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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

@Argenti; ” take the bullet instead of “letting” yourself be raped? ”

I speak ONLY for myself “You can’t rape the willing” Any woman that wants to suck my scribbled up poor excuse for a dick is legally insane. And to die while getting a blow job is preferable to dying in a hospital of cancer with tubes stuck in every orifice. And I’m an old man, and going to die soon anyway.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@Argenti; “Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?”

I don’t know. You tell me.

A rape joke you probably didn’t even intend as a rape joke because you seem to have serious issues with consent.

“But I work with and worked with many guys over the years that couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons.”

Filling in some gaps here, that’d imply that a man is walking into a women’s prison and offering pardons to anyone who’ll “have sex” with him — I put have sex in quotes there because “have sex with me or stay in prison” is rape-tastic. So yeah, I hope most men wouldn’t want to “get laid” that way.

““All About Grampmk show,” It is?”

That’s my joke game show for anyone who causes multiple pages of comments that are just people replying to their every question. I prefer playing Spot That Fallacy!! but you’d need to make a coherent argument for that (I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually miss glossary troll, he was entertaining at points).

And you wouldn’t want me in charge, I’d be nowhere near as lax with the banhammer as David is.

12 years ago

So, the part where there are a lot of things someone can do to you sexually that don’t require an erection just flew right over your head, huh?

12 years ago

And I’m sure you can appreciate that we all have different life experiences and the lady in question did think the way most of us do, rightly or wrongly. And in most cases with most men should would have guessed right. But she didn’t in yours and she was wrong.

Yes. And the whole point of this is that since men AREN’T monolithic, and may, at any point not desire the sex that someone’s offering, it is imperative to ask instead of assuming, and it is imperative to accept people’s answers at face value. Otherwise you risk being a rapist douchebag.

I could not be forced to do so

Well then change it to a general you and answer the question. How is it not rape if a man was forced to perform cunninlingus on a woman?

12 years ago

And I’m gonna crash, nite all. If nothing else, Argenti, this should help with the insomnia 😉

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shadow — mistakes happen, it’s not learning from them that’s a problem 🙂

I’m way more annoyed by the trolls who insist that there must actually be a script and PUA is the key to it and shit like that.

grampmk — that question wasn’t about whether you’d ever consider someone blowing you to be raping you (though, we already went over how you wouldn’t want a blow job from every single woman possible, your female relatives are excluded, even if no one else is) — that question was about whether you could be forced to perform oral (on a woman).

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shadow — g’night, and idk about this putting me to sleep, my head is still spinning at the circular arguments.

Dracula — yep, repeatedly.

12 years ago

G’night Shadow.

12 years ago

@Argenti; “A rape joke you probably didn’t even intend as a rape joke because you seem to have serious issues with consent. “But I work with and worked with many guys over the years that couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons”

That’s an old joke about guys that can never get laid. I could have also said guys that couldn’t get laid in a whore house with a handful of hundreds. I was contrasting that with popular guys that the ladies all love. That was my only intention. I think we agree completely on female consent. I think the disagreement is male consent. We have a generational divide. But I think that we have been able to disagree without being disagreeable. I’ve been to other blogs where everyone agrees with everyone on every issue. I don’t know about anyone else, but that can get boring. I think we all can learn from each other, especially when we come from different areas of the world, different generations or any other distinctions. And I’ve learned much in the 3 days I’ve been here. It has been an eye opening event for me. And although there has been a dickhead here and there, most people have been straight paper. And I thank them and the blogs owner for allowing me to post here.

12 years ago
Reply to  Shadow

@Shadow; “Well then change it to a general you and answer the question. How is it not rape if a man was forced to perform cunninlingus on a woman?”

Yes in the general sense, I agree.

And yes all men are not monolithic. And not to make excuses for myself, but for the past 5 years I’ve been a member at an opinion poll site and got in the habit of answering questions just from my perspective. And I admit I can be stubborn at times. But I have to thank you and others for keeping the discourse civil. Not all posters kept that in mind , but most like you have and I appreciate that. And even if we disagree from time to time, we can still disagree without being disagreeable.

12 years ago

@Argenti ” that question was about whether you could be forced to perform oral (on a woman).” Yes I think Shadow and I resolved that one

12 years ago

So, rape jokes are “civil”, are they? Writing off the experience of survivors is “civil”? Dismissing people as unimportant because you think they’re mentally ill is “civil”?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I could have also said guys that couldn’t get laid in a wh*re house with a handful of hundreds.”

You should probably stick with that one considering the implications of using a pardon to “get laid”. And idk if it’s been changed, but you may want to use wh*re instead of the full word, Tom Martin’s love of the word got it added to the spam filter.

Dracula — I think we might be having another one where those of us who say fuck with frequency are considered uncivil, while anything that isn’t swearing is “civil”.

12 years ago

@Argenti; Thanks for the info

12 years ago

Dracula — I think we might be having another one where those of us who say fuck with frequency are considered uncivil, while anything that isn’t swearing is “civil”.

I figured as much. And I’m sick to death of it.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Dracula — so the fuck am I. And speaking of Mr. female penguins are wh*res, he just dropped by the Hawaii thread to plug his youtube channel (he’s being surprisingly direct for once actually).

12 years ago

Well I don’t know, he has been swearing himself (granted, it was “shit” rather than “fuck”), so I don’t think it’s that.

Also, circular conversation is definitely circular. I keep thinking maybe this guy is learning, but then he reverts or gets caught up on his own personal experiences (and biases). Just when you thinking you’re gaining some ground, it asplodes…

I really don’t know what to make of him.

12 years ago

Also, i’m getting that page kickback thing when I post too. Is annoying. 🙁

12 years ago

@captainbathrobe: I believe you completely. In my long life , I’ve only had 1 wife and a few girlfriends along the way and never been much to look at. So I’ve never had to push a girl away that wanted to give me a blow job. You must be a good looking man that all women desire and to be honest are the envy of us ugly dudes. Too bad there’s not a referral method for you good looking guys to send that blow job over to us ugly guys.

And that’s…totally not the point of what I was saying. I’m actually not terribly attractive and have never been considered so. The incident I described wasn’t about sexiness or attractiveness…it was about manipulation, pure and simple. My ex was trying to seduce me back to her (she had previously broken up with me) because the guy she left me for had broken up with her. I had since moved on, and that was intolerable to her. Appearance really had nothing to do with it.

12 years ago

grampmk: I don’t know quite what to say, at this point, because there is so much wrong in your reply.

I believe you and I apologize for any insensitive remarks I’ve made.

You don’t need to apologise to me for your insensitivity. It’s not been painful for me, personally, to see your denialism; because it’s not at all rare; it is, actually, the norm.

What you need to do, if you are truly sorry, is think about what that means, that you share so widespread, and false, an understanding of what rape is.

I have had different life experiences.

Not helping. This has been your plaintive line of retreat every time the facts come up and smack you in the face. You, and your experience are not the norm. No one is the norm.

And I guess you have the looks the ladies like and my guess is it has mostly served you well, except for the incident you speak of.

This bit, however, is insulting. It’s more insulting than anything else you have said, so far as I am concerned. Looks had nothing to do with it.

I’ll say it again:

Looks had nothing to do with it

It doesn’t matter if I am pretty, or ruggedly handsome, or fucking Adonis on a plate. Looks had nothing to do with it. It was about my not being able to say no. She didn’t like me for my looks. She didn’t push on when I said no becaus I was irresistable. She did it because she wasn’t willing to take no for an answer.

Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about control. She wanted control, and she got it. It could have happened to you. All it takes is someone who doesn’t respect your boundaries, and refuses to get consent.

12 years ago

Shadow: My case wasn’t as bad as that. It wasn’t the healthiest of relationships. I was young, and didn’t have a good idea of what a relationship was like. She was older than I was; at an age where the experience gap put me at a disadvantage.

It was, as with so many things, complicated.

As I said, it wasn’t traumatic. The biggest thing is that it causes odd frictions related to how I look at my consent now; and how I feel when I’m not really in the mood, but want to be.

12 years ago

grampmk: I don’t know quite what to say, at this point, because there is so much wrong in your reply.

I believe you and I apologize for any insensitive remarks I’ve made.

You don’t need to apologise to me for your insensitivity. It’s not been painful for me, personally, to see your denialism; because it’s not at all rare; it is, actually, the norm.

What you need to do, if you are truly sorry, is think about what that means, that you share so widespread, and false, an understanding of what rape is.

I have had different life experiences.

Not helping. This has been your plaintive line of retreat every time the facts come up and smack you in the face. You, and your experience are not the norm. No one is the norm.

And I guess you have the looks the ladies like and my guess is it has mostly served you well, except for the incident you speak of.

This bit, however, is insulting. It’s more insulting than anything else you have said, so far as I am concerned. Looks had nothing to do with it.

I’ll say it again:

Looks had nothing to do with it

It doesn’t matter if I am pretty, or ruggedly handsome, or fucking Adonis on a plate. Looks had nothing to do with it. It was about my not being able to say no. She didn’t like me for my looks. She didn’t push on when I said no becaus I was irresistable. She did it because she wasn’t willing to take no for an answer.

Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about control. She wanted control, and she got it. It could have happened to you. All it takes is someone who does’t respect your boundaries, and refuses to get consent.

12 years ago

Carp… sorry bout the double post.

12 years ago

Argenti: The loss of the whistle actually felt more violative than the sex. As I said to shadow I was younger, and times were different. Date rape was barely on the radar. Spousal rape was still barely acknowledged; even though it had been a defined legal concept for five-ten years.

That someone stole my bag from the employee storage area was incredible, in a way having my partner insist wasn’t. The thing that was bad about it was that it wasn’t a one time thing. If she wanted sex, she was going to insist.

It didn’t last all that long, but longer than it would were it to be happening to me today.

The main reason I don’t talk about it much is that it’s fodder for the more unpleasant people who inhabit the neighborhood to use.

General question — “But I work with and worked with many guys over the years that couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons.”

Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?

I hope not. I’m going to chalk this one up to age, and different social mores. It’s a bad use of humor. It’s a parallel to things like, “someone who can’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the bottom”, or, “can’t find his ass with both hands and a ground guide”.

The idea is that given the conditions it’s impossible to fail, and this person does. It’s just a shitty set of presumptive conditions.

12 years ago

I will say I think grampmk hasn’t been disagreeable.

He’s been desagreeing, but he’s not been, at root, rude. He’s been offensive, but I think it’s what he’s saying, not how. He’s not (I think) trying to hide his nasty thoughts behind “innoffensive” language. He’s not saying we’re deserving of horrid fates.

He’s clueless about the implications of what he says, but that’s substantively different.