actual activism antifeminism FemRAs I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men penises precious bodily fluids urinals

Men’s Liber-urination: How installing home urinals will save the world from misandry

Men’s Liberation starts here!

What’s the deal with MRAs and urinals? You may recall the highly touted “URLs @ urinals” campaign from last year, a plan to plaster little posters over urinals in public bathrooms to lure peeing men to Men’s Rights websites; evidently the way to a man’s heart is through his urethra?

Then there was that big to-do in the Men’s Rights subreddit when a Canadian restauranteur removed a urinal shaped like a woman’s lips after some feminists complained about it.

Oh, and who can forget GirlWritesWhat’s weird FemRA lament that men hanging out in men’s bathrooms can’t even bitch about women any more due the encroachment of evil mangina language police. (Note: Men in public bathrooms do not actually talk to one another.)

Well, now the MRA videoblogger who goes by the nom-de-internet of ManWomanMyth has weighed in on the Urinal Problem in a long and rambling blog post titled, and I am not making this up, “Urinals – a genesis for male psychology?”

MWM (let’s just call him that) argues that “male spaces” have been so encroached upon by evil feminists that men have no place they can truly call their own.

Why are female spaces inviolate and male spaces forcibly opened to females?

Why are males spaces not seen to be equally as important as female spaces?

I’ll tell you why, it’s because under our Feminist governance, anything that maintains or leads to any concept of male camaraderie or the enhancement of male self-awareness is actively attacked and suppressed. It’s vital in our society to strip men of their identity as ‘men’ so that they can be assaulted in the myriad ways. …

By preventing the development of male-bonding and understanding between men (which is difficult enough, even under the best of circumstances) men are successfully kept isolated from each other and more easily used and abused.

Seriously, he’s got a point here. If you look at the various photos of corporate Boards of Directors I gathered together in this old post, you’ll notice that a couple of them even have some ladies in them!

So what does this have to do with urinals? MWM explains:

This is where urinals-in-the-home comes in. …

By installing one in your home, what I think is being done is making a claim to a portion of space and making that claim based solely on the fact of your manhood.

Only men can successfully stand up to pee, women have no choice but to sit down. This is a point of difference that has little relevance in normal daily life, but has every relevance to male psychology.

You see, the urinal is just for you as a man. It’s impossible for her to use it. It’s for you. For your son. For your male friends.

In other words, MWM thinks that men (cis men, anyway) should have them installed in their bathrooms for no other reason than that (cis) woman can’t use them. In your face, bitches! Try peeing in THIS! YOU CAN’T!!

Though I should note that this does not stop women from trying, as this album cover from the 1970s clearly documents:

MWM goes on to explain the logic behind this new crusade:

There is no means by which the exclusive use of the urinal can be taken away from you by any claims of unfairness or any other irrational female claim.

There can be no quotas for the female use of urinals; there can be no Presidential Council for Women and Girls calling for more ‘Women into Urinals’; the UK Minister for Women could create no tax-payer funded programme to encourage girls to be the same as men and use urinals.

It’s yours because you are male and can only remain yours.

Now you might ask yourself, why the fuck would anyone care about this? MWM has an answer to that question as well:

Why is this important?

I think that this is an example of a beginning, a genesis for male self-awareness. Particularly if you have a young boy in the household. It could well be the first thing and perhaps even the only thing he will ever encounter in his young life that is not ‘equally’ open to girls and there is no ‘equalities’ agency that can do anything about it.

Most boys grow up today having to play every sport and share every activity with girls and woe betide him if he seeks to win or is too aggressive. …

The urinal could be the only thing in his life that is for him and exclusively for him and others who are like him in only one essential way: they are also male. …

This is a little space in the bathroom, a little space in his life, where his sister can’t go and doesn’t want to go and couldn’t go if she did want to. It’s off limits because she is not male. …

A urinal is not particularity interesting in itself, but it may well be a first step in the development of a sense of self for boys and men that otherwise typically never happens or else is savagely crushed in men. A catalyst towards a sense of what it means to be male and a first seed of understanding of the essential difference between the sexes which goes beyond mere anatomy. …

This is where anti-misandry starts.

While all this is very moving, I don’t think it goes far enough. Consider the Home Pregnancy Test. This is something that woman can pee on, but men can’t – at least not without being ridiculed by society for peeing on such a girly thing.

Wait, you might say. If (cis) men get urinals to pee on, why can’t (cis) women have these little sticks that they can pee on? Because these pregnancy tests involve little chemical strips that CHANGE COLOR when you pee on them, depending on whether or not you’re pregnant. Urinals don’t change color! And that’s not FAIR!


Now THAT’S where anti-misandry really starts!

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12 years ago

What’s the bet that this is a home-urinal manufacturer who’s just figured out the “raging misogynists” market anyway? Not likely, but “blind capitalist greed preying on sexists” actually seems preferable to “people actually think that buying urinals is some sort of revolutionary action standing up (literally) for The Menz”.

12 years ago

From some quick googling, home urinals are only really being sold as “manly novelty” and “water-saving device”, and some of them actually looks pretty cool, though I can’t help but think that maybe the amount of water used installing/making/shipping the home urinal is going to be greater than the amount saved using it unless you’ve got a lot of dudes in your house and/or have it a really long time.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Nanasha — that was the point — they can install all the urinals they like, they’re still going to need a toilet.

12 years ago

I gotta say, I found this dumb but kind of pleasant. Home urinals. Sure. Why not? My parents swear by not sharing a bathroom and they’ve been married for 38 years. If you can spare the space and afford the installation – knock yourselves out dudes.

Home urinals.

Dig it.

12 years ago

I had a friend growing up that was a straight A honour student who became an engineer. Her brother was a barely average student who had to go to a school for disciplinarian problems. Still, the sun, the moon and the stars revolved around the boy, despite being a liar, thief and bully. She had to beg for parental approval.

I just cringe at the mentioned father who has a urinal installed for his son because of misandry. You’d hope that the daughter would be treated with all the love and affection despite her brother “needing” a place his sister can’t use, but I kind of doubt it.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Lowquacks – I’d think the most water-efficient thing to do is just pee down the shower drain.

12 years ago

Just be sure to follow the rules:

12 years ago

This is the not a post that would be created by an actual human rights movement. This is a about a childish, petty desire to feel superior to half the human race just because you have a cock and that makes you special.

“When did standing up to pee become an identification thing anyway?”

I also would like an answer to this question. I mean, if for whatever reason a particular man prefers that then cool, go for it, but when people make it a core part of their identity it makes them sound like toddlers.

12 years ago

Thanks for illustrating the “sounds like a toddler” part, Meller. When there’s a tantrum to be thrown we can always count on you.

12 years ago

@Argenti- but what about if they need to take a Big Manly Poop? Pretty much every man I have ever talked to has expressed incredibly frustration at the asshole who poops in the urinal. So yeah. It’s just kind of impractical. It may make sense in a public restroom when there a ton of men in and out just going pee because it’s faster, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense in a household where there might be on average maybe two men living there.

@Nanasha: It is my personal experience that men most worried about being oppressed by the mere presence of women are those who have never had to clean a bathroom. It is not that they even feel entitled to have a woman clean it; they have no concept of cleaning up, things just sorta take care of themselves for them, as they always have. Notice how none of the quoted rant about urinals being exclusionary mentions the cleaning part. I think those guys simply assume that no matter what happens, their mom/wife/girlfriend will take care of the mess. Hence they aren’t worried about such girly things as to whether a particular receptacle is “practical” for pooping. He is a manly man, and will poop in a pasta bowl if he damned well pleases; it’s for the bitchez to suck it up and deal with it.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

“Seriously, he’s got a point here. If you look at the various photos of corporate Boards of Directors I gathered together in this old post, you’ll notice that a couple of them even have some ladies in them!”

I get the impression that if you showed ManWomanMyth a board of directors with twenty members, and three of them were women, that would mean that somewhere out there were three men who had been FORCIBLY REMOVED from their RIGHTFUL PLACE.

But seriously, it’s your house, put whatever you want in it, I guess? At least a spite urinal isn’t actually hurting anyone.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


I have a male friend who had a female friend who insisted that the men (husband and son) she lived with SIT DOWN to pee. Why? Because it caused less clean-up for her.

To whom did it not occur that if he’s the one getting piss on the toilet he should be cleaning up after himself like a goddamn adult?

12 years ago

I have a suspicion that MWM flunked kindergarten.

12 years ago

Women can pee standing up, if we use our hands to aim like guys do. Watch The Full Monty; a woman demonstrates in that movie.

Also, if a guy is pissing all over the toilet bowl, the lid, and the floor, then damn straight he should be in charge of cleaning up the bathroom. My step-father has this problem. Seriously, I swear he must wave his dick around as he pees, because there isn’t a spot on the toilet that doesn’t get piss on it. Under the lid, around the bowl, behind the bowl, on the floor, etc.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I have a suspicion that MWM flunked kindergarten.”

Hey now, my brother flunked kindergarten! (Dude thought “LMNOP” was one letter)

He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he’s nowhere near the level of assholery that makes up the MRM.

12 years ago


Do you piss on your dolls when they misbehave?

12 years ago

A urinal only requires half of a gallon of water per flush, while even a high efficiency toilet needs about 1.5 gallons of water per flush. An older, large toilet uses about 3.5 gallons of water per flush. Depending on where you live, if you’re in the US, your water probably costs about one half to one cent per gallon.

In order to figure out how much water you would save having a urinal in your house, you would have to figure out how many times a person with a penis pees and flushes daily, on average. If you have a lot of men in your home, you might save up to ten cents a day or more having them pee in a urinal rather than a toilet. Even then, it would take at several years to pay for the cost of buying a urinal, which costs about $150 from a big box home improvement store. I don’t know how much a plumber would charge for the installation, but it would probably be very expensive to add another pipe to a bathroom, especially since you’d have to cut drywall or plaster to do the work. I am just guessing here, but I think it would only be practical to do something like this if you are building a home from scratch or you are already remodeling a bathroom.

Then again, I guess MRA’s can spare no expense to have a urinal in their home if it might send the message that women are icky.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

thebionicmommy — idk on the plumbing costs, but urinals are usually wall mounted, meaning the wall studs have the be strong enough to hold the urinal. So yeah, it’d really only be practical if the bathroom either wasn’t finished yet, or was being remodeled anyways.

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri, yeah I almost forgot they have to be wall mounted, so even if there were exposed pipes for the plumbing hookup, the person installing the urinal would have to cut drywall to find the studs. In theory, they could use a stud finder, but stud finders don’t work for crap. I buy them at garage sales anyways, so that my kids can pretend they are Star Trek tricorders.

With my luck, the only way I can reliably find a wall stud is by trying to drill a hole to use wall anchors.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

thebionicmommy — it isn’t your luck, those things really don’t work. They’re just magnets basically, so every lost screw in the wall sets them off just as much as a stud does. Little trick for finding studs — drill a hole down low (you can remove the base board and drill behind it if you want a truly hidden hole), and then bend a coat hanger through it until it hits a stud, remove coat hanger, measure it.

“I buy them at garage sales anyways, so that my kids can pretend they are Star Trek tricorders.” — D’AWW

Christine Noble
12 years ago

If I wasn’t afraid of these tools before, I am now.

12 years ago

This guy is going to get really upset when he hears about the bidet. There won’t be room in his little toilet to fit all this stuff.
People invent things for practical reasons and not to oppress anyone.WC’s have only been around since he 1800’s and urinals didn’t exist. Men would generally just piss outside in certain locations if they were in a city and it was just a trough at most. People likely began using urinals because it was this new novel sanitary invention rather than having certain areas stinking of piss. Hoover didn’t install one of these new devices off the Oval office for any reason other than practicality since probably 99% of the people there were men. The White House hosts all different functions and dinners where there are women so I’m sure they had more than one toilet.
I never realized that the sort of plumbing that you install in your house was such a burning issue 🙂

12 years ago

— drill a hole down low (you can remove the base board and drill behind it if you want a truly hidden hole), and then bend a coat hanger through it until it hits a stud, remove coat hanger, measure it.

That’s a great idea. It’s so simple, yet I would never think of it. I probably would just drill the tiny hole without moving the baseboard. It’s easier for me to just patch up the hole with joint compound.

Not only do I have fun mocking misogyny here, I also get great home improvement tips. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Man Boobz, come for the mockery, stay for the fandom, cooking tips, quantum physics, home improvement tips… 🙂

I’m sure I’m missing things there too, we should maybe shorten that to — Man Boobz, come for the mockery, stay for the awesome.

12 years ago

I am shocked, shocked, that you would forget “kitty pictures”. 😛