antifeminism evil women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead thug-lovers

MRAs: The men who lost their lives protecting their girlfriends in the Aurora theater shooting were “suckers.”

Over on The Spearhead, the regulars are discussing the three young men who sacrificed their own lives to save their girlfriends in the chaos of the Aurora theater shootings.

Needless to say, many of them aren’t too keen on any act of heroism that might benefit a woman.

Here are the two highest-rated comments in the comment thread. (I have bolded some of the more egregious stuff.)

Young Guy writes:

Sacrifice was once expected of men and women, but it has only been expected of men since the social contract between men and women was torn up by feminists. Most women have been told their entire lives they can have it all, and their happiness is the most important thing in the universe, so most women hate the thought of having to give up anything or putting other people before themselves. Most relationships today are one-sided, so don’t be shocked when men shun marriage or take up pumping and dumping. That might sound harsh to some people, but most women did it to themselves.

Why should I give every ounce of my being for a woman when she is one bad mood away from tossing me onto the scrap heap? I have heard the horror stories from men who worked hard to provide for their families, only for it to mean nothing to their ungrateful ex-wives. I have seen men risk life and limb to protect women they loved, only to have the women in their lives leave them or forget about their sacrifices. It has been said men have obligations while women have options in our modern world, I and agree with that statement. Most women think the world is their oyster, and everyone should cater to them. Most men understand the world is a harsh place, and no one is going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Most women have done an excellent job pissing away all the goodwill men had towards them. I look at women my age, and I realize almost none of them are relationship material. Their entitlement is through the roof. They almost never say “thank you.” They demand chivalry even though they think they should never have to return the favor. They have been told any man who stands up for himself is guilty of abuse. It really is too much to ask of most women to be pleasant, keep the house clean, take care of the kids, and realize a relationship isn’t the Disney fairy-tale which they have been brainwashed with since birth.

Nietzsche (presumably not the ghost of the real Nietzsche) is a bit more concise:

They saved their lives so the girlfriends can be screwing other dudes in several months time…….. probably much less. Heroism is a suckers game.

These two comments each got nearly two dozen upvotes, even though the thread is still young.

Some other highlights of the thread:

Peter South agrees with Nietzsche’s assessment, but expects the girlfriends to move on even more quickly:

These young women will don black for the rest of their lives to mourn and commemorate the passing of these great fallen heroes.

Well ok they’ll be twittering, texting and yakking on their “smart phones” within a week about other guys…

But I think we can all agree that men generally make great meat shields.

Phil, meanwhile, derides the heroes as “suckers.”

Those boyfriends were suckers. These men were living in the past. The boyfriends were living in the 1700′s while modern day American women are living in feminist 2012. Modern day American women don’t live by the old social contract. The problem is men like these three don’t understand. These women will find new boyfriends and move on with their lives. The three men are dead. Gone forever. They died believing is something that doesn’t exist. It is tragic and disgusting.

Eric adds:

the grrlz who survived are probably moving on to the next cock even as we speak. And I’ll bet the types of guys they’re moving on to won’t be the type who’d take a bullet for them either.

Meanwhile, the lowest-rated comment in the thread, with more than two dozen downvotes and only 6 upvotes, is a comment from Georice81 praising the heroes, which starts off with:

The Bible says that there is no Greater Love than when a man gives up his life so that another man may live. I believe in this no matter what anyone may say, MRA or Feminist.

What these men did was heroic and defines what a true man should be. It isn’t a question of being a white knight. It is a question of being a brave man and a true man at that.

I guess the Spearheaders are only fans of traditionalism when it benefits them personally.

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Captain Bathrobe
12 years ago


Makes the MRM’s obsession with how they can turn this event into yet another “women suck” moment particularly sickening.

Cue Antz claiming that Obamacare covers gunshot wounds to the eye for women but not for men.

12 years ago

The old man should be happy he didn’t end up with a fish, because it was full of aborted fetuses, anyway.

is this a nugget of larnin’ that i missed?

12 years ago

Well feminist do the same amout of male bashing as you see in here of female bashing, and it was the 4th round of feminis when people said enough is enough and now if the feminist want to be treated equally, well here it is.

12 years ago

is this a nugget of larnin’ that i missed?

NWO informed us a while back that large quantities of aborted fetuses are routinely chopped up and thrown into rivers, where fish eat them. “Eat a fish, eat a fetus,” is a direct (and amazing) quote from this particular rant.

12 years ago

oh owlslave

12 years ago


Lord of the Rings:

Average Joe Sauron gets his attacked by his wife Shelob after feminist mangina punks destroy his wedding ring. The police, as usual, do nothing.

12 years ago

“Hey, you’ve never read a novel in your life, good, bad, or anything in between, so it’s not like you would know the difference, anyway.”

Well since a woman said so, it must be true. It is gospel.
“but he’s a huge racist”

More gospel.
“his reading selection is limited”

Amen sister. Gospel.
“But white people do have a nasty tendency to blame POC for everything and anything”

Sing it. Gospel.

Let us pray.

12 years ago

Apparently I wasn’t clear enough the first time, RHW, or I didn’t use enough “fuck you”s: the mentally ill community does not need your condescending, demeaning support, thanks all the fucking same.

12 years ago

Amen sister. Gospel.

you know im a dude, and you also know i dont care about being misgendered, so im not exactly sure what you expected to accomplish with this, but now im genuinely curious- what do you read besides star wars novels?

12 years ago

@Ugh: Good points!

Not to mention Mr. Pouty Face should ask himself how many white GLBT are out there working in support of Civil Rights and anti-racist initiatives.

12 years ago

My husband is in law school. He graduated summa cum laude with his bachelors in Justice Studies. He’s been on every dean’s list, honor roll, has been published as a researcher with a professor on a paper. His parents are both in the medical field; one as a dentist, one as a cancer care administrator. He grew up in a privileged situation, on many fronts.

When we took our kids to a movie a couple weeks ago, a manager stopped my husband as he took our youngest son to the restroom. He asked my son, not looking at my husband, “Are you alright?”

Our son has my coloring and is blonde/blue eyed. My husband is black.

He saw a 6’8″ black man directing a small blonde boy into the bathrooms and stepped in.

It didn’t matter who he was as a person or even his behavior at that time. It wasn’t our son’s reaction – they were laughing. It was coloring. Freaking pigmentation.

As our son gave a puzzled, “Yeah?” my husband caught the manager’s eyes and made him look at him, at which point the manager left the area.

Yep, my husband holds a privileged place in society, completely hinged on his coloring. I know I feel left out. /sarcasm

If we’d been in a different and even more unfortunate movie theater, I have no doubt we would have been a massive pile up on top of the smallest kids – and by we I mean my husband, myself, and our older teenagers.

Some men protected people around them. Some didn’t. Some women protected, some didn’t. Gendering this is so ridiculous.

12 years ago

I have a hard time believing these stories, they always come up and often are wrong. Is there any more evidence than their mere assertions? I believe, since modern ballistics require ammunition to be able to penetrate >12 inches of soft tissue, it seems improbable that you can save a person this way.

12 years ago

Did you ever see the black population come out for Mexiccans in Arizona ? Not a one, as for civil rights LGBTs are teh only one lacking state and federal rights . Pouty Face ? Really how old are you ?

12 years ago

Mr. Pouty Face

Now I’m thinking about Finding Nemo. This is not a bad thing. Thank you.

12 years ago

People of color make up a MAJORITY of anti-queer hate crime victim reports, and report in other surveys and studies as well a higher rate of physical and sexual violence, as well as discrimination in all areas of life, compared to white queer people. Trans people report far more physical and sexual violence and discrimination then cis men, particularly trans WOMEN, particularly even then trans WOMEN OF COLOR. Trans WOMEN also make up 45% of known anti-queer hate crime murder victims in the US. Even among white queer people, studies of anti-queer violence in schools and elsewhere typically find reports of comparable rates of physical violence against girls as against boys of the same race, and incredibly higher rates of sexual violence (queer girls report being raped, including being raped with other serious injury as part of the rape, at higher rates than hetero girls as well by far), as queer people of color report even more than white people of the same gender when it comes to physical and sexual violence. What studies look at income class also find higher rates of violence against poor queer people than wealthy ones.

Looking just at anti-queer violence and discrimination demonstrates incredibly fucking quickly that rich white cis men are privileged over all other queer people.

Of course, this dude’s just trolling, but I still felt the need to point that out.

12 years ago
Reply to  darksidecat

Oh please, so as a gay white man with a college degree and served in the AF and is masculine and 3 black women stabbed and beat me when I was intoxicated in a parking lot of a Orlando gay resort means I was privileged ? STFU !

12 years ago

Yeah any one that disagrees with you is a troll ! I see that on every single FB thread and Blog.

12 years ago

Yeah, dude. You have privilege. Pretty much every person everywhere has some amount of privilege. Some of those people get beaten. It’s just, the more privilege you have, the less likely you are to be beaten*. This isn’t, like, complicated?

*MASSIVE oversimplification

12 years ago

So these three black women had full rights and I am lacking 1700 state and federal rights and have hate crime laws protecting them and I did not, and I am privleged,,,,,Oh Man That was the best one Yet!

12 years ago
Reply to  Viscaria

The wrod “privlege is so overused in this nation that even wealthy white women call men like me privlileged,,,Too much . Every one wants to be the vic. As soon as the Gay civil rights movement got under way we saw angry feminst and blacks people and fellow athreist climbing on board our wagon and we pushed and tried to kick their asses off.

12 years ago

Wil, one has nothing to do with the other. Privilege is not something that make your life perfect, that protect you from any danger or any shit like that. That would be magic.
Privilege doesn’t make you a bad person, or mean you can’t be unprivileged for other reasons, and it never means you can’t be a victim.
Imagine a white straight cis able really weaththy man*. He has many privileges. That doesn’t mean he can never be murdered, or raped, or assaulted.
Right now, you’re angry at nothing, you fighting again strawmen.

*I’m probably forgetting a few axis of privilege

12 years ago

Other obvious point that you seem to be missing, not all privileges are law related.

12 years ago

Wow Wil, you sound like a real asshole.
And on a non-personal-assessment tangent, are you drunk? Because, for a guy who is a college graduate and, Air Force veteran, and member of a professional career path, you are having a lot of trouble spelling.

12 years ago
Reply to  Kyrie

That is because you have full civil rights , When people like me do not we exspirence such horror’s as for example my partner could not even vistit me in the hospital when I was in a coma., but yeah I was privileged….lol

12 years ago

I don’t think any of the MRA guys will probably ever be in a position to protect their girlfriends from danger. Maybe they’ll have to protect their inflatable doll from the cat but that’s about it…

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