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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

The whole “women are oppressing me by being attractive to me” thing is so baffling. Possibly the most baffling thing about the MRM, actually. I mean, a lot of sexist men will sometimes act like they think that women are arousing them on purpose just by being attractive, but usually you can tell that it’s just self-justification and they’re not delusional enough to actually believe it. With these guys, though…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

pecunium — “I’ll wager it’s much less reported than its rate of occurrence.” — perhaps not anymore? The MRM insists on using 12 month data for the CDC rape stats because the male “made to penetrate” rate is nearly equal the female “rape” rate. I guess we’ll see how that pans out long term though. (It requires some fudging on the female rape rate to get that result, but the 12 month data on made to penetrate is a lot higher than the lifetime rate — either that stigma is decreasing, or that 12 month period was particularly rapey)

I really wouldn’t be surprised if the rates are actually fairly similar though, it’d fit my anecdotes.

(I await NWO’s twisting of what I just said, this should be good, with any luck I’ll be drunk by then.)

12 years ago

Seriously fuck the MRA who wrote that “rape analogy”, What is it with the MRM and getting away with rape anyway?

12 years ago

Re: sexual harassment is NOT solely men harrasing women, or women harassing men: there is also Same Sex Sexual Harassment.

12 years ago

It requires some fudging on the female rape rate to get that result,

That’s a pretty euphemistic way to refer to not treating drugging and raping someone or alcohol facilitated rape or non-penetrative rape of women as rape.

Also, yes, men underreport, but women also underreport sexual assaults and rape as well.

And I’m giving some serious side eye to that anecdote comment too.

12 years ago

What would MRAs think of these?

12 years ago

@lowquacks, Nice shoes. Nicely misandrist, that is!

12 years ago

@ Fembot

Ow. My feet hurt just watching that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

darksidecat — “That’s a pretty euphemistic way…” — yeah, it is, I’m in a generous mood (I’m working on getting myself drunk, it has that affect).

As for the anecdotes, you’re side eyeing that I know as many men who’ve been raped as women? Would it help if I clarified that I know more men than women in general? I mean anecdotes, the plural isn’t data for a reason…

12 years ago

“Re: sexual harassment is NOT solely men harrasing women, or women harassing men:”

You bore with your cultural marxism. The LGBT are ridicluled because they deserve to be ridiculed. “Look at me everyone, look where I stuff my junk. I’m a political movement now. You gotta love what I do, Ya gotta teach it your schools, Ya gotta promote it your papers.”

Save it already. You’re a bunch foul degenerates whose greatest hope is to defile everything decent in the world so everyone will be as foul as you. That way, if everyone degrades themselves down to your level you won’t have feel like the degenerate you are. You hate anyone with morals because they’re a constant reminder of how foul you really are.

No one’s buying what your selling anymore, and the more you try to shove your debauchery down everyone’s throat the greater the blowback. Ya know what tolerance is? Tolerance is how far you can deviate from the norm before you fuck up the whole thing. It must break your heart they weren’t able to turn the boyscouts into a recruiting station. Must seem like a veritable untapped schmogasborg.

12 years ago

@ Ithiliana
Very true, and thanks for bringing it up!

Kyso K.
12 years ago

I thought clip-clopping was brony masturbation?

I couldn’t read that whining clip…clop without thinking about the sound of horses on pavement. If the sound of high heels makes him horny imagine what a mounted police officer or one of those romantic carriage-ride things would do for him?

I usually try to minimize the clippity clopping when I wear heels, as can be pretty annoying. You’re welcome, gentlemen.

12 years ago

How delightfully circular of you, NWO. They deserve to be ridiculed for standing up to ridicule. Ye gods are you stupid.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Look at me everyone, look where I stuff my junk. I’m a political movement now.

Shit, it’s still not half as stupid as going out of your way to tell people where not to* stuff their junk.


Also, wow, you’ll just call anything “marxism.”


Apparently Sweden uses the Russian/Spanish alphabet.

12 years ago

“Women can, and do, sexually harass men in the workplace, at school, and in other venues. It is much less common than the reverse, but it does happen and it is important to recognize and respond to it, rather than thinking it never happens.

Similarly, men can be raped not just by other men but by women. Female on male rape is rare, but believing it simply can’t happen is false. A man can be threatened into compliance, drugged, or overpowered, and can be penetrated or forced to penetrate. See line above about recognizing and responding versus pretending the problem does/can not exist.”

Yes women can do sexually harass men but , but there are never any charges and if a man were to complain, he’d be laughed at.

There’s an old expression “You can’t rape the willing” If a woman had sex with you (oral) while you were passed out, be happy or be gay. Just get over it.

12 years ago

There’s an old expression “You can’t rape the willing” If a woman had sex with you (oral) while you were passed out, be happy or be gay. Just get over it.

There’s another old expression, and I think it’s very apt here: “Go fuck yourself.” If you’re asleep you’re not “willing”, you’re “unconscious”.


Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

…has anyone pointed out yet that women can hear other women’s clompy heels? If that’s a form of “street harassment,” it’s hardly a male-exclusive one.

(I don’t really mind usually. The only time it’s bothered me is when the lady in the other apartment goes up and down the stairs in her clompy heels, and the staircase makes it super loud. Somehow I don’t think our loud staircase is a gendered street harassment issue.)

12 years ago
Reply to  Rutee Katreya

Sandusky’s victims were children not grown men

12 years ago

@Alex: thanks! The first year the System sent out an official lawyer to have a sexual harassment workshop (takes Texas schools a while to get up to speed, so this was like 1997 or something like that), the women in the audience got in a fight with the FUCKEN LAWYER (male, old, white, sexist jokes, such a credit to the system) pooh-poohing same-sex sexual harassment!

NWO: Wow, 25 minutes. Good timing.

Spelled my name correctly: A+!

193 words: not as long and frothing as your best efforts, but, still fairly substantive. B+ because I’m feeling in a good mood after watching ICE AGE CONTINENTAL DRIFT.

Diction: “foul” 3 times
“degenerate(s)” 2 times
“cultural Marxism” check but really I am not a Marxist–very weak on class analytics. Critical race queer feminist?

Not as repetitive as our Mr. Steele with his uncounted “viles”–and flow of sentences works rather well.

I’d say overall, a solid B.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rutee Katreya

“Actually, there’s only about a 20% chance in Meriken prison of being raped, for dudes. I mean, that is a little higher than the one for being a woman outside of prison (Which is roughly 16%), but it isn’t so much higher that you can say “for sure” about a dude in prison more than you would about a woman outside it.”

I’ve had a cousin and several friends who did time and all told me most get raped in prison. My son in law works at a federal prison and says all of them get raped.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


Interesting, so MRA’s think it’s misandry to give their sex partners orgasms. I… I am not surprised.

Only because in MRAland, male sexual pleasure doesn’t exist. So there is no way for a man getting a woman off to be reciprocated.

12 years ago

And of course you go directly to oral sex, as if there’s nothing sexual a woman could do to you while you’re passed out that you wouldn’t willingly consent to under any circumstances. Fucking idiot.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ok I spoke too soon, no booze for you NWO, you’re hateful enough already, I don’t want to see you drunk.