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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

Getting a blow job does not meet the legal requirements of rape.

It does if the person getting one doesn’t consent to it. Legal requirements of rape don’t specify “it’s gotta be PIV.”

And it’s happened a few times over the years to me where I was awoken by a good blow job and loved it.

Well, good for you. You had consensual sex, and you had a partner you trusted and who trusted you. Great! Doesn’t mean other people can’t withhold consent or aren’t in a relationship where they trust their partner and so therefore blowjobs-in-their-sleep cannot be said universally to not be rape.

12 years ago

I’ve been awakened by blowjobs. Sometimes I liked it. Sometimes I wasn’t in the mood. I am willing to grant my partners some leeway, but if I say stop, and my partner doesn’t… that’s, at the very least, assault; it might even be rape.

Lack of consent =rape. I’ll wager I know people who would enjoy waking you up in ways you’d not want them to continue.

12 years ago

If being a straight man who loves women [is a crime], I’m guilty

Well, why don’t you just take that ball and go home, then? Nobody said it was illegal to be a straight man who loves women, redundant as the statement may be. This statement of yours sounds like you’re looking for something to feel persecuted over.

12 years ago

But anyway, I’ve got pancakes and sausages and eggs to make so’s I can wake up my beloved with ’em.

12 years ago
Reply to  Alex

“Women can, and do, sexually harass men in the workplace, at school, and in other venues. It is much less common than the reverse, but it does happen ”

I agree, but it is rarely if ever reported. It much more common coming from the woman.

Yes men get raped in prison, we agree. But can you cite just one case of a woman being prosecuted for the rape of “adult male” not a minor?

12 years ago
Reply to  pecunium

Fair enough, but I’m sure in each case when you explained to your partner you weren’t in the mood it stopped, and even if it didn’t you didn’t report a rape. Did you?

12 years ago
Reply to  Falconer

OK fair enough. Can you cite an actual case of a many reporting he was raped or sexually assaulted?

12 years ago

grampmk Fair enough, but I’m sure in each case when you explained to your partner you weren’t in the mood it stopped, and even if it didn’t you didn’t report a rape. Did you?

Are you seriously trying to argue that it’s not rape if it’s not reported?

12 years ago
Reply to  pecunium

Ok it was actually my cousin not my brother, but point taken. I just don’t like bean counters whatever it is they happen to be counting. Let’s just agree that men get raped in prison and a good many of them. I would actually like to get to a thread or start one that deals with the very real toxic legal environment facing men in the US today and especially college aged young men.

12 years ago
Reply to  Falconer


12 years ago
Reply to  pecunium

I never said this “on what basis do you make the claim that it’s, “very few men” who are harassed ” I did say it is rarely if ever reported. When I said he would be dismissed, I misspoke , I meant to say his claim would be dismissed. It may be wrong for women to be treated more fairly in this regard, but it is what it is. And any male supervisor knows or should know that male and female employees get treated differently, maybe not officially and it shouldn’t be this way, but it is. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how powerful the feminist movement has been in the world of politics. It may suck but we both know that’s the way it is.

12 years ago
Reply to  pecunium

I’m no lawyer. It’s my guess you aren’t either. The new FBI definition of rape is for reporting purposes only. Each state has its own statute for rape and sexual assault. Some states don’t even use the word rape. But I think what should be more worrisome to all men , especially young men as how easy it is to be falsely accused of rape. I think that is by far more likely to happen than a man being raped by a woman. I think this whole VAWA horseshit is very anti male.

12 years ago

Instead of not sending men to prison incase they are raped, couldn’t we look at what causes the high rate of rape in prison and work on reducing it? Is there a lax attitude among guards that allow people to get away with it? Or something about the way prison is set up that puts the more vulnerable people with more vindictive people? If so can these things be changed.

12 years ago
Reply to  Pear_tree

What you say makes perfect sense, but I don’t think the vast majority of people are concerned with prison rape.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


Getting a blow job does not meet the legal requirements of rape

I’m not sure that’s actually true.

There are scores of jurisdictions and I don’t feel like scouring all of them, but in New York forced oral sex in either direction is a criminal sexual act; the law is word-for-word the rape law, down to the penalty, except that rape is intercourse and criminal sexual act is anything else. A distinction without a difference.

op. cit.:

And it’s happened a few times over the years to me where I was awoken by a good blow job and loved it.

How nice for you. You=/=the world


I just don’t like bean counters whatever it is they happen to be counting

Yeah! Fuck your”reality” and “knowledge”! Truth is whatever I feel to be true!

12 years ago

What you say makes perfect sense, but I don’t think the vast majority of people are concerned with prison rape.

Well, luckily you’re on the case, whining to folks on the Internet who obviously do care about prison rape, like it’s their fault. Problem solved?

Also, hey, fuck you for using your experience of enjoyable sex to dismiss every single man who has been raped by a woman. Way to fight for the rights of men. God I’m sick of this bullshit.

12 years ago

“but in New York forced oral sex in either direction is a criminal sexual act; the law is word-for-word the rape law, down to the penalty, except that rape is intercourse and criminal sexual act is anything else. A distinction without a difference. op. cit.:”

I did start to read New York sexual assault laws and different degrees and got a headache real fast. I’m no lawyer, but all 50 states have their own versions. But I think what you are arguing here is not the biggest thing a man has to worry about. By far the most important thing is how VAWA changed everything and now it is possible for a woman with “buyer’s remorse” to charge a man with rape. If every woman charged every man that ever had a bad night in the bedroom with rape, there would be no free men left. We’d all be in prison. D

12 years ago

This is starting to sound very MRAish; all that’s missing is the word “misandry”.

12 years ago

Grampk, right on with your last post. The internalized misandry and sickening hypocrisy of feminists- on this blog and the world at large- is all too obvious. Men can never be victimized. Men are all oppressors. Men are evil.


12 years ago

By far the most important thing is how VAWA changed everything and now it is possible for a woman with “buyer’s remorse” to charge a man with rape.

Orly? And how does it do that, exactly?

12 years ago

By far the most important thing is how VAWA changed everything and now it is possible for a woman with “buyer’s remorse” to charge a man with rape. If every woman charged every man that ever had a bad night in the bedroom with rape, there would be no free men left. We’d all be in prison. D

So… why hasn’t this happened, then? In the States, I mean. Turns out other countries have different laws. You know there are other countries, right? And men live there? Anyway. If any woman can just up and accuse a man with rape because she didn’t have a fun time during their consensual sex, and this is a huge risk all men face every time they have a sexual encounter, why are so few men actually in prison for rape?

12 years ago

I’m sorry- white men are evil. The new “intersectionality” fetish mandates that the feminists feign interest in racism.

12 years ago
Reply to  Snowy

You’ll have to read the 1994 version and the current proposed version to understand.

12 years ago

Grampk, right on with your last post. The internalized misandry and sickening hypocrisy of feminists- on this blog and the world at large- is all too obvious. Men can never be victimized. Men are all oppressors. Men are evil.

Says Steele, gleefully cheering on a commenter who doesn’t think it’s possible for women to rape men.

12 years ago
Reply to  Steele

Thank you. I’m happy we are able to come together on an issue that I think is very important to all men.

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