Over on A Voice for Men, the regulars are trying to figure out the best way to defeat the feminist menace. One commenter, Raven01, has a ingenious suggestion: t-shirts with weird, crude sexual messages!
I’m sure that’ll do it, fellas. Good work!
Fellas who want to get the attention of the very women that Mr. Raven01 wants to repel might consider picking up a t-shirt on the Man Boobz Zazzle store. 1Also suitable for women and genderqueer folks of the feminist persuasion.
Just one quick question: What’s an “innie plumb?” I can only assume this is some sort of reference to a
Haha of course, the tyranny of how other people decide to present themselves is so oppressive that Joe would never, ever, have the time to work at a men’s shelter or write his representative in favor of just detention. Such a thing would be unthinkable until people stop presenting themselves as gender neutral!
I will heartily agree that too much “Men’s Rights” stuff is endless repetitions of “BAD WOMENZ!” … yes, a lot of it needs saying – e.g. it’s important to deflate the myth that all women are angels, so if she’s beating you* it must be your fault, and you must man up, take it stoically, and change to make her happy… as opposed to dumping her and getting the fuck out of dodge.
– but there are constructive things that men can do, together, without asking permission from women, nor struggling against feminists. We can just get on with shit, help each other out and lobby politicos on issues that effect us. I would like to see more focus on that stuff.
(*Two of my close male relatives suffered from this)
It is important to deflate that myth!
It would probably be a bit smug at this point to say “that’s what feminism does”, so I’ll just say you sure as hell don’t need MRAs to do that.
So would we. Please do it. You’re not going to find opposition to that idea here.
You can check out What About the Menz. It’s about actual men’s issues, and it’s not a hate site, which is a damn sight better on both counts than anything the MRM has to offer.
@Sharculese – yeah “Fuck the draft.” is pithy and all, but the Assholes In Charge changed the name of it to “selective service”* to confuse the issue. If you’ve been paying attention you’ll notice they do this a lot, it’s to confuse & divide opposition.
Over here in UK after a nasty nuclear accident at Winscale, they re-named it Cellerfield. Sad thing is, this bit of mass psychology actaully works.
(*yes, I know it’s not exactly the same. Selective service being a prerequiste for any possible draft. Splitting hairs)
“but there are constructive things that men can do, together, without asking permission from women”
And you think that arguing with people (not all of whom are women) here about pronoun usage is the way to accomplish this?
Oh, the irony, that Joe is determined to be the official language cop and yet he manages to get something as simple and universally known among Brits as this wrong. Spelling, Joe – it’s a thing.
I will say though, on What About the Menz you will have to turn down the ridiculousness a little bit. Saying that alternative gender identification is Newspeak, that feminism is gender Marxism related to the deaths of millions, or the statement “Men must work to get $$ and so must women. End alimony now!” as if most women don’t work and alimony is a common thing will get you mocked there, same as here.
Joe, also, last time you were here I asked you if you’ve ever read stuff by Ally Fogg, who’s a UK journo who does a lot of stuff on masculinities (and the critique thereof) without going all MRM hissy-fitty about it. I stand by that, because I’m interested in supporting men’s rights without supporting the MRA. You should check him out.
It was always called selective service. There’s a reason why the 1917 act that started the draft is called the “Selective Service Act.” The draft was slang, but everyone knew and still knows what it means.
If you’re going to lecture people about history, read up on it first.
if you seriously think that just because the official name is ‘selective service’ people arent going to know what you mean and understand when you say ‘draft’ then you really should just avoid getting into the sloganeering business because you are not cut out for it
Yeah, I’d already read some of Ally Fogg’s stuff – his one about telling men not to cry and then being surprised when they top themselves was good I thought. He’s generally a bit too right-on and middle-class for my taste, but hell it’s good to see someone giving a shit about men topping themselves in a national newspaper.
@Cassandra – I’m responding to two different threads at once and I couldn’t be arsed to check the spelling of Sellafield, so fucking what!?
@Ugh – well I stand corrected on a detail of US history. :p
@Ugh – you’re trying to mix and match two different threads about two different issues. Also, remember that bit about “not needing to ask women’s permission”? That. :p
yeah ugh, why would you think what joes arguing in one thread has anything to do with what he’s arguing in another thread. it’s not like the arguments were made by the same person or anything.
OMG, two threads at once – so demanding! If you can’t manage that maybe that’s a sign that you need to accept your intellectual limitations, which are clearly profound.
PS – Most Brits wouldn’t need to look up the spelling of Sellafield.
I’m a man, actually, and evidence shows you don’t need my permission to make an ass of yourself. However, I was advising you to, if you don’t want to look like a pretentious asshole, don’t lecture people on subjects until AFTER you’ve looked them up.
@Cassandrasays – ooooh, I made a spelling error! OMG! *dies*
@Ugh – *zombies* because nobody else ever made an error on the internet evar. Fuck it, you’re splitting a split end of a hair that someone else already split. Here’s an empty box – it contains all the fucks I give.
How DARE you tell someone who is a MAN that he CAN’T do something! It’s because he’s a MAN, and NOT because he sucks at sloganeering! You’re a MISANDRIST-FEMINIST. MISANDRY! FIRSTJOE WILL ENVER SLOGANEER AGAIN! HE WILL NEVER WRITE WORDS AGAIN BECAUSE MISANDRY!
First Joe and Steele should hook up and start a club.
First Joe, you made an argument regarding factually incorrect statements about the history of the draft. That’s not hair splitting, and neither is pointing out your mistake.
@Moonz – It is when my actual point was:
Men’s rights can work on – all those examples I gave above^, many of which need not involve moaning about, nor arguing with women or feminists.
That was the point.
It could.
I’m not sure about “can.” In theory it can. I don’t think individuals like Paul Elam or W.F. Price, or most of their commenters, can.
It definitely isn’t.
Yes, Cliff, that’s what I’m getting at, I think it’d be good if Men’s Righters shifted focus to stuff that can be done constructively – at least more so.
Working on most of those issues you listed where men are the perps is in direct violation of the MRAs purpose for existing, Joe.
Alphaness has nothing to do with what you wear,or what you look like, or what you say, or what you do. I mean, except when it does.
First Joe:
If your proposed solution to this imbalance is to strive to eliminate murder entirely, I’m all for it. If it’s to kill more women, not so much.
op. cit.:
Right there with ya, buddy. Because I’m a feminist.
op. cit.:
Wait, what? How would you even know if you’ve succeeded?
I’m expecting to see something about chemtrails now.
op. cit.:
Yep. Absolutely. I don’t see you getting much argument on this here.
ah, first joe is another guest from a parallel universe, either that or just yet another mra dude who doesn’t deal with the reality in this one.