antifeminism evil women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead thug-lovers

MRAs: The men who lost their lives protecting their girlfriends in the Aurora theater shooting were “suckers.”

Over on The Spearhead, the regulars are discussing the three young men who sacrificed their own lives to save their girlfriends in the chaos of the Aurora theater shootings.

Needless to say, many of them aren’t too keen on any act of heroism that might benefit a woman.

Here are the two highest-rated comments in the comment thread. (I have bolded some of the more egregious stuff.)

Young Guy writes:

Sacrifice was once expected of men and women, but it has only been expected of men since the social contract between men and women was torn up by feminists. Most women have been told their entire lives they can have it all, and their happiness is the most important thing in the universe, so most women hate the thought of having to give up anything or putting other people before themselves. Most relationships today are one-sided, so don’t be shocked when men shun marriage or take up pumping and dumping. That might sound harsh to some people, but most women did it to themselves.

Why should I give every ounce of my being for a woman when she is one bad mood away from tossing me onto the scrap heap? I have heard the horror stories from men who worked hard to provide for their families, only for it to mean nothing to their ungrateful ex-wives. I have seen men risk life and limb to protect women they loved, only to have the women in their lives leave them or forget about their sacrifices. It has been said men have obligations while women have options in our modern world, I and agree with that statement. Most women think the world is their oyster, and everyone should cater to them. Most men understand the world is a harsh place, and no one is going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Most women have done an excellent job pissing away all the goodwill men had towards them. I look at women my age, and I realize almost none of them are relationship material. Their entitlement is through the roof. They almost never say “thank you.” They demand chivalry even though they think they should never have to return the favor. They have been told any man who stands up for himself is guilty of abuse. It really is too much to ask of most women to be pleasant, keep the house clean, take care of the kids, and realize a relationship isn’t the Disney fairy-tale which they have been brainwashed with since birth.

Nietzsche (presumably not the ghost of the real Nietzsche) is a bit more concise:

They saved their lives so the girlfriends can be screwing other dudes in several months time…….. probably much less. Heroism is a suckers game.

These two comments each got nearly two dozen upvotes, even though the thread is still young.

Some other highlights of the thread:

Peter South agrees with Nietzsche’s assessment, but expects the girlfriends to move on even more quickly:

These young women will don black for the rest of their lives to mourn and commemorate the passing of these great fallen heroes.

Well ok they’ll be twittering, texting and yakking on their “smart phones” within a week about other guys…

But I think we can all agree that men generally make great meat shields.

Phil, meanwhile, derides the heroes as “suckers.”

Those boyfriends were suckers. These men were living in the past. The boyfriends were living in the 1700′s while modern day American women are living in feminist 2012. Modern day American women don’t live by the old social contract. The problem is men like these three don’t understand. These women will find new boyfriends and move on with their lives. The three men are dead. Gone forever. They died believing is something that doesn’t exist. It is tragic and disgusting.

Eric adds:

the grrlz who survived are probably moving on to the next cock even as we speak. And I’ll bet the types of guys they’re moving on to won’t be the type who’d take a bullet for them either.

Meanwhile, the lowest-rated comment in the thread, with more than two dozen downvotes and only 6 upvotes, is a comment from Georice81 praising the heroes, which starts off with:

The Bible says that there is no Greater Love than when a man gives up his life so that another man may live. I believe in this no matter what anyone may say, MRA or Feminist.

What these men did was heroic and defines what a true man should be. It isn’t a question of being a white knight. It is a question of being a brave man and a true man at that.

I guess the Spearheaders are only fans of traditionalism when it benefits them personally.

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12 years ago

12 years ago

Tulgey, let’s you and I get into an argument with each other. I mean, with ourselves. Since we’re both David, who is a very intelligent cat.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

No, cloudiah! That would be a terrible idea.

Also, we’re really just moderately intelligent, it’s just that we’re very intelligent for a cat.

12 years ago

And we’re a cat with opposable thumbs:

12 years ago

I’m ok with being a cat. That beat being Owly. It also beat being a bee. (cf hive thingy)

(pssst, Owly, let me give you a hint. Normal people don’t do what you do. They don’t spend huge ammount of energy trolling places full of people they hate and who loathe them back. They go to places with people they like, people whom they share some ideas with, some ideals, even if they don’t all think the same. You should try it some times)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

We strike at dawn.

12 years ago

“We’ve traced the commenters, they’re all coming from inside Futrelle’s house!”

Totally New Commenter -- We Haven't Met
Totally New Commenter -- We Haven't Met
12 years ago

Look, I’m just a straight male llama farmer in my 60s, but I’m just chiming in to say I agree with everything that Viscaria woman has to say. She seems smart and interesting, despite our different genders and backgrounds.

12 years ago

@bionicmommy — You’re welcome. Here’s hoping you never need to use it!

12 years ago

EXCUSE ME. I am top cat around here. Unless…did ya’ll launch a Revolution while I wasn’t looking. If so, I approve wholeheartedly.

12 years ago

I am top cat around here. – darksidecat

Now I have the Top Cat theme stuck in my head.

12 years ago

No, you’re the side cat, it’s like right in your name.

12 years ago

I was under the impression that feminists hated chivalry? What is sacrificing your own life for a woman if not the ultimate act of chivalry? These men who believe that the men who were killed were “suckers” are in fact espousing a feminist viewpoint…if you accept that chivalry is a sexist relic of patriarchal privilege & these men died whilst acting in a chivalrous manner, by feminists standards they “got what was coming to them” & are indeed suckers. Why would a feminist shed tears over the death of a man acting in a sexist manner?
After all, when a man helps a woman, he’s conforming to patriarchal type…when a woman helps a man ( I’m sure it happens occassionally ), she’s being altruistic, compassionate & considerate…traits that we all know men don’t possess.

12 years ago

We shed tears because a man died. Not hard to figure out.

And he died because someone else decided to start shooting at people. They didn’t just take a bullet, the bullet didn’t just magically come from nowhere. A PERSON intent on murder fired that bullet and achieved their goal.

12 years ago

There aren’t many feminists out there arguing that men don’t have empathy or compassion. Most of us argue that the current culture frequently prevents men from being able to show their kindness and compassion. And that it really squelches a man ability to reach out to others to receive in like and kind, thus diminishing their ability to give.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Please tell us more about feminism, dgm. You are clearly an expert in the subject.

12 years ago

While I concede that as a straight guy, I too have had the romantic impulses to do what these guys did, when I was still young years ago, I can say with the benefit of hindsight that those poor “heroes” got a raw deal: they sacrificed their chance to continue existing through the biological children they could have had with the girls they died protecting ,so that other men would be able to get the same chance to do so with those very same girls…

*unless they already had said biological children with said girls…

12 years ago

“Most of us argue that the current culture frequently prevents men from being able to show their kindness and compassion. And that it really squelches a man ability to reach out to others to receive in like and kind, thus diminishing their ability to give.”

Because not all men are of the Hippy Jesus type. We can’t all be SNAG’s …

12 years ago

I fail to see why what these guys said was wrong. There’s a lot of disgusting shit MRAs say that’s quoteded on this site, but this I am in total agreement with.

12 years ago

Oh look, a couple trolls came down with a case of lastworditis. :'(

12 years ago

I can say with the benefit of hindsight that those poor “heroes” got a raw deal: they sacrificed their chance to continue existing through the biological children they could have had with the girls they died protecting ,so that other men would be able to get the same chance to do so with those very same girls…

Gross. There is more to life than passing on your genes.

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