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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

@Argenti; I love pizza but have high blood pressure and have to stay away

12 years ago

@Argenti; We’re talking about a blow job, not a shit sandwich

12 years ago

grampmk….I’m having a hard time understanding what it is that is being argued here. You expressed disbelief that women can rape men. We said they do. You agreed.

So what is being argued? non-consent is non-consent regardless of age, sex, gender, race, etc.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

grampmk — children are as much the topic as the mentally ill, disabled, or elderly — they’re all targeted because they are, for various reasons, more vulnerable. Which is basically the opposite of healthy adult men (they’re among the least vulnerable). Yes, that makes rape of healthy adult men rarer than rape of children, the mentally ill, disabled people, or elderly people.

And I’m glad your brother is in a decent nursing home, but elder abuse definitely does actually happen, idk if Cliff is around currently but ze had a post recently with an example. It wasn’t about sex, it was about forced feedings.

Also — OMFGS TMI no one wants to hear about your wood, but since you went there, let me just repeat that an erection is not needed for rape. Penetration with an object is rape for example (whether you consider your anus a sexytimes hole is moot as to whether a rapist does).

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“We’re talking about a blow job, not a shit sandwich”

We were talking about an unwanted blow job, thus my analogy is semi-valid.

12 years ago


Oh creepy no doubt, but I think it’s a sort of inevitable creepyness for anyone who doesn’t take time to question the cultural messages we’re given. Obviously not everyone will act on it, but I think a shit ton more people believe it than act on it. I mean, I didn’t even consider those experiences shady myself until I started thinking about consent and sexual ethics, which was only after I started reading feminist blogs a couple of years ago.

12 years ago

I’m elderly. I don’t feel threatened. And with me , there is no morning wood or any other kind of wood. You can’t raise the dead or the Titanic for that matter. Don’t bother to Google or even go to DR OZ or NEJM, I know my body far better than anyone. And my brother is in a nursing home for the past 10 years and there has never been any abuse case there in the 40 years they’ve been in business. Not saying abuse never happens other places, but the media over hypes the facts.

And if you’re forced to eat out a woman that you find repulsive, how is that not rape?

12 years ago
Reply to  Shadow

@Shadow; I am paying attention. I always pay close attention to those I feel are truthful. And I’m sure you’ll agree there are a shitload of liars on line and in the real world too. And I’m sure you can appreciate that we all have different life experiences and the lady in question did think the way most of us do, rightly or wrongly. And in most cases with most men should would have guessed right. But she didn’t in yours and she was wrong. And I completely agree with your position , you are your own man and you have your likes and dislikes and that should be respected.

12 years ago

Children was never the topic here, we we talking about adult men.

No, we were talking about rape. Noting that vulnerable populations are frequently targeted is really, really relevant.

I’m elderly. I don’t feel threatened.

I’m truly glad you don’t feel threatened, but, as people have explained to you quite a lot of times now, your feelings do not determine reality. You may not be particularly at risk, and if not, that’s great, but you are not all elderly people everywhere.

And with me , there is no morning wood or any other kind of wood. You can’t raise the dead or the Titanic for that matter. Don’t bother to Google or even go to DR OZ or NEJM, I know my body far better than anyone.

Okay? Again, you are not everyone everywhere. I do not actually care about the state of your personal genitalia. It’s as if I said, “A significant number of people are over six feet tall, and can bump their heads on things,” and you replied with “I’m short! I don’t bump my head!” That’s fine and all, but it doesn’t actually have any bearing on the statement that many people are tall, and that it is thus possible for heads to be bumped.

And my brother is in a nursing home for the past 10 years and there has never been any abuse case there in the 40 years they’ve been in business. Not saying abuse never happens other places, but the media over hypes the facts.

Again, I’m truly glad your brother’s nursing home appears to be free of rapists, although I do think there’s a pretty important distinction to be made between “no cases of abuse” and “no cases of abuse reported.” Again, though, we’re back to “I’m short.” It’s great that your brother hasn’t been abused. That doesn’t actually provide any information on whether other people in nursing homes have been abused, and I don’t really understand why your reply to “rapists target vulnerable populations” is “some people from vulnerable populations haven’t been raped.” We all know that; no one has suggested that 100% of vulnerable people are raped, or even that a majority of vulnerable people are raped. We are stating only that a significant number of vulnerable people are raped, and it’s not okay to tell those people that being raped was a compliment.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shadow — inevitable for some people maybe? You’re certainly right that plenty of people who haven’t examined the cultural BS think men are always up for PiV, but I want to hold out hope that not everyone takes that message seriously in the first place (for some reason I’m putting “people who never took that seriously” in a different category than “people who examined and dropped that shit”…idfk).

And like I said, *masochist*, so I tend to forget that people actually think there’s a “script” for sex, there’s no script for BDSM.

12 years ago

And in most cases with most men should would have guessed right. But she didn’t in yours and she was wrong. And I completely agree with your position , you are your own man and you have your likes and dislikes and that should be respected.

You don’t respect them. When people told you about being raped, or being in a situation that could have escalated into sexual assault, you made a fucking joke about it.

“Gee, it sure was shitty that happened to you, but hey, you should send some of that good luck my way!” is not respect.

12 years ago
Reply to  Shadow

@Shadow” “I’m pretty sure that captainbathrobe and pecunium would be too busy warning people about their abusive exes to give any referrals. And I think you’ll find that no man here has any inclination to attempt to pass women around like the sports section, champ”

I think you misunderstood what I was saying. The best looking guys get all the girls, both good and bad. Most guys are hanging around trying to pick up the scraps. I’ve very, very lucky to have found me wife and the few girlfriends I’ve had over my very long life. But I work with and worked with many guys over the years that couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons. Really, I do not exaggerate. Good looking guys , also called babe magnets are the envy of all of the other guys. And no I was not talking about any of the posters here passing along their exs like the sports page. I hope I did a better job explaining this time.

12 years ago
Reply to  Quackers

@Quackers; I’m not arguing. I ‘m answering questions from posters

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

General question — “But I work with and worked with many guys over the years that couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of pardons.”

Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?

12 years ago

@Argneti;”children are as much the topic as the mentally ill, disabled, or elderly — they’re all targeted because they are, for various reasons, more vulnerable. Which is basically the opposite of healthy adult men (they’re among the least vulnerable).”

I think that’s another category and off topic. But I think we’ve settled it

12 years ago

@Argenti; “an unwanted blow job, thus my analogy is semi-valid.”

I and my guess is most men, though not all, have never had an unwanted blow job

12 years ago
Reply to  Shadow

@Shadow; “And if you’re forced to eat out a woman that you find repulsive, how is that not rape?” I could not be forced to do so.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

No no, this is off topic —

Actually, I have heard it all before, so yeah…(whataboutthemoonz, you’re right, Enchant is made of awesome, that violin)

grampmk — near as I can tell the topic is a general discussion about rape, which makes a sub-thread on who is likely to be raped, and the role of perceived vulnerability, on topic. (And um, considering this has become the All About Grampmk show, maybe you shouldn’t try deciding what’s on topic?)

12 years ago
Reply to  Polliwog

@Polliwog; I agree in theory with everything you say can happen. But in theory we can be hit with an earth destroying asteroid in the next 5 minutes. So everything and anything is possible. But in terms or probability and I can only speak for myself, it’s not happening.

12 years ago

I and my guess is most men, though not all, have never had an unwanted blow job

How is this relevant?

12 years ago

@Argenti; “Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?”

I don’t know. You tell me.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I and my guess is most men, though not all, have never had an unwanted blow job”

I don’t know whether to bang my head on a wall, or down a shot of vodka.

grampmk — no, most men have not been orally raped, we’re going in circles here again — most men have not =/= no man has.

“I could not be forced to do so.”

Could not? So if you woke up to being threatened at gunpoint you’d take the bullet instead of “letting” yourself be raped?

Everyone, time for an erfworld derail! “Can’t? Physical can’t?”

12 years ago

@Argenti; “All About Grampmk show,” It is? I don’t think so. I thought you were in charge? I do recall seeing something in the FAQs about tolerating assholes if they were entertaining, so maybe the blog owner had me in mind.

12 years ago

I do recall seeing something in the FAQs about tolerating assholes if they were entertaining, so maybe the blog owner had me in mind.

Don’t flatter yourself.

12 years ago


(for some reason I’m putting “people who never took that seriously” in a different category than “people who examined and dropped that shit”…idfk)

I do too, and I completely excluded them from the conversation because of that loll. So, yes, my use of inevitable was wrong. And the same is also true for basically all non-normative sexualities too. So really my comment should have been followed by the huge caveat that it applies to normative hetero people who bought into the cultural messages. You think you’re progressing nicely and then you get hit with a big whiff of “you’re not so good with the inclusivity here” loll. Mea culpa