a voice for men alpha males antifeminism cock blockade creepy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA penises sex

Propaganda of the Shirt

Over on A Voice for Men, the regulars are trying to figure out the best way to defeat the feminist menace. One commenter, Raven01, has a ingenious suggestion: t-shirts with weird, crude sexual messages!

I’m sure that’ll do it, fellas. Good work!

Fellas who want to get the attention of the very women that Mr. Raven01 wants to repel might consider picking up a t-shirt on the Man Boobz Zazzle store. 1Also suitable for women and genderqueer folks of the feminist persuasion.

Just one quick question: What’s an “innie plumb?” I can only assume this is some sort of reference to a

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Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

So they apparently want attractive men (“that a woman would bed”) to wear these T-shirts, but they’re marketing them to MRAs…

12 years ago

They seem to neglect the idea that these beddable men might suddenly become unbeddable by virtue of wearing those shirts…

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

It’s cool, I’d rather you jack off too.

Dudes really need to stop coming up with plans that would work great as long as they have a giant movement with tens of millions of supporters. There’s like a couple thousand of these guys. They need to work on tactics that don’t require market saturation.

…They also need to get over the idea that all sex is one-night stands. This seems really weirdly pervasive in the manosphere. I’m not going to go “oh no, now I can’t get laid unless I renounce feminism,” no matter how many men wear the shirt, as long as my boyfriend isn’t wearing it.

12 years ago

I fully endorse this; think of the time that would be otherwise wasted on conversation!

12 years ago

What a bunch of dumbasses. They really have no idea how they look to the rest of the world.

Simone Lovelace
12 years ago

Every day the Maude Lebowski gif gets posted is a good day.

12 years ago

I approve of this plan, only because I reasonably presume it will have the exact opposite effect than the one they intend.

12 years ago

Once again, the MRA movement demonstrates that it is the only movement that truly understands women’s psychology and desires.

Or so they believe.

the twisted spinster
the twisted spinster
12 years ago

These guys seem really really angry that feminists won’t sleep with them. That’s the conclusion I come to. Because women who aren’t feminists are looking for a man to take care of them, and none of these MRA dudes seem to have a whole lot of time for or interest in taking care of anyone.

12 years ago

Well, that’s one possible alternative to writing “kick me I’m a douchebag”. I like the clarity of their message.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

So what do these guys do if, while wearing the shirt, they run into a woman they find attractive and hit on her, only to have her point at the shirt and say “I’m sorry, but your shirt says you’d rather jack off”? This shirt seems antithetical to their desire to get laid on demand by ladies they find attractive, is what I’m saying.

12 years ago

Innie plumb? Really? Why do all MRAs sound like children when they talk about sex?

But yeah, like the crude t-shirts I’ve already seen some guys walking around in (It’s Not Going To Suck Itself was a particularly sad example, and got the guy wearing it a response of “with your personality it’s going to have to” from me), I thank anyone who wears something like this for performing a valuable public service by announcing their assholery to everyone in their immediate vicinity. Makes it nice and easy for women with any self-respect to avoid them.

12 years ago

I’d rather jack off than fuck any man in one of those T-shirts.

In fact, I suspect most women would feel the same way.

12 years ago

It’s Not Going To Suck Itself was a particularly sad example, and got the guy wearing it a response of “with your personality it’s going to have to” from me

That reminds me of those Big Johnson t-shirts that used to be popular. The guys wearing them would also want to explain the joke to anyone who read them, as if anyone had any doubt about what it meant.

12 years ago

oh yes god PLEASE


12 years ago

What do MRA’s have against masturbation? They always act like it’s some kind of punishment for women. Don’t they realize that shitty sex with a self-centered partner who only wants to use a woman’s body is like……100x less fun than masturbation, unless the woman actually gets off on being used like an object? I’m also going to echo everyone else’s statement- the same kind of assholes who wear shirts like this are also the same people who don’t listen to “no” when you do have sex with them. They’re the people who go “WHOOPS I STUCK IT IN YOUR BUTTHOLE” when you only consented to vaginal penetration, or who whine and moan and try and get out of wearing a condom even though you tell them that sex won’t be happening otherwise.

Please, do wear those shirts. You might as well wear a sign that says, “do not fucking fuck me because I am probably going be shitty in bed up to and possibly including rape or coercive sex.”

12 years ago

The worst t-shirt I ever saw was a shirt advertising a strip club (something like that) and it was graphic. I mean, there are places where it is okay to wear that, like a strip club or a bar if you want to scare all the women off, but this was in a museum geared toward children, and probably at an hour when we were swarming with summer camp kids (I worked there–this was about every hour in the summer).

12 years ago

@thebionicmommy- Your comment reminds me of this video:

Also, recently at my work, I was typing up parking permits for a commission and two names came up that made me think ‘Wow, these guys’ parents must have been assholes.’

The first was Randy Johnson. If you don’t get it, then ask a person who is familiar with British slang.

The second was Todd Sexgarden.


Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

There is a local business called Johnson Electric Supply. I really, really want to change the sign so it reads Electric Johnson Supply.

12 years ago

@Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel-

Well now you’re making me think of Duran Duran.

12 years ago

Nanasha: Oh god, yeah. Or the kind of guys who assume they know exactly what you want and get all sulky when you say “that hurts” or “can we please stop having sex now, my vagina is getting all dry” or “I really don’t like that.” They know what women like! Shut up and stop having preferences different form the hivemind!

12 years ago

I’d rather die alone with 50 cats than spend 5 minutes in a room with an MRA, let alone sleeping with them.

You don’t see me advertising it on a tshirt though 😛

12 years ago

oh please I have a t-shirt saying “If you’re a feminist don’t bother I have a real woman” 🙂

For some reason I always bump into good women.

12 years ago

You don’t see me advertising it on a tshirt though

Now THAT’s a joke you’ll have to constantly explain

Person: “MRA?”
You: “Yeah, it stands for Men’s Rights Activist.”
Person: “Oh. What rights are they advocating for? :S”
You: “Uhm, the right for women they like to hop on their dicks, the right to be allowed to rape, you know, rights”
Person: “Uhhhh huhhhh”

12 years ago

@ozy- When I first started having sex with my husband (when we were first together and our relationship was all new and shiny), he used to get incredibly upset when he accidentally made me uncomfortable or hurt while doing sexual things (mostly lack of lubrication or other common new-sex-partner mistakes). In fact, his erection would wither immediately and he would get this horrible look on his face because it disturbed the hell out of him that he could hurt me even just a little bit. This wasn’t because he had a huge ego but because it was his first experience with sexual things and he was so adamantly opposed to ever being abusive or violent or hurty to other people (like his horrible dad was to his mom), that the mere thought of hurting his sex partner turned him right the fuck off.

And obviously, he got better at recovering from it and saying, “ok, so this isn’t doing it for you, what would you like to do or where would you like to go from here?” but he’s still very respectful and really awesome about sex, which makes me feel REALLY safe around him, which makes sex MINDBLOWINGLY AWESOME with him because I can truly “let go” without worrying about that passive aggressive rapey shit that MRA types seem to be all into.

This kind of came up recently again now that I’m pregnant. From time to time, I’d spot a little bit after sex (I know, TMI) but it would go away really quickly and apparently it’s because the cervix has a lot more blood going to it because of the pregnancy and all that, so it’s easy to rupture the capillaries in the cervical area during sex and cause mild spotting that stops almost immediately.

But the idea that he could have been “hurting” me or the baby made him really uncomfortable, so he told me that he didn’t want to have PiV sex until we checked it out with the doctor and once I did, everything was fine again.

Sure, we have our ups and downs because of being interrupted by our 3 year old or his depression or my weird pregnancy-induced bone and tendon looseness (which hurts like hell when I walk, ZOMG), but it’s not just about sex. It’s about that closeness and intimacy that ties us together and makes us stronger.

I know, respect and communication. Whodathunk?

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