antifeminism evil women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead thug-lovers

MRAs: The men who lost their lives protecting their girlfriends in the Aurora theater shooting were “suckers.”

Over on The Spearhead, the regulars are discussing the three young men who sacrificed their own lives to save their girlfriends in the chaos of the Aurora theater shootings.

Needless to say, many of them aren’t too keen on any act of heroism that might benefit a woman.

Here are the two highest-rated comments in the comment thread. (I have bolded some of the more egregious stuff.)

Young Guy writes:

Sacrifice was once expected of men and women, but it has only been expected of men since the social contract between men and women was torn up by feminists. Most women have been told their entire lives they can have it all, and their happiness is the most important thing in the universe, so most women hate the thought of having to give up anything or putting other people before themselves. Most relationships today are one-sided, so don’t be shocked when men shun marriage or take up pumping and dumping. That might sound harsh to some people, but most women did it to themselves.

Why should I give every ounce of my being for a woman when she is one bad mood away from tossing me onto the scrap heap? I have heard the horror stories from men who worked hard to provide for their families, only for it to mean nothing to their ungrateful ex-wives. I have seen men risk life and limb to protect women they loved, only to have the women in their lives leave them or forget about their sacrifices. It has been said men have obligations while women have options in our modern world, I and agree with that statement. Most women think the world is their oyster, and everyone should cater to them. Most men understand the world is a harsh place, and no one is going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Most women have done an excellent job pissing away all the goodwill men had towards them. I look at women my age, and I realize almost none of them are relationship material. Their entitlement is through the roof. They almost never say “thank you.” They demand chivalry even though they think they should never have to return the favor. They have been told any man who stands up for himself is guilty of abuse. It really is too much to ask of most women to be pleasant, keep the house clean, take care of the kids, and realize a relationship isn’t the Disney fairy-tale which they have been brainwashed with since birth.

Nietzsche (presumably not the ghost of the real Nietzsche) is a bit more concise:

They saved their lives so the girlfriends can be screwing other dudes in several months time…….. probably much less. Heroism is a suckers game.

These two comments each got nearly two dozen upvotes, even though the thread is still young.

Some other highlights of the thread:

Peter South agrees with Nietzsche’s assessment, but expects the girlfriends to move on even more quickly:

These young women will don black for the rest of their lives to mourn and commemorate the passing of these great fallen heroes.

Well ok they’ll be twittering, texting and yakking on their “smart phones” within a week about other guys…

But I think we can all agree that men generally make great meat shields.

Phil, meanwhile, derides the heroes as “suckers.”

Those boyfriends were suckers. These men were living in the past. The boyfriends were living in the 1700′s while modern day American women are living in feminist 2012. Modern day American women don’t live by the old social contract. The problem is men like these three don’t understand. These women will find new boyfriends and move on with their lives. The three men are dead. Gone forever. They died believing is something that doesn’t exist. It is tragic and disgusting.

Eric adds:

the grrlz who survived are probably moving on to the next cock even as we speak. And I’ll bet the types of guys they’re moving on to won’t be the type who’d take a bullet for them either.

Meanwhile, the lowest-rated comment in the thread, with more than two dozen downvotes and only 6 upvotes, is a comment from Georice81 praising the heroes, which starts off with:

The Bible says that there is no Greater Love than when a man gives up his life so that another man may live. I believe in this no matter what anyone may say, MRA or Feminist.

What these men did was heroic and defines what a true man should be. It isn’t a question of being a white knight. It is a question of being a brave man and a true man at that.

I guess the Spearheaders are only fans of traditionalism when it benefits them personally.

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12 years ago

Also, Obama is not the emperor of black people. I meant to say that first too.

Do you not know that racism was erased the moment he was elected?

12 years ago

Oh, you’re going to start talking about “bad novels” now? Hey, you’ve never read a novel in your life, good, bad, or anything in between, so it’s not like you would know the difference, anyway.

this is unfair. owlslave is actually on record as being a huge fan of star wars expanded universe novels. it’s one of the few non-violent things he’s ever admitted to enjoying.

so, his reading selection is limited, but apparently he does read.

12 years ago

I dunno, Amused. I wouldn’t be all that surprised to discover that Owly had read a few novels (and maybe even a couple of good ones) at some point in his life. Mind you, that point may have been back in high school, as required reading for an English class. But the point still stands. I think there’s a fair chance that Owly’s read a good novel.

Now, whether or not Owly understood it (let alone appreciated it) is another question entirely.

12 years ago

I’m not sure what’s Wil trying to say. Even if 80% of POC were homophobic, how would that show a lack of privilege for being a white cis man? If you want to speak of white privilege, don’t compare a gay white man with a black straight one, compare black and white gay men or black and white straight men. Same for every other kind of privilege.

12 years ago

David, we need a special alert on this site for making popcorn when the trolls get fiesty.

Can you work on that? Its so disappointing to miss the action.

12 years ago
Reply to  blitzgal

I voted for Obama and stil will vote for him again, but it actually did not get better as seen in Maryland until Obama came out for gay rights recently.

12 years ago
Reply to  pillowinhell

So pillow I am the troll ?

12 years ago

David, we need a special alert on this site for making popcorn when the trolls get fiesty.

Can you work on that? Its so disappointing to miss the action.

Seconded. Perhaps you could project a huge kitten .gif up into the sky, and we could all don our unitards, masks, and capes and rush to our keyboards. At least… I’m not the only one who reads this blog while wearing a homemade superhero costume, am I?

12 years ago

Wil: And in every state by a majority vote against LGBT rights, that is hystarical.

This seems to be a tie in to prop 8. (added, I see as I post this that he made it explicit)

So let’s toss a bit of light onto that subject: On Prop 8 and scapegoats.

The thing is… there is no way that the black community could have passed Prop 8. It would take a huge (unbelievably so given how emotional the issue is) for that to happen. They are a minority.

The are an even smaller minority in Colorado, Nebraska, Montana, Utah, Kansas, Idaho, Wisconsin, Maine, and South Dakota.

In Vermont the governor (a white republican) vetoed a bill.

Washington DC (a jurisdiction with a large black population… larger than Calif., by a lot, being a majority black population) passes a bill recognising same sex marriage.

If you were to do some investigating you’d see that the map of population concentrations by county puts the swath of anti-same-sex marriage laws in places where the population is overwhelmingly white census map of black concentration 2010. If you look at that map you will see the highest recorded densisties of black residents is about 18 percent (no, that doesn’t mean there aren’t enclaves which are denser, but that they are so rare making a graphical representation wasn’t worth it).

The actual black population in the US is about 12 percent. For them to be able to dictate a ban on same-sex marriage, all the white folks would have to be staying home, even in those places where there are large (relatively speaking) densities of blacks.

That’s not the case, so your implication is bunk.

12 years ago

Star Wars EU? The Zahn books are pure genius. Some of the rest–not so much. Some real gems in there, and some real clunkers. It’s like fanfiction that’s been vetted for quality.

And I do love me some good fanfiction.

12 years ago

Pecunium! Stop harshing on his bitterness that Black people have the right to vote!

He may not realize that what he believes actually stems from racism… But white people do have a nasty tendency to blame POC for everything and anything, truth be damned.

12 years ago

My dad’s been stopped by the police just once in four decades of owning a car and driving it daily.

Have a guess whether his identically-qualified and equally-achieving black colleagues were anything like as lucky.

True story: I used to know a black man who had always really liked sports cars. His “prize” to himself for passing his boards and officially becoming a surgeon was to start saving up money for a particular really nice sports car that he’d dreamed of owning since he was a kid, which he bought a couple of years later.

He got pulled over on his way home from the car dealership.

He ended up keeping a tally – in the first year that he owned that car, he got pulled over by the cops forty-one times. At no point was he ticketed for anything. He started aiming to leave twenty minutes early every time he had somewhere to be so that he would be less likely to be late if he got pulled over by the cops.

He ended up deciding that, despite his love of sports cars, despite this being the prize he had dreamed of for years, the car wasn’t worth the hassle. He sold it after less than two years and bought himself a much less fancy used car.

The extra bitter note to this story is that he sold the car to one of his colleagues, an older white man. Guess how many times that guy has been pulled over for driving it, last I heard? (Hint: the number rhymes with “hero.”)

12 years ago

Wil: Black democrtates vote against LGBT rights more than white republicans.

You do know the exit poll data on that was from a really small sample size, with a margin of error of about 6 points, so the black vote against was in the range of 63.5% or 76.5%, .

This, of course, assumes the poll data from that single poll was an accurate gauge of the electorate as a whole, and not a statistical outlier.

Shorter version, it’s not a great piece of supporting evidence.

12 years ago

And I’ve been reading more bullshit in the media, suppositions that jokerboy had a recent breakup with a girlfriend that caused him to snap.

I’m sure that’s a lovely thought for the young lady in question, if she exists.

Counting down to the MRA post about what a vile woman she is, setting up innocent bystanders to die like that.

12 years ago

Mullet! I left out an important clause:

The thing is… there is no way that the black community could have passed Prop 8. It would take a huge (unbelievably so given how emotional the issue is) for that to happen. They are a minority.

ought to read:

The thing is… there is no way that the black community could have passed Prop 8. It would take a huge (unbelievably so given how emotional the issue is) absentention on the part of the white population for that to happen. They are a minority.

12 years ago
Reply to  Polliwog

I would have traded that life for losing one eye having to learn to walk and talk all over again having to use a sight dog every where I go and had to change my name several times due to the three woman that did this to me are out and it gives me cause fto be a bit nervous.

12 years ago
Reply to  pecunium

Please then site for me where the Gallup poll came out and apologized for that series they ran on prop 8, When Gallup makes a mistake they always come out with what went wrong.

12 years ago

He ended up keeping a tally – in the first year that he owned that car, he got pulled over by the cops forty-one times. At no point was he ticketed for anything. He started aiming to leave twenty minutes early every time he had somewhere to be so that he would be less likely to be late if he got pulled over by the cops.

Holy. shit.

My one experience with police was my click moment. Like I said earlier, I walked into my office building early one morning, not knowing that police were already present on the scene searching the building for a possible intruder. I still remember seeing that gun creep around the corner — I only remember seeing the gun and not the hand holding it. But you know what? As soon as the cop came around the corner and saw me, the gun was lowered and put away. I had this flash of insight in that moment that the cop made that decision based on my status as a white woman. I know I will never understand what it’s really like to be a person of color in America.

12 years ago

Two articles you can read up on,,,,, “MIANDRY,: Feminst Gay Bashing” and “Feminist Need To Stop Stitching Up Gay Desighners”., plus the rage over the loss of the ERA was blammed on the gay population for ” clouding the issues” .That is why the vast majority of LGBTs are done with Feminist ,the history is insane.

12 years ago

MRAdom is abounding in mental health issues. You don’t need a wall full of certificates to know that. Apparently the progressive way to address this is mockery and leftwing dogma.

Bullshit. My boyfriend has struggled with depression his entire life and has somehow managed to keep from becoming an incoherent raging asshole who cries on the interwebz about imagined injustices. Nobody here mocks MRAs for having mental disorders, and more often than not, most people here call out anyone who tries to just blow MRAs off by saying they’re just “crazy”.

Having mental health issues does not an MRA asshole make.

And really dude, if you’re going to say that people here showing compassion just says they’re only half a step up from being despicable people, then serious LOL. There is pretty much ZERO comparable compassion in the MRM for female survivors of, well, anything, but particularly rape at the hands of male perpetrators. What female survivors of rape DO get in MRA blogs is ridicule, accusations of just “regretting the sex”, of lying, of somehow “deserving” their assault, and (somewhat ironically) threats of more rape and/or other violence.

That’s something that rarely happens here (and, if I recall correctly, at least in the conversations I’ve seen, when odious trolls have talked about past traumas and folks have voiced doubt, that doubt has been pretty well smacked down by a lot of folks here). So if, as you say, it’s only proof that we aren’t totally horrible people, uh, most MRA sites have yet to show even that much of a modicum of decency.

Your argument again was…?

12 years ago

Oh, oops, I used a banned word. Reposting (sorry for the double post if the other one comes through):

I dunno, Amused. I wouldn’t be all that surprised to discover that Owly had read a few novels (and maybe even a couple of good ones) at some point in his life. Mind you, that point may have been back in high school, as required reading for an English class. But the point still stands. I think there’s a fair chance that Owly’s read a good novel.

Now, whether or not Owly understood it (let alone appreciated it) is another question entirely.

Great novels, filtered through Owly’s brain:

The Great Gatsby: Hot women force men to get wealthy to impress them, and are therefore the source of all men’s problems. Gatsby should have beaten Daisy in the street.

Moby-Dick: Poor, beleaguered men are forced to chase a dangerous whale while women sit at home barely even being mentioned in this novelwearing micro-miniskirts and eating bonbons. Ishmael is telling this story to those women so that they will laugh at how everyone died, because that is the sort of thing women do. Ishmael should have beaten them in the street.

The Scarlet Letter: Women are cheating w-words who leave their perfectly nice husbands for pathetic, piddling little reasons like “thinking he’s probably dead” and seduce good, god-fearing men, just to trick them into making babies which they will then feel tortured about. Dimmesdale and Chillingworth should have been friends rather than adversaries, and bonded over beating Hester in the street.

Jane Eyre: Women are filthy gold-digging sluts who seek out wealthy men to seduce. Sure, they claim to be “governesses” there to take care of those men’s “children,” but everyone knows taking care of children simply requires handing them some food and then sending them off to school forever, so Jane is obviously a whore. Rochester should have beaten her in the street.

The Old Man and the Sea: The old man should be happy he didn’t end up with a fish, because it was full of aborted fetuses, anyway. Instead of going fishing, he should have just beaten some women in the street.

…this is both sad and really entertaining.

12 years ago

Ugh, there are so many issues complicating this evil act. Like this man, who is uninsured and possibly faces $2 million in medical bills after being shot in the eye.

Makes the MRM’s obsession with how they can turn this event into yet another “women suck” moment particularly sickening.

12 years ago

Damn, Polliwog, your story is depressing. And my dad, a black man, loves to drive around in his 64 Chevy Impala, and he has been stopped plenty of times, especially when driving around Orange County.

It’s…ugh. -_-

12 years ago

I heard about him on a knitting board I frequent (Ravelry). One of the posters is friends with his mother, and he was out seeing the movie the day before his wife pregnant wife was supposed to be induced (I think she’s had the baby by now). So not only do they have to deal with his medical issues, there’s a new baby in the mix.

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