doing well on a test reflected my innate intelligence alone.

I don’t just find Whiskey’s arguments to be disgusting and wrong — they’re also deeply insulting.

12 years ago

[I]t is [a] fantasy that we can have no cost to marginalizing White guys (particularly the smart ones without connections) and that we can continue to have clean water, and air, and food that is safe to eat, and the power always one [sic], by betting it all on the Trayvon Martins

Are black people all Captain Planet villains? Is there a link between shooting unarmed black kids on their way home and food/water/air quality? Can we see some citations?
No, never mind. This is just blatant despicable racism. Logic does not apply.

12 years ago

Meanwhile Trayvon Martin was never going to amount to much of anything. Ever.

Jesus wept.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

blitzgal — no problem, I just wanted to clarify that it didn’t seem that the person discussing the economy was saying anything about white men versus other groups. The manosphere is often fractally wrong, yeah, but that comment seemed to be the standard fare “we know nothing yet so let’s interview the neighbors” — it’s BS of a different sort.

12 years ago

Trayvon Moron was never going to amount to…what exactly? A paranoid racist sexist asshole bloviating his paranoid fantasies of persecution (in their own twisted way a form of self-importance) on the internet? Yeah, cause I’m sure this guy is a role model we all aspire to be.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Amnesia: maybe you haven’t heard, but the air, water, and food supply of the planet is kept going by genius white guys pedaling bicycles hooked up to generators in a secret location somewhere near the Earth’s core. Humanity depends on a constant flow of genius white guys to survive.

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