antifeminism bad boys beta males hate men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead thug-lovers

Spearheader: Women are “feral creatures who want to be thugf#$cked and used.”

Women: Feral, civilization-destroying monsters

Over on The Spearhead, the discussion of, er, “altruism” (and why the men who sacrificed their lives to save their girlfriends in the Aurora theater shootings were “suckers”) continues. All of the comments I mentioned in my previous post now have dozens of upvotes; one has more than a hundred. (All except for the comment praising the dead men as “heroic” which remains underwater, votewise.)

The discussion has inspired one commenter called ck to offer this rather harsh assessment of modern women:

Words cannot convey my sense of dispair, isolation, and acceptance that women are at best amoral beings and at worst imoral. I no longer look at a women and hope they may be the one who vaules a decent, kind, moral man. Instead I see a feral creature who wants to be thugf#$cked and used. They are addicted to a drug called emotion. They want the highs of being thugf#cked and the coming lows of being used and dumped. Then rinse and repeat.

[citation needed]

The stable decent man is too “boring” or “nice”. The lush sociatal enviroment we have created for them is taken for granted. It exists as does the air they breath, simply out of nothing in thier minds. They simply cannot grasp the truth of it takes good men to build, invent and maintain their “posh” world. … My eyes are sadly opened to what women are now.

ck also makes comments that suggest to me that he is suffering from depression, possibly quite severe. He gets upvotes for his misogyny, but no one there offers any comfort or help, except for one commenter who urges him, unhelpfully, to “[t]ry to get as far from feminist women as possible,” possibly by moving to another country.

Evidently the last thing MRAs ever want to do is to provide actual tangible help to fellow men who are suffering.

Meanwhile, Darryl X offers some thoughts on you, my dear readers and commenters:

I hope the posts on Futrelle’s site and others illustrates for you the cold-blooded and parasitic nature of those kinds of people and that they do not represent civilization and that as more and more honest hard-working and innocent men are killed off by them, they will be living in a cave because they have neither the intelligence nor the initiative to do anything but defraud others and they are running out of victims. Eventually they will start cannibalizing themselves. Actually they already have started.

Evidently, according to Spearhead logic, “civilization” is much more effectively maintained by demonizing half of it.

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12 years ago

“I’m a nice guy, why won’t the bitches date me.”

Well you see, you removed yourself from the dating pool by being disgusting human beings. Its not 1900, woman are no longer obligated to put out for creeps.

12 years ago

Maybe it’s the beer, but women are at best amoral beings and at worst imoral turned into “You are not Morg, you are not Eymorg” in my head.

12 years ago

Here is another future “feral and immoral woman”

This 13 year old girl has more courage, more morality, more empathy and more strength than every MRA on the internet combined. While they smash their keyboards in rage at women, this girl was desperately trying to save a life. Notice how she says she felt responsible for that little girl she was babysitting. And here I thought according to MRAs, our culture teaches women and girls to have none.

Its easy to point and laugh at these fuckers, but every time they co-opt a tragedy like this to push their misogynistic agendas, it really pisses me off. Price did this same thing about two months ago when that young college student died and wrote an essay, and all he did was twist it around into a fear mongering piece on how women need to hurry and marry OR ELSE. Because God knows that’s all we women are put on earth here for right? The fact that they can so easily use tragedies and deaths like this proves how miserable and dead they really are inside.

I know you filthy MRA fucks are lurking here and reading, so know this- You are all miserable, heartless, bitter little people, who are so full of anger and hate that you really have zero place talking about how immoral and evil other people are. You are the textbook definition of projection. You are not good men, you are not loving men. You do nothing but spread hate. You constantly co-opt the successes and sacrifices of other men who actually DID something worthy and good, a big reason being because they were not stewing in hatred of women and the world. You pretend you are soldiers fighting a worthy cause, and make no mistake, fighting for equality and men’s rights is a worthy cause. Except that’s not what you are doing at all. And anyone with half a brain and even the most basic grasp of the English language can see you are nothing but a bunch and bigoted assholes and creeps when they visit your sites, where you all congregate to pat yourselves on the ass for being the misogynist losers that you are.

Go fuck yourselves.

12 years ago

Brava, Quackers. It seems for a moment we leave the veil of mockery and say something that needs saying.

12 years ago

Thanks 🙂 it’s just infuriating that they use tragedies to spew their venom towards women. Just makes it extra shitty than it usually is.

12 years ago

I’ll be over here, enjoying having sex with someone who doesn’t seem to think that the definition of sex is obligation by a woman to a man because otherwise he might be violent or take his balls and go home.

12 years ago

MRAs trying to co-opt tragedies like this to push misogyny pisses me off even more than Republicans co-opting tragedies like this to push gun ‘rights’.

12 years ago

They want the highs of being thugf#cked and the coming lows of being used and dumped.

Translation: I want to thugf#uck, use, and dump women, and attempt justify it by pretending I’m just fulfilling their desires.

12 years ago

* attempt to justify it, obviously. (Filthy hateful keyboard.)

12 years ago

Yeah, because decent, kind and moral men are so well represented in the men’s rights movement. So well represented, I can’t think of a single one. In fact, any woman looking for a decent, kind and moral man would do well to avoid MRAs on principle.

Deranged Counter-Troll
Deranged Counter-Troll
12 years ago

You see, they’re making the classic error of confusing result with intent.

What happens is you get these naive young things who get abused by total jerkfaces (I’m assuming this is what “thugfucked” means) and then they assume that those women desired and intended this to happen. Since only naive young women have much value in their world, they also ignore that older women have generally learned to avoid this.

So therefore we must assume that incels and MGTOWs and the like sabotage any chance of ever getting laid on purpose because they’re addicted to being a victim. After all, if they think that other people are doing self-destructive things on purpose then it’s a good bet that it’s because they’re doing it themselves.

12 years ago

@Quackers, you said it better than I ever could.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Steele/Varpole — pay attention, Deranged Counter-Troll just explained how projection actually works.

Deranged Counter-Troll — you missed Steele’s other favorite word, paranoia. They also think that everyone is out to get them, seemingly with doses of narcissism that make everything somehow about them.

Re: the OP — do they get that living in a cave and not dying of starvation or exposure is a lot more work than going to the grocery store or clothing store? They talk about living in a cave like that’s the lazy, and thus presumably easy, option.

12 years ago

There’s also the situation where said guy is focused on X type of female person who he likes. He therefore ignores any female people who do not fit his desires and then uses his sense of entitlement to act as though by not liking him back, she is withholding his rightful prize. Then, if she ends up (due to guilt, insecurity or simply being inexperienced enough to think that you can just make yourself like someone you don’t actually like that way) getting together with him and he inevitably decides to blame anything that goes wrong in the relationship on HER and does little to nothing to make the relationship good for her beyond playing to what HE thinks it ought to be like (because, remember, everyone has to tip toe around the big entitled NICE GUY because godforbid he ever feel bad about doing anything wrong ever or have to change his behavior in any way when it comes to being in a relationship with another person, amirite?).

Eventually, the woman will leave, and he’ll bemoan it was all her fault, she becomes the “evil” ex girlfriend and the cycle starts again as he sifts through emotionally and psychologically vulnerable targets for someone who will put up with his bullshit.

Then he acts like he is only doing this because they WANT him to do it.

Bullshit. You’re just a spineless predator, looking for easy targets, and you are attempting to justify your shitty behavior to yourself so you can sleep at night.

I hope you can’t.

12 years ago

“Hey, who cares if people die, or are permanently scarred physically or emotionally? Nothing matters but my ability to screw the women I want, when I want to.”

Am I translating from MRA-speak right?

12 years ago


Thank you! 😀

12 years ago

I just can’t wait to hear the Spearhead on the passing of Sally Ride, can you?

12 years ago

@scarlett I can wait. See also, Quackers’ rant. As mockable as they are, I really do hate it when these guys use tragedies to be even MORE awful. It’s like, have some decency, yanno?

12 years ago

I wonder if ck has read Malleus Maleficarum.

12 years ago


That link was heartbreaking. That child showed more courage, grit, and responsibility than most MRAs can even imagine and she was only thirteen years old. All all theycan do is whine about how those who stayed and helped others were “suckers”. The folks of both genders (and there seem to be at least three women who risked their livers to protect others) did so out of love and/or civic responsibility and deserve to be lauded as the heros they are/were.

The MRA really need to keep their malignant ideology off other people’s tragedies.

12 years ago

Wanted to let everyone know the face-eating guy in florida was NOT using “bath salts”. The media didn’t wait for the drug tests to come back. They based their reports on speculation by various people.

He had a tiny bit of pot in his system, that was it.

12 years ago

You mean journalists jumped to conclusions and reported something bearing little relationship to the facts?


12 years ago

she becomes the “evil” ex girlfriend

Or the Crazy Bitch(tm). I’ve seen completely decent women with little fault in a troubled relationship dropped to Crazy Bitch(tm) status for no apparent reason other than the guy needed an excuse for a break up that wasn’t “I’m kind of an asshole, sometimes”.

Also have a friend who was not an asshole, but the relationship was unhealthy — his friends told everyone else she was a crazy bitch. He’s a good guy, though, so he told them to STFU.

12 years ago

They talk about living in a cave like that’s the lazy, and thus presumably easy, option.

Well, of course it is. Every woman would rather lounge around and look like Raquel Welch in a fur bikini. Technology only exists so REAL MEN can frag n00bs playing Modern Warfare. As a consequence, women actually have to work, because once you have a nice house, you have to keep it free of bugs and clean it and shit. No one cares about bugs or dirt in a cave.

I mean, DUH!! Were you late to the session of Crazy Ass Parasite B****es 101 where they talked about this?


12 years ago

@whataboutthemoonz yeah, I’ve seen the “Crazy BitchTM” thing thrown about too. When I was online dating, I was always wary of guys who had in their profile, things like “NO CRAZY BITCHES!” Pretty much to the point where I usually ignored their messages. And spoiler alert, the ones who’s messages I didn’t ignore, didn’t really prove much more pleasant in written conversation.

I mean, I do tend to think that horrible exes DO exist, but I can’t help but feel that dudes who continually bemoan their plethora of “Crazy Bitch” ex-girlfriends are the type of dudes who go for women they think they can easily manipulate, try to manipulate, and then act all puzzled when said women don’t appreciate being with a manipulative asshole.