antifeminism grandiosity manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA NAWALT nice guys oppressed men shit that never happened white knights

Hawaiian Libertarian: “Misogyny is the key to male liberation from blue pill delusions.”

This pedestal is a trick illusion.

It’s amazing how daintily some manosphere dudes dance around the word “misogyny.”After spewing forth venomous woman-hating filth in post after post, they turn around and equally vociferously deny that they are in any way misogynistic – after all, they can think of three or four women in their life they don’t actively hate.

It’s strange. Men whose entire political and social philosophy is based on the hatred of women aren’t willing to say this out loud.

Over on Hawaiian Libertarian, a blog with some influence within the marginal universe of the manosphere, Keoni Galt is a bit more honest: he is proudly and openly misogynist. Not only that, but he’s convinced that others in the manosphere need to fully accept misogyny into their shrunken little hearts. And he’s written a little manifesto about it:

Misogyny is the key to male liberation from blue pill delusions. Only by embracing it, can men adopt a new paradigm in which the female of the human species has forever been knocked off of the pedestal that had been erected in our minds by institutionalized brainwashing and mass media programming.

Galt starts out with a fairly standard-issue manosphere confessional. Turns out that before he saw the light – sorry, took the red pill — he was a poor female-besotted white-knight mangina like most of the unlucky males of this world:

Back in the blue pill days, I was enchanted and mesmerized by the female gender as a whole. Tell-a-Vision and a childhood steeped in Churchianity had me forever looking at the female gender as the only bright light in a world of shit. I was indoctrinated into becoming a worshiper at the feet of the pedestal of the “sacred feminine.”

The last thing I ever wanted to become, was a misogynist. No, I bought into the delusion that the key to being accepted and gain the approval of the female herd was to become the vaunted WhiteKnight-EmotionalTampon- InTouchWithMyFeelings- LJBF-NICE GUY.

Oh dear, we have to listen to the sad, boring tale of the Nice Guy once again.

All a woman…ANY woman (not just young, attractive ones)…had to do when I was younger, was smile at me or give me a pathetic pleading look, or a nice sounding request and I was ready to do her bidding. The bat of an eyelash or a supplicating sound of her voice had me ready to ask her “how high would you like me to jump?”

I helped ladies move, “lent” them money (never asked for it back, mostly never got paid back either), given them rides, helped them with homework, built them things, fixed their cars, bought them drinks and/or meals…anything any female in my life requested, I did. “NO” was not a part of my vocabulary when it came to dealing with the opposite gender.

Helping friends isn’t a character flaw. But you’re the one who made yourself into a doormat.

I also spent many a time with groups of female friends, joining in on the “all men are pigs” type of conversations. I’ve been that “one of the girls” guy on many an occasion. (“You’re so COOL! Why can’t more guys be like YOU?!” 

But, Galt assures us, he wasn’t one of those passive-aggressive, guilt-tripping dudes who tries to “nice guy” his crushes into bed.

I’m not talking about being the “nice guy” here in hopes of getting a romantic response from a particular female. These are women for whom I knew as friends, acquaintances, co-workers, colleagues etc. In other words, if it had a vagina, I said “yes dear” to any and every request, simply to live up to the expectations inculcated in my mind on how a “good man” is one who serves the feminine imperative.

My indoctrination and upbringing had trained me to seek feminine approval above anything else.

What the hell kind of “indoctrination” did you get? Did you grow up in some sort of Goddess Cult? I’ve never met a single other person who’s been “indoctrinated” in this fashion. It’s almost as though you’re exaggerating or just making shit up in such a way as to justify your present-day misogyny.

Oh, wait, you are:

I’ve come to the realization that misogyny is the inevitable antidote one must accept, after gaining an understanding of the ugly truth of the female imperative and how it works to enslave men for it’s own purpose.

Yes, the only two options for men in the contemporary world – the only two — are to either bend over backwards and do everything women ask them to do in a creepily self-abasing way while agreeing that “all men are pigs,” or to decide that women are shit. (It’s not like this is a logical fallacy or anything.)

Most women nowadays really are beneath contempt. Manipulative, conniving, self-centered and solipsistic…especially beautiful ones.

[citation needed]

I now understand that this is the result of the programming most females are inculcated with from the same mass media culture that programmed me to be a pedestal worshiper.

[citation needed]

Actually, ALL women are solipsistic and manipulative to a certain degree (AWALT). It is their very nature. The real problem is that our mass media culture encourages women to embrace it, revel in it, and use their power of attraction to manipulate for their own selfish ends. It has always been like this, I just never recognized it until the hindsight as seen through the clarity of understanding that came with taking the red pill.

You realize that what you call the “red pill” is just a slightly exaggerated and updated version of not-so-good old fashioned misogyny, which has been around since the beginnings of civilization if not earlier?

But one thing this misogynist will admit: Not all women are like that. Really. I know a few.

Dude, dude, you just literally said that ALL women ARE like that. Like, in the paragraph you just finished writing.

These are women who understand that the true path to happiness is creating a sphere of nurturing and contentment amongst her friends and family. Such women are a literal joy to be around. There contentment is infectious.

“There contentment?” If these women truly loved you, wouldn’t they help you proofread your drivel?

But for most women I meet, my baseline assumption is that they are contemptuous creatures not worthy of anything other than basic human consideration…unless and until they prove otherwise.

Well, my baseline assumption is that the dudes of the manosphere are a bunch of pompous douchenozzles. And so far, I’m not altogether happy to report, not one has provided even a shred of evidence suggesting otherwise.

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12 years ago

To quote one of my favorite songs, “What?! The land of the free?! Whoever told you that is your enemy.”

Rage Against the Machine. Between that and the Matrix references I’m guessing you get all of your politics from angsty 13-year-olds, right? You’re taking me back, man…

12 years ago

That and saying the largest christian denomination to have a a rigid structure of family at it’s core… one in which the man is the head of the house, and a priest besides, “isn’t really Christian,”?

Mormons aren’t Christian because their made-up bullshit was made up 200 years ago instead of 2,000 years ago, so they have to wait their turn to be taken seriously as a Real True Religion.

Although you’re right, since their made-up bullshit perfectly complements sunshinemary’s made-up bullshit, you’d think she’d accept them with open arms. Maybe she’s uncomfortable being associated with such a recent bullshit vintage. It’s positively uncouth.

12 years ago

This post ended with this statement “Well, my baseline assumption is that the dudes of the manosphere are a bunch of pompous douchenozzles. And so far, I’m not altogether happy to report, not one has provided even a shred of evidence suggesting otherwise.”

As a passionate MRA who is a regular contributor to excellent manosphere blogs such as A Voice for Men, The Spearhead, MGTOW forums, Marky Mark, and a few others, I disagree and have an example in my own life.

Although I am an MRA, I have been happily married for almost 3 years to a woman who happens to be a feminist. Interestingly, my wife who is currently pregnant regularly reads and will comment on some topics blogs such Pandagon,Feministe, and Jezebel.
In fact, we met on an online gender forum where we initially began arguing over a topic involving MRA’a and feminists.I was going my own way sort of and then I met her. We often joke around that we are similar to the prominent media couple James Carville and Mary Matalin (She is Republican activist, he a Democrat activist).

I know of some other MRA’s who are also either married or in relationships with women. We are not all “pompous douchenozzles”. The vast majority of the MRA’s of the Manosphere are very passionate about Mens Rights and combating misandry but it does not mean they hate all women.

12 years ago

pillowinhell, there is scripture about how husbands are to treat wives but the MRAs and the religious propagandists rarely quote those, because those scriptures limit their abusive behavior in unacceptable ways.

12 years ago

Rage Against the Machine. Between that and the Matrix references I’m guessing you get all of your politics from angsty 13-year-olds, right? You’re taking me back, man…

oh shit i missed that. i love it when wingnuts try to appropriate ratm

12 years ago

We often joke around that we are similar to the prominent media couple James Carville and Mary Matalin

why, are you both soulless ghouls?

12 years ago

@Shiraz, no, Sunshine Mary is a homeschooling mother and her blog is called thewomanandthedragon dot wordpress dot com. She comments on Dalrock, the Christian Men’s Defense Network, among others.

12 years ago

I can never look at James Carville without thinking of how Ron Lacey as Arnold Toht looked in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” as his face was melting off.

12 years ago

@Newbie oy, went out for margaritas after work and completely got 100+bypassed, but, if you’re still around, i hope you have an excellent trip to Maui and maybe, one of these manboobz dayz, you can share with me what’s beautiful and fun about going there because this local girl has never been 🙂

aloha etc. 🙂

12 years ago

I feel this goes without saying but… sunshine, you do know that people here aren’t responsible for every “bitter diatribe” that “spinster’s in their 40’s” pen, right? I mean, if you’re not even going to take credit for words you wrote, where do you get off saying that words other people wrote are representative of a

12 years ago

Gah, buggering phone. Anyway, where do you get off saying those articles are somehow representative of people here?

12 years ago

pillowinhell, there is scripture about how husbands are to treat wives but the MRAs and the religious propagandists rarely quote those, because those scriptures limit their abusive behavior in unacceptable ways.

They are frequently quoted in fact. It is no secret that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. That is why it is incorrect to say that being submissive to our husbands allows them to be abusive. There is a hierarchy in Christianity that goes like this:

Selfless love (agapao, unto death) flows down the hierarchy from God to man to woman to children. Respect flows up the hierarchy from children to women to men to God. Friendliness (phileo) can flow in both directions. There is no place for abuse in this hierarchy.

12 years ago

I can never look at James Carville without thinking of how Ron Lacey as Arnold Toht looked in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” as his face was melting off.

james carville’s head is the four hour erection they warn you about in viagara commercials

12 years ago

There is no place for abuse in this hierarchy.

/dies laughing, is resurrected, reads again, dies laughing again

12 years ago

james carville’s head is the four hour erection they warn you about in viagara commercials

/dies laughing a third time

I need a break now. Coming back to this same save point is becoming a pain in the arse.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

They have a name for people who believe being meek and submissive to their so-called superiors will result in their happiness.

That name is ‘suckers’.

12 years ago

There is no place for abuse in this hierarchy.

Hierarchies are inherently abusive. It doesn’t matter that the people in power are “supposed to” protect and care for the people under them, in a hierarchy there is no way to fight abuse when the underlings can’t protest abuse and the superiors have to ignore abuse to protect the system.

The only way to fight abuses in a hierarchy is to have the system accountable to a third party, one that isn’t invested in keeping the upper echelons of the system in power. And that means underlings can’t be completely submissive, because they need the ability to go outside the system when their immediate superiors are abusive.

12 years ago

There is no place for abuse in this hierarchy.

Nope, nothing to see here then –> Spiritual Abuse Survivors Network

12 years ago

So, sunshinemary, should Abigail have submitted to her husband Nabal and not have prevented David from attacking him for ‘repaying good with evil’ (1 Samuel 25)? Was Sapphira right to lie about the price of the land as her husband, Ananias, did (Acts 5)? Should Esther have tried to convince her husband, the king, to not destroy the Jews with a quiet and submissive nature (Esther)? Should Jael have submitted to her husband’s family’s good standing with Sisera, and not have allowed the Lord to deliver Israel through her hands (Judges 4)?

sunshinemary, do you have any comments on this point I made earlier?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

That is why it is incorrect to say that being submissive to our husbands allows them to be abusive.

Because that rule is perfectly well followed. Fool.

Friendliness (phileo) can flow in both directions. There is no place for abuse in this hierarchy.

Oh yes there is. It flows down, like the love XD

Although I am an MRA, I have been happily married for almost 3 years to a woman who happens to be a feminist.

He’s an MRA! She’s a feminist! Together, They fight Crime!

I totally believe your representation, go on.

We are not all “pompous douchenozzles”.

You think you just saved the MRM singlehandedly from their deeds. I beg to differ.

The vast majority of the MRA’s of the Manosphere are very passionate about Mens Rights and combating misandry but it does not mean they hate all women.

Seeing as misandry doesn’t exist, and they choose to fight their jabberwocky by hating women, it sort of does.

12 years ago

How does a conservative God-fearing woman find herself here at Man Boobz, by the way? Are there Man Boobz links posted on christian sites?

12 years ago

I mean, I could post a bunch of hateful garbage penned by women who identify as Christian housewives but to what end? All that would prove is there are some meanspiritied Christian housewives out there. That doesn’t mean all Christian housewives are mean.

Hell, I wouldn’t even need to go as far as looking for articles. I could assume from your display here, that housewives who identify as Christian, are all passive aggressive shit stirers with a persecution complex, but I’ll leave the assumption making to you. You seem a lot better at that than I am.

12 years ago

Oh yes there is. It flows down, like the love XD

LOLLLLLLLL It’s been a Notable Quotables kinda day today XD

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“How does a conservative God-fearing woman find herself here at Man Boobz, by the way? Are there Man Boobz links posted on christian sites?”

Yeah I’m curious on that (and this re: NWO) — we’re clearly not promoting the Christian god, so we must be promoting the devil right? Or your strain of Christianity doesn’t believe that?

12 years ago


You’re barking up the wrong tree at this site. they believe only in their own divinity. They revel in debauchery and hate morality.

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