antifeminism grandiosity manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA NAWALT nice guys oppressed men shit that never happened white knights

Hawaiian Libertarian: “Misogyny is the key to male liberation from blue pill delusions.”

This pedestal is a trick illusion.

It’s amazing how daintily some manosphere dudes dance around the word “misogyny.”After spewing forth venomous woman-hating filth in post after post, they turn around and equally vociferously deny that they are in any way misogynistic – after all, they can think of three or four women in their life they don’t actively hate.

It’s strange. Men whose entire political and social philosophy is based on the hatred of women aren’t willing to say this out loud.

Over on Hawaiian Libertarian, a blog with some influence within the marginal universe of the manosphere, Keoni Galt is a bit more honest: he is proudly and openly misogynist. Not only that, but he’s convinced that others in the manosphere need to fully accept misogyny into their shrunken little hearts. And he’s written a little manifesto about it:

Misogyny is the key to male liberation from blue pill delusions. Only by embracing it, can men adopt a new paradigm in which the female of the human species has forever been knocked off of the pedestal that had been erected in our minds by institutionalized brainwashing and mass media programming.

Galt starts out with a fairly standard-issue manosphere confessional. Turns out that before he saw the light – sorry, took the red pill — he was a poor female-besotted white-knight mangina like most of the unlucky males of this world:

Back in the blue pill days, I was enchanted and mesmerized by the female gender as a whole. Tell-a-Vision and a childhood steeped in Churchianity had me forever looking at the female gender as the only bright light in a world of shit. I was indoctrinated into becoming a worshiper at the feet of the pedestal of the “sacred feminine.”

The last thing I ever wanted to become, was a misogynist. No, I bought into the delusion that the key to being accepted and gain the approval of the female herd was to become the vaunted WhiteKnight-EmotionalTampon- InTouchWithMyFeelings- LJBF-NICE GUY.

Oh dear, we have to listen to the sad, boring tale of the Nice Guy once again.

All a woman…ANY woman (not just young, attractive ones)…had to do when I was younger, was smile at me or give me a pathetic pleading look, or a nice sounding request and I was ready to do her bidding. The bat of an eyelash or a supplicating sound of her voice had me ready to ask her “how high would you like me to jump?”

I helped ladies move, “lent” them money (never asked for it back, mostly never got paid back either), given them rides, helped them with homework, built them things, fixed their cars, bought them drinks and/or meals…anything any female in my life requested, I did. “NO” was not a part of my vocabulary when it came to dealing with the opposite gender.

Helping friends isn’t a character flaw. But you’re the one who made yourself into a doormat.

I also spent many a time with groups of female friends, joining in on the “all men are pigs” type of conversations. I’ve been that “one of the girls” guy on many an occasion. (“You’re so COOL! Why can’t more guys be like YOU?!” 

But, Galt assures us, he wasn’t one of those passive-aggressive, guilt-tripping dudes who tries to “nice guy” his crushes into bed.

I’m not talking about being the “nice guy” here in hopes of getting a romantic response from a particular female. These are women for whom I knew as friends, acquaintances, co-workers, colleagues etc. In other words, if it had a vagina, I said “yes dear” to any and every request, simply to live up to the expectations inculcated in my mind on how a “good man” is one who serves the feminine imperative.

My indoctrination and upbringing had trained me to seek feminine approval above anything else.

What the hell kind of “indoctrination” did you get? Did you grow up in some sort of Goddess Cult? I’ve never met a single other person who’s been “indoctrinated” in this fashion. It’s almost as though you’re exaggerating or just making shit up in such a way as to justify your present-day misogyny.

Oh, wait, you are:

I’ve come to the realization that misogyny is the inevitable antidote one must accept, after gaining an understanding of the ugly truth of the female imperative and how it works to enslave men for it’s own purpose.

Yes, the only two options for men in the contemporary world – the only two — are to either bend over backwards and do everything women ask them to do in a creepily self-abasing way while agreeing that “all men are pigs,” or to decide that women are shit. (It’s not like this is a logical fallacy or anything.)

Most women nowadays really are beneath contempt. Manipulative, conniving, self-centered and solipsistic…especially beautiful ones.

[citation needed]

I now understand that this is the result of the programming most females are inculcated with from the same mass media culture that programmed me to be a pedestal worshiper.

[citation needed]

Actually, ALL women are solipsistic and manipulative to a certain degree (AWALT). It is their very nature. The real problem is that our mass media culture encourages women to embrace it, revel in it, and use their power of attraction to manipulate for their own selfish ends. It has always been like this, I just never recognized it until the hindsight as seen through the clarity of understanding that came with taking the red pill.

You realize that what you call the “red pill” is just a slightly exaggerated and updated version of not-so-good old fashioned misogyny, which has been around since the beginnings of civilization if not earlier?

But one thing this misogynist will admit: Not all women are like that. Really. I know a few.

Dude, dude, you just literally said that ALL women ARE like that. Like, in the paragraph you just finished writing.

These are women who understand that the true path to happiness is creating a sphere of nurturing and contentment amongst her friends and family. Such women are a literal joy to be around. There contentment is infectious.

“There contentment?” If these women truly loved you, wouldn’t they help you proofread your drivel?

But for most women I meet, my baseline assumption is that they are contemptuous creatures not worthy of anything other than basic human consideration…unless and until they prove otherwise.

Well, my baseline assumption is that the dudes of the manosphere are a bunch of pompous douchenozzles. And so far, I’m not altogether happy to report, not one has provided even a shred of evidence suggesting otherwise.

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12 years ago

“But for most women I meet, my baseline assumption is that they are contemptuous creatures not worthy of anything other than basic human consideration…”

I’ve gotta say… as bad as all that stuff is, this one sentence puts him above the MRAs who think women are contemptuous creatures not even worthy of basic human consideration.

Also, sunshine… please do not make the mistake of confusing presence or lack of swear words with presence or lack of civility and politeness. You came into a room of strangers talking about “spinsters” writing “bitter diatribes” and “long, dull essays.” That was insulting. You have continued on by being patronizing. The fact that you have done so using G-rated language doesn’t earn you any points.

Please also check your assumptions: we have a very diverse group of people here – lots of different genders and ages and family situations. There are married women with kids. There are men. And a lot of people here are quite content with their lives. I’m not really seeing a lot that you have to feel superior about.

12 years ago

it’s rude and presumptive to tell other women how much happier we would be if we just did what you do.

I don’t believe that I said any one should do anything differently than what they wish to do. Only that I agree with Keoni’s observation that traditionalist women tend to be pleasant and contented. That is all.

12 years ago

Oh! Sorry sunshine!!! Did I hurt your delicate sensibilities by pointedly showing uyou I won’t be made to eat shit and smile?

Fetch the smelling salts! I gotta fainter here!!

Look dear, just because you avoid a few words doesn’t mean that what you have to say is pleasant. Your very first post showed nothing but condescension and nastiness from the first sentence.

Now why don’t you run along and wipe your husbands ass while we get on with talking about things you aren’t allowed to have opinions on?

12 years ago

Oh dear, I don’t think you are seeing this. I am politely disagreeing with you. Is this the kind of response one should expect from feminists to polite disagreement?

Come on, if you’re going to troll us, at least try not to make it so glaringly obvious.

How exactly did a meek and submissive wife end up here? And does your husband know?

12 years ago

Sunshinemary: There was nothing respectful in what you said. It was extremely rude of you to suggest that women who are not submissive housewives are angry or unhappy “spinsters”. It’s rude because it’s a lie, and it’s rude because it denies the validity of other people’s personal experience. And even if you did it by way of agreeing with Keoni’s observation, it’s still plenty rude.

12 years ago

Yes, people who are very contented usually show up in a blog they have never visited before, make several comments in close sucession, all while telling people how happy they are and how they just don’t care about others opinions.

12 years ago

sneery mary, there’s absolutely nothing polite about your behavior. Get over yourself.

12 years ago

I do apologize if anyone took offense to my original comment about spinsters; it wasn’t directed at anyone here. These kinds of essays are quite popular right now, but I don’t mean to imply that they reflect on the readers of this blog.

12 years ago

What the fuck, Newbie??

12 years ago

I should have refreshed…

12 years ago

How did you find this blog? What exactly were you looking for?

12 years ago

Sunshinemary, pleasantness and politeness are not the same thing as being passive-aggressive. Or didn’t they teach you this in Wifely Submission College?

12 years ago

I do apologize if anyone took offense to my original comment about spinsters; it wasn’t directed at anyone here.

Oh, really? At whom DID you direct that comment? Women who aren’t submissive housewives, right?

For crying out loud, if you say something nasty, OWN it. Defend it. Stand by it. Or renounce it and admit you were being an ass, no ifs or buts. This whole “I wasn’t saying what I was saying even though I was saying it” nonsense you are doing — it’s intellectually dishonest and quite unconvincing.

12 years ago

Mary, we have trolls here that wish us cancer and slavery without using a naughty word. Your kind of nastiness is nothing new. The fact that your comment wasn’t directed at us personnally changes nothing.

12 years ago

I apologize David & everyone else. I way over reacted seeing she reads ManBoobz. Signing off until later or another time.

12 years ago

Wetherby, I found this blog because it has been mentioned on other blogs that I read sometimes. I like to understand both sides of issues. I thought I might find a different perspective here. That is all. Sometimes when a dissenting opinion is expressed, it is good for the commenters because it allows them to sharpen their arguments. I never mind speaking with dissenters on the blogs I read. I try to be calm and polite if possible.

12 years ago

Sometimes when a dissenting opinion is expressed, it is good for the commenters because it allows them to sharpen their arguments. I never mind speaking with dissenters on the blogs I read.

Obvious troll is obvious.

12 years ago

From wikipedia:
a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]

I think my comments are on topic. It is possible to express dissent without being purposefully inflammatory or attempting to provoke an emotional response. I do not think I fit the description of a troll just for agreeing with Keoni’s original post.

12 years ago

Well Sunshine has to let the venom out somehow. Spending your whole life grinding your teeth as even the smallest of wishes are quashed by everyone but you has GOT to generate anger.

Listen sweetie…I grew up in a house full of women who behaved like you did on your first post. And they were trained to be just as “sweet” and submissive as you. And they were never happy or even content. That’s what happens when free will gets suppressed. Anger and resentment leaks out in a thousand petty ways. So..if I were you, I’d give a little thought to just how happy you are and I wouldn’t ask hubby permission first.

12 years ago

But for most women I meet, my baseline assumption is that they are contemptuous creatures not worthy of anything other than basic human consideration…unless and until they prove otherwise.

See now, this is the stuff I totally do not get. How do you figure that a person who is contemptuous of you is someone you would even want to meet for the first time?
Or, if he means his assumption is that they are contemptible creatures, I still do not get why he would want to meet one, or how he goes about treating them with basic human consideration with his contempt sticking out all over. Contempt isn’t exactly a neutral position from which to start an interaction, yanno?
They always seem to do really weird things with words. I’m not sure they should be allowed to use them, but I don’t suppose it can be prevented.

12 years ago

Obvious troll is obvious.

Well at least this is better than the current crop of trolls, they’re getting more than a little stale.

12 years ago

“a troll is someone who posts inflammatory”
Yup. “Women have to be submissive to be happy” is pretty inflamatory, especially on a feminist blog.

12 years ago

But where have I said that women have to be submissive to be happy?

12 years ago

Sunshinemary, pleasantness and politeness are not the same thing as being passive-aggressive. Or didn’t they teach you this in Wifely Submission College?

I’m aiming for pleasant and friendly here, but not polite – caution, many cuss words.

“How was your day? Mine was bloody excellent, although the weather was too fucking hot. I had some strawberry lemonade and it was the shit. I have a bloody fan on now, so I’m not feeling crap from the fucking heat.
Hope you’re feeling damn good!”

There was a point to this, I swear…

12 years ago

Oh dear, I don’t think you are seeing this. I am politely disagreeing with you. Is this the kind of response one should expect from feminists to polite disagreement?

LOL. “Why don’t you mean meanie feminists see that my calling you all bitter 40-something spinsters is the height of politeness?”

Look, I’ll concede that perhaps in your experience, every woman who is a wife and SAHM is the picture perfect example of niceness always and forever and that you have never, ever once engaged in a conversation with a feminist that was pleasant. But have you ever considered that this might be because you engage them in bad faith? In my experience, when you start out a conversation in a feminist space with implying that feminists (presumably, many of the folks who engage in the comments) are “spinster 40-somethings” posting “bitter diatribes” you’re kind of setting yourself up for a negative reaction.

And call me an optimist, but I think you’re smart enough to know that. You’re just pretending not to so you can look like the poor persecuted housewife getting mean treatment from the mean meanie feminists.