a voice for men alpha males antifeminism cock blockade creepy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA penises sex

Propaganda of the Shirt

Over on A Voice for Men, the regulars are trying to figure out the best way to defeat the feminist menace. One commenter, Raven01, has a ingenious suggestion: t-shirts with weird, crude sexual messages!

I’m sure that’ll do it, fellas. Good work!

Fellas who want to get the attention of the very women that Mr. Raven01 wants to repel might consider picking up a t-shirt on the Man Boobz Zazzle store. 1Also suitable for women and genderqueer folks of the feminist persuasion.

Just one quick question: What’s an “innie plumb?” I can only assume this is some sort of reference to a

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12 years ago

Darn, I was hoping the image link would work. At any rate, Snoopy the exotic shorthair is the new internet cat sensation.

12 years ago

Sure guys, wear those crude tee shirts. Let’s see how far they get the MRM. LOL!

12 years ago

Sure guys, wear those crude tee shirts. Let’s see how far they get the MRM. LOL!

That’s not so much a comment as a précis of what David originally said, only with all the interesting bits stripped out.

12 years ago


12 years ago

GIANT wilford brimley kitty. Good lord!

12 years ago

Cannot.. process.. the cute.. Error.. o.o

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Snoopy is causing an xkcd moment.

Shade — do you have a reset button? Do you need it pressed?

12 years ago

Is that kitty a Scottish Fold? Because if so I have a long and boring lecture on the ethics of kitty-breeding >:( Scottish Fold kitties are not healthy kitties.

12 years ago

I don’t think a reset button would do any good right now. The weather has decided to go from “nice” to “super hot” randomly, so i’d be shutting down regardless of kittehs. 😛

12 years ago

Is that kitty a Scottish Fold? Because if so I have a long and boring lecture on the ethics of kitty-breeding >:( Scottish Fold kitties are not healthy kitties.

He’s an exotic shorthair, which I guess is bred for people who do not want the hassle of longhair kitties. Although I read that they still require a lot of work to deal with eye issues that occur due to their flat faces (very weepy eyes), and they still need to be brushed or they will get all matted.

12 years ago

@TheNatFantastic: I’m not that much of an expert on cats, but don’t Scottish Folds have folded ears? Snoopy has erect ears.

12 years ago

There’s an interesting comment in that thread from one Dean Esmay, that begins:

“I know I’ll get grief for saying this, but I’ll say it anyway: I think it would be in the best interests of the MRAs to stop bitching about feminism and concentrate on men’s issues period. While it’s entirely arguable that feminism is a contributor to the problem, it is also quite arguable that conservative traditionalists are a problem. That means there’s more than one problem.”

For that he gets 16 downvotes, and the ensuing conversation is exactly what you’d expect.

12 years ago

If these guys would stop conflating women with feminists they’d realize that feminists only make up a quarter of the population of women at most.

I love how on the one hand feminists are pretty much every woman and girl on the planet, yet at the same time it will only take three hot men to overhrow feminist influence.

One of those guys had better be named Adonis then…

12 years ago

I love how on the one hand feminists are pretty much every woman and girl on the planet, yet at the same time it will only take three hot men to overhrow feminist influence.

In a hypothetical, if I were a single woman looking for a one night stand, three sexy men with anti feminist T-shirts would not convince me to stop being a feminist. I don’t care if they were Patrick Dempsey, Will Smith, or any of those guys from the Avengers. I would still think women are people and deserve equal rights. I would, however, be disappointed to see such hot guys being assholes.

12 years ago

In a hypothetical, if I were a single woman looking for a one night stand, three sexy men with anti feminist T-shirts would not convince me to stop being a feminist. I don’t care if they were Patrick Dempsey, Will Smith, or any of those guys from the Avengers. I would still think women are people and deserve equal rights. I would, however, be disappointed to see such hot guys being assholes.

Same. And people with ugly attitudes start looking uglier to me no matter how “traditionally attractive” they may appear on the outside. But I am in favor of shirts like these; easier to spot the people I should avoid.

12 years ago

@Falconer Yeah, but some are more pronounced than others (and some genetic Scottish Folds don’t have the folds at all), and his face looked like he could be.

@Blitzgal Thanks for the info.

I get upset when I see new ‘designer’ animals being bred because they’re usually bred from really small gene pools and end up with all sorts of horrible health problems that can lead them to be in severe pain (f’rinstance Scottish Folds have all sorts of issues with their back joints). There are so many animals in shelters and being killed because no one wants them too, we don’t need to force-breed new ones.

This makes me sad 🙁

12 years ago

Um. That cracked artiucle has some good points, and probably describes MRA thinking to a tee….but no. Just no.

Men create and in vent and build for a variety of reasons, not just to get laid. To posit such a theory is rather dehumanizing. I’m sure men do think about sex a lot, but men have aspirations beyond just getting laid. And for many men, following that passion was more improtant than the next fuck. Think about it, if the world worked this way, men would not continue striving in their chosen fields, because after a handful of sucesses, they’d have access to as many beautiful women as they like. Also totally erases those who never have to strive, because their family did it for them and handed it down, or they encountered what was for them, at least, fortunate circumstances.

That article starts out with feminist critique at the core, and ends up with sexist crap as the finish.

I’ve encountered a couple of guys with “Got MILF” shirts. I’m sorry, but any kind of denigrating shirt is not cool. My daughter once wanted a t shirt that read” boys suck, throw stones at them”. Again, not cool.

12 years ago

Blitzgal, I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only person that finds asshole behavior decreases the level of attractiveness of the asshole!

For a while there, I thought I was warped!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Here’s some ideas for men’s rights T-shirts / slogans / mottos:

“Men are 4 times more likely to be murdered than women! Look out for your buddies! And learn self-defence!”

“Men suicide at 4 times the rate of women. Lobby your representative for more suicide hotlines & mental health support.”

“End selective service!”

“Decriminalize adult sex work now!”

“40% of domestic violence victims are men. There are almost no men’s shelters. Donate to Mankind” (substitute men’s shelter charity of your choice).

“End secret family court bias against men.”

“Only 10% of divorced men get custody of their kids. Lobby for shared custody / direct support* as default.”

(*i.e. each parent has the kids for equal time and contributes directly to their support in the form of food, clothes, housing, travel etc. Therefore there is no need for chilimony payments in either direction.)

“Men must work to get $$ and so must women. End alimony now!”

“Say NO! to stealth ‘marriage-lite’. End ‘palimony’ for ex-cohabitatees!”

“Men are at increased risk of suicide post-divorce! Reach out to your divorced buddies, don’t leave them to suffer alone!”

None of these have anything to do with sex / jacking off, and they are only related to feminism insofar as some groups calling themselves feminist (e.g. NOW) have lobbied strongly against most of the proposals put forward above.

Now, I’m sure that many posters here will respond with: “What about the women?”
And my answer is:
Feminism has women’s lobbying covered.
Men must lobby for themselves, because no-one else will.

12 years ago


Hey, many of those are actual issues that affect men! I’m all for greater weapon control, to decrease victims of street violence, more mental health support, more substance abuse support, an end to selective service globally, and prison reform. Virtually everyone here is.

I actually used to work at a sexual assault center open to men

However, notice how none of those slogans are getting thumbs up on Reddit, and how virtually no funds have been raised for any of those causes by any MRA site. That’s because, guess what? They don’t care. If they ever actually helped solve problems faced by men, then it would interfere with all the fun they have moaning about why women won’t do what they say.

12 years ago

some groups calling themselves feminist (e.g. NOW) have lobbied strongly against most of the proposals put forward above.

Citation needed.

12 years ago

yeah, nothing says ‘taking action’ like a t-shirt with a long, stilted slogan that would take forever to explain


“End selective service!”

it’s been done. and better than you ever will.

12 years ago

but seriously, nobody is stopping you from printing up ranty, hard-to-read t-shirts. that would probably be a better use of your time than sniveling about gender neutral pronouns