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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

Yes women can do sexually harass men but , but there are never any charges and if a man were to complain, he’d be laughed at.

You know that a quick Google search proves your statement is bullshit, right?

There’s an old expression “You can’t rape the willing” If a woman had sex with you (oral) while you were passed out, be happy or be gay. Just get over it.

Yeah, so ’round these parts? We don’t really truck with the idea that it’s okay for women to rape men. Just in case you were confused.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I don’t even know what you’re trying to argue, grampmk. First you seem to be complaining that men can’t ever complain of sexual harassment, then you claim men can’t be raped?

You’re an asshole either way, but it’s weird that you’re somehow an asshole both ways.

Let’s get this clear: men can be sexually harassed. They can complain of it. Men can be raped. They can report it. Yes, it can be more difficult for male survivors to report. No, it is not impossible nor is it hilarious.

12 years ago

And that set of tropes (everyone in prison gets raped) is a huge part of how rape is used as control. It’s what Ruby is doing…. “stay in line or you’ll get sent to prison, and raped. Then we’ll all laugh about it”.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Yes women can do sexually harass men but , but there are never any charges and if a man were to complain, he’d be laughed at.”

Wait, are you arguing that that’s a good thing? That is, are you actually saying that women don’t sexually harass men, or that it isn’t a problem, because he’d be laughed at? And arguing with a bunch of feminists who think he should be taken seriously? Admittedly, I am not sober currently, but I can’t make heads or tails of what point you’re trying to make here.

“There’s an old expression “You can’t rape the willing” If a woman had sex with you (oral) while you were passed out, be happy or be gay. Just get over it.”

Ok that’s worse than the usual drivel from the MRM, at least they generally stick to calling it “neutral or pleasant” — they generally think that they’d always be willing, which is dumb, but not de facto insulting, it does leave open the option they’re simply speaking out of ignorance. You though? You just said that any man who gets raped and isn’t happy to be “having sex” must be gay. Any thoughts on NWO’s hateful circular argument? (Preferably thoughts directed at him, not me)

“I’ve had a cousin and several friends who did time and all told me most get raped in prison. My son in law works at a federal prison and says all of them get raped.”

I just said this, but let me repeat myself — the plural of anecdote is not data.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I don’t even know what you’re trying to argue, grampmk. First you seem to be complaining that men can’t ever complain of sexual harassment, then you claim men can’t be raped?”

Oh good, it isn’t me, I didn’t think I was that drunk yet!

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

And that set of tropes (everyone in prison gets raped) is a huge part of how rape is used as control.


Also, on one side it’s also used to create this false sense of “justice,” like the prison rapists somehow know (or care) who the really bad people are.

But paradoxically on another side it’s used as an argument against imprisoning anyone ever. “You can’t send that man to jail, he’ll get raped there!” Which has somewhat more truth than the above, but is often used as yet another bludgeon to stop rape accusations from being taken seriously.

12 years ago

And another thing:

…be happy or be gay. Just get over it.

Way to acknowledge that gay men can be raped by women and write them off as irrelevant in the same breath. You’re even more of an asshole than you seem at first glance.

12 years ago

“It must break your heart they weren’t able to turn the boyscouts into a recruiting station. Must seem like a veritable untapped schmogasborg.”

This is particularly ironic coming from a man who constantly prattles about how arousing he finds underage girls and how they’re taunting him with their animal sexuality. Most people do not see children as a potential source of sexual gratification, Slavey. As far as the group here is concerned, it’s just you.

12 years ago

There’s an old expression “You can’t rape the willing” If a woman had sex with you (oral) while you were passed out, be happy or be gay. Just get over it.

Oh hai new troll.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

The weird part is that the Boy Scouts kicked out a lesbian scoutmaster. Shouldn’t that (by slavey-logic in which orientation includes children) have made the boys safer? I mean, someone who’s not interested in males of any age seems even less likely to molest boys than a straight woman.

12 years ago

Every time Rutee says “Meriken”, I take a drink.

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri
“Ok I spoke too soon, no booze for you NWO, you’re hateful enough already, I don’t want to see you drunk.”

Oh no! I’ve been called hateful. Facts do seem to be hateful in the modern world. If gays aren’t looking at the boyscouts like a schmogasborg, why are they so interested in getting in there. Why not start the gayscouts? They’d even get federal funding, which the boyscouts don’t get. Always gotta devolve down to the lowest common denominator?

Good old Ozy’s out at the, haha, good mens project trying to ridicule anyone who dares not be a slut. Those damn people not having sex before marriage, being all loyal and stuff. If everyone wallows in a pile of hedonistic filth, no’ll feel bad about being a piece of filth. You gals are doin a great job of legislating morality with your votes. Can’t wait to see what you legislate next.

I’ll leave you with what modern women have become. Such gems.

12 years ago

I just said this, but let me repeat myself — the plural of anecdote is not data.

Ok… I understand what’s being said, and I agree with that aspect of it. But the plural of anecdote is data. It’s the collating/analysing which makes the difference, but all that data is lots of anecdotes being refined.


12 years ago

Oh Varpole, so you’re saying you’re still obsessed with everything Rutee says? Maybe you should talk to someone about that, it’s not healthy you know.

12 years ago

Hey Varpole… is the project at work done yet?

12 years ago

Hey, look on the bright side – maybe he’ll be less boring if he’s drunk.

12 years ago

Every time Rutee says “Meriken”, I take a drink.

That explains a lot, actually. You should try posting sober, you might make more sense.

12 years ago

Every time Rutee says “Meriken”, I take a drink.

Try writing a haiku every time Rutee says “‘Meriken”. In your case, practice may not make perfect but it may make better. Every little bit helps.


The recent Boyscouts thing is really hard. On the one hand I boycott companies/organizations that I believe are homophobic. But I believe in urban scouting. It breaks my heart to see how many successful programs have been disbanded because of lack of attendance and I know how hard my father and men like him have worked to keep these chapters active and help them grow. It’s one of the reasons I got involved. And I love pinewood derby.

I just don’t know…

12 years ago

If we took a drink every time you wrote something unfounded, badly written, or lacking understanding of responses for you, we’d end up passed out in a very short time!

12 years ago

Hey, look on the bright side – maybe he’ll be less boring if he’s drunk.


12 years ago

Aw, my name was meant to display as “definitely certainly 100% real Rutee”.

12 years ago

Am I the only one who now wants to start using Meriken (instead of Amerika, which shows my age) just to see how drunk we can get Steele!

Hey, SteeeleTroll, how do you feel about USAian????????????????

12 years ago

@ ithiliana

Alcohol poisoning is bad, OK? We need to come up with a Steele drinking game that’s less likely to end in the ER.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Nobinayamu – The Girl Scouts are a pretty inclusive organization, and have happily taken gay, atheist, and trans girls and parents into their group. Campfire Scouts are co-ed and also gay-friendly.

12 years ago

CassandraSays: I know! I was trying to imply that. (Actually I don’t drink at all–combo of anti-depressant and thyroid meds makes alcohol a bad idea).

It’s not a drinking game, but I almost feel like making some donations to Planned Parenthood or something similar in their honor…………………not every time they posted something misogynist, racist, anti-semitic, etc., it would break the bank!……..but something like that.

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