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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

I’m sorry your feeling were hurt by the slur ‘dude’ and sacarsm, but most people close to me are white and half of them are male. I don’t hate them. I hate very few people actually. But keep saying what you want, you obvioulsy know us better than we do.

12 years ago

Every time I heard MRA types going on about white guys, I think to myself “Damn, I wish you assholes would stop trying to speak for me.” You guys do NOT represent my interests.

12 years ago

They use the term “white dude” as a pejorative


as a fellow white dude i just wanna say that it cant be emphasized enough how spoiled this shit makes you sound

12 years ago

so has mikey now officially moved on from ‘misandry is a thing that exists’ to full on whining about how hard it is being white and male

i am shocked

12 years ago

grammpk so what exactly is it that upsets you so much about people pointing out that rape is a thing that exists

because rape exists, duder

12 years ago

also mikey arent you supposed to be too busy for your hatecrush right now

i am equally shocked that that turned out to be another lie

12 years ago
Reply to  Sharculese

Where did I say rape doesn’t exist?

12 years ago

Where did I say rape doesn’t exist?

oh cool, its been a while since we had a ‘show me on the doll where im making fun of you’ style dummy

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

How about here?

“Women can, and do, sexually harass men in the workplace, at school, and in other venues. It is much less common than the reverse, but it does happen and it is important to recognize and respond to it, rather than thinking it never happens.

Similarly, men can be raped not just by other men but by women. Female on male rape is rare, but believing it simply can’t happen is false. A man can be threatened into compliance, drugged, or overpowered, and can be penetrated or forced to penetrate. See line above about recognizing and responding versus pretending the problem does/can not exist.”

Yes women can do sexually harass men but , but there are never any charges and if a man were to complain, he’d be laughed at.

There’s an old expression “You can’t rape the willing” If a woman had sex with you (oral) while you were passed out, be happy or be gay. Just get over it.

And you hate “bean counters” time for my favorite question for people who hate statistics then! So, does this hatred of statistics apply to everything, or just rape stats? Because the CDC must be wrong about how many people die annually from TB, since I don’t know anyone who’s died of TB. Seeing the problem here?

“But can you cite just one case of a woman being prosecuted for the rape of “adult male” not a minor?” — Let me google that for you — admittedly, google isn’t brilliant about word order, so that’s a mixed bag, but that third result? There’s your one case. (And the second one should probably count too, but I’ll assume you meant an adult woman since you said adult male; you probably should’ve said “not for stat rape” to be clearer there)

Sharculese — nawh, hasn’t been long since the last “when’d I hate you?” troll — NWO was all “I haven’t show you ire” on me just yesterday. We can exclude him if you meant a new troll though.

NWO — the closest you managed to “a point” in reply to me calling you hateful was that the boyscouts don’t get federal funding, which is um, interesting, coming from you. You’ve decided that the gov’n actually does have a proper place in licensing drivers then? Or you’ll make points about what the gov’n should do only when it suits you? They can’t fund anything if they don’t exist after all.

Does anyone know if they even want federal funding (or, perhaps more importantly, if NWO’s claim is even true)?

12 years ago

OK you got me with the Spider Woman in Russia. That is beyond bizarre. OK you proved your point. But to equate this one really weird incident to the same rape and sexual assault threat there is to women is a stretch not even Hollyweird can make. And that one with the 10 year old girl is supremely fucked up.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Fine. But I prefer to hear from people who were there not a bunch of bean counters using a system only they understand. And you sir are welcome to trust whom ever you chose.

In other words, you don’t know shit about statistics or population analysis. Color me unsurprised. Just because you don’t understand it, doesn’t mean only ‘bean counters’ do, unless you define ‘bean counter’ to mean ‘people who understand statistics and population analysis’.

Yes in prison, men can and are raped.

Yes, slightly more commonly than women outside of prison are raped. There are considerably more women outside of prison than there are men inside prison. You can care about whatever you want, but don’t pretend for two seconds that it is more common or likely.

I speak from over 44 years in the work force.

That’s not just argument froma uthority, it’s a dubious authority to boot. What makes you a reliable source to begin with?

Fair enough, but I’m sure in each case when you explained to your partner you weren’t in the mood it stopped, and even if it didn’t you didn’t report a rape. Did you?

You’re seriously equivocating two people in a close relationship, and actually stopping at the first request with no further bullshit, with the majority of acquaintance rape, aren’t you?

I don’t know which movement you refer to, but IMO the chances are a man be falsely accused of rape is much more real that the possibility of a woman be legally charged with the rape of a man.

And you base this on more rectal data?

I’m sorry- white men are evil. The new “intersectionality” fetish mandates that the feminists feign interest in racism.

So how often do you get stopped by police for being brown, exactly? How often has immigration singled you out as illegal despite speaking in the same southern-tinged midwestern accent as the people around you?

Seriously now, that some white feminists don’t give a shit about racism does not mean we are all white. BTW, for throwing this around, you should check out your precious ‘movement’. The way they fuck around with Trans people is actually worse than TERFs. And the way folks, ESPECIALLY MGTOW but also others, talk shit about gay dudes (to say nothing of gay women) is fucking precious.

Very true. White men are largely vilified by any and all other groups.

In the sense that it has occured as random events, yes. In the sense that white men actually face structural disadvantages,

People talking about the shit ‘white men’ have to put up with on grounds of status have almost no understanding of anyone else’s shit.

Men can never be victimized

Not for being dudes, no. Men certainly can be on other grounds, though.

I certainly don’t think that practically, it’s really possible for a female to legally rape a man. That’s what you were saying, right, grampmk? This is a Movement issue.

I’m famliiar with four teachers who were arrested, charged, and convicted of statutory off the top of my head.

By far the most important thing is how VAWA changed everything and now it is possible for a woman with “buyer’s remorse” to charge a man with rape.

Once again, an MRA with strong opinions on what VAWA does without knowing what it says. It’s just an all-purpose rape law boogeyman.

i am equally shocked that that turned out to be another lie

I know, right? And he’s still playing the ‘too cool for your lame internets’ schtick too. That was old when I was in high school, it’s just sad now XD

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“OK you got me with the Spider Woman in Russia. That is beyond bizarre. OK you proved your point. But to equate this one really weird incident to the same rape and sexual assault threat there is to women is a stretch not even Hollyweird can make. And that one with the 10 year old girl is supremely fucked up.”

I probably could’ve screened those results, point was that you wanted one example and the first page of google results had two. You don’t get to revise your “show me one case” to exclude cases you find bizarre.

12 years ago

You made your point asswipe. It is many times more dangerous for a woman in our society than men when it comes to rape and sexual assault. You seem to like stats so much, how about the one that has 1 in 4 college women being raped in their 4 year term in college?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Is that directed at me? It’s 1 in 5, and I’ve gone over that math with NWO so fucking many times. Have just one example.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

You seem to like stats so much, how about the one that has 1 in 4 college women being raped in their 4 year term in college?

What about it? It had small sample sizes. I don’t cite that statistic because of it. If you’re going to invoke Tu Quoque, you should probably at least find osmething I did.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Argenti: MRAs like to pretend that the 1 in 4 thing means all feminists are wrong forver on statistics. It came from a particular, small scale survey of one college campus that got a lot of publicity, but was limited in its sample size. Because I actually am bringing up statistics, he is trying to ‘gotcha’ me. Poorly, as I’ve never cited the 1 in 4 college grad thing, and IIRC the woman who did the survey didn’t make the sweeping claims attributed to her after it (Which is common with media reports on anything science-related anyway).

What’s funny is that despite relying on rectal data, jackassery, and logical fallacies personally, this idiot is probably going to parrot that women are the irrational ones at a later date.

12 years ago

To whom it may concern, a link

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ah, got it. And this — “Which is common with media reports on anything science-related anyway” — ranks high among my pet peeves.

There really is an xkcd for everything huh? (That isn’t even the one I was looking for, but it’ll work)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“One in Four college women report surviving rape (15 percent) or attempted rape (12 percent) since their fourteenth birthday. (1)
In a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease control of 5,000 college students at over 100 colleges, 20% of women answered “yes” to the question “In your lifetime have you been forced to submit to sexual intercourse against your will?” Thus, one in five college women has been raped at some point in her lifetime. (2)

A survey of high school students found that one in five had experienced forced sex (rape). Half of these girls told no one about the incident. (5)”

1) a book
2) behind a pay wall
5) Behind a pay wall and has a tiny sample size

Maybe you’d like to check the link I gave above? It leads to CDC data with a large sample size, random sampling…and fuck it, you won’t understand why it’s good data anyways, why am I bothering…

Books are definitely not good data sources though.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Amendment — books are not good data sources as primary sources. (Unless we’re suddenly discussing literature I guess? That’s entirely not my field though)

12 years ago

So you reject any source you don’t agree with out of hand? You know I have no idea who is who on this blog. I don’t know who is male , who is female or anything in between. Would you mind identifying yourself?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Yes, you provided that link already. None of the relevant sources are available to the public, not without a trip to the library anyways, whereas the CDC data says 1 in 5, is valid statistics, and is available, in full here.

12 years ago

The gender of anyone here is irrelevent to this “discussion”.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“So you reject any source you don’t agree with out of hand? You know I have no idea who is who on this blog. I don’t know who is male , who is female or anything in between. Would you mind identifying yourself?”

No, citations 2 and 5 could well be valid, but without the full text it’s impossible to know, and I’m not going to the library to find more citations saying the same thing the CDC does. As for the book, yeah, I rather laugh at the idea of a book as a primary source for statistical data…it’s one of those “things only bean counters understand” I guess. (Simple version? Books are not peer reviewed, you can say whatever you want in a book)

As for my gender, yeah, I would mind, it isn’t in any way relevant. But fuck it, we’ll go with “anything in between”. (If you simply want to know what pronouns to use, I’ll take zie/zir, or whatever you feel like using)

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