antifeminism bad boys beta males hate men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead thug-lovers

Spearheader: Women are “feral creatures who want to be thugf#$cked and used.”

Women: Feral, civilization-destroying monsters

Over on The Spearhead, the discussion of, er, “altruism” (and why the men who sacrificed their lives to save their girlfriends in the Aurora theater shootings were “suckers”) continues. All of the comments I mentioned in my previous post now have dozens of upvotes; one has more than a hundred. (All except for the comment praising the dead men as “heroic” which remains underwater, votewise.)

The discussion has inspired one commenter called ck to offer this rather harsh assessment of modern women:

Words cannot convey my sense of dispair, isolation, and acceptance that women are at best amoral beings and at worst imoral. I no longer look at a women and hope they may be the one who vaules a decent, kind, moral man. Instead I see a feral creature who wants to be thugf#$cked and used. They are addicted to a drug called emotion. They want the highs of being thugf#cked and the coming lows of being used and dumped. Then rinse and repeat.

[citation needed]

The stable decent man is too “boring” or “nice”. The lush sociatal enviroment we have created for them is taken for granted. It exists as does the air they breath, simply out of nothing in thier minds. They simply cannot grasp the truth of it takes good men to build, invent and maintain their “posh” world. … My eyes are sadly opened to what women are now.

ck also makes comments that suggest to me that he is suffering from depression, possibly quite severe. He gets upvotes for his misogyny, but no one there offers any comfort or help, except for one commenter who urges him, unhelpfully, to “[t]ry to get as far from feminist women as possible,” possibly by moving to another country.

Evidently the last thing MRAs ever want to do is to provide actual tangible help to fellow men who are suffering.

Meanwhile, Darryl X offers some thoughts on you, my dear readers and commenters:

I hope the posts on Futrelle’s site and others illustrates for you the cold-blooded and parasitic nature of those kinds of people and that they do not represent civilization and that as more and more honest hard-working and innocent men are killed off by them, they will be living in a cave because they have neither the intelligence nor the initiative to do anything but defraud others and they are running out of victims. Eventually they will start cannibalizing themselves. Actually they already have started.

Evidently, according to Spearhead logic, “civilization” is much more effectively maintained by demonizing half of it.

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12 years ago

Cannibalizing? I thought that shit in Florida was due to “bath salts”, but it must have been Feminism! Who knew?

12 years ago

I think the Spearhead has jumped the shark. WTF Price just put comments on moderation. I don’t think he can continue this line of “work” much longer without putting his personal happiness in danger. Hopefully he will cut and run soon. It’s almost impossible to maintain that kind of hateful momentum indefinitely. It’s like driving 120 miles down the freeway. Eventually you have to slow down, or crash.

12 years ago

Every time MRAs whine about the evils of “thugs,” I kind of wish my boyfriend happened to be black just to spite them.

(He is Jewish, though, so at least I’m pissing off NWO? :-p )

12 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if these guys have ever actually met/b> a real live wimminz.

12 years ago

HTML fail. I suck.

12 years ago

This is the lather, rinse, repeat that I’ve seen in misogynistic men. Women who have self-respect picks something coming off the misogynist and just doesn’t engage. Men who hate women may be able to hide it while they’re actively looking for sex can only hide their hatred for so long before they do or say something that just gives themselves away.

misogynist: All women are whores and losers
woman who use people for fun and profit: You called?
misogynist: Oh! You are different than all them whores and users!
wwumffap: (uses man, leaves him worse off than when she found him)
misogynist! OMG! *all* all women are dirty whores and filthy losers!
another wwupffap comes along: Oh, you poor darling!
misogynist! Oh! You are *definitely” different than those dirty whores and filthy losers!

It may only be that 5% of the female population will use people (not just men) and spit them out, but for a misogynist, that number makes up 100% of the women who would willingly get within a ten-foot radius of him.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Their rantings get louder and louder each cycle.

12 years ago

But why wont anyone see how NICE ck is?!?! Oh sure he thinks women are all feral and immoral but wont somebody PLEASE THINK OF THE NICE GUYS??!?!!!?!1

12 years ago

@darksidecat, Bath salts ARE feminism. Just like scented fucking candles.

12 years ago

do anything but defraud others and they are running out of victims.

Excuse me … I wouldn’t normally ask this, but since, y’know, you’re projecting already, would you mind running these reels of The Lord of the Rings? I’m having a director’s cut marathon tomorrow night.

12 years ago

at best amoral beings and at worst imoral

It’s the Apple Revolution!!! Stand firm my brothers and sisters, do not fall prey to these evil Macists!!

12 years ago

Stand firm my brothers and sisters, do not fall prey to these evil Macists!!

Scorn the Steve-ians! Up the Billists!

12 years ago

Enter the Gates!!!! Take their Jobs!!!!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Bath salts ARE feminism. Just like scented fucking candles.”

Well yeah, but who the FUCK thought of eating them? That shit goes in the tub…or a foot bath…but not your mouth >.<

(I have no on topic comment, sorry)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cult of Mac, Unite!! 😛 (hey guys? if you have iPods or iPhones, that includes you…)

12 years ago

Argenti: Except that the “bath salts” people are taking aren’t actually meant to go in the bath. It was just packaging to hide designer drugs until the authorities caught on. Would be a clever idea if it wasn’t that trying to keep that sort of thing under wraps is just about impossible given what human nature is (more people who know the less secret it will stay because we blab).

12 years ago

“Words cannot convey my sense of dispair, isolation, and acceptance that women are at best amoral beings and at worst imoral.”

Is it just me or is anyone else thinking that some nice talk therapy would do these guys a lot more good than ranting at other MRAs on Reddit/aVFM/whatever?

(Also, English lessons. Please? I’m not just snarking – being unable to communicate well in writing is going to cause you all kinds of problems in the internet age, from looking for a job to looking for a relationship, and a lot of these guys have writing skills that are significantly below average. That can’t be helping if they’re trying to say, date online.)

@ Polliwog

Mr C is a nice, well educated, well spoken Asian guy from an upper class family. The former Mr C, his predecessor, was an upper middle class Jewish boy who was 5ft11 and about 140 pounds, and wore eyeliner. I feel like my love life would be a terrible disappointment to the average MRA, what with the lack of “thugs” and the surfeit of nice, well educated, polite men from nice families.

Also, the not-very-coded racism is not doing them any favors in terms of recruiting more men to their movement.

12 years ago

Hmm. I don’t know about cannibalism, but I do have an autovampiric streak…

(Diabetic. Blood tests. It’s easier to just lick it off than hunt around for a tissue, and better for the environment too!)

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

the cold-blooded and parasitic nature of those kinds of people and that they do not represent civilization and that as more and more honest hard-working and innocent men are killed off by them




Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Noadi — that makes a lot more sense than eating the kind that is meant for the tub actually. Yeah, never gonna work, but less silly than eating the kind for calloused feet 🙂

12 years ago

Words cannot convey my sense of dispair, isolation, and acceptance that women are at best amoral beings and at worst imoral. I no longer look at a women and hope they may be the one who vaules a decent, kind, moral man.

it’s very telling to me that his idea of a “moral” woman isn’t, you know, somebody who goes out and helps people but instead is a woman who is attracted to the right kind of man. between that and the “thugfucking” it’s clear that morality for women is sexual morality, i.e. avoiding being a “slut”/”whore”. even a woman “using” a man isn’t immoral because she’s lying, stealing, being abusive, etc. to somebody, it’s because said woman isn’t in her proper relation to a man. if this is the standard MRA’s idea of what ethics entails no wonder they behave so fucked up

12 years ago

Well, I don’t think I’m into being “thugf#$cked and used,” but maybe I’m just not feral enough.

I happen to be married to a “decent, kind, moral man,” which apparently I know more about than the Spearheaders do, bless their vicious little hearts.

My husband and I were discussing MRAs today, mainly because he was appalled at the comments on CNN about Sally Ride. He was totally mystified by the misogyny. He was really upset by the hatred of Sally Ride voiced by commenters. He has always admired her and thinks our granddaughter really needs to know about her. As our conversation went on, I told him about MRAs constantly beating the drum of false sexual harassment charges, and he was amazed. He retired just a couple of months ago, but for his entire professional life he worked side by side with women and never once thought that any of them would try to frame him. “Of course you didn’t,” I said, “because you aren’t delusional.”

I think I’m gonna go now and pour some bath salts into the whirlpool tub and try to wash all this filthy effluent away.

12 years ago

More of the same “women are all wh*res! – why will nobody love me?” It’s almost like, I dunno, maybe most people tend to avoid folks who seem to hate them? Nahhh, that can’t be it. Must be because women are wh*res! /sarcasm

12 years ago

I know, right? They want to constantly talk about how bad women are…and then wonder why most or all women don’t like them.

12 years ago

It’s funny how quick some men can go from average joe to foaming at the mouth misogynist. All that rage is so close to the surface. One little nick and they can’t foam fast enough.

My father only had daughters, and yet at the drop of a hat he would go on for great lengths about just how much better men were at just being people, and that as a female, I couldn’t ever really understand how things were. Sure, he frequently beat the crap out of me for saying the wrong things, but men just had more responsibilities to the world.

12 years ago

Yeah, every night my wife demands to be thugfucked (whatever that means) or she’ll falsely accuse me of rape.

These guys have no idea how ridiculous they look.

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